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~ Of Dogs and Men ~
Part Four Of An Open Letter To Master Ape, By Mucker Dog, With The Assistance Of Silverback
Posted in Fiction on Sep 14, 2023 — 2,565 reads
Part Three Of An Open Letter To Master Ape, By Mucker Dog, With The Assistance Of Silverback
Posted in Fiction on Sep 14, 2023 — 2,508 reads
Part Two Of An Open Letter To Master Ape, By Mucker Dog, With The Assistance Of Silverback
Posted in Fiction on Sep 14, 2023 — 2,463 reads
A Reposted Dog Novel From A Dead Site
Posted in Fiction on Sep 14, 2023 — 2,418 reads
Question On Masculinity Books
Posted in Blog on Sep 13, 2023 — 11K reads
A Profile In Evil: 2/13/22
Posted in Blog on May 20, 2022 — 5K reads
A Profile Of Two Of Man’s Best Friends: 2/14/22
Posted in Blog on May 19, 2022 — 4,989 reads
A True Kang Of Dawgs: 1/1/22
Posted in Blog on Apr 1, 2022 — 5K reads
Canine Caretakers Of Nomadic Anthropomorphic Cracked Pottery
Posted in Blog on Jul 9, 2021 — 3,394 reads
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Harm City
Modern Combat

An investigation of the period ideal that London was a latter day “Jerusalem” and that aboriginal North America was the domain of Satan, its indigenous people the devil's own “heathen” children, and for Christians: a realm of penance. 2021, 518 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
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