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Honorable Factory of Fair Play
1of 3: Plumbing the Anglo-American Bipolarity: 9/26/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“Recently one of the Red Scare girls made it big and sat in on a Fox News round table. In addressing the government program of population replacement, she side-stepped that glaring fact and said that the reason why bringing 10,000 Haitians into a small Ohio town is not a good idea, is that these immigrants do not share the Anglo-Saxon sense of honor and fair play. Right before the panel is the example of an Anglo-American factory owner with 30 jobs, who he wants to go to people who will except lower wages. All he cares about is the lowest wages for his 30 workers and accepts no responsibility for the 10,000 unemployed Haitians or the damage done to his community by soaring rental rates. It is astonishing to me that Americans see the entire Anglo-Saxon experience as an extension of a hallowed antiquity that these people did not share with the Ancients in any case, and, while ignoring most of American history, place a backdrop of fair play behind the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Of course, any understanding of empire will teach that an empire cannot abide by standards of honor and fair play, that it must be a lowest common denominator consumption machine. Before getting into why the Anglo-American delusion is so persistent, perhaps you could give some examples of Anglo-Saxon honor and fair play.”
-Lynn, in an editorial call
I am off line writing this so dates are put of my head.
Actual Anglo-Saxons, kind of existed in 1066, ruling over Gaelic, Britano-Roman and even Jutish remnants. Britain was and is an invasion destination, a place where dozens of refugee and pirate nations piled up upon and against one another.
At Stanford Bridge a Viking berserker held off the entire Anglo-Saxon army on his own, on a foot bridge, until an honorable Anglo snuck under the bridge and stabbed him in the balls, most fairly and with little play.
An hour later, Harald Hadrata was cutting through the same army of honor and fair play who could not stand against this single man. So some archer shot him in the throat.
Days later, William the Conqueror, challenged this same army of honor and fair play and was bested at Hastings until, one of his archers shot King Harold Godwinson in the eye!
England was now Norman, with the Anglo-Saxon elements thoroughly crushed into peasantry and slavery.
In Norman England, the vile Magna Carta was drafted in 1215. This takeover of church and king by banking interests, demoted God from judge to witness, and then took away the King’s duty to protect the widows and orphans of his deceased loyalist knights from the soul driving bankers. This document set the lie in motion that blinds us to this day. [1]
Calling England Anglo-Saxon was not a habit in the roughly 200 years when the rulers spoke French. This lie was adopted in the 100 Years War in order to encourage the longbow using peasants, renamed “Yeoman” to follow their kings to war in France.
1380s: Wat Tyler’s daughter was raped by a tax collector. He and other peasants rose up and defeated church and state forces. When Wat met with the boy King to swear loyalty under new terms, he was murdered.
I am skipping hundreds of years of skulldugery here.
1570 or so: After a battle lost to a Spanish fleet off Vera Cruz, Francis Drake threw his commander, John Hawkins “under the bus,” and became the Queen’s new favorite sea dog.
1585 thru 1609: Conspirators working for the Virginia Company, to include Drake, Captain’s Lane, John Smith and a Portuguese Pilot, conspire to maroon John White’s settlers bound for the Chesapeake on Roanoke Island, leaving them to the mercy of Spanish and Indians they had recently attacked. This was so that Sir Walter Riliegh would lose his deed to Virginia, which he did, along with his head.
1588: the best fighting captain of England, Sir Richard Grenville was made to sit at anchor in Bristol Harbor with his 51 ships, to prevent him from winning fame in battle and redeeming the cause of Rileigh. Grenville would take his flagship, at a later date, out against a Spanish fleet, as a sign of protest against the entirely absent sense of honor and far play among the Norman-British ruling elites.
The Wompanoag tribe rose up against the English for cheating, raping and land fraud, and the imposition of gun control.
13 Susquehannock allies of England are murdered by a planter in Virginia.
100 Susquehannock warriors battle an 800 man Maryland and Virginia army to a draw and are invited to parlay. The English murder the chiefs, and still lose the next battle.
The surviving Susquenhannock’s settle in North Carolina, where the English employ another tribe to befriend and then murder them. The English then murder their own allies!
Bacon and his murderers are compelled to revolt, and do defeat the governor, because the few newly freed men, are prevented from land owning and voting, and are employed as militia. This only tool, musket and sword, they turn on their masters. The last act of this war, sees an unbeatable force of mixed African and European rebels agree to quite fighting in return for passage across a river to freedom. The English captain who made this deal, revoked it and put the men back in chains.
1678: the remaining garrison of the kings soldiers brought to Virginia to quell the revolt are abandoned to starvation.
Samuel Wisemen, keeper of the book of record for the king’s agents, was not paid for his work, and seems to have perished of want.
1685-1740: Anglo-American Planters brought in some 300,000 Africans, at great expense, at 4 times the cost of as many Europeans, in order to establish a breeding population of captive labor that would prevent those few small land holders on the margins of the great plantations from bootstrapping their way into competition. Free work by day and crime by night to drive away neighbors was the reason why the African American came to exist. The corrupt lack of honor and fair play in the so called Anglo mind is so powerful that it trumps race and faith!
I am skipping the 13 books of evidence that I massed in the Plantation America series as to the fraudulent nature of the unpaid labor scheme used to build America, which is fraudulently depicted by posthumous slander upon our ancestral dead to this dastard day.
1750s: The tribes paid to defend the planters of Pennsylvania, mostly revolt and go into service with the French in the Seven Years War, due the cheating, rum- dealing, land-stealing, enslavement and raping committed under English law.
From the 1750s, thru the 1890s, British agents and later American legislators will abrogate scores of treaties with many tribes, for no other reason than gain, respecting not the honor of their own nation or the word of their forefathers.
Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton, the two greatest frontiersmen to break the grip of the British Empire by exploring and settling among British client tribes over the Appalachian divide, are cheated of their land claims and pushed into poverty by Anglo-American lawyers. Boone will move all the way to Missouri and would hunt as far as Idaho in his 60s and 70s simply to outrun the rapacious agents of Anglo-America, the cheats that follow every brave and honorable enterprise with graft and corruption.
The works of Charles Dickens amply illustrate the SEVERE absence of honor and fair play intrinsic to the Anglo-American social machine. This evil is so deep and so blithely veiled, that it does not occur to the idiot American mind herd, that what this machine needs in times of unrest is a savage servant, not a civic soul.
Lynn, I could go on and on, and skipped quite a many things, such as the desertion of the Shawnee by their Anglo allies in 1813, the capture of the Seminole Chief Oceola under a flag of truce, the government persecution of Lewis Wetzel for continuing his feud with the Shawnee, the use of Lakota warrior in American pay to slaughter the women and children of Black Hawk’s Sauk tribe, the death by starvation of the British sailors who had defeated the French Revolution from 1805-15, in the coldest year on record, 1816, the failure to pay and care for American veterans of WWI, the betrayal, persecution, desertion and mass opiate addiction of American veterans of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lynn, no empire may be maintained through honorable means so long as its life blood is money, which is power utterly, even necessarily, removed from morality.
-1. The Lies that Bind Us
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