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‘When in Liquor’
Drunkenness, One of Many Justifications for Enslavement
© 2017 James LaFond
September 5, 1771
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from his Bail, on the 24th of August, a certain John Mooney, by Trade a Weaver, about 28 Years of Age 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high, pale Face, wears his Hair, which is cut short, and very black, is a well made Fellow, and has a Stammering in his Speech when in Liquor, which he is very fond of;
he came from the County of Armagh in Ireland, about 7 Years ago, and served his Time with John Vaneleave, at Cranberry, near Bush Town, in Baltimore County, and speaks pretty good English, but is a very idle drunken Fellow; [1]
had on and took with him, a Castor Hat, newly dressed, two Jackets without Sleeves, one a greyish Nap Broadcloth, with white Metal Buttons, the other a red and white shoot-about Lincey lapelled, Country made Shirt and Trowsers, a black Silk Handkerchief, and old Shoes, with round carved yellowish Metal Buckles.
He was taken up as a Runaway last October was a Year, and committed to New Castle Goal, out of which he was redeemed by the Subscriber, with whom he has lived till about three Weeks ago. [1]
Whoever secures and brings him to the Subscriber, living near Bush Town, or commits him to Goal, if taken in Baltimore County, shall have Eight Dollars Reward, and if out of the Province, Five Pounds, and reasonable Charges, paid by JOHN MEGAW. [2]
1. Vancleave seems to be the subscriber
2. The 5 pound reward for escaping a goal while being held on charges of idleness may only be redeemed by the goal-keep in one fashion, by the sale of Mooney.
Into Wicked Company
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‘Thick Made, and Pockmarked’
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logic of force
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