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Train Boxing, Stick, Knife & Wrestling: Saturday, October 26
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 13, 2024 — 803 reads
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American Dream Boat Parasequel: A Novel Of 2048
Posted in Fiction on Aug 24, 2024 — 863 reads
Notes On Writing Under Duress: 2/28/24
Posted in Blog on Aug 23, 2024 — 1,387 reads
RPG Saturdays, History, Fiction & Fake & Destroy Posting For Autumn 2024
Posted in Blog on Aug 22, 2024 — 1,435 reads
Observations On Our Sacred Delusion: Portland, 2/5/24
Posted in Harm City on Aug 21, 2024 — 1,557 reads — 1 comment
Journal Of A Pulp Novelist: March 1 To December 30: 2024
Posted in Blog on Aug 19, 2024 — 1,577 reads
Nihil #7
Posted in Fiction on Aug 18, 2024 — 1,014 reads
Nihil #6
Posted in Fiction on Aug 17, 2024 — 1,033 reads
#1: The Decline Of The West By Oswald Spengler
Posted in Histories on Aug 16, 2024 — 1,730 reads
#0: The Decline Of The West By Oswald Spengler
Posted in Histories on Aug 14, 2024 — 1,777 reads
Worlds In Collision By Emanuel Velikovsky: 1/30/24
Posted in Histories on Aug 12, 2024 — 1,858 reads
Nihil #5
Posted in Fiction on Aug 11, 2024 — 1,129 reads
Nihil #4
Posted in Fiction on Aug 10, 2024 — 1,183 reads
Incognegro Wants To Know: Portland, 2/6/2024
Posted in Blog on Aug 9, 2024 — 1,968 reads
Achilleas And James Discuss Modern Martial Arts Philosophy In The Social Media Cemetery: 2/6/24
Posted in Blog on Aug 7, 2024 — 2,185 reads
Tamerlane: Conqueror Of The Earth By Harold Lamb: 1/21/24
Posted in Histories on Aug 5, 2024 — 2,060 reads
Nihil #3
Posted in Fiction on Aug 4, 2024 — 1,293 reads
Nihil #2
Posted in Fiction on Aug 3, 2024 — 1,308 reads
Chapters 26-27: Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Aug 2, 2024 — 2,160 reads
Chapter 25: Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 31, 2024 — 2,248 reads
Chapters 22-24: Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 29, 2024 — 2,372 reads
Nihil #1
Posted in Fiction on Jul 28, 2024 — 1,453 reads
Of A Gaslight Knight, Chapter 1: 3 Of 3: Kit
Posted in Fiction on Jul 27, 2024 — 1,470 reads
Chapters 18-21 Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 26, 2024 — 2,431 reads
Chapter 17-21 Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 24, 2024 — 2,495 reads
Notes On Adapting Narrative To Character From SPQR: Selek, Washington, 1/18/24
Posted in Blog on Jul 22, 2024 — 2,650 reads
Of A Gaslight Knight, Chapter 1: 2 Of 3: Crew
Posted in Fiction on Jul 21, 2024 — 1,573 reads
Of A Gaslight Knight, Chapter 1: 1 Of 3: Captain, Crew & Kit
Posted in Fiction on Jul 20, 2024 — 1,663 reads
Conclusions And Outtakes From The Annual Editor/Crackpot Virtual Meeting: 1/10/24
Posted in Histories on Jul 19, 2024 — 2,834 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 3: Two Brothers Speak Of Fight Times: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 17, 2024 — 2,942 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 2: Three Men Speak Of Wild Times: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 15, 2024 — 2,978 reads
A Day In San Jose Walking The Setting For The Novel Nihil: 12/7/2023
Posted in Fiction on Jul 14, 2024 — 1,864 reads
An Ether Ark Novel
Posted in Fiction on Jul 13, 2024 — 1,827 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 1: Two Brothers Speak Of He They Lost: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 12, 2024 — 3,207 reads
In These Parts Sidebar: Ken Speaks Of Times Gone Wrong: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 10, 2024 — 3,311 reads
In These Parts #5
Posted in Blog on Jul 8, 2024 — 3,411 reads
The Acts Of Fists & Furies: 480 To 367 B.C.
Posted in Fiction on Jul 7, 2024 — 2,046 reads
Prologue To Nihil
Posted in Fiction on Jul 6, 2024 — 2,057 reads
Comedy And Societal Decline: 12/28/23
Posted in Histories on Jul 5, 2024 — 3,711 reads
Fiction By James Anderson
Posted in Fiction on Jul 4, 2024 — 2,115 reads
Chapter 16 Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 2, 2024 — 3,769 reads
Worlds In Collision By Dr. Emanuel Velikovsky: 12/27/23
Posted in Histories on Jul 1, 2024 — 3,856 reads
A Speculative Fiction
Posted in Fiction on Jun 30, 2024 — 2,215 reads
Act 19: Gentile Publius, Censor And Editor
Posted in Fiction on Jun 29, 2024 — 2,196 reads
In These Parts #4
Posted in Harm City on Jun 28, 2024 — 3,977 reads
A Shamerika Survey For The Dark Side Of Leap Year 2024: Selek, Washington, 6/28/24
Posted in Blog on Jun 28, 2024 — 3,900 reads
A Stick & Blade Sparring Tour: An Open Letter
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 28, 2024 — 3,989 reads — 1 comment
In These Parts #3
Posted in Harm City on Jun 26, 2024 — 3,993 reads
In These Parts #2
Posted in Harm City on Jun 24, 2024 — 4,159 reads
Act 18: Doris Synchronus, Runaway Slave Of The Censor
Posted in Fiction on Jun 23, 2024 — 2,289 reads
Act 17: Kent Regis, Barber Of Uplift Station
Posted in Fiction on Jun 22, 2024 — 2,315 reads
2: These Detestable Slaves Of The Devill: A Concise Guide To Witchcraft In Colonial Virginia, By Carson O. Hudson Jr.
Posted in Histories on Jun 21, 2024 — 4,101 reads
1: These Detestable Slaves Of The Devill: A Concise Guide To Witchcraft In Colonial Virginia, By Carson O. Hudson Jr.
Posted in Histories on Jun 19, 2024 — 4,138 reads
A Dive Bar Denizen: Portland, Oregon, Monday Night 11/21/23
Posted in Harm City on Jun 17, 2024 — 4,153 reads
Posted in Blog on Jun 16, 2024 — 4,155 reads — 1 comment
Act 16: Vestus O’Connor, Coach Attendant
Posted in Fiction on Jun 16, 2024 — 2,177 reads
Act 15: Pictus Trent, Camera Obscurist Of The Manhattan Daily
Posted in Fiction on Jun 15, 2024 — 2,207 reads
Wednesday, November 11, 2023, Part 2 Of 2
Posted in Harm City on Jun 14, 2024 — 4,304 reads — 1 comment
Wednesday, November 11, 2023, Part 1 Of 2
Posted in Harm City on Jun 12, 2024 — 4,296 reads
The Metaphysical Igloo Office Of A Kept Hoodrat, Portland, Oregon: 11/5/23
Posted in Blog on Jun 10, 2024 — 4,320 reads
Act 14.3: Doris Synchronus, Runaway Slave Of The Censor
Posted in Fiction on Jun 9, 2024 — 2,338 reads

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Casting Darts Publishing In These Parts Contents
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Harm City
Modern Combat

A history of migratory war cultures, with a mythic focus on Virgil’s Aeneid. 2019, 665 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
Flashback to our 2015 Project