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Thespian Correction
Apologies to Myth of the 20th Century and Jeth Randolph: Portland, 1/25/25
I write this form memory, as my eyes are giving me great pains and I am unable to check sources on the internet. Apologies for general dates, being from memory.
Gentleman, I recently spoke on the Myth f the 20th century on Alexander. I t pains me when I wake in the night and recall a mistake I made which might be propagated. Once Adam brought up Saint John Chrysostom and I conflated him with Dio Chrysostom, a pagan who wrote and ode to the boxing champion Melenkomas the Younger [C.71], whose father possible knew Saint Paul in Corinth. That was perhaps in 2018.
In a discussion of the prequel to Alexander’s expedition into the Persian Empire 335-323 B.C., I described the Battle of Marathon some 150 years earlier as having been won by the Athenians, and the thespians. The thespians were not present, but rather 1,000 men from the small town of Platea. Ten years later, the great battle between the allied Greeks and the Persian host, which included the Thebans on the Persian side, was won near Platea by the Greeks. I think I misspoke for the following reasons.
The Thespians and Plataeans were involved as allies and suffered greatly in the power struggles between Athens, Sparta and Thebes, the three great military cities. At one point Platea was captured by Sparta, the population fled to Athens, and the Thebans slaughtered Platean prisoners. The siege of Platea is a classic study in Greek. Siege craft. [0]
Hansen in one of two fine histories on Ancient Greece, does note that three successive generations of Thespian men were slain in battle. [1] The town marshaled 400 men for war. These men stayed with Leonidas and the 300 Spartans, 300 helots and 400 Thebans [who were held to fight as virtual hostages by Leonidas as their city went over to Persia]. The entire rear was slaughtered while most of the 7,000 under Leonidas’ command withdrew.
A generation later, with Alcibiades fighting as a horseman and Socrates as a hoplite, who famously walked backwards covering the retreat, the entire force of Thespians who had allied with Athens against the Thebans at the battle of Declea, was wiped out.
A generation later, the grandsons of the men who died with Leonidas and the sons of the men who died against the Thebans at Declea, were wiped out in some action in the Peloponnesian War. I believe it was Hansen that correlated these tragic facts.
Both the 1,000 men fielded by Platea and the 400 by Thespia, in various wars in which they had little choice but to join one giant against another, served as excellent heavy infantry and were therefore likely to suffer greatly when the side they served in broke in the Face of Battle. [2]
I would compare this in military and metaphysical terms to the fate of FOUR [YES 4] successive generations of French nobility, who were slaughtered at Crecy [C. 1336], Poiters [C. 1371], Nicopolis [C.1398] and Agincourt [C.415].
I thank Adam and Hans for having me on, apologize for this mistake.
Also, Jeth randolh, I am so sorry for canceling our skype narartive on Vunak of Antares prior to the trip through the Southwest I take tomorrow, I have been abed with severe eye pain and unable to speak for most of the week.
As well, beat “Oneal, apologies for canceling our sparring. I cannot beat to wear an eye patch or a knit cap for the nerve flaring above the right eye. I did not think it would be polite to puke on your shoes.
Even illness, does provide some value to the writer, as waking to nightmares of forgeting events and misplacing identities has brought a general sense of correction.
Thanks to Hans and Adam, I have decided to write The Son of God: Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian, in seven books as Arrian did. I have read the tract thrice. I have listened to all 7 books thrive. I have listened to book 1 49 times now while rebuild this trashed back and legs and alternately lie in the dark trying not to moan.
I intent to write Advent, Book 1, by March 1.
The method is to alternately listened to Arrian’s account of Alexander’s expedition in an attempt to memorize the account, and listen to Alexander’s life guide The Iliad by Homer. Minor influences are Greek Lyrics translated by Richmond Lattimore, in an attempt to identify with Alexander’s men, and Xenophon’s Expedition, in a bid to identify with Alexander’s officers. Arrian did pattern his work after Xenophon’s even as Alexander used that old Captain’s account as a guide to his own more ambitious undertaking.
The additional Books are planned for completion through 2025 and 2026. In this vein, I must than Doctor Breck, an equine podiatrist, for keeping me alive thru this winter with equine medicines of three types.
These projected titles are a side project of the Arуas Project, hijacked by the ego of a man departed for 2002 years. Apologies to Arуas readers for this mypoic departure after the best of the Sons of Arуas. These titles are.
The Son of God—Advent
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 1
The Son of God—Arete
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 2
The Son of God—King
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 3
The Son of God—Revolt
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 4
The Son of God—Truth
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 5
The Son of God—Agony
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 6
The Son of God—Hubris
Alexander’s Expedition by Arrian: Book 7
And finally, my apologies to Alexander, who surely would have marooned me in Central Asia.
The eye just blew.
Sorry for any typoes, ah typos.
Thank you.
-0. Victor Davis Hansen, on Greek Warfare, series editor John Keegan, also A War Like No Other.
-1. See Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
-2. See John Keegan’s excellent book The Face of Battle for a psychological study of such battles. He focuses on Gotland, C. 1300].
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[histories]   [Author's Notebook]  [Crackpot Podcasts]  [Red-Face-Island War]  [Casting Darts Publishing]  [link]
posted: January 25, 2025   reads: 19   © 2025 James LaFond
Hammer & Wrench
Writing Vunak of Antares: A Stardust Fix Novel
The premise that Jeth and I agreed upon is that our prize fighting history on earth is merely a reflection of some greater galactic scam in which the fix is in and the fighters are merely pawns in some big money, high stakes, social control game. In boxing and MMA, the first fighter: the victim, the Christian awaiting the lion, is introduced from The Blue Corner. The favorite, whose manager is associated with the promoter, whose home town this is, has the best appointed dressing room, the shortest walk to the ring. In addition, while the Red Corner fighter is coached by full-time professional trainers, often with international experience, the Blue Corner fighter may be coached by his father-in-law who has never been in a ring, or by some part-time amateur such as my damned self. Additionally, the Blue Corner fighter has likely worked at a job all week, while the backers of the Red Corner man have paid for his TIME in advance: training, rest, recovery, even his boxing shoes, all bought for him by his investors. [1]
Paul Vunak, as one of the most innovative martial arts instructors of the late 20th Century, which saw the rebirth of the Pankration in the form of MMA after a 1,500 year sleep, was also involved in training for weapon combat, like gladiators of old. How would one of Modernity’s empty hand/weapon gurus fare if transported to some alien gladiator planet as a trainer?
Interestingly, Doc Dread, for whom I was a hands and weapon coach for his MMA team between 2002 and 2009, and is a member of the same Jeet Kune Do fraternity as Paul. Doc once posited the idea of a novel in which warriors from history are pitted against one another in a kind of Roman Valhalla. This is one of the converging reasons why this novel was conceived.
The outline exists only in the table of contents presented in the front matter of the novel and posted on my website as Vunak of Antares #0.
I, as the instigator of this novel, have written this, and will write Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 5 that set the stage, as well as a brief epilogue. Chapter 5 is based on a misadventure from Jeth’s training life related to me via skype. Jeth will write 4, and 6 through 14, carrying most of the weight.
Jeth is in charge of Vunak, as he has trained with men who have trained with Paul. In any instance where Paul Vunak is required by the thin plot to speak or have an internal monologue, or a moment’s reflection, I will leave a bracketed cue for Jeth to fill in in the final work. These posts on the site will remain with that cue. Only the final story, sent to Paul and those completed chapters behind Jeth’s pay wall, will have Jeth’s version of Paul, who is studying Paul’s training tapes and interviews for this purpose.
Jeth is the editor and has the final word on everything. For him, this is a developmental writing project. He lives in a country where people have been imprisoned for writing about self defense situations. Jeth wants to transition to writing adventure fiction, from his three self defense books, a transition I have made some time ago. To help Jeth in this quest he will write all of the fight scenes, which is most of the book.
We have agreed upon an ending for this book, and have also agreed upon the plight reflected in Chapter 4, which is the assignment of team captains. This chapter is our model for using a video call, and a single 6-sided die and note pad, to chart the course of a combat. The Red Team is staffed with four men from China and Japan, including a physician and an actor as corner men serving military men, even a king and a prince. One of the few imposed plot devices is that this team will elect a leader.
Conversely, as the Blue Team is exhumed from the mass grave of psychopathic history, to include two famous permanent inhabitants of the prison system, and at least three leaders of world genocides, the Blue Team will have to duel to decide on a Captain, which shall please the Mob of Antares and the Gods of Scorpio. This shall increase the already significant advantages of the Red Team over the underdog Vunakers, who will get to watch this duel in which one of their potential foes will be injured or killed and the victor, possibly injured, will have shown his ace hand. Jeth does all of the research, and will prepare the roster for both teams, as this will be written while I am on the road and mostly off line. Below is our model combat chapter, as the novel is generally an excuse to write about such things as, “Would Spartacus beat Musashi?”
Chapter 4
As I stood at the well-polished bar top in my host’s mansion basement, behind which I had just slept off a 14 hour drunk, Jeth and I agreed that two men of our crew would not be able to abide the other commanding him, and that satisfaction must be had in a duel. We decided that the more interesting perspective character, which could be written from a stronger point of empathy by Jeth, in that they are anachronistic countrymen, needs to win this bout to carry the story in a manor that can be tolerated by non nihilistic readers.
Jeth now plays this hero, whose second he will be in the novel, while I corner for the savage, whose language I do not speak at all, but Jeth’s man speaks fluently.
Combat is done in “rounds” that are abstracted at the outset, with no set time. Based on the results, we discuss how long each round would have taken and continue to the next round if that has not been decisive. It is possible for both fighters to die, and quickly.
The Hero and his foe, are both armed with a 5 Dominance [Hammer] and a 5 Monkey Wrench. The former is the combat ability to impose one’s will. The latter is the ability to deal with a more dominant fighter by some ruse or gambit. The example I used was of Francisco Pizzaro fighting three men by way of using a drapery as a shield. Two high dominance, low Monkey Wrench fighters, will have a quick and brutal fight. These two, though, have options.
The Hero uses his ability to speak insultingly in the foe’s own language, as well as the foe’s overwhelming ego buttressed by numerous genocides committed by his own hand and at his command, to bait him into a hard lead.
Jeth and I are rated in this story a 1 Dominance and a 2 Monkey Wrench.
Musashi would be a 5/5.
Achilles would be a 6/4.
We determine who initiates contact, which was easily done on personality. A fighter with a high MW might decide to start by baiting the other into charging by using that score. If he fails, he takes the bait and cannot use his MW again in that round of combat. If he succeeds the other fellow takes the bait and again, does not get to use his MW.
As noted above, our hero, a towering genius with relatively bloodless hands, has gained an advantage during the stare down.
When one has decided on the Hammer over the Wrench the die is cast, so to say, the Caesar in your soul having crossed his Rubicon.
The die is rolled.
High scores are good.
Low rolls are good.
The die difference is compared.
If one is monkey wrenching his result is subtracted form the other’s dominance result.
These results are demonstrated using a 5 score, which will be the most common score among the Gladiators of Antares.
6 = failure, any roll higher than the score fails outright
5 = [0 die difference] barely successful, no injury inflicted, but a minor advantage gained, reducing the foes dominance by making a roll equal to his score unsuccessful
4 = [1 die difference] marginally successful, inflicting a minor wound or gaining a subtle advantage for the next round, reducing the foe’s dominance by 1 point in that next round
3 = [2 die difference] clearly successful, inflicting a wound that impairs or a minor wound and an a subtle advantage, or a clear advantage [like subtracting a point each from the opponent’s abilities next round, or 2 points from one ability].
2 = [3 die difference] overwhelming success, a kill or a disarm, or if toying with the foe, assigning lesser results, like minor wound and clear disadvantage.
1 = [4 die difference] a masterful success, such as a kill, disarm or KO, depending on the nature of he who delivered the masterful stroke, which also permits a spectacular demonstration. While Harold Hadratta might lift the head to the gods while the corpse yet stood lost before him, a more refined swordsman might opt for a minor wound, disarm and submission hold.
This was the only fight that we have decided on a victor in advance. It went his way without need to redo it. However, if he was killed, we would have replayed it so as to avoid a scripted fight.
All fights henceforth will be given to cruel Chance. The final fight will be a brawl between the survivors on each side and will include the corner men, which will pair Jeth and I against heroes from history with slim to no chance of survival
For future reference, one should make note that the Scorpion Lords, are taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh. They will be described in the text of Chapter 2.
Scorpion Knights have a 7 Dominance but only a 1 Monkey Wrench.
Posting for Chapters 1, 2 & 3 will be for January and February. Chapters 4 through 11 will not post until spring and possibly summer, even if written before Winter’s end, as once I hand the project off to Jeth on December 5, I will be completing A Gaslight Knight which will post from February through April in the fiction slots. [2]
-James LaFond, Sunday, December 1 2024
-1. See the red banner on the cover of the gladiator novel SPQR [linked in the casting Darts Publishing tab above] for the sacrificial symbology represented by the sanguine crimson color attributed to the crowd favorite.
-2. Chapters 12 thru 14 and the Epilogue will post o Jeth’s substack.
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[fiction]   [SPQR A Novel]  [Casting Darts Publishing]  [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: January 25, 2025   reads: 30   © 2024 James LaFond
‘A God In Itself’
Conspiracy Against Mankind #0: The Babylonian Woe by David Astle, 1975
The guide to finance in antiquity, whom I has been chosen for me by a reader, tramp circumstance, and a garden, is David Astle. I seek no knowledge of this man. His work is excellent and should not be poisoned by refracted judgments as to whether I would wish him for a roommate, which is the level of discourse we now occupy in this sunken world, a world he predicted, “ end wherein shall be silence and no song, for indeed there will be no singer, nor any to sing to…” [0]
David’s self-published book was sent to me in early 2018 with a kind handwritten letter by a reader who has been adamant over the decade of our correspondence, that he remain uncredited, even under an alias.
As I was weeding the yard of the home where this book has come to rest, having been plagued by Hesiod, Arrian and Tacitus echoing in my mind that “history” is a mask, I was fighting a battle against various vines taking over portions of an ill-tended bed. Musing upon the “extirpation” metaphor employed by Increase Mather in his book on The Indian Warr, in which entire families were wiped out “root and branch,” the father understood as the root and the children his patrimony branches, I was wondering as to why it is that the vast majority of our sharpest thinkers miss the point of inquiry in their civic religious belief that there can be no conspiracy, that all is shown and known plainly for what it is, and the work of the historian is nothing more than arranging these known facts in chronological order. I was pulling up all weeds by the root, knowing that cutting them back simply hardened them. I then dug into the ground with a spade following a thistle root to see how deep it went and noticed that, like morning glory plants, mushrooms and aspen tree clones, that the various ivy on the surface was merely an expression of that which did abide underneath. The visible leaves were merely intake ports for light, the vines the logistical networks. The leaf [actor] and vine [visible collective network] served, and were survived in seasonal dearth, by the more intricate roots [invisible collective network], energized by its visible constituents above with each May. At this very time I was considering the fate of 1770s diarist John Harrower, a fellow late come gardener, who disappeared from history while “hunting money” by way of the clothing trade, in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Might Glubb’s roughly 225 year imperial cycle merely mark the life cycle of the visible agents of an invisible and continuous life power?
To lay out the READ [not red] carpet for David Astle, let focus on quotes from his wordy, sometimes ponderous and often brilliant work. These quotes are taken from the front matter of his dart cast into the eye of Leviathan, a dart cast backstage, his sonata never permitted before the general audience upon which Her Majesty feasts.
Front leaf, parchment, signed in thin black marker, the letters all upright, tall and tight, with the tail of the A extending downward to separate the 1 and the 5 in the date, according to the author’s hand, the p in the date below extending straight below, the final 7 in the date bowed and backward curving down and away:
David Astle
Sept. 15th. 1977.
Inside Leaf, on white acidic paper showing age at the margins:
The Babylonian Woe
“By using a mirror of brass, you may see to adjust your cap; by using ancient times as a mirror you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires…”
Emperor T’ai Tsung
627 A.D. -650 A.D.
Back of Inner Leaf:
“The intellectual facilities however are not of themselves sufficient to produce external action; they require the aid of physical force, THE DIRECTION AND COMBINATION OF WHICH ARE WHOLLY AT THE DISPOSAL OF MONEY, THAT MIGHTY SPRING BY WHICH THE TOTAL FORCE OF HUMAN ENERGIES IS SET IN MOTION.”
-Augustus Boekh; Translated; The Public Economy of Athens, P.7; Book I. London, 1828
Title Page:
The Babylonian Woe
A Study of the Origin of Certain Banking Practices, and of their effect on the events of Ancient History, written in the light of the Present Day.
David Astle
Copyright Page:
[mostly omitted]
Copyright 1975 Toronto, Canada
Facing Copyright Page:
“Demoralized our men; small pride now left!
Two useless wars! With racial kith and kin,
In battle of our Gods were we then reft…
Yes! Those who steered the wasted years of strife
Brought to the true, in death the end.
Now few their ashes watch or tend…
“Who then is left to stay our natural rule?
And who shall say to weakness: ‘No more show!’
You sheathe your sword? None but a wishful fool
Thinks thus! One World for us who were One World?
Alas! Our Gods are gone forever! So
Who then shall fight the Babylonian Woe.”
“For money has been the ruin of many and has misled the minds of Kings.”
-Ecclesiasticus, 8, Verse 2.
David’s basic object is to rectify the general academic lack of interest in ancient finance.
“...the workings of that mighty engine which injects the unit of exchange amongst the peoples, and without which no civilization as we know it can come to be, is only indicated by a profound silence.”
Astle does believe that a people under a benevolent rule could mint their own currency and aims to instruct us on how this has been mostly subverted from Antiquity down to this day, and how the process is one in the same by which we have continuously been separated financially, politically and ideologically from our blood, our traditions, our homelands, and through baiting our ambitions, binding us to a malevolent and unseen engine.
The frame is the early Iron Age, that age extolled by Ovid as the curse upon humanity. Just after the Bronze Age Collapse, in about 1000 B.C., iron weapons and tools brought an increase in slaves, “ far as mining was concerned, assessed at cost per life,” which brought a flood of silver and gold, placing international financial power in the hands of shadowy soul drivers, with banking agents pre-positioned at the sacred heart of every nation, in its very temples, the power behind every throne.
The book is well sourced and amply footnoted.
“The gates of Egypt stand fast like Immutet…
They open not to the enemy who dwells within.”
“...those semi-secret societies that controlled the material of money as its outward and visible symbols… by the will of those classes controlling the undertones of civilization, leaders of the world of slave drivers, caravaneers, outcasts, and criminals generally… The instrument of this will was precious metal, whose supply was controlled by the leaders of these classes through their control of the slave trade, since mining was rarely profitable in the case of precious metals, except with slave labor, even after the development of hardened iron tools and efficient methods of smelting… they constituted [a] hidden force deeply inimical to the best interests of mankind… this internationally minded group, from the secrecy of their chambers, were able to make a mockery of the faith and belief of simple people… not however guiding mankind into the heaven that could have been and where all would be life, and light, and hope, but into such a hell as to escape from which men might gladly come to accept the idea of Mass Suicide…”
And we are here, with tens of millions of Americans feverishly embracing terminal addiction to lethal drugs. Yesterday, having set this chapter aside to meet a friend for lunch, after the packed #54 bus passed the Parkville intersection which serves 6 mental health clinic in two short blocks, I and but one masked man remained aboard, the souls of our latest mass suicide scattering to the legalized drug dens, so there death might yield its architects’ tax.
-0. I do make the case that our current social media world order has achieved these lines in full spirit, if not audio fact.
-1. David has made his own free hand maps for this volume, maps which please the eye.
-2. A command of ancient sources is evident, with proper reliance on the great minds of the 1800s, and the use of Soviet sources not then generally available to Americans, placing Astle well ahead of his American contemporaries.
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posted: January 24, 2025   reads: 76   © 2024 James LaFond
‘Rat Apocalypse’
Baltimore, MD 10/23/24
My stay here in Baltimore is more than half over. I spend every second weekend here with her while in town. Megan is pretending that she’s not just going to have me here twice more. All day and half the night the train whistles in the back ground by day and haunts the fore ground by night. Rats are the big issue.
The dirty Mexicans to the left with seven kids and a cat, have a garden, which feeds the rats, who do not want to live with the cat.
The clean Mexican to the right is cementing his yard to keep the rats away. Georgia and Megan are caught in the middle, four rat holes burrowed just under the concrete pad of her porch. Three holes are within ten feet of the cherry tomatoes clinging to the fence, facing towards the feed.
The good Mexican comes over with a bowl of concrete and fills in the whole he can see, talking to me. He is the older, shorter brother of the other two that lived here, who called me Poppy. The middle brother had talked to me and ran off a buck gro I was concerned with a couple years back.
Clean Mex gets down low and looks at the wholes and says, “The concrete is only four inches thick, those wholes go up.”
“Then I’ll gas them, I say,” looking at Georgia up over the railing, “You have extra bleach and ammonia, that makes deadly gas. I’ll pour in the mix then plug the holes with beer bottles broken on the inside.”
“Okay,” she says, “on a mission I see. I called the County and the man said that I was fighting a losing battle and was on my own. He said if they are in your yard they are your pets! I’m calling the congressman!”
Once I did this and went inside, a half hour later, between the center and left hole, the rats within had dug two air holes. Another beer bottle was broken into the holes and 8 ounces each of bleach and ammonia poured in. I went out back in the alley and got chunks of concrete the right size to back up the bottles and jammed the tombs shut, hoping the little rodents die from the gas.
Here I sit, between checks, about ready to get the hammer and return to my post…
…More broken bricks and concrete chunks and a cinder block corner from the alley are hammered into the gap between soil and concrete. Well, the little bastards will have to work.
Last night, Missy, the wife next door of four children had walked the girls and the boy home from school. The youngest girl is so cute as she stands on the other side of the lattice railing, hanging onto the stays, asking me urgently, “Jjojjo? Jjojjo!”
Megan, Jojo being her local nickname, comes outside and says, “Hey, Baby!” and the little girl hops up and down triumphantly, “Jjojjjo!”
Megan, lights a cigarette and smiles and says, “Your mommy does your hair so nice, you are so well dressed—you are beautiful!”
The mother thanks her, telling Megan that she gave Georgia some chicken and rice dinners from her food bank box. The husband has made himself scarce. We hear him out back shopvaccing his car.
I ask Megan, “He finally talked to me today, was very nice and filled in that rat hole. What happened to his brother. I got on well with the big one.”
Megan takes a long drag from her cig as the BPD police chopper drones off overhead into the city, “That motherfucker hates me. They had this domestic thing, he hit her. I can’t kick his ass, so I told her to call the cops. The stupid cop has got them both on the porch and is asking her stupid fucking questions. So the Polish bitch in me comes to the roof and I say, “Hey, officer, what is a matter with you asking her questions in front of him? She will never answer you under his nose. Take her out in the street and question her.”
“The dumb fucking cop, a light goes off in his eyes, he was like twenty-five and he does as I say. The hitting stopped. Then she comes to me and tells me that the baby sitter told her that the oldest daughter told her that one of the brothers touched her, probably the skinny spic that got bossed around by the big one and fat daddy here. He says it couldn’t be, and she has me standing right here and tells him it is her and the girls or his brother. Well, I guess that pussy is still good, because he put his brothers out. Now we can park and don’t have to put up with spic polka every Friday night. If I had heard someone touched my granddaughter, I’d a been waiting in the bushes with a hammer and knife, that scalping knife you gave me.”
I look at her and say, “Now it makes sense that he has warmed up to me. He probably figures I disappear for long stretches after you have the cops work me over!”
“Shit, you’d never hit a woman,” she says, “look at me, cussing like all of my thirty year old coworkers. I have to stop that. This was my brother Bruce’s house. Once, a pig was up the street on the corner there yelling at Heather, his daughter, calling her a ‘punk.’ A man in uniform calling a twelve year old girl punk for playing hopscotch on the corner.
“Bruce went up there, six four, broad, back in his negro whooping days. I remember once when I was 8 and Bruce was the man of the house after Dad passed, some man in a big car and mustache pulled up to the stoop and said, “Tell your brother so and so is looking for him.” I just looked down. Well, Bruce found his ass and told me, ‘That motherfucker will never bother you again!’ and he was good for it.
That was how Bruce lit out after that cop, walked up there, thumped his finger in that pig’s chest and said, ‘Who are you calling a punk?!’
The pig was alone and about shit himself, couldn’t answer. Bruce answered for him, ‘She has a name, and it’s Heather. She has a mother and a father, so is not a punk. You have a problem with her, you come knock on my door—got it!”
The itty bitty little prick pig just stammered, ‘Yayayeyes sir,’ and that piece of shit is supposed to protect me? Sorry, Pumpkin, I just get carried away sometime. It so nice to have you around. A broke bitch likes her company. You’re getting skinny—I’m feeding you again, and if you know what’s good for you you’ll eat.”
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posted: January 22, 2025   reads: 116   © 2024 James LaFond
‘The Encrypted Syndicate’
Pill City by Kevin Deutsch, 2017, St. Martin’s Press, NY, 266 pages
The core context of this unlikely nonfiction story, is the same as I noted in my real time coverage of The Purge of Baltimore City in April 2015. My book War Drums and the rest of the 2015 Harm City books, chronicle the FACT that the Purge, downgraded in the false media mirror over two years to riots, then unrest and then rising, used racial/law enforcement unrest as cover for the Creep State steerage cults to release the first massive dosses of pharmaceutical opiates into the criminal underground and thence to every corner of the nation.
This was the final turning point of the phony Drug War, which was just a way to get public compliance in militarizing police. The looted pharmacy dope was an interim measure between Afghan heroin and Chinese/Mexican fentanyl, the ultimate enemy of USG, greatest macro parasite in recorded history, being its 350 million person host.
It is a fact that 35 pharmacies and some two dozen criminal stash houses of Jimmy Masters 25 year old drug fiefdom were knocked over on the last Monday and Tuesday of April 2015. This was done under cover of the Freddie Gray Riots and Mondawmin Purge by the students of Frederick Douglas High. I knew people on the inside in real time. I took the bus with the youths detailed as scouts and overheard their conversations as logistics were rerouted. This job was coordinated by the DOJ, BGF [gang], Crip 52 [gang], and a certain central mind agency. Military contractors were involved in keeping people locked down to facilitate the mission of looting the pharmacies. The resulting product glut was known locally as The Mother Load. This is not mentioned in the book.
The case that this award winning author makes is this:
That the entire city-wide caper that involved hundreds of violent actors was masterminded, created from whole cloth, on the fly, in two weeks, by two “honor roll students,” high school kids from the worst school district in America. They are touted as computer geniuses who invent and implement an uncrackable, encrypted national dark web drug network in only two weeks, from SCRATCH. They were also physically involved in looting and murder at the same time, not only writing better code than google keyboard jockeys and federal MENSA hires, but imposing their will for a few months on the most enduring African American criminal gang in the U.S., the gang that killed John Gotti, the gang that the FBI have been unable to take down on the RICO statute.
Does that pass the smell test?
Let’s look at assertions made and details overlooked.
Sniff #1
Q: Two weeks to conceptualize, invent and implement the most advanced dark web crime enterprise from an abandoned row home overrun with rats and roaches?
A: The author admits that he hardly met the two and that almost all of his communications with them were through encrypted emails. This tells me that these two boys, were mere front puppets for the Steerage Cult that has back door access to every online platform based in the U.S.
Sniff #2
Q: A black hero cop, the main law enforcement source, claims that white cops harassed him for having an Afro. This was presented as a symptom of massive white on black cop intimidation within the department.
A: I have worked with hundreds of men on mixed race crews and in boxing sessions, and have noted that job place teasing like that is always same race. White guys make fun of whites, and blacks of blacks. Additionally, most BPD cops were, and are, black.
Sniff #3
Q: The author focuses 2 of every 3 pages on the fact that everything in America favors whites over blacks and that there are no rehab resources for blacks and plenty for whites. The assertion is made through black advocates, with the author parroting long obsolete progressive talking points.
A: Yet, in the Baltimore job market, since 2002, black hires have been aggressively recruited in all levels of private and public employment.
As a bus user on the ground, I can see that rehab centers have tended to be placed just outside of high crime zones on major bus lines, as the danger of trying to get people off drugs right next door to the gun totting black drug dealers is a non starter. As I read this book, 24 drug addicts of both races offloaded from the #54 bus at an intersection with 5 rehab centers. These are the new government sanctioned drug dispensaries.
Also, later in the book, buried in the middle, the author writing in 2017, notes that addiction rates are the same across race with the only difference the rate of legal to illegal drugs consumed by race. Here, on page 67, the author demolishes his oppression model.
In 2016 white kids from rural and suburban areas began moving into Baltimore and pimping out their girlfriends for access to the new discount crime drugs. Despite the authors assertion throughout the book, the main theme of which was white over black oppression, in the context of all black on black violence, I, on the ground, never saw any racial component to the drug trade other than black violence.
Sniff #4
Q: The white on black Baltimore crime scape and massive social injustice is the main assertion of this book, the life blood of it.
A: 14% of Baltimoreans are white males, with zero serving as cops, all white cops living out of town. Yet 90%+ of homeless in Baltimore are white males! The most damming evidence is given in the middle of the book, buried by the author in newspaper fashion, on page 129. He describes two addicts in rehab, who are a married black couple with children, who both have excellent State of Maryland jobs, with the best medical benefits, and snort illegal drugs at work! These addicts held the type of jobs that people like me were not permitted to acquire since 1990, with 99.9% of bus drivers, that being the best government job available to high school graduates, are black in a city that is only 65% black, and 10% Latino, with not a single Latino bus driver. The author demonstrates no clue as to racial dynamics in Baltimore, nearly his every source giving him a distorted image. STEERAGE.
Sniff #5
Q: What are the crime details, the central focus of which should be how pharmacies were knocked over?
A: Although CVS and Rite Aid chains had much video evidence and made public complaints that the BPD REFUSED to investigate these crimes, and I personally saw how these places were broken into, the author only looks into the one atypical pharmacy looting, in which the business was burned down, the two masterminds, one with a distinctive sunken chest and pot belly, are caught masked on video. This level of laziness does not fit the author and suggests that he was ferried around by law enforcement charged with channeling his focus.
There is no mention of the 5 man crews, outfitted specifically to drive residence indoors, that took over the streets when the cops abandoned their posts. No mention of the 1 woman and 2 man crews that hit each chain pharmacy in a very thought out way, pharmacies that had the best inventories. There is no mention of the military contractors that pushed me and my friend off the street after dark and who somehow had no contact with the B&E crews?
There is no mention of the heroin shipments brought in, only those seized by the BGF from the Masters cartel.
Overall investigation of criminal acquisition methods are absent.
Sniff #6
Q: How authentic is the texture?
A: The author writes nothing but stereo types, gangster using 1990s movie firearms, rather than the 9MM and .45 APC that Baltimore shooters prefer. They wear only Nike sneakers and Timberland boots. They stand over their gunned down enemies and chant and boast and cuss like rappers and TV actors, rather than “move the fuck off” like they actually do to avoid the massive amount of cameras that the author admits are all over Baltimore, on some streets on every light pole. The two upscale, black urban nerds that the writer met once or twice, who then communicate with him exclusively by encrypted email, joke about rats and roaches being fitting office companions for them as they work on their massive array of computer hardware, to include private SERVERS delivered mysteriously to an abandoned row home, which would have had to be powered by an extension cord plugged in up to a block away! Look, black dudes, even thugs, are more freaked out by rats and roaches then poor white trash, by far. Across the board, in Baltimore, as a reaction to filthy public conditions, black men have higher personal hygiene standards than white guys.
What comes through here is that the book was textured to appeal to suburban, white, misconceptions about urban blacks, along lines seen on TV and in movies. The most galling oversight, is that two 17 year old skinnies are shown wielding power through the magic of computer wizardry over the U.S. Army Iraq veteran thugs and criminal psychopaths, that know that the one kid was raped by his step father. Black men who find out that you have been ass raped do not respect you. This was a story line lifted from the Wire HBO series.
Sniff #7
Q: How does the story end?
A: It ends just like The Wire and every TV show and movie glorifying the criminal that gets away back to the civilian life he reluctantly left for the necessity of crime. In The Wire it was the kid who went to work in a shoe store. In Pill City, the raped kid goes nuts and starts playing gangster, even executing women. He is killed by a gangster. This all probably happened, with law enforcement-based forensics and times and places of death, placing this actual meat person as a puppet for the Agency nerds who were actually encrypting emails to the author. This kid was supposedly a Bloomberg News junkie and stock market jockey, who went SO GANGSTER that the professionals cringed! This is lifted from the TV show Breaking Bad. Indeed, the story line is Breaking Bad placed in the setting of The Wire.
The good kid, who didn’t kill people and became increasingly estranged from his buddy, Brick, who was his same sex soul mate, which does not track, enjoys the opposite fate. He moves to Bay Area, California by himself, lands a job at Google, as their very first black programer, and his racist white coworkers harass him! This totally does not track, with Bay Area whites worshiping blacks as if they are all Morgan Freeman.
Seven for seven, Pill City takes an investigative reporter on a toddling Odyssey of Steerage Cult handling of a man who seems to be as honest in his investigation as his editor permits, and only as curious as the law enforcement and gang front men for his handlers admit. What he hangs his hat on is a fact, the fact denied by Baltimore Government, that the Purge and Riots were a ruse to take lethal drug addiction to a new high. He is either guided to or avoids the obvious evidence that the gangs and cops were a mob of USG puppets and dupes, some rewarded for playing along and other punished for hesitating one contact too long.
Pill City is a 26 page truth wrapped in a 260 page Hollywood spoof.
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posted: January 20, 2025   reads: 142   © 2024 James LaFond
Banjo: Timejack #6.0
2024 Phoenix
Sleeping in an old better sedan was rough, but a new one would be worse. Banjo cruised around the shuttered back streets of the commercial district, made a soft right turn and headed east under the ghostly glow of the adjacent lot lights. A mob of tweakers were walking west in an amorphous gaggle all the way out to the center line.
Since his hermit/nomad life had begun, the musings had increased. He sometimes wondered if he was not being contacted by Sifu Bill. He had studied Chinese medicine under the old healer at the hot springs in Montana. Thenceforth he had often navigated the swells and storms of his life with the rudder, ‘What would Sifu Bill think? What would he do?’
‘Why west? Not a gaggle—there is no leader. These creatures are frightening.’
‘Is that you Sifu Bill?’
He looked to the mirror in a moment of wonder, but was magnetically drawn to the tweakers.
Banjo tried to count in huddles, not wanting to make eye contact. No other car moved or was parked, not even abandoned.
‘If they rush with one mind I might be too slow. Don’t speed up, stay cool. Only a few are watching you. This is crazy…’
The rolling tableaux held for five, six, seven, eight, nine… 14 seconds! Finally, he rolled past the last few huddles and then beyond the handful of stragglers, including a nodding woman pushing a baby stroller which held a dirty teddy bear…
He slowed a bit more, out of curiosity, trying to count them in rough batches and multiply them as they tittered onward. Addition, multiplication, estimation, resulted in a total that must have been between 200 and 300 tweakers methed-out in one long, disorganized horde, tailed by four or five nodding junkies.
The chill in his spine maintained, a chill that rose into his brain and there haunted him, echoing the words of Hitcher John as he drove the old fellow along Old U.S. Route 40, west from Baltimore to Denver. Since dropping John off at the hourly motel on Coalfax, Banjo had not been able to quiet his soul. It was as if that old down and out tramp with his thumb out next to the guardrail in the Patapsco State Forest had been an usher of sorts.
The first thing the man had said to him was, “Thank ye, Grim Knight. One does not expect charity from he who has just ushered off such a wicked soul to Lady Night.”
‘Angels are real and I have something to answer for,’ he had thought with a shiver that would have been concealed by his stoic exterior by most souls, but not Hitcher John, who comforted him as he fumbled with the car door, as if the very idea of the thing bemused him, “I be a true Christian who judges not, Grim Knight.”
Hearing that caused his ears to flush and his eyes to focus, moving him to stay with that name, not giving out even Banjo, the moniker he had gone by for so long. Seeing that the man had an antique, perhaps ancient cedar chest, by his side, and noting the question in his eyes, he relieved the fellow, “Sir, there is room in the rear hatch next to the rucksack.”
Banjo popped the trunk and stood out next to his seat watching the man, who went about his task with gnomish precision in polite fashion, walked around and shook his hand, “Not a seat upon this bier until I have acknowledge the boatman, young and fit like as he seems—yet oh so old in his seared soul, ey? Name be John, Coachman.”
‘Knight, boatman, coachman? I am touched here by beyond, I think.’
They shook hands. Walking around back with his passenger, looking into the hatch, he saw that the man had moved the ruck from over top of Barry’s next to last resting place and put his chest there, a chest that was ancient, with brass fixtures upon dark oiled and varnished cedar. Noting Banjo’s fixture on the chest John said, “Brought that chest from Shetland with wool socks and low hopes, to have even those dashed. It be a more fitted vehicle for the damned than that far wonderful duffle—this world is all made up of wonders, Captain Grim Knight.
They had stood—no, they yet stood together on that darkened road in his mind— “John, you know me, though I don’t know you.”
The man smiled up, a fellow of about medium height, seeming a worn 45 years.
“This dearth we shall attend. In the by times, in these sinister overseen latitudes, I offer humble service as ye navigator.”
The man then tipped his hat, and Banjo noted that the curly, dirty-blond hair was attached to that odd slouch hat and that John was bald beneath.
John took note and smiled, “Blessed be your long locks, Captain,” and they walked to their appointed seats.
Banjo’s chest shivered as he came out of one of the trances that he had been prone to since Denver, just in time to break before the blaring horn of the 18-wheeler indicted him for some kind of drunk, the truck rumbling buy at double the 35 MPH speed limit.
“John, you almost killed me again, old friend,” and Banjo noted that he was talking out loud to himself again.
“But am I, talking to myself?”
The light turned green and he drove to his back lot, a lair safely away from the army of tweakers headed cryptically the other way.
Afraid to speak out loud, he mused, ‘Old Stump, Isrаel, Hitcher John, are you all from the other side calling me away from this Kali Yuga World?’
The car answered with a creak, the creak that had been the rhythm of his life since leaving that damned dark city behind.
Soon parked, the sun shield placed across the windshield, his driver’s seat left up for a quick getaway, he in full recline in the passenger seat, slid all the way back on its track, a shirt hung over both rear windows, it was time for a fast midnight sleep.
Betty would be by in the morning with a meal before it got hot. The neurotic woman was in love with him and wanted him to move in. He could not deal with the insanity of feminine cohabitation as she was gaslit by this lie-beaming world he was trying to wrap his mind around and some how summarize for his horrified soul.
The windows were slightly cracked, the temperature down to a tolerable 81 degrees, plenty of gas in the tank, the oil fresh changed.
Mind strife and fatigue combined to give way to a languid sleep that was inhabited by Hitcher John, making navigational notations along U.S. Route 40, as if he were at sea, consulting with him as to the nature of various places, as if he knew nothing of this monoculture nation.
“Up from good Colonel Dangerfield’s Plantation, afraid fallen afoul of Mrs. Dangerfield for discipline of their little Billy, insisted upon by the Colonel himself and of no harsh type, but consisting of the merest switching. Was in Fredericksburg hunting money, seeking buttons for coat making of the cotton I was growing and paying to have spun, and the Lord Jesus came to me and told me, to give up money hunting and bear my chest west—so I know you Captain for the righteous soul you be.”
He could feel himself smile in his sleep. Then he heard it, the jimmying of his front door and the opening of it to admit a tweaker face, a face as shocked and afraid as Banjo’s was flushed and enraged, “I’m sleeping!” he growled.
The tweaker, perhaps only 18 years old and blond, narrow of face, squeaked, “Sorry,” and ran.
Banjo sat up, checked round for other actors, snarled, pulled the door shut and locked it. He then looked to the rucksack of Old Stump which opened into the dropped backs eat from the hatch behind the drivers side, and slid out that antique camp ax.
The banjo in its case hummed as he jostled it. Despite his adoptive name, he had not been able to bring himself to play the banjo for pleasure or gain. He delivered food instead, a task that rankled him when delivering independence card orders to welfare slugs. Though this unease paled in comparison to the chill he felt hearing the slight, tin-hollow tone made by his neglected namesake in its hard leather case.
‘Am I the traitor? Of is it the instrument that threatens to Judas me?’
The patina upon the old leather saddle scabbard closed with leather loops and cork toggles about the head of that old ax, which he fancied had graced the saddle of Jim Bridger or John Glass 200 years gone, comforted him. But in the gathering light sleep of the car tramp night, only the odd Scottish gait of Hitcher John’s guiding voice made him smile.
“Had a nice schoolhouse on the Rappahannock, a goodly garden too…”
‘What would Sifu Bill say?’ mused he as his later portion of night came down.
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[fiction]   [Banjo: A Timejacker Novel]  [link]
posted: January 19, 2025   reads: 83   © 2024 James LaFond
Alexander The Great
A Dialogue Prequel to The Son of God—Advent
This one is working on The Son of God: Alexander's Expedition by Arrian
Arrian's Alexander's Anabasis has been translated as The Campaigns of Alexander and The Life of Alexander the Great. In my investigation of the most remarkable warlord in human history, i have chosen a mypoic view of the conqueror using the lens of Arrian, who attempted to sort out the many accounts of Alexander's life and offered for the reader to reserve judgment on his work until they had first read his predecessors' works.
I came upon this idea while crippled and needing to spend hours a day doing physical therapy and listening to audio books, the best among them being an expert reading of the 1958 translation by Aubrey de Selincourt. Listening to the life of this conqueror while suffering the fate of many of his veterans, to be left behind due to an inability to "keep up" and thus assigned to garrison duty or discharged with honors, as i was honored by fighting men I had worked with, the ambition to come to a better understanding of Alexander overtook me like a bad idea that would not be denied.
Having read all of the other extant sources twice, Arrian's thrice, and 14 general histories of his life, I have now listened to Arrian's entire account of Alexander's military and civic exploits thrice, and Book one, today, for the 48th time.
The Son of God, I am attempting to complete in 7 parts over the next two years. Book 1, the Advent of Alexander, which describes how a man learned how to conquer a world with a small army over the course of his 21st and 22nd years is key to understanding the next 6 segments of his life.
His younger life and afterlife will be treated in each volume as prologue and epilogue, from different authors of antiquity, while his activity will be viewed as much as possible thru the works of Homer, whose Iliad Alexander employed as his life guide, through Aristotle, who was Alexander's teacher, and thru Xenophon whose own expedition as a captain and then colonel, and the martial reforms he experimented with, formed the basis for Alexander's operational attitude.
Two nights ago Adam and Hans of The Myth of the 20th Century discussed Alexander with this old tramp.
Below is a copy of Adam's email.
Thank you both, and thank you all.

Really enjoyed talking with you, James:
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posted: January 19, 2025   reads: 125   © 2025 James LaFond
Vunak of Antares
A Stardust Fix Novel by Jeth Randolph & James LaFond
Copyright 2025 Randolph & LaFond
A Casting Darts Publishing Original
Written by LaFond & Randolph
Chapters 0-11 of 14 to be published as free open content at Chapters 12-14 to be published on substack behind Jeth Randolph’s paywall.
Digital and print galleys edited, designed, prepared and proofed, by Jeth Randolph, with assistance from Bran M Morn
Cover design by Jeth Randolph with assistance from Bran M Morn
Cover artwork by Sonja Rogatino
The Complete Work to be Published in sample proofs for the portfolio of the Casting Darts Staff, with copies signed and sent to Paul Vunak, the subject of this martial arts adventure, who has, since the 1980s, been a leading innovator in the arts of personal combat, a martial arts guru of genius who has forged on under the pal of controversy.
All Commercial PDF, Print, Audio, Audio-Visual and Stage Rights assigned to Mister Paul Vunak and his assigns, who has not been contacted about this project, but is it’s pirated protagonist, so therefore with apologies. We Sir, have burglarized your character, with the aim being to tender our respects to your contribution to Combat Methodology.
Dust Cover
Renegade martial arts instructor and controversial Jeet Kune Do Guru, Paul Vunak, innovator of the Vu Scale combatives matrix, instructor of the Vunakers, who has challenged the Grays to combat by way of innovating a practical combative approach to resisting their alien abduction, has been invited to instruct at a regional Modern Gladiator Convention in Joliet Illinois. What Paul had, in good faith, accepted as path back into the Jeet Kune Do Concepts brotherhood has turned sour by the first morning hour.
Still fit, still possessed of innovative combat wit, Paul repairs to the men’s room at the local high school to consider life anew in a sink back mirror. There, he comes face to face with his misunderstood and slandered plight, as reflected in the very dust of the inter-galactic light.
Dedicated to the inspirational writing of Kenneth Bulmer, writing as Alan Burt Akers in the 53 Dray Prescott novels between 1973-78. Upon the fictional world of Kregan, in the star system Antares, in the constellation of Scorpio. Bulmer’s excellent mythos is not encroached upon here, and simply stands as an example of the type of “Sword and Planet” adventure which the author’s have chosen to place Paul Vunak, as literal martial arts master to the intergalactic stars.
Inspirational Quotes
“What, are you crazy? You want me to send one of your crazy novels in which the hero usually dies in a terrible way, starring Vunak, to HIM? I don’t need you two fighting on my deck while my daughter makes you lemonade and wonders why Santa Clause and Patrick Swayze’s ghost are knocking over her mother’s flower pots!”
-Erique, holding the author’s backpack, in the middle of a Baltimore City Street, October 30, 2024
“Ah, I see. No one has ever accused Paul of not being able to fight. For my part I was beaten shit out of by Hoch [Hocheim] for five hours as his “stunt man” at a seminar where I had a terrible hangover. He was very respectful of Paul, and said training with him was “interesting.” In that light, I reckon your mate, Electric Dan, who thought this was such a good idea, I nominate that fine fellow for bag man—he does seem to hale from a heavy gravity planet, now doesn’t he?”
-Thursday, November 14, 2024, via a skype call framing the knavest sword and planet novel ever written.
The Entire Story spans a day, a night, and a day.
Part 1
-1. Like Water
Morning: Soul Searching, Vunak is Accosted by an Agent of Cruel Eternity.
-2. Stardust Express
Morning: Vunak is Transported to Planet Antares to Train Gladiators Snatched from Earth’s Violent History.
-3. The Galactic Fix is In
Noon: Vunak is Assigned “The Dirty Dozen You Wish You Had” to Combat the Best Warriors from History.*
-4. Your Captain!
Dusk: Team Vunak Must Chose a Captain by Word… or by the Sword, each Gladiator, other than the Captain, to enter his Lot into Fate’s Blue Cup.
-5. Upon the Scales of Right
Moon: Team Vunak Are Given a Night of Liberty in the Flesh Vaults of Antares. What could possibly go wrong? Yaas, and so it shall. The Red Team, meanwhile are nourished [dossed with galactic roids] and prepped for combat by the gray physicians to the gods of Antares.
Part 2
The malformed, doomed, down trodden, multitude of the damned, enslaved by the Lords of Scorpio, cheer for team Vunak out of the Blue Gate—mostly because they get fed to the venom sloths if they cheer the Royal Team out of the Red Gate.
ALL bouts are to the death.
Lots drawn, and Captain’s lots, are worn as brass neck tags. The Captain’s lot is not placed in the Fate cup.
The lot tags of the slain are thrown to the howling mob.
Survivor’s lots are not returned to the cup, but reserved for thirsty DUSK upon their throats.
The slain have their brains removed to be pureed and sipped from their skulls through straws made of their thighbones by the recumbent Scorpion Lords.
-6. Overture to Scorpio
Noon: Two champions, chosen by lot, are to fight with the Royal Weapons of the Scorpion Lords.
-7. Bloody Antares
Noon: Before the Blood Soaks into the Sacred Sand, each Team Captain leads two of his fellows, chosen by lot, against their foes, armed with their traditional weapons. Once a Captain is slain, a replacement Fate’s Captain is chosen by Lot. A team must have a Captain, as the Lords of Scorpio demand accountability.
-8. Champions of Scorpio
Afternoon: Each team advances one man chosen by lot to fight a Scorpion Knight [a main battle tank with a tail rather than a gun] simultaneously, he who lasts longest gaining for his team… a right honorable salute from their lords and masters.
-9. Naked Fray
Afternoon: After the bodies and weapons have been retrieved, each team advances a man for unarmed combat, chosen by lot.
-10. Knives of Scorpion
Afternoon: Each team advances a knife fighter, chosen by lot.
-11. Swords of Scorpio
Afternoon: Each team advances a select swordsman whose lot has not yet been drawn, or who is the Captain, Blue Gate advancing their man first. His lot is removed to the flames if he is slain. If not, his lot remains in the cup, or upon his neck if he be the Captain.
-12. Fists of Scorpion
Afternoon: Each team advances a boxer, chosen by lot, to fight with the hard leather cestus.
-13. Long Shadowed Sands
Dusk: The remaining members of each team battle to the death. Men whose lots remain in Fate’s cup, using their traditional arms, men who have survived a lot draw affray, wielding a Scorpion sword, as the shadows of the twin suns offsetting the day bring the night. The corner men, all three of them, arm up and participate in this battle.
-14. Redemption by Torchlight
True Night: Before the three moons of Antares streak the sky, the Lords of Scorpio demand a sanguine goodbye.
*The Lords of Scorpio have chosen for their champions, from the best examples of human combat history; chosen first, chosen the best, 9 champions, 1 alternate, a trainer, an assistant, and a lackey. These choices are being made by poling experienced martial artists. Electric Dan, in fact, took James Bowie from the Blue Team and placed him in the Red Team!
However, for the prole mob of Antares who are permitted once a year, as the twin suns set together, to cheer against their alien masters, their trainer, Paul Vunak, has been chosen by the trainer to the Scorpion Lords, hand-picking his own opposing corner. Additionally, Paul has been assigned two complete shitheads to assist him, West Country tradesman Jeth Randolph as assistant and Baltimore ghetto grocer and cult writer, James LaFond as lackey. Having been informed by their Lords and Masters of Scorpio, that they must select team Vunak from history’s rubbish bin [no Spartacus, Leonidas of Musashi for him] these two bearded grunts met by skype and, weirdly, agreed on the very first three picks, without consultation!
Chapter 3 introduces the Red Gate, the most qualified trainer in the universe, and 12 men chosen as combatants or corner men by respected martial artists.
The opponents, out of the Blue Gate, trained by Vunak, now second trainer of Antares and hopeful World Number One, are then introduced before the Lords of Scorpio and the mob whose plight they are meant to embody.
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[fiction]   [Casting Darts Publishing]  [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: January 18, 2025   reads: 145   © 2024 James LaFond
Awakening Leviathan and Swarming to Her Call: Denver, PA, 10/15/24
It finally occurred to me, yesterday, that a new age has dawned; not a new political age, but a new metaphysical age.
First, in case some do not remember what society was once like, let me recall.
In 1977, I was standing before the defensive coach at Trinity Middle School after scrimmage, having asked him how I could deal with the offensive linemen as a defensive end. Rick and I were leaving together. He came and listened alongside me to the sage advice, showing respect.
Likewise, the coach, understanding that Rick’s mother was probably waiting outside the school in an idling car, said just enough to get us thinking about our play reading retardation and promised to address things in detail next practice.
In this day and age, east of the Appalachians, in the Mid-Atlantic, hub of this evil world, this civility, this respect, is absolutely gone. I have paid attention as I came east, and have also looked carefully as I have lived in these parts that were once my home.
Yes, we have seen for a decade now, families at table for dinner ignoring each other, hypnotized by the sacred siren call of their smartphone. I have taken into consideration that this evolving situation began with TV. In my family, I can recall sitting at the kitchen table, discussing with a family member the last words of her sister, when the announcer of the Orioles game on the TV, in the next room, could be heard proclaiming a home run. The woman then got up from the reverent table, walked into the TV room to worship her millionaire avatars, and utterly forgot the subject of our conversation.
Many a time a man in my family did the same, asked me a question he seemed honestly concerned with about work, finance, news, loved ones, crime—then a first down was announced on the TV and the conversation ended, the man no longer able to even recall what we had been speaking of. In the east, with my family and hosts, as they are distracted every few minutes, I have been assigned the task of recalling what we had been discussing, what they had been doing, what they had been saying. For their memories are wiped clean.
People in the west, I know, do not suffer from this affliction.
I do not know why. Perhaps it is simply the people I know in the west. But when I am in Portland at a bar, or at an eatery, or in a house, few people are shirking their fellows and family for the sacred light of their phone: hipsters, Mexicans, tweakers, drunks most of them will set the phone aside for Sunday breakfast. In the east, no one even looks at each other as they stare languidly into the eternity beckoning from the palm of their hand.
I spoke of this to Nero the Pict, as he drove me from Harford County, Maryland to Lancaster Pennsylvania, two days ago, concerning this transformation of humans into autoclones. Nero is one of the few eastern men who, along with The Operator and Big Ron, [1] do not suffer from this autoclone impulse to enter the swirling vortex of distraction on automated command. He has noted in his frequent travels in scores of workplaces as a workspace maintenance man, that the staggering increase in speaker phone use in public has shattered all previous norms of privacy and of courtesy.
I will now recount the most egregious examples of this thing that I once thought was targeted invalidation of me, but now believe is a systemic capture and taking away from me, of friends, associates and family:
Thursday at the Dojo
Saturday at Breakfast
Monday During an Amish Country Drive
Thursday at the Dojo
A man who has waited for me to return to Baltimore for three months, to train him in boxing at his karate school, who is paying me to spar with him, called a halt to our sparring after 40 minutes. He then asked me what he could do to avoid having my slow, ancient ass hit him. I gave him three fights to watch, Haggler Mugabi, Duran Barkley, Haggler Duran, to search on his phone. I thought he was searching these on his phone, for I could not see, and was reeling off the technical lessons to be gleaned from each as he sat beneath me, head looking down into his phone, thumbs working.
Enter The Operator, “What!, Brutha! Mister [instructor’s name redacted] if this wasn’t your house I’d break that phone over your head. You have The Man, that you have hired to teach you how not to get your ass kicked, giving you the keys, and you are making ebay trades on your phone!”
The instructor, who had been sparring with me 20 minutes earlier, admitted, “I’m sorry. It was a lot to digest—I guess I just checked out.”
After my session with The Operator, who also uses a flip phone, he had much to say on this, including, “Mister James, imagine if my Battalion Commander, arranged to have an SAS operator advise me on surviving an enfilade ambush, and I just turn away to check my fantasy football status and even forget the subject. I guarantee you that if he was here now, I would hit him with the exact punch you were coaching him against. Mister James, these people, him, this entire world, they are not human. They are just puppets in a window; they are mere THINGS I use to mark range, keep time, and, if necessary, present with the question that THEY are not capable of answering.”
Saturday at Breakfast
I sat at table with three loved ones. The elder, the matriarch, with tears welling in her eyes, dearly wanted me to outline my winter travel plans, city by city, a verbal map. This takes 2 minutes, as I have done it often for the curious.
30 seconds in the other man’s smart phone rings.
In an age of respect, he would have excused himself and taken this urgent call. In this age of rude, hypnotic negation he answered on speaker phone, talking over me. She, our mother, silenced me, “Shush, don’t talk while he is on the phone!”
I was astonished.
He spoke briefly then signed off. Her inquiry, which was writ with urgency on her face, erased all knowledge of our iced conversation which, forty second earlier, had her near to tears, “What was that? Why did you hang up so soon? Is it an emergency?”
He said, “A telemarketer. They wanted to know if my car needed detailing.”
She never asked me again where I was going, forgot the conversation. Numerous other conversations, between the family were totally iced over facebook video advertisements, Nigerian scam artist calls, ball game scores on the TV in the other room, weather forecasts on the TV in the other room…
What is left of my family is not able to speak with each other due to TV, radio, smartphone activity trumping even our medical and mortuary discussions. Indeed, when my flip phone happens to be out on the table, always on silent, usually so I can check to see if my ride is on the way by text, and it lights up, they are all, always shocked and offended with my rudeness to the flip phone! They cannot fathom me valuing our rare conversation, perhaps the last of our lives an hour before I head out of state, over the probably spam caller on the phone.
“I will check it,” and they fume, almost angry that the conversation they initiated with a heartfelt question, was not being terminated in favor of a battery and a light.
Then, yesterday, being driven through Amish Country, by a man who is troubled by a particular social question as much as he hates high way traffic, and therefore took this scenic way past buggy and farm, he asks me to answer a heartache question for him, which he seems to think I might have the answer to.
I begin to answer, which is going to take some qualifying questions to help him out.
His phone is somehow wired into his car. The car begins to ring! Without asking if I mind, or saying excuse me, he answers the car phone round, knowing from the dash display, that it is a mutual friend who calls daily to chat about current events. Unlike most folks he at least lets our friend know that I am in the sound car.
The call is over in 15 minutes.
We have 15 minutes to home—we have time. I wonder, ‘Were his concerns erased?’
He begins speaking of the stupid, fake, distant, current events. He gets angry at these events. He argues down the anger. He looks around at Amish Country and gets angry at them for some undefined reason. We drive on and I ask, “Brother, is there anything you wanted to talk about, anything on your mind, anything I could help with?”
“Ah, uh, I don’t know. I’ve been forgetting stuff lately—it’s weird, one reason why I look forward to our time together. You don’t forget. You’re therapeutic.”
I let his concerns die in my mind.
I have decided that I will no longer bother recalling the concern of someone who is taken over mid conversation by Leviathan. Autoclones might be people we love. But, they are only people until the TV, the radio, the phone, the watch, the talking automobile! summons them to the Conclave of All Forget.
I hope now, to die in the west, rather than here in the evil east, where nearly all of us are alien and alone by phone.
-1. Interestingly, my webmaster, a real tech head, does not suffer from this and stands outside of the pervasive rudeness, auto invalidation, and autoclone alienation of this beastly east.
01.21.25   Barry Bliss — Well written and important. Would like to see this one published in major newspapers as an editorial.
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[histories]   [History of the Future]  [link]
posted: January 17, 2025   reads: 188   © 2024 Barry Bliss
Most Dangerous Years in Baltimore?
Charles Wants to Know When Has it Been Worse to Be on Foot in Harm City?: 9/20/24
Charles was driving me across town, because he didn’t want me on the bus. He did ask me if it was getting better or worse in Baltimore.
By Baltimore, we mean the state-created urban blight population replacement zone where unwanted working class murkans have been hunted since 1965 by gawdly folks of a lustrous hue, in a bid to clear out the saltines to make way for the Ritz. The government does not want their cities to remain violent hunt zones, but want the hunters to drive the enemy of the State, the terrible saltine, far away into the suburbs, then to be driven further into the hills, his victorious hunters occupying the suburbs as Ritz kind are placed in the inner city. What we and our ancestors have lived is not results, but process.
On paper the only law enforcement records that can be trusted is the homicide rate. The cops, the creep state and the crooks, only seem to be able to disappear about 5% to 10% of us who they kill.
The pile of bodies are lied about: who, what, why and when. But they remain. Murder rates do go up and down as a visible symptom of the main threads of aggression, the bankings, muggings, pack attacks, rapes, robberies, assaults, beat downs and home invasions. Rapes, robberies and home invasions are often, usually and always reclassified as assaults, thefts and destruction of property or burglary, respectively. The government always lies to us about the activities of its client mob imported to attack us. That human stain that we Baltimoreans refer to as Baltimore, encompasses the entire City, about 12 by 12 miles and square on two sides and half of the east side.
In addition are a wagon wheel spoke of Xvasion routs, from west to east: Frederick Road, Edmonson Avenue, US Route 40, Liberty Heights, Riesterstown Road, York Road, Loch Raven Boulevard, Harford Road, Belair Road [US 1], Philadelphia Road [US 7], Pulaski Highway [US 40 on the east side], Eastern Avenue, and out the ass east end of town, Hanover Street and Washington Boulevard. These crime fingers extrude as blight spears into suburbia, some even in to the rural highlands, where the invasion halts or stops for lack of affordably constructed mass transit.
When I lived in Baltimore, rather than visiting, my writing was dominated by ongoing research. I no longer do that and simply lead a personal life while visiting Baltimore, writing little more about it than to cite activities in my writing journal. So, the only metric I have is me. Unfortunately, I have changed a lot, ranging 44 years of residency and 100 pounds of weight. What has not changed is that I travel mostly by bus and foot. I will note to what extent the danger of a given year to me had to do with appearance or condition.
The Top 7 Shit Years of One Crumbled Cracker’s Life
The titles reflect articles or books or quotes from the same.
As I count the years in proofing this on 1/10/25, i come to the conclusion, that this half-baked potato negro cannot count.
#1 Thru 5
The Violence Project
Using a gun against 5 home invaders, running from the pigs after using a knife on two glorious kangs, this was life as a long haired, spry white trash grunt during the peake of the Drug War. Dealing with coked up joy stomping rednecks in pickups, predatory cops, sets of professional thugs, packs of teenage man-hunters, inspired the genre known as Harm City. That term derived from a Khaos Krew tag on the back of the wheel well seat of the #15 bus at Overlea station in 1999.
This is the world that was depicted in HBO’s The Wire. This life I hated gave rise to The Violence Project conducted from 1996 thru 2000. The events rise in my mind episodically now and are arranged chronologically as a violence memoir in the book 40,000 Years From Home. I was collateral damage in the War on Drugs, a pale pedestrian hated by dollar-chasing blacks and pension-chasing blues for my very existence outside the norm, as I simply tried to get back and fourth to low paying night stocking jobs at grocery stores.
‘Psycho Santa Clause’
Attacked 20 times in one year, twice by pit bulls, partially because Baltimore had been hunted clear of pedestrians, and the final pedestrian was me, an old, fat gimp with a cane. Autumn in a Dying City [once banned by Amazon], Winter in a Dying City, White in the Savage Night, Harm City 2 Chicongo are books from that year, I think.
When You’re Food
Stalked and harassed by cops, a pair of red necks threatening me at night, and hood rats hunting me in my neighborhood, compelled me to finally finish writing When You’re Food, which had been discarded in 2001.
#8 & 9
‘Missah Jimmy’
2009 thru 2010
Being a grocery store manager saw me threatened and struck by employees, shop lifters and threatened with death and incarceration by police officers for not letting them come into the store after ours and loot. The occupational hazard of foiling mobs of flash looters and crackhead panhandlers on the parking lot came with a lot of occupational danger.
‘Can You Dance for Me Brutha!’
As an agonized cripple, a skinny old man hanging between two crutches, 6 young black men and one old negro tried to beat or mug me. But one, seeing me admiring the eye level breasts of his towering lady in a dollar tree in Pittsburgh, danced with me in the pork rind section. My redemption came when I chased a buck gro up the alley behind the Brickmouse House on crutches! Next to facing down Pave Man Jones and Company this is my proudest moment.
Pave Man Jones vs Cave Man Bones
My fitness and arrogance had me actually looking for trouble on a few occasions, to include my rain check duel with Pave Man Jones at 54th and Eastern, on August 4th, I think, in the wake of a tornado that gave the badge groes something to do other than prevent or punish me for the crime of saltine defense against sacred chocolate offense.
‘What Up Wit Da Hat?!’
As the myth that crackers breathed death made 2020 an easy time on the street for me with my traditional foes, cops began threatening me, a cracker crackhead hunted me in an alley by night, and the emptying of prisons had me dealing with prison thugs put on the street to drive me off of it. This was a very anxious year, with having to arm up for thugs at the same time that the cops were directed away from them and at us.
Since that time, I have felt more at ease as I walk armed between those who have been sent to drive me to extinction and those on station to punish any successful defense in the name of their great and evil god: USG.
The other 32 years had all of them threatening lows and highs, but do not stand out in my mind as any more miserable a pointless gutters of existence as the next year.
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[harm city]   [Harm City to Chicongo]  [link]
posted: January 15, 2025   reads: 195   © 2024 James LaFond
America Dog In Print
LaFond's Only Chance at an Animated Children's Classic...
My niece has published another one of her tramp uncle's books.
Please, help the girl out with her college tuition.
I really like the Toby's look on the cover.

Over four winters, the author, a stray human, has wintered under the watchful eye of Toby, the youngest of three dogs residing with their two houses full of humans at the foot of Cedar Mountain. The remarkable antics of Toby, which include his ability to open doors, have inspired his casting in the horror novel Uprising. Over this past winter, the author noted that Toby is remarkable, not just in his ability to understand human conversation and operate some human devices, but in his deep fears as well. Something lurks upon or under Cedar Mountain which terrifies Toby. The author here takes it upon himself to try and plumb the nature of this deep fear in a horror novel, written from a dog’s perspective.
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[fiction]   [The Author in Print]  [Uprising]  [American Dog]  [link]
posted: January 14, 2025   reads: 190   © 2025 James LaFond
‘A Good Man’
Personal Recollections of Some Baltimore Characters: 10/20/24
Below are recent recollections of people close to my writing heart. We are getting old and at times forget. Often a friend of mine will be cued by conversation to tell me a tale, pause, and say, “Please, if I told you this before, tell me to stop.” I never do so. For the retelling helps me remember things I have not yet forgotten through writing and also helps me develop character cadence, tone and diction for novels. I want to hear the story again. The first of these below was told to me only once, the rest repeated to me recently, on its tail. Two of the stories were related by myself to two of these folks in response.
Jimmy Frederick
“It’s amazing that you coached at this school [we were driving past] for a decade and we never met until after you went on the road. Jimmy Frederick had a presence in this neighborhood. Once I saw him in his karate uniform, in his bare feet, holding up traffic with one hand and walking an old lady across the street [Loch Raven Boulevard] with the other hand. That is not the kind of thing you forget.”
-Jason, driving by midnight from the Esoteric Cafe
“I have enough on my plate. I sparred with Vince [1980s WBA Welterweight Titlist] down at Mister Max’s Gym. What do you think I used to drop those two jerks at the [Towson] Diner—left hook, to an overhand right. But I’m not a boxing coach. I teach Kenpo. People who want boxing, you coach and I take the fees. Your people train for free in the back. You teach weapons and help with kickboxing for my black belts. Any knuckleheads or idiots come in with that old karate challenge, that’s you and yours, got it. I’ll make sure you earn your keep.”
-James, recalling directions from Jimmy Frederick, as he stood behind his desk in his black gi
Mister Dee
[In a Northeast Baltimore grocery store.]
“James, you’re wearing a tie?”
[Yes sir, I’m managing this place]
“You’re fat!”
[Well, ah…]
“I saw you fight at Grosscup’s [tournament]. You looked great, welterweight! Now you’re fat!”
[Well, ah…]
“I want you to come train at the school. We need knife up there.”
[I work 7 days, evenings.]
“I have the keys. What time do you get off.”
[Ten, sir.]
“I’ll be here at 9:50. Be ready.”
-James, recalls as the ghetto grocer
“You were in the back, sparring with some giant guy and Mister Dee said to me, “Blake, you need to train knife with that man. He’s a professional.”
No offense, but you were kind of chunky at the time, should I say stout, and I said to myself, because I wouldn’t disrespect Mister Dee, ‘I will stab the shit out of that fat fuck!’ And here I am, still trying to stab you, even while you’re limping around on a bum leg. Mister Lee was—is, I hope to God still among us—a good man. I miss him so much. Him and Jimmy were such good men. In a way, I still come here to keep company with their ghosts.”
-Mister Blake
Mark [Duz, from the Harm City books]
“Mark was such a good man, cool as could be. I had a rough life at the time with a teenage girl to raise on my own. Of course, I’d close one night then drink too much to get to sleep because I opened the next day and that didn’t always workout. Mark, was always there seven minutes early, like a machine. I’d call and say, ‘Mark, I overslept…’ and he’d cut me off and say, ‘As long as you get in here, we are good. I need you. As long as you stay over to make up the work and I don’t have to, we’re good.’
“Nothing upset that man. Even when the two nigs in the Buick ran him over on the lot to get the Tuesday bank pickup, he just got up, brushed his pants off, and looked at them while they ran off like idiots.
“He would never speak to a female employee alone. No one ever had to worry about Mark putting his hands on you. He was a gentleman. Once, he calls me in the office because Takiesha brought up her till [1] before her shift was over. This was right after she came back in the building after her lunch break. She tells Mark, ‘I have to go. I can’t stay here.’
“Mark looks at her and says, ‘Whatever you need, Takiesha. May I ask why?’
‘I just shot my husband. I don’t want to get arrested on the job—juz be too embarrassin’
“He was unflappable, ‘In that case, thank you for not just walking away from your till, and good luck to you. We’ll count you out. You probably have things to do.’
“They shake hands, and the crazy bitch is out the door never to be seen again. Anybody else having a crazy bitch telling him she had just shot somebody, looking at him over a pile of money, might have blinked. Not Mark. The sisters loved him.”
-1. A till is the money counting tray in the drawer underneath the cash register that the cashier uses to take payments and make change. The term till, an agricultural word for plowing up soil for planting, makes one wonder.
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[harm city]   [The Man Cave]  [link]
posted: January 13, 2025   reads: 202   © 2024 James LaFond
Banjo: Timejack #5.C
2024 Baltimore County, Monday, September 23, 12:20 PM
What a lunch break. He had been hitting this bitch for near an hour now. Barry wiped it off on her pink heart bathrobe and pulled up his pants.
“Barry, do you think Tabar will do okay at his parole hearing? You know its coming up… you still puttin’ in the good word for him?”
He thought, ‘Fuck Tabar, let him rot.’
He said, “A hundred percent Baby, absolutely. I’m tight with the parole board. You know, a homicide detective has swag with them bench riders.”
She kissed him. It was the last Monday of the month and he was Johnny on the Spot with the cash. Well, it hadn’t been his cash until yesterday when he and his squad grabbed that praying nigga and emptied out his collection safe at the Christ Anthem Church.
He checked his phone, which had been ringing while she was bent over singing, and heard a message from some felon holed up in that county motel where those soft crooks were kept on ice awaiting trial. He would not bother checking this out, except the message gave him a chill, a chill that informed him that this nigga in room 31 out at the Welcome Inn was already dead. No way was he investigating bitch disappearances or their dumb daddy’s death, not when that trail he well knew led to the Mayor’s Office, The State House, the U.S. House and for all he knew The White House.
What ever her name was, she was hugging him and asking him not to go, had become a nag like this back in 22 when he first framed up her Baby Daddy, for accessory after the fact just so he could keep a line on this fine bitch. Talking to this stupid bitch was downright painful.
“Yeah, Baby, got ago. Don’t fuck no other niggas and the money will keep comin’—you know I’m a man that knows; later.”
The Sig 9 road well under the jacket as he pulled it on, it always being a policy of his to fuck side bitches with his shoulder holster on.
‘Only the wife gets it without the strap,’ was a rule he lived by.
Out the door, down the stars into the murky early afternoon, and up the sidewalk to his cruiser he went.
‘I miss the Crown Vic. This SUV stuff is bullshit. How can a man look serious in something designed for bitches to haul kids in?’
No threats were close.
He checked his rig and suit jacket, the blue silk tie to match, in the driver’s side mirror. He could still see her lip prints on the bottom of the tie, “Savage bitch, just bite your lip next time!”
Opening the door he looked around, slid in, checked the mirrors, checked the back seat, then reached under the seat carriage and drew his snuff gun, a piece of shit, .25 auto with a silencer, something you needed to press up against the suspect and empty. That went in for a cross draw, admiring his own fitness and youthful vigor on a 45 year old frame. His bald head shone with the coconut oil he used to stretch Baby out, here, at house of ho, 3815, Glen Ridge Road, less than a mile from the that dumb snitch. Barry never, ever fucked around in his jurisdiction. You just could not rust Baltimore City Cops—it was a shame, really.
He rolled west, then turned right and headed north.
“Daryl, piece-of-shit whoever you are, E-rase. Soon as I get your trifling ass to Central Booking you gonna make some friends that will silence you better than Snuff The Tragic Dragon, here.”
So saying he patted his suppressed murder gun, deleted the message and drove, ready to sort shit out, still not certain which way the thing would go down.
Seven Minutes Later
Two shit heads were hanging out on the covered walk to the second floor, where his snitch was, leaning on the railing, looking hard his way and spitting.
‘Shit, cant kill the snitch now. Looks like I’m gonna owe the BGF [1] another favor. Fucking witnesses. More people ought to be at work so that less eyes are on my side hustles. This country is going to hell.’
Barry walked up the stairs and sauntered towards the pair who turned and looked at him, a buff one and a thick one.
“Fuck off!” he pointed towards the foyer door.
They scowled and then slouched through the half open glass door, one of them mumbling, “Fuckin’ City Pig.”
Barry arrogantly strode by and retorted, “I will get your case number and fuck your mother.”
“Fuck you,” sounded the voices further inside.
Barry turned right to open the door to the next foyer and some skinny little bastard was coming out. The twit looked down and away, making Barry suspicious, so he shoulder butted him into the wall and drew Snuff the Tragic Dragon, pressing the flash suppressor to that shaking head.
“What the fuck, yo!” mumbled the surly bone rack.
Barry kicked his ankle with the hard edge of his dress shoes and slid Snuff back behind the belt on his left side, “Get gone, Slick! Go!”
“Goin’ goin’!” chattered the shit head, and he ran out the door.
Barry knocked on the door to Room 31.
A soft fresh, young felon, light of skin and big-eyed with fear, opened the door, met the narrow crease of impatience in Barry’s face, stepped back, starting to mumble. Barry flashed his shield in his left hand as he drew Snuff and walked in behind the small barrel almost dwarfed by the shit suppressor that jerk-off Jamaican had fitted for him. The snitch wilted; cringing, backing up, muttering “Please, officer, I’m trying to do the right thing.”
Barry was not too sympathetic as he stepped in next to the mostly open door and noticed that it had never opened entirely, and that there was someone behind it, “Motherfucker!” Barry, snarled, bending his wrist to point his gun around the door as he reached for the handle with his left hand to pull it open.
The door smashed him in the face and something smacked his wrist.
“Youuu done fucked up!” Snarled Barry as he was knocked back on the bed reaching for his Sig off his right hip.
The clatter of Snuff the Tragic Dragon hitting the floor seemed to slow down Time itself as his elbow hit the bed so he could draw his Sig—except the hand was floppy, numb.
All of his inner narrative, that long and lively criminal conversation he had been having since he graduated from the Academy and started working with the FBI and the BGF, was now being uttered out loud, “My fucking wrist is snapped!”
“I’m blurting like a bitch?”
A man of some six feet and 170 pounds, a white man in black sweats, boots—bad fashion choice there slick—hoody, gloves and sunglasses, a long-haired hippy with beard, stepped from behind the now closed door. In his left hand was a ball peen hammer.
“My fuckin’ wrist you nut job piece-of-sh—”
“Awee!” Some bitch screamed while his knee was being shattered with that hammer.
“Damn that—mmmmm!”
Now the bitch was just muffle cussing with a pair of dirty socks stuffed in his mouth while a knee slammed into his balls.
Barry woke to realize, through throbs of pain, that both of his wrists were broke and cuffed together, that both of his knees had been shattered, with stains on his pinstripe blue pants legs. Paracord was being wound around his face to keep the rancid socks in his mouth.
His eyes bugged out at the man doing this, who took note and said in a soft, easy, even reassuring voice, “Sorry, Barry, I don’t travel with duct tape.”
The bitch screamed like a cotton ball, “Why? Where? What? When? Who the fuck are you?”
The sound of the screaming bitch confounded the man who had commanded so many with his great voice. It sounded, it sounded like—and he was robed of even that observation as the snitch, who was a mere bystander, noted, “He sounds like Charlie Brown’s mother at double speed.”
He was rolled over, his broken wrists tied with the terrible green cord to his ankles. He turned his face to the side. Then a knee came to his back, the piece-of-shit Jamaican silencer pressed to the back of his head. Now the bitch screamed like canned whip cream.
The man said, “No, Barry. Blood leaves a trail, and I only have two sheets and blanket.”
The gun was jammed into his belt.
The knee in his back pressed and something popped, loud.
He could not feel his legs.
The knee came to his neck, a gloved hand to his forehead.
A loud pop sounded and he could no longer feel his arms.
Barry spun in a cocoon of clean gotten and dirty wool, the world no longer such a terrible concern.
-1. Black Guerrilla Family, the largest and most powerful criminal organization in Maryland Prisons.
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[fiction]   [Whack the Blue]  [Banjo: A Timejacker Novel]  [link]
posted: January 12, 2025   reads: 142   © 2024 James LaFond
On Composing the Timejacker Novels: Harford County, MD, 9/23/24
Nightmares, and strange dreams, even writemares, in which I am writing in the dream space and being tricked, foiled, teased, released from weird captivity, and even interviewed by weeds in suits due to my crime of meditating while weeding my host’s yards, have continued to draw me awake this past year. Timejacker began as a novel born in a dream, after having been framed by a phone conversation with Mister Gray, a man with whom I authored the novel Hemavore. He is also the man that suggested Reverent Chandler and the trilogy Night Song of the Nords.
That man has a strong hold on my creative consciousness. Let’s not call it creative, but weirdly mogrific. As a writer trapped in dream I most recently had a knife fight with a bald man in dressed for a day in the Bahamas in a small Pennsylvania river town. His minions numbered a dozen or so blond teenage thugs. I was riding as a passenger in a gigantic truck driven by Mister Gray. The scenes are vivid in the mind when I wake. Then, returning to sleep, it continues. I used to, after finishing a book, get drunk to wipe my memory of some narratives. These do not help history writing or the type of commentary that I actually make a living on. But, I can no longer safely get that drunk. I have been blacking out, not recalling how I got to the couch or bed where I woke. Hence, numerous story lines battle in the brain. I have great difficulty forgetting historical material I have worked on. It tends to get stuck in there until it is extruded by more historical material. But a novel, I can usually clear it from my mind, minus a few scenes, by the expedient of completing writing it. This is one reason why I do not wish to spend time editing and publishing a novel I have written. I’m glad to be rid of it.
The dreams themselves have a single protagonist, myself, usually with no co protagonist, the space occupied mostly by foes and a few bystanders or wayfarers. I refuse to write novels, to execute these story lines from my perspective. It is too much of the same drear perspective, like writing all of the novels set in one city. So, I have taken, particularly with Timejacker and its sequels, to using people I know as the protagonists, and also as supporting characters.
These decisions are based on those people appearing in the dreams as advisors, companions and sometimes objects of a coming journey or recent stay. Authenticity of story is another reason for this. In making a character, one is tempted to craft a character to fit a yarn, or the yarn to fit the character. This is in fact standard practice by accepted novelists. But I am trying to arrive at the most realistic behavior, especially within a story line, that is on the face, crazy, such as time travel. In this way I am liberated by the friends I have cast as characters by such expedients as, ‘What would Banjo do? This is superior to, ‘What should Banjo do?’ or, ‘What should Banjo not do, so I can use that imposed incongruity to generate more peril or a trick ending?’
That last is the standard for writing horror, especially for a screenplay.
As Scott would say, “Fuck that!”
Sergeant Crook and Major Pitt are men who have appeared as judges, gurus, bosses and even hecklers in various of my dreams. So, they were obvious choices for Timejacking agents. Employing [I didn’t want to say “using” my friends, so used the French term for using—you see this here is not her material] a known person, whose reactions and mode of speech are known to me over years, also conserves creative energy for the creation and adaptation of antagonistic characters, future settings and societies, and for the crafting of first person perspectives among the inhabitants of these futures.
Scott Grumman is a man who sees the world more like I do than any other person I know. I likewise wrote a memoir of his youth in a book titled My Younger Self. This helps me do him as a teen age character. This also jives with my dream sense, as I still see the world largely from rebelliously unassimilated eyes.
Banjo is a man who appears in my dreams walking away, or clattering up a rock slide off screen in scenes where my mind is stuck on the far side of the dream, as if peeking into a TV screen. He has been homeless after being driven out of an American city by on duty cops working as enforcers for a wealthy man. Banjo is a far better man than I am. At his age I was afraid of being homeless, and he embraces it on principle.
Banjo once asked me to investigate a woman’s vanishing in Portland, a girl he knew. I could not bring myself to do it. I knew one man, so I asked him if he knew her—end of investigation. I have never asked questions of strangers without great trepidation. I never reach out, not even to help fallen people, stranded women, lost children or injured elderly. I turn away from strangers, and only help my own.
Banjo is the kind of man that does. So I cast him as a worthy protagonist in my terrible dream. A woman on a plane from Utah, whose son had been murdered during the Baltimore Riots in 2015, whose husband had died of cancer and whose daughter was murdered by the BALTIMORE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT for insisting they investigate her brother’s death, asked me to investigate the extermination of her blood line, of her children. I wrote a single article and buried that heroic notion. When Banjo was in a similar situation, he went against the legal system. He has also advocated for people in other places. When a gang of criminal police began hunting him, and seeking him by no legal name, but by his nickname, I suggested he leave town, and he did.
Therefore, I make my appearance in Banjo Timejack, as Old Stump. That character is a composite of myself and of Stump, my stepfather, who was a reprehensible shithead, but a better boxer than I.
I am haunted by the reoccurring weed dream, and am resisting framing it as its own novel. That friction may hurt other works. I will not place it in Timejacker, as it does not belong craft wise, being off topic, the topic being Chronological Race War. This might be my own sub-genre here, one I am sure other writers will leave alone.
The mechanics of time travel as presented in Timejacker come from a podcast by Andrew Edwards, a man who I have met, trained with and recorded with, who pointed out that our dreams are not ours, that we are not The Dreamer. This suggested, as a time travel device, dream itself, in the form of a harnessed dreamer, one who is separate from the hero, who is something of a writer, a vehicle, a weird weaver taking a turn upon the Loom of Time for a single shift. These persons must be creative, not repetitive, personalities. Ideally, these dreamers would be writers: Hunter S. Thompson, Jack London, Robert E. Howard, who died in their prime or by their own hand or both, souls that might serve as a navigator for a time vehicle, lesser souls, perhaps only as a pilot to get the crew out of a harbor or off a lee shore.
This is the means by which suggestions by fellow writers are written through the good characters of my fellow fighters. Timejacker is an attempt to re-frame the dreams that have drawn in what remains of a boy who a half century ago did little other than dream in hopes that the Great Weaver’s loom might not leave him purposeless in Her yarn bin.
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[fiction]   [Author's Notebook]  [Timejacker]  [Banjo: A Timejacker Novel]  [Nat Star—Timejacker!]  [link]
posted: January 11, 2025   reads: 144   © 2024 James LaFond
Best Selling E-Books?
An Outline of Reader Preferences

I have had some inquires as to the most liked titles and categories available here at the end of the internet.

We have yet to see a 100 sales on one title, but are hopeful.

At the bottom find a a list of article reads and comments by category, which might make the sales list make more or less sense.

Thank you for this very helpful support over these past 14 years.

price sold title category for sale
7 97 Taboo You  Harm City 
5 97 When You're Food  Harm City 
5 79 Your Trojan Whorse  Harm City 
3 48 Predation  Harm City 
25 43 Logic of Steel  Modern Combat 
6 41 Logic of Force  Modern Combat 
12 38 The Fighting Edge  Modern Combat 
3 36 The Lesser Angels Of Our Nature  Harm City 
6 34 Honor Among Men  Blog 
15 31 Cracker-Boy  Histories 
7 26 Triumph  Gaming 
10 26 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold  Histories 
10 26 The Combat Space  Modern Combat 
5 24 Winter of a Fighting Life  Modern Combat 
20 24 Broken Dance  Histories 
7 22 Masculine Axis  Blog 
3 19 The Greatest Boxer  Modern Combat 
3 18 Menthol Rampage  Harm City 
3 15 Blue Eyed Daughter of Zeus  Histories 
10 15 On Combat  Modern Combat 
5 14 Barbarism versus Civilization  Blog 
5 12 Solo Boxing  Modern Combat 
3 11 Book of Nightmares  Fiction 
8 10 All-Power-Fighting  Histories 
7 10 By the Wine Dark Sea  Gaming 
10 10 Let the World Fend for Itself  Harm City 
10 10 Sons of Arуas  Histories 
5 9 Son of a Lesser God  Blog 
8 8 The First Boxers  Histories 
8 7 The Gods of Boxing  Histories 
7 7 Under the God of Things  Blog 
5 7 Thriving In Bad Places  Harm City 
10 6 Advent America  Histories 
5 6 Orphan Nation  Histories 
6 6 Songs of Arуas  Histories 
10 6 Beasts of Arуas  Histories 
12 5 Fiction Anthology One  Fiction 
15 5 Fanatic  Fiction 
10 5 Uncle Satan  Blog 
3 5 Crag Mouth  Gaming 
5 4 Ranger?  Fiction 
5 4 Wife—  Fiction 
10 4 Shrouds of Arуas  Histories 
10 4 Plantation America  Histories 
7 4 Battle  Gaming 
10 3 The Year the World Took the Z-Pill  Blog 
15 3 On the Overton Railroad  Blog 
10 3 Song of the Secret Gardener  Fiction 
5 3 Sorcerer!  Fiction 
10 3 Dark, Distant Futures  Fiction 
10 3 America the Brutal  Fiction 
15 3 The Sunset Saga Complete  Fiction 
15 3 Fate  Fiction 
15 3 Hate  Fiction 
15 3 Time & Cosmos  Fiction 
7 3 Night City  Fiction 
30 3 Z-pill Forever  Blog 
10 3 Search for an American Spartacus  Histories 
10 3 ‘In These Goings Down’  Histories 
12 2 Into Leviathan’s Maw  Blog 
5 2 Ball of Fortune  Histories 
12 1 Within Leviathan’s Craw  Blog 
15 0 Graphomaniac Archive #1  Fiction 
3 10 Organa  Fiction  no
5 10 Den of the Ender  Fiction  no
3 10 Buzz Bunny  Fiction  no
3 9 By This Axe!  Fiction  no
3 9 Riding The Nightmare  Fiction  no
5 7 Of The Sunset World 1  Fiction  no
10 7 Of The Sunset World  Fiction  no
5 7 The World Is Our Widow  Fiction  no
5 7 Apocalisp  Harm City  no
3 6 Soter's Way  Fiction  no
5 6 Behind the Sunset Veil  Fiction  no
3 6 God of War  Fiction  no
7 5 Black & Pale  Fiction  no
5 4 Of The Sunset World 2  Fiction  no
5 4 Of The Sunset World 3  Fiction  no
5 4 Pillagers Of Time 1  Fiction  no
5 4 Pillagers Of Time 2  Fiction  no
10 4 Pillagers Of Time  Fiction  no
5 4 Yusef of the Dusk  Fiction  no
5 3 Thunderbird  Fiction  no
5 3 Supplicant Song  Fiction  no
5 3 SPQR  Fiction  no
5 1 Pillagers Of Time 3  Fiction  no

Blog 4,994 3,833 25.6%
Harm City 3,844 3,479 23.2%
Fiction 1,648 270 5.7%
Modern Combat 1,737 1,688 17.2%
Histories 1,868 960 15.8%
Gaming 130 160 12.2%
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posted: January 10, 2025   reads: 200   © 2025 James LaFond
Chariots Ov Da Gawdz
The Next Evolution of The Murkhan Leisure Class: 10/29/24
The Northern Hemisphere of this now decadent planet of the apes, is in the first stages of a climate cycle of the likes that crashed previous empires. The Bronze Age Collapse in 1151B.C., the coming of the Cimmerians and Scythians in 750 B.C., the Plague of Justinian in A.D. 524, the Little Ice Age from 1315 thru 1816 that saw the political world reshaped and the rise of an empire upon which the sun never set, were all periods in which a slight global cooling was attended by unusually high levels of volcanism, hurricane, flood, drought, blizzard and dearth.
Currently, as I write, I wonder if my friends in Tennessee are alright. The Creep State has prevented private aid from out of state, has sent the national guard overseas, and is killing as many indigenous Americans through hurricane exploitation as possible, even as millions of Machete Americans are being flown and bussed in to replace legacy Americans.
This may all be forgotten by the time this article posts. I do not have the courage to post these comments in a timely fashion. I would like to make two observations concerning the history of the future.
The thugs who used to be called Basketball Americans based on their adoption of an indoor university sport friendly to paved urban areas, are rapidly evolving into effeminate twerps, creatures of leisure and sloth. Less rude, less violent, less masculine, less athletic, even physically smaller, the 16 to 20 year old gro of today, is a mere shadow of his opaque forefather who was captured and robbed of his vital seed by the Mudshark that spawned him. He is atomized, less likely to pack up with other hyenadon manhunters, and is only recognizable as a legacy conqueror, the scion of the savage hordes that drove fifty million victors of WWII into suburbia, by his lack of trust.
As autumn dawns in Baltimore, I have noted this to two of my sparring partners who live here year round. As motorists, they had not taken note. Finally, today, after beating me with a stick for 40 minutes, Vaxx Zombie drove me from the Brickmouse House to Georgia’s place. I now sit upon her porch, smiling at something my driver said, “You’re right—you never saw that before!”
He nodded to a young man of gawdly hue, a slight fellow of 18 years, walking along carrying a skateboard, alone. As late as 2019, the only time one ever saw a buck of heavenly ebony carrying a skateboard, he was a 300 pound bull of surly demeanor, accompanied by two lesser lights, who had recently knocked some sissy cracker off his skateboard and bore this trophy as a makeshift war club, window breaker and door ram. These brutes never were seen riding a skateboard. Now, I routinely see young, willowy fellows of high yellow, off loading from buses and doing curb tricks, also skating away from larger exemplars of kingly Murkhan virtue. I have seen such Tony Hawk aspirants zoom away from groups of low browed indignitaries and otherwise locomote as the gods of old surely did upon their heavenly chariots. This is huge. The general herd of gawdly thugdom do not even run down prey but call it to them like rednecks luring in ducks with a carved whistle.
Three hundred years ago the Sons of Yakub were brought to these shores to replace us, as we had been to replace others, for population replacement is the best way for the Third Party to make money at the expense of the First Party, at the hands of the Second Party, who will be cycled out in his turn. Yes, more hordes are being brought to replace the 50 million who will die from the vaxx by 2040, to extinguish the most hated genetic line. But, most of us will be left behind as the conquered. For my entire life there has been no greater symbol of the submissive host race than the ghostly skateboarder, scooting along in imitation of his suburban bound daddy, who soon lost mommy’s approval in the wake of his urban removal. Now, as the dark steam has been spent from the raging urban hate vent and the sons of the warriors have been crossbred with the rabbit race, watered down to a sissy trace, machete kind have been called to these shores to cleans we the filth from mammy Murkha’s clogged pores.
For five years, many a prepper fellow has been telling me to hideout in East Tennessee or West North Carolina, the promised land. This was once the bulk of the State of Franklin, an all Appalachian runaway zone that wished to be recognized by Murkha as a sate to the extent that they adopted for its name that of the key signer of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin, who hated their “runagate” kind with a passion. The United States would not tolerate an upstream, head-water state, that could not be invaded by sea, which controlled the headwaters of eastward and westward flowing rivers. These people would be chased down the Cumberland, Ohio and Mississippi to Arkansas, Northern California and Summit County Utah, where they are being rubbed out to this day, displaced by Mexican drug cartels, billionaire coastal Americans and the great leviathan, USG. The value of mountain springs, the hard rock and precious metal and rare earth to be found in mountains, along with the difficulty of rooting out hated hillbilly kind, once moved the English to persecute the Cornish, Welsh and Scottish for 500 years to get the ore and coal to be found there and then export the combative sons of the highlanders to fight overseas wars. Those sons are being exported again as their parents are rubbed out, just like the Nez Perce and Apache of the high deserts who were sent to moist lowlands to die of disease.
The Common Enemy of All Mankind knows what it is, even as we deny it exists. We are its crooked moral timber, its tasty melting pot of misery—we are HER food.
Tiamat is back, dressed appropriately, in black.
01.10.25   David Lodd — "The thugs who used to be called Basketball Americans based on their adoption of an indoor university sport friendly to paved urban areas, are rapidly evolving into effeminate twerps, creatures of leisure and sloth. Less rude, less violent, less masculine, less athletic, even physically smaller, the 16 to 20 year old gro of today, is a mere shadow of his opaque forefather who was captured and robbed of his vital seed by the Mudshark that spawned him. He is atomized, less likely to pack up with other hyenadon manhunters, and is only recognizable as a legacy conqueror, the scion of the savage hordes that drove fifty million victors of WWII into suburbia, by his lack of trust."

Was just talking about this with a hood girl, a couple days ago, she said it herself - all the little "gangsters" out today are nothing, just play. Where whites were in the 90s - still plenty of older tough guys, but the new crop aren't really cut from the same cloth - the black community is today. It's insane to watch the cycle repeat itself in real time.
01.11.25   Todd Ianuzzi — Good news as usual James lol
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posted: January 10, 2025   reads: 260   © 2024 Todd Ianuzzi
Graphomaniac Archive #1
4 Novels and 2 Journals from 2024
I love the thumbnail of the crumbled-down one-eyed cracker writing!
For the readers. As much as possible my travel writing is being integrated into adjacent or pertinent history and fiction products. The Graphomaniac Archives are intended to provide an annual anthology of all fiction from the previous year along with the tramp writer's travel and composition notes.
Fiction in hard back will be limited to one edition a year.
Fiction in paper back from Casting Darts Publishing seems to be on pace for monthly releases.
01.11.25   Webmaster — It looks a lot like my dear friend Gary Gerlach, PhD USMC. His likeness will be used in a re-hash of the Man Cave graphic coming soon.
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[fiction]   [Author's Notebook]  [SPQR A Novel]  [Nihil]  [Banjo: A Timejacker Novel]  [Nat Star—Timejacker!]  [Casting Darts Publishing]  [link]
posted: January 9, 2025   reads: 213   © 2025 Webmaster
Jihad & Agon
A Flash Article By Richard Barrett
Hello James!
I loved your latest piece, “Warrior Performance & Quality: Christian versus Muslim Musings Cormac MacArt, 10/12/24”!
You know that if you publish an article about Christians and Muslims in the Arуan Battlespace, I am going to throw in my two cents!
Long time readers may recall, I wrote and published my second book on this topic in 2015, “All Men Follow the Strongman: The Forgotten History of the Iraq War”.
As such, here are some thoughts of mine on the topic…
Within Islam, we have the concept of 3 Jihads:
Jihad of the Heart…Belief in the power and righteousness of the cause
Jihad of the Tongue…Verbal persuasion to effect above belief
Jihad of the Sword…Battlefield actions to kill the enemy
We see a 1:1 parallel here with Indo-European Arуan practices, the 3 Agons, as laid out by Marcus Auraelius:
Agon of Idea
Agon of Utterance
Agon of Action
However, while the framework looks the same on the surface, the similarities end there.
They end with one word:
One of the big things that we see in the Middle East is a heavy emphasis on Deception. Any GWOT vet will tell you this from experience.
We see this veneration of Deception from the Spiritual Caste at the Jihad of the Heart and Jihad of the Tongue levels. An example of this comes from Quran 3:54:
“And they deceived and Allah deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the deceivers.”
Another example from extra-Quranic texts comes from Khalid Muhammad Khalid, Translated by Muhammad Mahdi al-Sharif. “Book One: Abu Bakr Has Come”
“By Allah! I would not rest assured and feel safe from the deception of Allah, even if I had one foot in paradise.”
Compare this Arab focus on Deception to its Arуan opposite, the Agon of Idea and the Agon of Utterance.
This comparison can be found in a footnote on pg. 79 of Julius Evola’s “Revolt Against the Modern World” Translated by Stucco, Guido. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International, 1995.
“Concerning the cult of truth, the [Medieval] knights’ oath was ‘In the name of God, who does not lie!’ which corresponds to the Arуan cult of truth.
“According to this cult, Mithras was the god of all oaths and the Iranian mystical ‘glory’ was believed to have departed from King Yima the first time he lied.
“In The Laws of Manu (4.237), we read: ‘By telling a lie, a sacrifice slips away.’”
Christian readers may recall the words of Jesus in John 8:32, NLT:
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
We likewise see this veneration of Deception from the Warrior Caste at the Jihad of the Sword level. Essentially, the Arabs fight in a Predatory mode of combat known as “Raizzas” and “Ghazus”.
These guerrilla-type of operations are from the shadows, sneaky, stab-in-the-back, shooting fish in a barrel type of affairs.
These are not mano-a-mano, up-front, straight-shooting Confrontational modes of combat as in the Arуan Ethos venerated in the Agon of Action.
The Jihad and Agon may look similar on the surface, but Deception is the key that separates the substance from the veneer.
Richard Barrett
Written at 11:37 PM, somewhere in the USA…
01.15.25   Dimitri — Solar and lunar views of the same concept.
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posted: January 9, 2025   reads: 205   © 2025 Dimitri
Topulation Emplacement
Mo Is Wondering how Widespread this Is: 9/24/24
“Charleroi, PA—a town of just 4,000 people—has been overwhelmed by thousands of Haitian immigrants.
But nobody seems to know where they're coming from.
Steve works as a paramedic in Charleroi. He tells us that vans carrying the immigrants come and go "at all hours of the night."
The above was sent to me by Mo, a female reader concerned about America. I know America to be a lie. What is happening is that USG has become so nigh and mighty that the veil is rent in places that even the media blinded normal person may see.
Across the nation I have seen Africans, all male, very polite, fit, military types for the most part.
Charleroi is mostly of interest to me, because I had my first boxing match in a gym there, the same gym that world champion Michael Moorer trained in as a youth. Such small Pennsylvania towns around Pittsburgh abound in the old railroad cuts. A place like McKee’s Rocks, Charleroi, Oakdale, these are creek and/or railroad crossings without much room to expand. That 4,000 folks must now accept a host that will swamp them, does make me sad. A bit sad, somewhat less sad than the fact I can’t really fight anymore.
In Baltimore County, at White Marsh, three years ago, six 120 unit condo plexes were built cheaply. I take the bus right by there. What I see now, as the many Africans or Haitians on the bus sit quietly, is that the parking lot is full of nice cars at morning and mid day, and that those people visible on their balconies are African or Haitian. Until they speak with their French accent, I cannot tell a Haitian from an African unless they are dressed for church, or if they have women.
At the end of the line, at the park & ride when I offloaded, I spent a half hour on Sunday and ten minutes on Monday this week. In that combined 40 minutes I witnesses three, that is 3, Peter Pan buses pull up and disgorge Africans. I could tell they were Africans, because the women and girls were dressed in beautiful colors, dresses and head scarfs showing off very fit and healthy figures, not a fatty in the bunch. Two men were picked up by a fellow African driving a 70K pickup.
In the late 1600s, Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia, and revolts and revolutions in Maryland, New York and Boston, convinced slave owners that they must import a more obedient population. Four times the cost of a European was paid by a planter for an African. Rather than importing 95% male European slaves, the planter wanted mated or breeding Africans so he could, with this investment, breed his small farming American rival out of business. This was the strategy that won New England, a 7 to 1 breeding advantage.
Since Ebeneezer Cook cursed the “slaves” of Maryland to be beset by African cannibals for their poor treatment of him in 1707, Maryland was flooded by Africans until the 1790s. In the 1790s, Baltimore passed ordinances to do away with African slaves, as they were used for violence by slave owners against non slave owners, driving down housing values and driving out people not of the Master Class. After the importation of African slaves was stopped, Baltimore became a thriving city, The Monument City, greatest city of all the southern slave states.
In the 1830s and 40s manumission and shipment out of the state of any and all slaves, to include David Holiday, white slave for life, was pursued with more vigor in Maryland than in all other states combined. After 1865 Maryland became more productive, more peaceful, a leader of industry. Then, in the late 1800s to early 1900s, increasing numbers of southern African Americans were brought into Baltimore for domestic help and as a buffer against the lower class European immigrants working in industry.
After WWII, wages were too high, and home owners in Baltimore had developed communities with extended family living, in which houses were passed from generation to generation. Southern blacks were brought in to drive the working class and middle class from the city and into the suburbs.
Finally, as the dark thugs of Baltimore and other cities have been stretched out along long roads driving the crackers from the suburbs they were once driven to by these same people, USG ran out of foot soldiers. During the race riots of 2020, only a fraction of the rioters were black, it was mostly whites working for the cause. The ability to commit organized violence has always confounded the African. The unique hybrid Anglo-African criminal culture in America, which enabled senseless violence to clear real estate, has been much reduced in this population. Over the years since the defund the police program, blacks have become freshly docile, as they realize that when they attack a cracker and then call the police for backup, that the police won’t bother.
The pale bad guy is now able to walk the streets of his gro-ravaged city with impunity. Troons, sissies, tunes, women and money men, etc., still live in peril and must be safely transported by some machine. But homeless crackers may now live on the streets in Baltimore City, a play too dangerous for that since 1968. Additionally, since African American blood has recently been bred so thin with all of this ebony and ivory inter-humping, we now have a weak crop of what the ghetto sisters call “milk duds.” Additionally, this demographic is reducing that watered down breeding rate as they aspire to the ivory tower.
USG ran short of looters and rapists! They must now ship in raw talent. Africans tend to be much less criminally inclined than African Americans and Haitians. The exception is Liberians who come here. That American colony in Africa, is, along with Haiti, the best off-shore African American production center.
Haiti is one of the three small African nations who had their leader killed for not promoting jiveteen vaϲϲination. Of the dozen or so “Jamaicans” on the hit team, all but one had U.S. citizenship! In the supermarket business, it was well know that the two toughest types of team-based shoplifters, were Gypsies and Haitians. Haitians demonstrate much better organic organization than African Americans. Additionally, they have a history of slaughtering Europeans! Tribalism in Haitians is nearly as strong as in Africans. They do not, however, suffer from the White Daddy mythos that afflicts Africans due to colonial rule, which was much less nasty than Plantation rule. If the reader wonders at the Belgians in the Congo, read Search For An American Spartacus, available as an ebook on this site, and know that although Colonial Africa did exist, Colonial America did not, only Plantation America, where millions were broken, branded and slaughtered.
Haitians do not come from a place where government is naively regarded as a servant to the people, but rather a real world where the government is understood to be the strongest gang of looters. The Haitian mind has been prepared from infancy, to savagely thrive under USG.
If I was president I would hand a machete and a handle of cheap rum to every Haitian willing to swear fealty to USG.
Long Live Leviatroon
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posted: January 8, 2025   reads: 216   © 2024 James LaFond
New Work from James R. Anderson
James Anderson has conducted a meditation on what it is to be a warrior and also a curation of earlier efforts by men from the past to define the ultimate masculine value.
I liked this very much.
Thank you, James.

Just uploaded a new article:
I've attached a large font version for you as well. Hope you enjoy.
James R. Andersen

I would not rate a man worth mention or account either for speed of foot or wrestling skill, not even if he had a Cyclop's size and strength or could outrun the fierce north wind of Thrace; I would not care if he surpassed Tithonus's looks, or Cinyras's or Midas's famous wealth, or were more royal than Pelops son of Tantalus, or had Adrastus's smooth persuasive tongue, or fame for everything save only valor; no, no man is of high regard in time of war unless he can endure the sight of blood and death, and stand close to the enemy, and fight. This is the highest worth, the finest human prize and fairest for a bold young man to win.
This is for men of the warrior class. 
Others may find it disturbing. 
Continue at:
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[modern combat]   [Guest Authors]  [The Man Cave]  [The Combat Space]  [James R. Andersen]  [link]
posted: January 7, 2025   reads: 254   © 2025 James LaFond
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