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A Legacy of Antiquity
Spira Boats - Nautical Voyage Story Videos by Jeff Spira
© 2021 James LaFond
Mon, Sep 20, 5:18 PM (6 days ago)

Thanks, Bob for introducing me to these delightful stories of sailing adventure. It always fascinates me that anytime a person who really knows a subject investigates it, that the dogmatic academic opinion upon said subject collapses on contact with the Truth. Jeff Spira has been designing and buildings boats since he was a teenager. When he looks at the academic fantasy that claims in a world without roads, where most extensive travel and trade was conducted by ships, that the most advanced early ship builders of Europe, North Africa and Asia were uniquely incapable of making open ocean voyages—The Lie crumbles.
To date Jeff has 14 videos up.
The best treatment of Saint Brendon's voyage to North America from Dark Age Ireland is given by Jeff in one episode.
Likewise Henry Sinclair is judiciously treated as a navigator.
In 1700 B.C. Woden Liffi made voyages from Norway to the Great Lakes for copper. It is a fact that that the massive tonnage of pre-Columbian copper mined in North America is unaccounted for, with something less than 1% evident in Amerindian Jewelry. The academics would have us believe that British tin was combined with Afghan copper to make Nordic bronze, when the voyage when the former voyage was easy and the latter almost impossible. Of interest is that in 1586 an Indian tribe in South Carolina enslaved the survivors of the Roanoke Colony as metal workers!
Denial of European-Amerindian contact before Columbus becomes a child's clown show in the gentle hands of Jeff who simply lays out facts and makes clear when he offers a supposition.
Of interest is that Asian and European and North African contact with North and South America corresponds with known climate change between 12-1400 A.D. and that unexplained population crashes at Cahokia and Chaco Canyon happened just after disease struck the the Nordic and Japanese homelands of early contact explorers. I also expect to find correlations with the Bonze Age Collapse and climate change with Nautica voyages around 1100 B.C. Arlington Mallory pointed out that known Nordic contact with the Great Lakes in the 1370s, just after the Black Death hit Iceland corresponded with the fall of Cahokia [Illinois] in 1400 and is a more rational explanation of the existence of Bubonic plague in American rodent populations in the American West than the academic fantasy of importation of the disease by Chinese laborers in the late 1800s who did not suffer from the disease.
Of great interest is the fact that genetically, religiously and linguistically, the Zuni Indians of the American Southwest, who are supposed to be descendants of the Chaco Canyon Civilization, are most closely related to the Japanese. A voyage was made by Japanese mariners to California who where Zen pilgrims looking for Shangrilah in America. As soon as they arrived—swords and all—the Chaco Canyon Indians died off and dispersed. My guess is introduced disease.
Jeff gives good sober accounts and information on ancient mariner technology. The most remarkable of the five I have viewed thus far is the voyage of Rata and Maui. If you have seen the children's movie Mwana, about the heroine cutie and the buffoon Polynesian God Hero known for capturing the sun, consider...
In 321 B.C. the third curator of the Library of Alexandria, Aristophanes, sent two fleets to circle the globe, one west from the Middle Sea, one east from the Red Sea. Both expeditions were to meet, using a navigational device unequalled until modern GPS. In New Guinea a cave has been found in which Maui etched his instrument. A professor reconstructed the etching and made the device a few years ago and it is more accurate than anything before GPS.
Maui then shows up in Ecuador and makes carvings there and disappears from the historical record, living on as a Polynesian god. The Maori of New Zeeland revere the constellation of Orion just as the ancient Egyptians Rata and Maui did. Evidence that the westward mission sailed as far as the Rio Grande is tentative. Neither expedition returned, having run into the impassible Americas supercontinent.
Ten years later Polynesian migration into the Pacific begins.
Numerous books were written in the 1800s about Ancient IsrŠ°elite migration to North America around the Bronze Age Collapse. Gotlieb Mitterberger visited a pre-Columbian structure in Pennsylvania in the 1740s which he attributed to ancient mariners. It is certainly true, that many earlier settlers in Plantation America believed that the beards and light-complexions of some Amerindian people they met and the fact that older structures were more advanced than more recent construction, indicated that they had found evidence of Ancient migrations from the Old World to the New World.
Might these earlier contacts go some way towards explaining the higher level of cultural interplay between Amerind natives and European invaders, as well as the less severe disease impact compared to Central America?
Is it not odd that academics and traditional historians in general refuse to consider that the much shorter North Atlantic route to North America was never used until after the longest possible route to the Americas was "discovered" by Columbus?
My research suggests that no 500-year period ever elapsed without significant Old World contact with the New World, between 4,000 B.C. and A.D. 1498. However, the religious belief that only Europeans are uniquely incapable of exploration, technical innovation and migration, despite this not having led to the Polynesian invention of Atomic power in 1783 or the invasion of Ireland by the Great Mayan Armada of 871, stands drooling in the way of understanding our past.
For anyone interested in the real history of ancient navigation and the the source for the high linguistic and genetic affinity between Europeans and Caucasian Asians and North Africans, such as Libyans, Phoenicians and Egyptians, with the Amerindians as well as their connection to the 33 inscribed Old World languages present in pre-Colombian North America, Jeff Spira offers a wealth of information in a grandfatherly narrative from the perspective of an expert on nautical means.
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Sam J.     Dec 19, 2021

This ancient voyage stuff is really interesting. I read that some of he copper in the middle east has been isotopely analyzed, (they look at the mix of minute atoms and percentages of minor additives. This can very accurately tell them what mine a mineral came from as the minor admixtures in the metal are different at different mines), and they have matched some of the copper to North America so undoubtedly it came from NA. I also read that they have found boats that sank full of these almost pure copper nodules. Really high grade stuff and it's laying on top of the sunk boat. Another thing I read was they have found those mysterious Melonhead/coneheads skulls at or around these mines.

Here's a conehead link where they have pictures of them being dug up n Mexico and Peru.
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