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~ Hobo History ~
Oliver Is Going Thru The Video Archives
Posted in Histories on Mar 15, 2024 — 10K reads
Southeast Portland, 11/25/2022
Posted in Harm City on Jul 24, 2023 — 13K reads
A Conversation With A Seven Year Old Mind: 11/6/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 19, 2023 — 8K reads
A Few Moments With A Traveling Man: 11/10/2022
Posted in Harm City on Jul 17, 2023 — 13K reads
Savoring My Second City: 11/4/2022
Posted in Harm City on Jul 14, 2023 — 13K reads — 1 comment
Landing On Planet Faggotron: 10/27-31/2022 Portland, Murica
Posted in Harm City on Jul 12, 2023 — 13K reads
The Tale Of Pete: Trial Lake, Utah, 10/21/22
Posted in Blog on Jul 11, 2023 — 8K reads
Musings On Cattle Car America: San Jose To Portland, 10/26-27/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 10, 2023 — 9K reads — 1 comment
Impressions Of Post Apocalyspic Bust Bowl Life: Utah To Santa Clara: 10/21-23/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 7, 2023 — 8K reads
Impressions Of Post Apocalyspic Bust Bowl Life: Denver To Utah 9/12/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 6, 2023 — 8K reads
What If Africans Had Not Invented Everything?
Posted in Histories on Feb 1, 2023 — 10K reads
Two Brief Videos With InTheseGoingsDown
Posted in Blog on May 12, 2022 — 5K reads
A Conversation Between A Video Maker And A TV Hater: Dateline 11/9/21
Posted in Blog on Jan 13, 2022 — 6K reads
Arrival In Salt Lake City, Safest Large City In The Cucked States Of Murica: 8/20/21
Posted in Harm City on Nov 9, 2021 — 8K reads — 2 comments
Arrival In Salt Lake City, Safest Large City In The Cucked States Of Murica: 8/20/21
Posted in Harm City on Nov 8, 2021 — 7K reads
Thursday, 8/19/21
Posted in Harm City on Nov 7, 2021 — 7K reads — 1 comment
An Overton Railroad Logistics Stage: 8/19/21
Posted in Harm City on Nov 6, 2021 — 7K reads
A Hobo History Journal: Saturday, August 14th, 2nd Year Of Our Lord Floyd
Posted in Blog on Nov 3, 2021 — 6K reads
A Hobo History Journal: Wednesday, August 11th Thru Friday August 13th, 2nd Year Of Our Lord Floyd
Posted in Blog on Nov 2, 2021 — 6K reads — 2 comments
The Pulp Fiction Renaissance Podcast #5
Posted in Blog on Oct 4, 2021 — 5K reads
Richard Barrett And James Discuss History, Myth And Fiction In Pulp Fiction Renaissance Podcast #2
Posted in Histories on Sep 17, 2021 — 13K reads
Is There Anymore Crackpot Podcasting Or Hobo Historicizing On The Whorizon?
Posted in Blog on Jul 13, 2021 — 3,473 reads — 2 comments
David Wheeler Cues The Crackpot On PIGs
Posted in Harm City on May 8, 2021 — 5K reads — 2 comments
Don Quotays Summons The Crackpot From His Rum-Sodden Haze...
Posted in Histories on Apr 16, 2021 — 4,882 reads
Live Stream Hobo History On Facebook Today: 4/7/21, 7:00 PM Eastern CP Time
Posted in Histories on Apr 7, 2021 — 3,060 reads
Posted in Histories on Apr 3, 2021 — 2,576 reads
The Rude Crackpot And A Noble Aryаn Discuss Health, Correspondence And Blog Posts
Posted in Blog on Jan 28, 2021 — 800 reads
How Can A Listener Get Invited Onto The Crackpot Podcast?
Posted in Blog on Dec 16, 2020 — 709 reads — 1 comment
The Weekend Of 11/7-8/2020
Posted in Histories on Nov 6, 2020 — 975 reads — 1 comment
Posted in Blog on Nov 6, 2020 — 715 reads
A Hobo History Video From A Viewer Question Out Of The Crackpot Abyss
Posted in Histories on Oct 17, 2020 — 396 reads
Part 2 Of A History Of Policing
Posted in Histories on Jul 27, 2020 — 956 reads
Hobo History #4 Why Does The Hobo Shitstorian Not Answer YouTube Questions?
Posted in Histories on Jul 15, 2020 — 489 reads
From 7/8-9/2020 Video Sessions
Posted in Histories on Jul 11, 2020 — 373 reads
Hobo History #3
Posted in Histories on Jul 9, 2020 — 377 reads
A Brief History Of Police: Part 1 Of 2
Posted in Histories on Jul 8, 2020 — 445 reads
Cracked Pottery Under The Interrogation Lights
Posted in Histories on Jun 25, 2020 — 363 reads — 2 comments
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Somewhere out West Contents
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Harm City
Modern Combat

7 Novels About Protagonists Tossed on the Uncaring Seas of Fate: Sold, Cox & Swain, American Dreamboat, Little Feet Going Nowhere, Flood, Haft, Uprising, and bonus children's story Tamarno!
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave