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FEB/04/24  James Andersen  Novelist, Poet, Historian, Rugby Player, Knucklehe...
MAR/17/24  Motherboard  A Novel Of Post Economic Baltimore: A.E.G. 30: Pre...
MAR/24/24  Mop Head  Rabbit Jack: Motherboard #1. A
MAR/31/24  Bucket Head  Rabbit Jack: Motherboard #1. B
APR/07/24  A Matter Of Fact  Rabbit Jack: Motherboard #1. C
APR/14/24  House Of The Brickmouse  Motherboard #2
APR/21/24  Clutch The Snitch  Motherboard #3
APR/28/24  Crutch The Glitch  Motherboard #4
MAY/05/24  Big Ron Automaton  Motherboard #5.A
MAY/12/24  The Esoteric Cafe  Motherboard #5.B
MAY/19/24  Jaseman Ham  Motherboard #6

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An investigation of the period ideal that London was a latter day “Jerusalem” and that aboriginal North America was the domain of Satan, its indigenous people the devil's own “heathen” children, and for Christians: a realm of penance. 2021, 518 pages.
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