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Racial Strife on the Left Coast
Another Reason to Read Fred Reed
© 2015 James LaFond
In an attempt to educate myself I came across this piece posted by my favorite writer, Fred Reed. An anonymous lawyer from Southern California gives a sweeping review of the fact that Mexicans are out breeding whites and out fighting blacks. If Santa Anna is reading this from his flaming post in Hell he is surely grinning at fellow heroin addict Sam Houston.
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Maureen     Jan 14, 2015

Good Stuff.
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 15, 2015

Ditto! For your further reading enjoyment James and Maureen, here's another point of view.

Professor Victor Davis Hanson's observations from a couple of years ago largely confirm what the anonymous lawyer has to say about conditions in Central California. With the added observation that California is being subjected to a reign of “anarcho-tyranny”, under which some groups are over-supervised by the authorities while others are allowed to run wild and flaunt the law (go ahead and guess who’s who). The entire country is experiencing this same anarcho-tyranny to one degree or another, but most major national trends seem to originate in California, don’t they? Although it looks like most of America’s cities from a line roughly east of the Mississippi are all falling apart along the lines of Baltimore. That is to say, what all the crime-ridden big cities of the eastern half of the country have in common is that they have a black majority population and they have been run exclusively by Democrat administrations for the past fifty years or more.
James     Jan 15, 2015

Thanks Jeremy. I really like Hanson's Work.

I'll get the link up into the article.
Maureen     Jan 16, 2015

Anarcho-tyranny is why Negroes appear to have more courage. Also, blacks are told from birth that they are victim and should stand up for their rights whileWhites are told they are privileged and have oppressive tendencies. I believed it for YEARS even though my parents had the most menial of jobs and worked, scrimped and saved for everything they have today.

A lot of otherwise bright people under estimate the impact of lifelong mental conditioning.
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