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My Next Creep State Handler?
You Be the Judge
© 2024 James LaFond
Below is an email exchange, forwarded to this sentient hoodrat by the gentleman known as Adam Smith, a man who has done me a number of good turns, for which I thank him. Checkout his Exit Strategy book published by Lynn. A few weeks ago I was called by an attire merchant who is promoting meaningful third position merchandise for alternative thinkers. He claimed to be living in Baltimore, in South Baltimore, where I worked, trained and dated for 15 years. He was really creeped out by my lack of interest in making money and most of all by the fact that I knew his neighborhood of South Baltimore so well, better than he. He even called the few original SOBO folks "townies," a term I never heard in Baltimore. I told him that most of the residents there, were new Marylanders who worked in DeeCee. That is a fact.]

Adam Smith
Mon, Dec 4, 2023, 2:48 AM
to Daniel, me
Hi Daniel - Cc:ed is James via his email.
Without knowing you personally I'll take everything you've said as good faith, but - and this isn't personal - a lot of us have heard speculation about the origins of your organization as being potentially tied to some of the government agencies. If you have anything you'd like to offer to clarify that view I'm sure that would be helpful.

Hello, I've been a long time listener to the show. I remember it being pivitol in getting over libertarianism and coming around to seeing things the way I do now.
Today I was relistening to the show you guys did on the Fight Club movie and James LaFond was your guest host.
I live near enough to Baltimore and work in Baltimore.
Also, for about three years I've been doing Nationalist activism in and around Baltimore with the organization Patriot Front. Its taught me a lot of street smarts and been a lesson in the reality of the world I might never have gotten otherwise. Part of Patriot Front's goal is to get young men trained in martial arts for self confidence, self defense, and a lot of the ideas you guys discussed in the fight club episode. I'd like to meet and talk with James if he's open to it. I didn't see a way to get in contact with him on his blogsite or the sites that carry his writing other than social media platforms I do not have. I was hoping you guys could help get me in contact with him or sharemy email and this message with him. It'd be great to meet him and learn what I can to share with my guys.
Keep up the best show in the scene.
Time: November 29, 2023 at 1:19 am
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James LaFond <>
Jan 3, 2024, 3:41 PM (19 hours ago)
to Adam, Daniel
Hey Adam, just got back online after 4 months of techtardedness.
Thanks, I have no problem with feds, I typically get interviewed by an MC or Naval Intelligence officer when I return to the east. I do those interviews at The Orchard Cafe in Towson, MD. So if you are my new handler, that is the spot.
I have met with numerous government goons and natsies and even train some of both.
It's not my world and I'm fine with coaching both sides,
I coach 2 pigs and 3 military service men.
I am currently crippled, and in the Pacific Northwest.
Uncle Sham willing, I will return to Baltimore by April 10.
I plan on being in the mid Atlantic until May 15 then back again for September and most of October
There is a training/fighting weekend set for mid May in eastern Tennessee where I will be coaching. If you train with me before that date, I can get you an invite, a mix of amateurs, pros and self defense novices from 7 states.
my phone is 443 686 0598 text before calling, so I will answer or call back
I have trained 16 Myth 20 listeners who have contacted me.
I still coach 4, having discharged the first 12 for declining to spar with me
Speaking loud enough to do podcasts or coach a group causes eye seizures, so I do 3 people at the most.
I will bring an assistant to do the physical tasks beyond me.
He will need paid.
I work for lodging and alcohol as i am homeless and generally too sober.
The session will have to be in Baltimore City or County. I have traveled to train people who have stranded me and am getting too old for that.
If you just want to meet and talk, I'll come alone. I usually use the Raven Inn in Towson, MD, 2 miles north of the city line, or The Shamrock on Harford Road in Northeast Baltimore. I coach at Towson Karate, across from the Raven, which used to be Jim Frederick's Kempo.
Good luck with your training, Daniel.

That is a cleaned up version of the email exchange. As for the movie Fight Club, I tried to be as polite as I could since it was a film that meant a lot to my younger hosts. I thought it was really gay but very entertaining with a weird twist.
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