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‘The Empty Places in Their Hearts’
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon: Summation 15
14 times have I listened to this masterful treatment of the early Christian church. I have supplemented this with one listen of Saint Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine and two of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity.
Gibbon was read in the most resent scholarship on Christianity and had conducted a comprehensive reading of the Ancients. This reader must quote the full chapter heading.
“Chapter 15: The Progress of the Christian Religion, and the Sentiments, Manners, Numbers and Conditions of the Primitive Christians…
“A candid but rational inquiry into the progress and establishment of early Christianity…”
This was essential to Gibbon’s history of Rome in that the empire that had bound some 30 nations as collective slaves, before it was conquered by barbarians, was first overthrown from within by a meek minority of Christians. The historian seeks to understand “the Secondary Causes” for this. For the primary cause, in his mind and in his heart, was the Truth of the Gospels and the Divine Authorship of the Faith.
This three-hour reading constitutes a methodical inspection of the secondary causes for the internal conquest of brutal, pagan Rome, by meek and non violent minority collectives, and the continuation of Rome as a no less brutal Christian Empire. [1]
“While that great body was invaded from without and decayed from within, a pure and humble religion insinuated itself into the minds of men.”
Gibbon goes no to point at that his time was still part of a 1300 year Christian “revolution” and that Europe, “the most distinguished portion of humanity in arts as well as in arms,” still professed the Christian Faith. One can see what a problem Gibbon’s work would be for the teachers of today.
He does note that “this inquiry, however useful and entertaining, is attended with two particular difficulties: the scanty and suspicious ecclessiastic materials” [2] the historian describes an “uninspired” intellectual climate that placed a “dark cloud” over the early church. Yet he proceeds in faith…
“The theologian may describe Religion as descending from Heaven arrayed in Her native purity…” yet the Historian has “a more melancholy task…he must discover the error and corruption She contracted in Her long residence on earth among a weak and degenerate race of beings…”
“ what means did the Christian faith achieve such a remarkable victory over the established religions of the earth?”
The historian concludes, “it was owing to the convincing evidence of the doctrine itself and to the ruling providence of its author.”
Secondary Causes for the Triumph of Christianity under Rome
-1. “The inflexible” and “intolerant zeal of the Christians...”
-2. “The doctrines of a future life...”
-3. “The miraculous power ascribed to the primitive church...”
-4. “The pure and austere morals of the Christians...”
-5. “The union and discipline of the Christian Republic...”
First, Gibbon notes that the intolerant hatred for other peoples and their belief systems held by the Hebrews of Antiquity made them a marvel of the ancient world, for ages occupying its lowest rungs. He declares that the Mosaic law was ideal for defence of its believers. He uses biblical quotes to emphasize that Jews of the Greek and Roman period were far more pious than those of Exodus who had evidence if God’s immediate favor and wrath, that something about the Chosen People being abandoned by their God made them stronger in faith under his displeasure then in the immediate wake of His deliverance. It would fall to early Christians, being Jews in the earliest phase, to retool this defensive faith into an offensive faith.
Second, the gloom of pagan doctrines on the afterlife, left such motivations in the hands of eastern mystics, who were reclusive rather than socially proactive. The duty to witness with zeal was central to early Christian expansion.
Three, miracles were witnessed and related by respected people. Gibbon does discuss doctrines of his age that debate over when miracles stopped, with many authorities siding with the Reign of Constantine, though Increase Mather related a series of miracles in 1675-6 New England.
Four, the superior morals of the Christians and the various vowels of poverty that wealthy Christians would make upon conversion, gave a sense of moral incline in an age of deep moral decline.
Five, the most important of these in terms of their appeal to a warrior like Constantine, with little patience for administration and an adore for life in the saddle, was the Christian Republic. Prohibitions on engaging in civic life with pagans, and the fact that it was an urban faith of the lettered elite, insured that there was an underground system of civics growing stronger as Rome grew weak. Also, that many Christians, even under Diocletion, worked in government and in the army, the faith of an afterlife having particular appeal to soldiers. Gibbon makes one wry aside that the only type of idolatry that Christians engaged in was the use of money imprinted with pagan gods. Prophets were accepted in the early church along with the Presbyrs. By the time of Constantine, such figures had been banned by the Bishops and doctrine would rule over revelation, making The Church a ready made civic government to replace the complex pagan government that had recently been shattered by he and other warlords.
I have noted that ancient pagans accused Christians of atheism and that modern atheism as a doctrine stems directly from the Judeo-Christian traditions. However, there is one way in which the modern Christian and Modern atheist may disagree with the primitive Christian.
The Empire of the Demons!
Primitive Christians did not agree with ancient Platonic, Cynic and Epicurian philosophers, and modern Atheists and Christians that the pagan gods were make believe fables used to control the rural hayseeds and urban mob. No, the early Christians saw, as did Tiraldus the Norman in his composition of the Song of Roland, [3] the pagan gods as the demonic angels who had revolted against The Creator, against “The Divine Author,” as taking on the role of such gods as Jove and Apollo, in that their only possibility for comfort, was in making humanity share their fallen misery.
I suggest that Eddison, in the novel The Worm Oroborus, used Gibbon’s sketch of the Empire of the demons for the setting of his epic.
Side Notes
-A. The Christians that took over control of Roman government under Constantine lead congregations that numbered but 5% of the urban population and had under 1% or rural representation.
-B. The Nazarene Christians
“The first 15 bishops of Jerusalem where circumcised Jews.” It was apparently not until the reign of Hadrian and the putting down of a Jewish Uprising that the Early Christian Church severed its ties with the parent religion. The Nazarenes under the bishops of Jerusalem retired to Pella for some 70 years. Those who sought to reaffirm their link with “the church of nations” then elected a Latin bishop, one Marcus, and returned to Hadrian’s new colony. The remainder seemed to languish in Syria and eventually dissolve into “the church or the synagogue” rejoining the parent faith or abandoning it for the new faith.
From the Death of Christ to the reign of Hadrian, a hundred years with no schism, no battle over Christian doctrine elapsed. Until this time the battles on doctrine were between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians in regard to Mosaic Law.
-C. The Gnostics
To be “released from their corporal prison,” to be freed from their “cage of flesh” and the various doctrines of future states among the polytheists are discussed in depth by Gibbon, a pious Christian of the 18th Century, with a sense of empathy for the teeming dammed of antiquity, who wields a sharp sword upon his class analogues of Late Antiquity. The Gnostics were wealthy and literate and throve in the 100s, declined in the 200s and were suppressed in the 300s. Gnostics provided doctrinal opposition against the church at the same time that they attracted Neo-Platonists and other seeking souls, and thus helped feed the church and also sharpen its claws.
-1. Civic laws in Christian Rome included throwing bakers into their own ovens when found guilty of increasing bread prices and making other criminals drink camel piss, from the camel urethra in public.
-2. Augustine was an ideological shape shifter who had been a Manichaen Gnostic and reads like a secular ideologue of our own political climate in many spots, having as much in concord with an ancient Epicurian as with a modern Christian. Turtellian, despite his comforting fanaticism, seems obsessed with temporal civics.
-3. Gibbon cites Milton’s Paradise Lost as an accurate inventory of The Empire of the Demons posing as ancient gods.
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[histories]   [Book Reviews]  [link]
posted: April 19, 2024   reads: 177   © 2023 James LaFond
The Fate of Western Civ?
What Happened to that 7-Part Series?
Comment from JL website
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Fri, Feb 9, 7:42 AM
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Comment by Anonymous
Hey James What happened to the The Fate of Western Civilization series? This was the last one posted:
Respond on the website
Respond by personal email
Sir, I am sorry.
Thank you for your interest.
Those chapters will appear in Shrouds of Aryas, which has been complete for 2 months and should be for sale on this site soon.
These have also been sent to Ms. Lockhart for posting on substack.
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posted: April 18, 2024   reads: 411   © 2024 James LaFond
A Hobo Historian Video
Oliver Is Going Thru the Video Archives
First stop is slavery.
i recall, about 18 months ago we did videos on movies with slavery themes.
this is one of these. we just talked about it, but my oxygen levels are barely conscious. Mandingo was my favorite.
I no longer have the technology to post a link.
So please check out the comment section for Oliver's link.
Thank you.
oh, look at this dodo—there is a box on the right hand side of the main page that has the video listed, as if by magic.
Techtard had some help from a telepathic canine this morning and figured this out:
-JL, 3/16/24
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[histories]   [Plantation America]  [Hobo History]  [link]
posted: March 15, 2024   reads: 3951   © 2024 James LaFond
‘Sure and Dexterous Hand of the Founder’
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon: Summation 13-14
Diocletion was the son of a slave who worked his way into position of trust in the imperial structure. Then, when he was forced on pain of death if he refused, to become emperor, he spent 20 years attempting to develop a sustainable system that would permit him to resign, to retire to an estate, and have a few years free of bloodshed. He was a pious pagan and has been regarded as a persecutor of the Christians, though the evidence is thin. He was not a champion of Christianity and prayed to the old gods, he being a rustic man of the lower classes, and Christians of the age predominantly urban and suburban people of the upper classes. Christianity will be the subject of the next and final summation of this first volume. [1]
Dioclation appointed a co-emperor, a fellow Augustus, by the name of Maxim. This man was the opposite of Diocletion, a brutal rapist, torturer and fearless soldier. Diocletion cut a deal with his opposite so that he might focus on administration and war in the east against the formidable Persians and arrange for peace south of Egypt, where the Nubians were induced to form a buffer state against their fellow Blacks of Meroe.
The two Augusti appointed each a Caesar, who would do most of the fighting on the frontiers. Thus, Rome had four emperors, two senior, two junior, with the Italian homeland where none of these frontier born emperors came from, protected from the fierce northern barbarians by two armies, that of Maxim, who would manhandle the Sarmations and Eastern Germans and that of his subordinate, Constantius, [0] who would handle the Franks and other Western Germanic tribes and the terrible Picts and a rebel general in Britain.
In the east the brilliant and deft Diocletion had an army to fight the Persians in concord with a heroic Armenian prince who was said to be able to snap the horns from a bull’s head. This prince had a heroic companion, a warrior named Mango who was a deserter from Chinese military service in Central Asia. Dioclation also had a brutal general, a Caesar he appointed, named Galeanus.
The Persians would be broken and the northern barbarians chastised and driven back across their borders, or, like some tribes from the eastern Frontiers of Dacia, and Scythia provide tribal units to fight other barbarians in Britain. The emperors were reverting to the ancient Persian model of a mobile court and the use of client kingdoms and conquered tribes to provide ethnic units for service far away from their homeland.
A modern example would be if the U.S. Government chose San Francisco as the seat of a western government and the military function and logistical personnel of the Pentagon and the of the two presidents and two vice presidents were placed aboard air craft carriers to patrol the restive world. The deal with the two Caesars, was that they would succeed to the rule of their half of the empire when their boss retired, which they did, after 20 years.
Predictably with the retirement of Maxim and the ill health of Constantius, who should rise to Augustus in the West, would result in the following:
-Galeanus wanted it all.
-his newly chosen Caesar, Lucinius, a cruel vicious man, did not trust Diocletion to stay in retirement,
-Maxim wanted back in,
-Diocletion, the brains of the outfit, reminded Maxim that a deal was a deal and that he should really try gardening
-The loyal soldiers of Constantius, a solid and respected leader, upon his death bed in York, elevated Constantine, a young and vigorous conqueror, to oppose Galeanus
-Lucinius and Constantine both favored the Christian church and established extra brutal civic laws and revived the old Roman family extermination policies. Lucinious had the widow and daughter of his former boss, Diocletion hunted down and butchered. Constantine was simply a brute that signed off on such laws as executing newlyweds who did not get permission to wed from their parents.
The strong man, Constantine won victory and made rule from the eastern frontier where he and the emperors of his age mostly came from, the centerpiece of a new Roman Empire under the Cross, that would be governed from the modestly renamed Byzantium, known until its fall about 1200 years later as Constantinople.
As a novelist surely would have predicted, the complex management of four power centers required a flexible mind such as that of Dioclation, a mind formed in service, in a climb up through the ranks, the mind of a slave, of a civil servant who thought of the Empire as more important than himself. A warrior, virtually born in the saddle riding for his father, who was said to have sired Constantine upon a tavern owner’s daughter, while on campaign against the Sarmations on the Black Sea, was unfit for such civic compromise.
Constantine did support the reinvigoration of such pagan rites as boxing. Indeed, in the year 383, Varzadates, who would have been a younger relation of the Armenian Prince whose best warrior was Mango the Chinese mercenary, would win boxing at Olympia, the last record of such a victor by name. The rule of Rome by fighting men from the frontier was given stability and 20 years of coordinated victory free of civil war, by the one frontiersmen from among them whose father had been a bookish man [an accountant, I suspect] and who had taken to administration. Once that man stepped aside, weary to sickness of playing this brute off against that brute, the true nature of these frontier chieftains, would reveal itself in an imperial manner that canted ever towards the eventual feudal order that would replace it in the west under Christ and in the East under Islam.
Maxim would ignore his old boss’s suggestion that the growing of a fine head of cabbage could hold some meaning for that man of slaughter and rape he had somehow tamed for a generation. Maxim and his brute son would suffer what they had so often dispensed. The most chilling aspect of the disintegration of the Diocletion’s reforms, was that, seemingly in a bid to prevent the lineage of such an intelligent man from continuing, his family was exterminated by the very men he had trusted to protect them.
The Roman Empire was headed for a level of cruelty and a lack of forethought that exceeded that of Caligula, Nero and Commodos. As ingenius as the stop gap system was, designed as it was by a man caught in and laboring at the point of ten thousand swords, the costs were multiplied by four even as the economy suffered from war and a climate shift. The Huns were on their brutal way across Asia. The cold winds that drove them would eventually result in the Plague of Justinian in 525, perhaps the worst year in the history of Western Civilization and the true end of anything like Augustine Rome.
-0. Father of Constantine.
-1. Convincing evidence that Diocletion persecuted Christians as a priority are as lacking as evidence that Constantine and Lucinius were pious Christians.
-2. Stirrups found in the late 200s in Britain were likely from Sarmation levies, this practice by the time of Constantius some hundred years old.
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posted: March 11, 2024   reads: 4563   © 2023 James LaFond
A Haunted Night
Part 3: Plantation America & Sons of Aryas Histories & Fiction: 8/14/2022
Part 3 is an outline of the Sons of Aryas History Project, to include those books on Аrуаn History exterior to the theme of Sons of Aryas, which relate to and have even inspired and informed this work.
Unincorporated Аrуаn Histories
The Broken Dance Project
There has been no source for boxing identified that was not Аrуаn or Indo-European. Okinawin “Hand” may be an exception. The investigation required for the First Boxers involved the reading of 1152 books in 3 years and has formed the foundation for the entire series of books listed below.
-1. The First Boxers: A Fighter’s View of Prize-Fighting from Gilgamesh to Goliath, 2011, 223 pages
-2. The Gods of Boxing: A Fighter’s View of Boxing from Achilles to Alexander, 2011, 146 pages
-3. All Power Fighting: A Fighter’s View of Mixed Martial
Arts from Achilles to Alexander, 2011, 233 pages
-4. The Boxer Dread, complete but unarranged and unedited, to be published as a 4 volume Omnibus including a revised Broken Dance.
-5. The Broken Dance is available as a 3 volume html book on this site and features 147 illustrations and maps.
-6. He: Gilgamesh Into the Face of Time, 2015, 223 pages
-7. By the Wine Dark Sea: A Sourcebook for Adventures
Set in Ancient Hellas: 650 B.C., 2020, 143 pages
-8. Might: A History of Combat, 2020, 389 pages, overflow from the Sons of Aryas Project focusing on war in and out of the Аrуаn Sphere, unedited and unpublished
Sons of Aryas
The underlying theme is the interaction of the male and female spheres and of barbarism and civilization in Indo-European History.
-1. Sons of Aryas: Soul of the West: Volume 1, 2019, 665 pages, complete and unpublished, a history of migratory war cultures, with a mythic focus on Virgil’s Aeneid
-2. Beasts of Aryas: An Inquiry into Аrуаn Culture, Domestication and the Monstrous, 2021, 346 pages, complete and unpublished, a historical focus on Аrуаn relationships with domesticated animals and monsters, the Bronze Age Collapse and Thucydides, with a mythic focus on Genesis and Beowulf
-3. Blue Eyed Daughter of Zeus, 2021, 47 pages, a mythic examination of Rosenberg’s Myth of the 20th Century
-4. Songs of Aryas: Considering the Strands of Аrуаn Tradition, 2022, 235 pages, complete and published only as a site ebook, with a mythic focus on the Golden Bough by James G. Frazier and Moby Dick by Herman Melville, The Iliad and The Argonautica
-5. Shrouds of Aryas, in progress with some 200 pages complete, the historical focus on Gibbon’s First Volume of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the mythic focus on Ovid’s Metamorpheses, The Iliad, the Song of Roland and Milton’s Paradise Lost
-6. Norns of Aryas, in rough outline, the historical focus to be on Plato’s Republic, the mythic focus to be on The Death of Arthur by Mallory, The Odyssey of Homer and Dante’s Divine Comedy
My apologies for Herodotus, Aristotle and Xenophon, whose works I have leaned on heavily and have failed to cite here. The school of historical thought that I belong to has but one student—being me—and favors Herodotus as the most trustworthy and accurate source for Аrуаn antiquity. He shall be consulted annually during the remaining course of this haphazard inquiry modeled on his own.
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posted: March 8, 2024   reads: 4590   © 2023 James LaFond
A Fettered Dawn
Part 1: Plantation America & Sons of Aryas Histories & Fiction: 8/14/2023
After two months of being so crippled that writing has often been beyond my physical means, I must take a hard look at this high craft that I have dragged low into the gutter of Civilization’s afterlife to sustain an amateur boxing coach in his lesser twilight. Recently I returned to writing, but have been limited to about 2,000 words a day.
Then, in the Baltimore night, as I shrimped around on a better man’s living room floor, trying to align a collapsing spine, I let out a moan. That moan was almost manly, without a whimper like the bitch groans what whistled out of me a month gone. It was in response to a stab of pain that equaled the agony that I spent seven straight weeks in. How soon we forget, even within ourselves. The chill that played down my spine as the ankle and knee caught fire and I applied traction to the lumber spine to limit the cascade of prone pain, caused a chill to play up the higher, healthier portions of the spine to my head.
That chill was accompanied by an eerie remembrance that the moan I had omitted was near identical to the moan of Prometheus, fettered to the Rock of Caucasus, an eagle dining upon his liver, as depicted by the voice actor that read the version of Prometheus Bound that I have listened to some dozen times. I would describe it as a knowing groan, a moan informed by the connected mind as to the cause of the pain.
This brought the question to mind of how one fading light might finish perusing the library of our kind’s plight before this investigative candle winks out.
Yesterweek I wrote three historical articles extracted from the Old Testament. Two were obviously germane to The Aryas Project. The other was as well, as it focused on servile institutions in Antiquity, yet was intended for Plantation America Context material. Both of these history projects were born in research preparing to write historical, fantasy and science-fiction novels. There also they should return, with the massive inquiries intended as fuel for writing fiction.
Plantation America has its own dedicated fiction, with historical notes to address the human side of the hidden history of America. I have also employed this research in writing the science-fiction series Elder Earth, which posits an earth that never saw a Protestant Reformation or Modernity, and remains in 2031, a Late Medieval America, retaining all of the gross forms of servitude that ruled the lives of all common men and women of Agrarian Civilization for a brutal 5,000 years.
How might one writer who has already drowned his editor in 84 unpublished books, focus the remaining energy of inquiry?
The inquiry must come first, as story flows easily from the fruits of inquiry, but inquiry is exhausting, especially for the uneducated and unassisted cipher sorting through his race’s willfully forgotten and duplicitously misbegotten past. When better positioned fraternities of more intelligent men have busily lied, expertly obscured, bitterly denied and piously ignored the salient points of our shared past it requires a great internal energy on the part of one bruised and spoiling disagreeable fruit of their deceitful tree to pry loose the facts from the wordy rubble entombing our past.
What follows is an index of the most important of the subjects under discussion, with an understanding that they are one. For the fetters that bound Prometheus in Achylus’ signal play have and do bind us all whose ancestors hailed from the Rock of the Caucasus. Plantation America was a unique Аrуаn construct of Early Modernity that projected the ethics of pagan, heathen, Judaic and Christian Antiquity into the early Industrial Age that grew out of the Renaissance and Reformation and was the underside of the Enlightenment.
Moreover, Plantation America was narrowly Anglo-Germanic over Gaelic in scope, transferring the late stage migratory dynamics of Eurasia, terminating in complex cultural and racial layering in the British Isles, to the great untapped continental resource of Stone Age North America. Hence, America, the premier Economic Zone of Human Civilization, offers the unflinching investigator a vision of Racial-Cultural reverse engineering, side-by-side with tribal deconstruction such as must have accompanied the rise of Civilized Antiquity.
I have flinched here about one thing, waffling on and even refusing to apply an external structure to the subject of Plantation America. That ends here, in failed compromise. I can only impose a structure on my rude investigation.
Dates and page counts are from my unedited drafts.
Final Form of the Plantation America Project:
-0. Prequel: Chinks in the Machine, 2014, 175 pages, with relevant material taken from this small history and placed in Volume 2.
-1. Stillbirth of a Nation, 2016, 486 pages, an investigation of a Scottish slave’s life and times
-2. America in Chains, 2016, 392 pages, features a chronology of slavery from Medieval Eurasia and Africa to Modern America.
-3. Into Wicked Company, 2016, 152 pages, based on a first hand poem by an English slave boy
-4. A Bright Shining Lie at Dusk, 2016, 322 pages, an unfocused attempt to wrap up the project by addressing various aspects of American slavery, essentially an anthology of articles.
-5. Sold, 2016, 165 pages, published some 5 years later in order, a novel of Plantation America, based on the enslavement of Thomas Hellier, in 1678
-6. So His Master May Have Him Again, 2017, 321 pages, EuropeanAmerican male runaways
-7. So Her Master May Have Her Again, 2017, 306 pages, a focus on European female and African runaway slaves
-8. The Lies that Bind Us, 2017, 329 pages, Focus on the Magna Carta, as the basis for the various institutions of debt based slavery in the Anglo Economic and Ethical Sphere, along with another poorly curated anthology of articles on the facts and legacy of Plantation America.
[The following historical volumes or organized thematically and chronologically from Antiquity and preColumbian America down to current social forms spawned from Plantation America.]
-9. CrackerBoy, 2018, 686 pages, the deepest and broadest investigation of EuroAmerican slavery set against the mythology of AfricanAmerican slavery.
-10. The Greatest Lie Ever Sold, 2019, 311 pages, the structure of EuroAmerican servitude and exploitation, companion volume to CrackerBoy, written and arranged at the same time, to include a critical reading of USG founding documents.
-11. Orphan Nation, 2020, 85 pages, child slavery in America
-12. Advent America, 2020, 666 pages, preconditions for rebellion in Plantation American,
-13. Search for an American Spartacus, 2020, 768 pages, complete and unpublished, revolts and uprisings in Plantation America
-14. In These Goings Down, 2021, 518 pages, complete and unpublished, a general history
-15. Plantation America, 2022, 351 pages, complete and unpublished, a general history
-16. Cox & Swain, 2022, 217 pages, a novel of Plantation America based on the enslavement of George Alsop, with extensive historical notes
[The following works are in progress, as one massive inquiry and the volumes will be completed as one set, with the set organized along the lines of histories 9 thru 15.]
-17. The Planters: In This New Israel I, an investigation of the physical and political foundations of Plantation America
-18. The Sowers: In This New Israel II, an investigation of economic and ethnic exploitation in Plantation American
-19. The Inheritors: In This New Israel III, an investigation of runaways and revolts, post Civil War slavery in America and the post modern legacy of Plantation America.
-20. Bound, a Novel of Plantation America, based on the enslavement of Thomas Hellier, sequel to Sold.
-21. American Patrimony: An Index of Plantation America with concluding notes and corrections, and, no doubt inclusions from sources I do not yet know exist.
-22. Freed, a short fiction anthology of the stories of Runaways in Plantation America.
Volumes and Pages of Plantation America Content
Some Out of Publication Order
-2016: 4 books, 1,195 pages
-2017: 3 books, 956 pages
-2018: 1 book, 686 pages
-2019: 1 book, 311 pages
-2020: 3 books, 1,519
-2021: 1 book, 518 pages
-2022: 2 books, 568 pages
For 15 books and 5,753 pages
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[histories]   [Plantation America]  [link]
posted: March 8, 2024   reads: 4611   © 2023 James LaFond
Solomon, Sirach & Isaiah on Antiquity’s Common Plight
Modern academia is largely devoted to the belief that there was no slavery in Antiquity, that only Africans held in bondage by modern Europeans might be slaves. The Bible puts the lie to this deception on nearly every page.
“For the whole creation in its nature was fashioned anew, complying with your commands, that your children [or servants] might be kept unharmed.”
Solomon 19-6
In the above passage the translation to children or servants is left up to the translator to decide, a reminder that children, through most of civilized Antiquity were economic assets, beasts of burden, and that a father had the right to use unlimited force to maintain obedience. When we see the harsh use of servants throughout history, it should be a reminder that this will generally reflect the use of children by parents as well. That harsh use of the son by the father will encourage even harsher use of the slave by the son become a man.
“Others had refused to receive strangers when they came to them, but these made slaves of guests who were their benefactors.”
Solomon, 19:14
In many other passages in the Old Testament, the fate of the wandering exile suffered by Odysseus, at the mercy of possibly cruel and demeaning hosts is addressed, particularly the fate of the beggar as debtor to his benefactor, his creditor. This, it seems was accepted as the fate of the dispossessed wanderer in the Near East, where in the more heroic and overlapping Homeric sphere the wanderer was granted the status of an especially cursed entertainer, an involuntary minstrel tossed about by the cruel Fates.
Below we see the debt-based system of Antiquity in its full brutality. For the good neighbor who binds himself as “surety” promises to be sold into bondage if the borrower he is seconding defaults on his loan! This was the plight of runaway debtor Thomas Hellier’s father in 1678 England.
From Sirach 29:
16: “A good man will be surety for his neighbor, but a man who has lost his sense of shame will fail him.
15: “Do not forget all the kindness of your surety, for he has given his life for you.” [A recognition that a slave has no right to life, that his master may take it.]
16-17: “A sinner will overthrow the prosperity of his surety, and one who does not feel grateful will abandon his rescuer.
18: “Being Surety has ruined many men who were prosperous, and has shaken them like a wave of the sea; it has driven men of power into exile, and they have wandered among foreign nations…”
It continues in the same Odyssean plight and finally…
28: “These things are hard to bear for a man who has feeling: scolding about lodging and the reproach of the moneylender.”
Such are the lessons proffered On Lending and Borrowing, Home and Hospitality. What follows is the other basis for a slave society, that children are property and that slaves are therefore a kind of step child owned by their economic foster parent.
Sirach 30:
Discipline of Children, Right Attitudes
A sampling will do, for the message is overwhelming.
1: “He who loves his son will whip him often...”
2: “He who disciplines his son will profit by him...”
3-6: This disciplined son is now left behind as an avenger to afflict one’s enemies
7: “He who spoils his son will bind up his wounds…”
8: “A horse that is untamed turns out to be stubborn, and a son unrestrained turns out to be willful.”
9: “Pamper a child and he will frighten you; play with him and he will give you grief.”
10: “Do not laugh with him, lest you have sorrow…”
12: “Bow down his neck in his youth, and beat his sides while he is young…”
The eunuch, by definition a slave, is addressed in passages 19-20 as having been sexually maimed: “ an eunuch who embraces a maiden and groans.”
48: 20-21 Jacob is held up as the “redeemed” servant of the Lord. Modern readers should understand that redemption until the late 1800s meant to be economically redeemed from bondage and forced labor, not morally absolved of fault as we now understand the concept.
Below “the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob,” speaks to his people through Isaiah, in metaphor common to every day servile life in Antiquity, for one was a slave or a master, and often both.
The Sufferings of the Servant
1: “Where is your mother’s bill of divorce, with which I put her away?
“Of which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you?
“Behold for your iniquities you were sold, and for your transgressions your mother was put away.”
5: “The Lord God has opened my ear, and that I was rebellious, I turned not backward.
6: “I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.”
Note that the beard of the patriarch is pulled out when he is dispossessed. The habit of Roman soldiers, gladiators and statesmen of shaving, suggests a shared sense that slaves were bare-faced, as well as naked, in much of antiquity, a symbol of a social status shared with children. What a disgusting rabble of brute beasts were the Biblical patriarchs. Below Zion is addressed as a captive woman who is being set free by God.
Awake to Good Tidings of Redemption
2 “...loose the bonds from your neck.”
Egyptian illustrations depict slaves bound together by the neck, as does an illustration of “Duty Boys” in London from 1619-21.
Below is suggested the common fate of any folk who fail to impose their military will upon an aggressor, exposing Near Eastern Civilization for the gaggle of slave pens it was, rather than the storehouse of abundant community surplus posited by academics, as God speaks to his redeemed servants:
60:17: “I will make your overseers peace and your taskmasters righteousness.”
Even in redemption their must be slave drivers, if heaven sent.
61: 1: “ proclaim liberty for the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound…’
But someone must be enslaved for others to be free to dominate, to enjoy “freedom.”
61:5 “Aliens shall stand and feed your flocks, foreigners shall be your ploughmen and vinedressers…”
Far from the collective grain farming paradise that historians claim of the ancient Near East and for the ancient world in general within its cultivated boundaries, Antiquity was a slave matrix, where one must own others or be owned by others.
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posted: March 6, 2024   reads: 4895   © 2023 James LaFond
‘God of the Ages’
Polytheistic Notes from the Monotheistic Word
Note that God of the Ages, in the pagan view, might refer to Chronos [Time] imprisoned by Zeus, or Zeus himself, who held the primary cult name of Time-holder and was explicitly the almighty divine actor operating outside the bounds of Time. The idea that there were more than one god among Christians holds down to the author of the Song of Roland circa A.D. 1000, in which the poet accuses Muslims of calling upon Mahound and Apollo, in other words of continuing in pagan faith. Saint Paul might seem to agree:
“For this very night their stood by me an angel of the God to whom I belong...”
-Acts 27:23, Paul speaking to the sailors and soldiers conducting him into bondage in Rome
The claim of Monotheism, as the worship of only one God, down through Time, became the worship of The Only God. Whether this was simple civilized nihlism creeping into the faith or a misunderstanding of True and False in a materialistic sense, the result was ultimately, atheism. For the denial that all but one supernatural or immortal beings exists paves the way for the denial of that final vestige of superstition. The normal path is to begin framing God as a metaphor for Nature or the Cosmos.
Despite the obvious inference that Paul was loyal to one power among others, the negation of the supernatural is most easily achieved with a focus on the Gospels. For a focus on the Old Testament puts any thinking reader into contact with the militant polytheism of the ancient Jews, who served only The Most High God in a brutal world terrorized by supernatural powers. Below a reading of Sirach turns up various polytheistic references and inferences.
Do note, that since the time of The Reformation, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) has been regarded as non-canonical by Protestants. The controversy concerning the books of Esdras 1 and 2, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch with the Letter of Jeremiah, additions to Daniel and Esther, seem to have stemmed not from the Council of Nicaea or Trent but originated in the debates between Jews and early Christians beginning in A.D. 71, with Early Modern Protestants adopting the ancient Jewish position rather than the primitive Christian position. However, for the study of how the earliest Christians to convert from non-Judaic pagan faiths to the new interpretation of The Divine Word, such documents rejected by latter day Christian sects in favor of the rabbinical opinion of Late Antiquity are most instructive as to the appeal of Christianity.
28: 17, “The blow of a whip raises a welt, but a blow of the tongue crushes the bones.” Represents a realistic debt-based slave-society view of slander opposed to “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” which was a delusion rhyme taught in my childhood.
28: 21 “Hades” the pagan term for the underworld inhabited by the dead is explicitly named, as it is elsewhere.
34: 6, On dreams one is advised, “Unless they are sent from the Most High as a visitation, do not give your mind to them,” indicating a belief in malevolent “false” gods, surrounding a supreme God.
36:17, The descendants of Aaron are declared as the servants of “the God of the ages,” which a pagan would make to be Zeus, as he would the “Most High” above.
38:2, the “Most High” is the only power that brings healing to mankind through the medicines he placed in the world, the physician merely a technical agent.
43: 13-20, “By his command he sends driving snow and speeds the lightning of his judgment,” revealing the God of Israel as the thunderer so common to northern Аrуаn myth, causing “The cold north wind blows, and ice freezes over the water, and water puts it on like a breastplate.” This last image is very like the description of Pytheas who journeyed to Thule until he saw a frozen ocean that “heaved like a lung.”
44: 20, The “Most High” is named in such a way as to be suggestive of the chief in command of various powers.
46:5, 6, “He called upon the Most High, the Mighty One, when enemies pressed on every side, and the great Lord answered him with hailstones of mighty power,” again suggestive of Zeus, Jove or Thor.
46:16, 17, The account of Joshua the son of Nun, continues with references to God as the Mighty One wielding thunder.
47:18, “In the name of the Lord God, who is called the God of Israel,” again suggests that the Jews worship exclusively the most powerful of deities. In ancient times the words usually translated as Lord would actually mean “chief” or “paramount” not “only.” In fact, Zeus merely means Thunder [Z] -Chief [eus] with the latter 3 letters most commonly translated as “lord,” very much like the thundering Lord invoked in the Bible, in Exodus as well.
49:8 “It was Ezekiel who saw the vision of glory which God showed him above the chariot of the Cherubim,” which would translate to Helios Apollo to a pagan.
50:7, “ the sun shining upon the temple of the Most High” indicates other higher powers than man, with worship being conducted just like Xenophon pouring out wine for Zeus of Oaths, “he reached out his hand to the cup and poured a libation of the blood of the grape” 15, and “the Almighty, God Most High” answered this prayer in passages 17 to 21.
51: Hades is further named as the place of the dead.
A reading of this and other Old Testament texts would serve a converted priest of Zeus, Jove or Apollo Helios, or any classically educated poet of Late Antiquity in not only accepting the Gospels and Scripture promoted by Paul and the Apostles, but vesting their conversion in their own pagan past, seeing in their own mythic legacy from earlier antiquity a muddled prologue to the faith that would be adopted by the entire Greek and Latin speaking world.
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posted: March 4, 2024   reads: 5066   © 2023 James LaFond
Halo, Nimbus, Wing and Word
Considering Biblical Preservation of an Earlier Antiquity
The Bible: 2006, Ignatius Edition, Revised Standard Version
New Testament 1946
Old Testament 1952
The Apocrypha 1957
Catholic Edition 1965, 66 [Maccabees]
The Standard Bible was an American edition of 1901, revising the 1611 King James edition [called the Authorized Version], revised again in 1937. These books were published subject to an agreement between the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain and the Standard Bible Committee and the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
I am working from a Catholic Bible with translations revised as per the listings above, which is to say a book with 68 lesser books, including The Maccabees 1 and 2. As with the complete Book of Enoch, preserved only in the Coptic Bible, Maccabees seem to have been excluded from the standard Orthodox and subsequent Protestant versions of the Bible at the Council of Nicea, A.D. 371-2. Constantine had moved the center of Roman rule to the Greek East and oversaw the council of squabbling bishops who had to decide what to include and exclude from the Bible. Like Enoch, which reads very much like a Nordic Revelations, Maccabees is explicitly anti-Greek. This is the most likely reason for the these books’ exclusion, as the Gospels and Revelations were composed much later.
I prefer The King James version and Catholic versions revised before 1967. The treatment of ancient texts from the 1611 The King James, and the ideological corruption of the 1960s, permits a more accurate view of Antiquity, an antiquity not yet enslaved in the mirror of our modern ideological hubris.
The symbolism upon the cover is mixed with that of the Word. The book is bound in crimson and imprinted in gold: the Blood of the Crucified Christ promising to return mankind to a Golden Age, a time of peaceful perfection, from which the general view of the Christian notion of Heaven seems to be drawn.
Central, within a golden circle, is Jesus in very Nordic form, not dissimilar from depictions of Zeus and later descriptions of Mohamed. His head radiates a halo or nimbus within which a crucifix and his neck form four cardinal spokes of the holy wheel. The right arm of the cross is inscribed with an A, the left with an M, and heaven most an I. In the crook of his left hand Christ holds an open book, the text on the two open pages indicated by the right hand held in the attitude of blessing with fore and index finger raised and the thumb touched by the two small fingers:
“I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
The other four images are a quarter of the size of the central and are alike in circles.
The cover art is attributed to Christopher J. Pelicano and is titled The Four Evangelists.
Top Left is a winged angel, with halo, clothed in priestly vestments and holding draped over the wrists of his outstretched arms a priestly sash. While Christ has but one pony tail of braided hair, this being has two and appears of indistinct gender.
Top Right is a winged lion, its mane enclosed in a halo. This ancient symbol of kings holds open a scroll of enlightenment.
Bottom Left is a winged bull, its horns wreathed in halo, likewise offering a scroll of enlightenment. This images evokes the Bull of Heaven from the Epic of Gilgamesh and is the primary cult image of Zeus at sacred agons. More importantly, the bull is the Аrуаn image of dominance over grain cultures.
Bottom Right is an eagle, with its scrutinizing countenance wreathed in halo and its right forewing holding close a scroll of enlightenment. The eagle was the chief totemic bird of Zeus.
References to the Cherubim, or Cherubs, in the Bible indicate a second order of angel, winged beings, often depicted after the fashion of Cupid, the pagan minor god of love who served Venus/Aphrodite/Ishtar, Goddess of Love. These Cherubs, sometimes depicted boxing in Latin art, variously guard sacred precincts and hold divine inspiration for dispensing to worthy holy men. I am interested, in case a philologist is reading, if Child, Chubby and Cherish have their word origin with the Cherub.
Angel comes from the Greek for Messenger and, according to more recent Christian convention is merely an expression of God’s will, akin to the Bad Dream that Zeus sends to inform Agamemnon. However, even this Bad Dream, is spoken to by Zeus, is a preexisting entity employed as a messenger. The angel is more traditionally seen as a servant that waits on or “attend God” to do his bidding, acting as his intermediary agents with mankind.
Such is the nature of the pleasing tome, set in readable spaced type and.
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posted: March 1, 2024   reads: 2858   © 2023 James LaFond
Temple, Barracks & Prison
Biblical Perspectives on Bondage from Acts 22 to 28
The founding slave masters of Plantation America were Christian patriarchs of avowed piety. In defense of, and to propagate the planting of their lesser human creatures on a further shore, these men stood on Biblical tradition, from the laws of Moses down to the letters of Paul. Thomas White in his Planter’s Plea [0] cites Genesis to support his case for planting unwanted souls in an unexploited land. Cotton Mather, some sixty years later, in his ‘Good Master Well Served,’ would cite Scripture and Gospel extensively in support of the master servant hierarchy of the New England that had been planted according to White’s vision.
Yesterday I noted the numerous passages from the relation of Paul’s passage from Judea to Rome that lend the searching eye a perspective on the servile substrata of Late Roman Antiquity. In this portion of the Bible rarely addressed in sermon or discussion of our greatest extant work of literature, I have extracted the passages in quotes below as contextual devices.
The following passage concerns Paul’s persecution by the Jews for heresy and his various imprisonments under Roman law.
Acts 22:17-30
Paul Confesses to God
“Lord, they themselves know that in every synagogue I imprisoned and beat those who believed in you. And when the blood of Stephan your witness was shed, I also was standing by and holding the garments of those who killed him.”
It is obvious from this passage, at least in ancient Judea, that places of worship were also used as jails, torture chambers and execution docks. This is another indication that civic jails are not present and that servitude is so widespread that prisoners of little importance might be placed under private ownership. Another means of determining a lack of civic detention space is a lack of provisions for feeding prisoners.
In 22: 22-9 Paul and a tribune discuss how each were a Roman citizen, one by birth the other by purchase, and that such high status people were not to be bound based on charges by non Roman. This was the scene before the pillory post in the barracks where Paul was about to be whipped by a scourge, virtually the same punishment device as the English cat-o’-nine-tails employed 1800 years later. In this passage it is clear that the military barracks was a makeshift prison, indicating that the vast majority of humans were held in bondage by private individuals. For even Plantation America had dedicated jails, which Rome did not.
Acts 23
The Plot to Kill Paul
As the tribune discovers that non Roman’s are plotting to kill, Paul, Roman, and that Paul must be judged by a higher authority, it is revealed that the barracks continues as a makeshift jail and that also, the “praetorium” which was the Client king Agrippa’s [1] personal guard barracks, would serve as an even more secure holding area.
Acts 24: 12-31
Paul is Examined by Felix
The governor, who decides to hold Paul orders, “ the centurian that he should be kept in custody but should have some liberty, and that none of his friends should be prevented from attending to his needs.” [2]
This indicates that though the local barracks served as a jail for temporary holding and the regional guard barracks served as a prison to hold longer term captives, that neither location had provisions to feed the prisoner. This indicates that lower class captives would be sold or punished instantly and that only upper caste men of letters, such as Paul, might be supplied and nursed by friends while awaiting judgment. Paul would be held in this way for two years.
Note that in Plantation America there were numerous jails for detaining and auctioning off runaways and vagabonds. In the ancient case of this religious enforcer having fallen into the ways of those he had been employed to capture, denounce and punish, he is passed up the hierarchy and held in military facilities until he is placed in the kind of confinement known by so many slaves from Antiquity to Modernity, passage by ship.
Acts 27: 1-44:
The relation by Paul of his harrowing voyage aboard ship is in many ways similar to the bondage aboard ship of the pagan god Dionysus, in which the sailors seek to abandon their passenger to the very elements that are their heaven sent punishment for his abduction. As with Dionysus, Paul is visited by an Angel and gives his captors a chance to repent. [3]
The ship is driven aground and Paul relates, “The soldiers’ plan was to kill the prisoners, lest any should swim away and escape.”
He had noted that there were 276 person in the ship, indicating at least 200 captives, and very likely more. In this way Rome, who had HIS political enemies recalled and disposed of at the heart of Empire, was the reverse of Britannia, who exiled HER political enemies to distant doom on a Plantation. Yet the common thread was the ship of sail.
Acts: 28: 1-6
Paul Handles a Serpent over a Fire
After escaping the wrecked ship onto the isle of Malta, Paul was seen by the locals to have been bitten by a serpent while making a camp fire. They thought him a murderer at first, escaped from the “justice” of the sea and now being punished by the snake. But when Paul shook the snake loose into the fire unharmed, “they said that he was a god.”
Paul then cured disease on Malta with prayer and laying on of hands. After being transferred to another prison transport ship Paul will be “set at liberty” assigned private quarters and guarded by a single soldier.
In 28:20 Paul reveals the mechanical nature of his bondage, the same commonly used to bind transports from Great Britain to the Plantations, “ is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain.”
And so it was declared by Increase Mather, the Christian patriarch of New England in 1676 that the bondage in chains of the son and wife of Metacomet, the rebel chief would, be led off in chains to make pure, “This New Israel In These Goings Down of The Sun.” This New Israel would, ironically, be repopulated according to the laws of Genesis that decreed a son should leave his father and build a house anew, and that the work would be done by a now invisible army of youths and men brought to its shores in chains.
-0. in A.D. 1631
-1. Named here Herod’s after the king who may have built the facility.
-2. See Samson Agonistes by Milton, in which the Philistines hold Samson in bondage yet permit his family and friends to come feed him.
-3. Ovid, Metamorpheses
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posted: February 28, 2024   reads: 3295   © 2023 James LaFond
Time and Myth
Part 2 of 2: Marius and James Discuss the Path All Travel: 8/4/2023
I was thinking that I lacked the information to follow up on the dialogue with Don Quotays. So, yesterday I put off writing and this morning, Marius, who has not contacted me in some time, had sent a timely boon on time into the crackpot email box. This is an extensive treatment ad I will confine my commentary and answers to brackets. I am most lucky in my readers.
Yes, I know, I was not supposed to do any more of these. But Don and Marius compelled me.
Hello James,
It has been a while. I've been busy learning, preparing, and building - which is what I'm writing to you about today.
**"It takes more power to build than to burn."**
I've stumbled upon the Apple streaming series based on Asimov's Foundation. It is visually excellent and somewhat woke in its messaging, but altogether an enjoyable watch.
The pretext of this universe is that there is a great galactic empire, ruled by an elite (WASPs naturally) that is headed for collapse. A plucky scientist has used "psychohistory" - a method of detecting trends in the language to create a loose narrative of future events. This is in use today, by a man named Clif High, who has been calling the playbook of the elites very accurately for the last few years.
[The great trend in American English over the past 150 years has been the change in word meaning from service to freedom, in such a way as to convince the tax farmed subject of USG that the empire services him rather than he the empire. This has such expressions as the change from indented to indentured at the beginning of the arc to the most recent practice of categorizing the hitting of a pedestrian by a train as “trespass incident” rather than a pedestrian incident.]
The bigger theme, however, is the concept of a great solar year.
It takes 200k years for our solar system to travel around the galactic center. During which time, we experience an Iron, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Age - each lasting 25k years. At the peak of the golden age, the same cycle happens in reverse, leading us back into an iron age. During each 25k years, we travel through each of the astrological signs - lasting approximately 2k years each for a total of 12 signs.
In our current time, we are leaving the ascending iron age and entering the ascending bronze age. In more granular detail, we are leaving the age of Pisces (age of schooling - everyone following) to the age of Aquarius (age of knowledge).
The supposition is that when we are closer to the galactic center, we receive more energy from the sun, giving us greater powers as human beings. As we descend into the dark ages (bronze, Iron), we become more dense, stupid, and brutish until, of course, we ascend again.
The Asimov series, Foundation, appears to be based around this concept. The huge centralized empire keeping a sort of Pax Romana will disintegrate, leading to wars, suffering, a loss of knowledge, and a calcifying of humans into mere beasts of burden to maintain a standard of living for the powerful elite.
The protagonist, a paleface scientist, who spearheads a diverse array of other cultures (Woke Primer), has mathematically proven this to be a certainty and is exiled by the emperor to create a "Foundation" of human knowledge to soften the descent.
The logic is a series of repositories of hidden knowledge to rebuild faster and thus shorten the inevitable coming dark ages.
[Babylonian, Hellenic, Roman, Islamic, Turkic, French and British conquerors have, in various times, and seemingly on a lore collection instinct conducted such collection projects, to include meathead Marc Antony’s stocking of the library of Pergamus.]
It seems to me that all these stories, from Halo, to Atlantis, to Foundation, to Star Wars, all tell the same tale - the rise and fall of the human species. If these things are simply fiction, how can so many authors have essentially the same vision?
[It is in our shared mythic core. See Ovid’s Metamorpheses and Howard’s Hyperborian and Atlantean yarns.]
It's beyond a doubt to me that these galactic empires have existed, and we are simply remembering history - or more politically correct – OurStory.
[Gilgamesh, Beowulf, which I suggest is our second oldest tale, The Iliad, Odyssey, Argonautica, Aenied, these are all migratory myths of man in a fallen state seeking rejuvenation.]
From what I've been able to determine from my reading of history, human beings had an advanced civilization here on earth - e.g., Tartaria.
[I have seen some Tartaria videos bout how 18th and 19th century building in America was simply the clearing of brush and the restoration of the top levels of more ancient buildings. The arguments generally lean on the small number of “colonists” who supposedly built these edifices. Thus the lie that there were no European slaves in English America when in fact there were millions, serves to buttress this notion. That said, much evidence for Pre-Columbian construction and Bronze Age mining is lying in plain site in North America, denied by academics. See the works of Arlington Mallory.]
It was wiped out and enslaved by the Annunaki/Eloheim/Gods/Titans et al., and reduced to a shadow of what it once was.
[Somehow, I expect the larger Nenderthal brain might be a legacy of a fallen higher race.]
The ancient Talmud texts and Old Testaments refer to dealing with these beings, who were brutal warlords and drug addicts that wanted nothing more than to consume us.
[The complete Book of Enoch, Gilgamesh and the legend of Minos point as well to such a direction.]
Which comes back to the concept of it being easier to destroy than create.
These beings, which may be demons or more likely simply powerful extraterrestrials, have no power to create. They can only destroy. Like Tolkien mentioned:
**“The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real things of its own. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them.” - J.R.R. Tolkien**
Do these beings consume us (adrenochrome? smoking the abdominal fats of humans and devouring the creative potential of children) to retain their power, even as the natural cycles of the great solar year would cause it to wane?
[Human sacrifice from Abraham down and its gradual decline is an argument for an elite that once openly demanded human children. In Homer and Ovid, the characterization of dragons as machine like, of flying chariots, of titans and gods having ichor for blood that itself is deadly to humanity, the slaying of the python being the most profound, and the various monstrous titans such as the hundred eyed jailer of Io and many-headed hydras sound like distorted memories of fighter jets. Thunderbirds in Amerindian lore, the weight of Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s weapons, and the silver-tongued automatons that assist Hephasteus in his workshop also come to mind as possible muddled recollections or technology.]
[As for fats, consider that the Spanish conquistadors rendered the body fat of Amerindian foes slain in battle, to serve as salves to close their own wounds!]
Supposedly this is the case, that the bronze age collapse was an alien invasion that wiped out our greatest center of our species' development - Atlantis - by sinking it into the sea.
[I favor something like the Younger Dryas Event or the melting ice caps at the start of the Middle Stone Age for accounting for Atlantis. Anthropologist Robert Sepher has done an excellent job tracing Atlantean migration.]
There is spurious evidence to suggest that Atlantis is indeed Antarctica. Hence why it is verboten to visit.
[I have long been suspicious of this and think that H.P. Lovecraft was also.]
If this were the case, and humans descended into a period of darkness, where we were harvested by an oppressive elite of aliens and their chosen servants, it would stand to reason why the world is the way it is.
Apparently, these aliens, the Eloheim (which is where we get the words aloha, hello, etc., from - as a greeting to these beings of power), would travel from world to world, harvesting the creative energy of the host population to fuel their own diminishing power.
They left for some reason when the earth entered the depths of its iron age. It was at this time the greatest of human sacrifices were recorded, such as in Mesoamerica. They were consuming more innocent blood for diminishing returns.
[This is logical reasoning.]
At some point, they left, leaving behind a ruling class to "tend the farm" while they were gone.
This ruling class adopted their policies of blood-drinking, sacrifice, and human farming in anticipation of their masters' return.
As they are aware of this secret of our immortality (the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth), the elite have sought to keep us dense and stupid - in short, to keep us in the dark age and prevent humanity from rising.
[Whatever the origin of our elites, nation state governance methods mostly originate with herding people out of the hinterlands who conquered farming people and domesticated and controlled those farmers according to the principals of animal husbandry [house-binding]. John Keegan in his omnibus History of Warfare points out how nomad horseman achieved victory over civilized armies from 1700 B.C. to A.D.1400 by herding tactics modified for use against human enemies.]
This will not last. We are so much more powerful than we know. It is all smoke and mirrors.
A true brotherhood of humanity would be a force to be reckoned with, and once we learn their technology, we will be able to contest for our own autonomy.
[My cynic heart suspects that we might already—at our upper echelons—become like them.]
As I have stated here before, I am not as nihilistic as you - I don't see humans as being intrinsically evil or self-serving. I think this is a sickness of the soul that corrupts the civilized man.
[Yes, agree and also that nihilism, which is not something I am found of, is a bitter bi-product of our own rulers poisoning our compassion through misuse. Look at how much harm only recently, has been heaped upon us in the name of caring. I see humans as generally neutral in terms of good and evil and note that our rulers’ key method of domestication is to promote evil under the guise of good, which has rendered most police and soldiers for instance, into tools for evil.]
Which is to say, modern humans are steers and heifers being cultivated for the benefit of a parasitic elite - whether human or not.
I believe the most important tool in achieving greatness is - Imaginative Intelligence.
[Is it not telling that imagination is the key target of academia? As it was in the Soviet Union? Even in speculative fiction, a genre which has lost market share over my life time, if one were to write a time travel novel that posited something other than the Grandfather Paradox, few people could tolerate that premise. I have noted that the constant war against conspiracy Theories is an attack on imagination.]
I can perceive a human race built around our best traits - fearless, courageous, and proud.
We were that once, and we will be again.
What would that look like to you?
[I wrote about this in Nightsong of the Nords, final volume of the trilogy that begins with Reverent Chandler, Who Writes the Songs of Night. At this point I suggest a compromise of remnant human traits that have survived our domestication.]
I know how you view it in a primitive setting - as a state of barbarism - but I have only read your dystopias such as Organa - where a single masculine archetype is able to break the slave matrix.
[Of course, that is the dream.]
What would that look like if we were to do it as a species?
[To fulfill our design it must be an extra solar migration, a concept that most scientists and science fiction advocates now regard as impossible. Asimov’s possibilities have been reduced to Phillip K. Dick’s probabilities. That most of our technology is devoted to gossip and pleasure is astounding.]
If we are to spread out and conquer the stars - it will take balls, brain, and brawn.
[It occurs that this is why we are being systematically emasculated across the full spectrum, that our earthly stewards are bound to a pact to keep us grounded, if for no other reason than to prevent our escape from their plantation.]
We are currently slaves to a centralized system of money magic - this will be swept away - I am sure of it. I can see that all we need to do is let the Tower of Babel fester. We must build our own foundation, repositories of knowledge (akin to the Dead Sea Scrolls - or any of these Nepalese monasteries of old books), and we will outlast our oppressors.
[I heartily agree, and I’m not hearty about much.]
I see a decentralized world, of healthy barbarism.
[Honor and courage for instance, come to us exclusively from the barbaric sphere, not from the growing of grain and building of population centers.]
It starts with having healthy people, robust of frame and strong of mind, with free energy, real nutrition, distributed manufacturing, and sound currency.
I do have faith in humanity - not the pond scum of today's people - but of what we were, and what we can be again.
[Homer’s heroes allude to this when they recall their mightier ancestors. Beowulf, when he is mourned by the matrons at his funeral is recognized as the last savior of an embattled race, the 12 princes riding around his tomb at the funeral judged unfit by posterity for the defense of his patrimony.]
What do you think?
[I think, and I feel, that you have written a very compelling case for optimism. I have specifically dealt with your thesis in Holiday Blue, most of which is serialized on this site. Science-Fiction by older authors which has dealt with this concept I list below. Thank you so much Marius.]
Sir, as my body fails comprehensively and I have been denied the basic agency of a biped, now crawling on all fours or dragging about like a beached seal, I hope for your brighter visions of the future, rather than mine as seen through a glass darkly.
Marius is the author of a profound book of poetry I reviewed some years ago under the guest authors and book review tags.
Some titles that bear on Marius’ call for hope and/or Atlantis:
-The Magic Goes Away, author forgotten
-Hadon of Ancient Opar, Phillip Jose Farmer
-Hegira, Greg Bear
-The Book of the New Sun, 4 volumes, Gene Wolfe
-Litany of the Long Sun, 4 volumes, Gene Wolfe
-Saga of the Short Sun, 3 volumes, Gene Wolfe
-Jannisaries, Pournelle and a coauthor
02.26.24   Maud'dib — A blood sucking parasitic Vampire lord died today! Hurrah
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posted: February 26, 2024   reads: 3211   © 2023 Maud'dib
Time Horizon
Part 1 of 2: Don Quotays and James Discuss the Path All Travel: 7/31/2023
Time Horizon
E-mail, June 27 2023
“Perhaps Civilizations fail so rapidly, compared to tribal societies due to seasonal sub-annual thinking rather than generational supra annual thinking?"
James, you may be on to something significant here.
A psychologist discussed (on utoob) experiments to get high school students to create a five year plan for their lives.  They couldn't do it.  Not even the smart kids.  Intellectually, they just do not have that long an internal perspective.  The window they could handle was, as I recall, less than a year.  Having raised kids, I'd agree.
This could be a skill impacted by both intellectual capacity and life experience.
Today everyone has instant access to answers (if you know the right questions) and fresh fruits and veggies are available year round.  If you get cold or hot, adjust a setting.
Everyone is being conditioned to have a short attention span and a short time horizon.
Intentional or accidental, it's not a good thing.
FYI, this week is the first genuinely hot weather we've seen.
Don Quotays
Thanks for this thoughtful reference, Sir.
What follows is a meander, this man here, merely wondering without concluding.
My editor recently sent me a text concerning my lack of patience for medical care: “After we get your back fixed, my next mission is to relieve you of your negroid high time preference.”
“Cooorack!” sung the editorial cat-o’-nine-tails.
I have lived an unplanned life since my house was lost. At age 19 I signed a 30 year note on a row house in Baltimore City and began implementing a 30-year-plan to work in supermarkets, raise children and collect books. At age 50 I intended to cut back to part time and enjoy reading through the library of some 3,000 books, never figuring my body could handle laboring until age 62 and that on becoming homeless I had to chuck half the library and gift the other half. That long term plan went to hell when I was injured at 31, and within 5 years had lost the family car and the house under the mountain of medical debt and unpaid car laons, etc.
Since those events wrecked my spirit for carrying out an economic plan I have refused to plan more than to the next winter, as I get sick then. I plan my every year as my last since 2011. Oddly, my haphazard life has resulted in me going into semi retirement just before age 50 and my body failing to continue physical work at exactly age 60. Thus the Fates have granted such a parody of my 30-year plan, it having been centered on earning and maintaining a home, in which I am homeless and unable to even carry books with me as I hobble broken backed between two crutches.
I believe I can speak from the perspective of a brief, sub-annual time horizon. As soon as I emerge from my sick bed in late March, I plan the rest of the year until Winter. I cannot see, in my mind, any convincing vision of life after Winter Solstice.
The Chaldean, Babylonian, Hellenic and Roman civilizations were tightly regulated by orderly notions of Time. The latter two worldviews saw the world of the barbarian Scythians and Germans as lacking in forethought, filling the Romans with the confidence that they would defeat these folk in war. They won often, but it was the barbarians who prevailed. [0] There are older views of time held until the 20th century in tropical locations, where there are only two seasons, such as the Andaman Islanders telling the time of day by scents given off by plant life.
Zeus was named Time-holder as one of his most common titles, the other being Almighty. The Olympic agon held every 8 years and then every 4 years were an appeasement of Zeus Almighty, for the sins of men, made good by sacrifice, suffering and oaths. Zeus is a close analog to the Almighty God of the Old Testament, angry with how the men under his blessing conducted themselves upon the earth.
Note that Zeus came to power by imprisoning his father, Chronos: Time. He did this with the help of Prometheus [Forethought.] Prometheus then sins by enlightening mankind and imparting knowledge of the arts, and is chained at Zeus’ command to a mountain rock for 10,000 years, an eagle to come peck at his liver and keep him powerless.
Zeus was also subject to the Fates, Almighty only among the heavenly host and powerless to control the tides of Eternity. The key point where pagan and Christian disagree on the nature of the Almighty, is this, that what Aristotle named The “Unmoved Mover” or “Cause Uncaused” was one with Eternity. Ovid is unsure “whatever god” created earth. The Bible is sure.
In the ancient pagan view the Almighty lives outside of Time and is not subject to its strictures. However, he was fathered by Time, rebels and yet fears Time and his allies, and has no power over the Fates, which are eternal forces, that frustrate and doom both mortals and immortals. The fates have more power to effect Time than the gods. Prometheus warns that Zeus has only 10,000 years beyond the bondage of Time. [2]
I suspect that the tightly ordered mathematics of time used by civilizations for their agricultural planning and rites assigned to eternal forces, enabled them to scale up as a society, but also evolved into a brittle polity enchained to the short cycles of its own devise.
Hebrew and Aztec civilizations did have 51 year long cycles, and the Mayan cyclic reckoning went out to some 5,000 years. However, the nations that conquered these long cycle civilizations were Аrуаn and wedded to long cycles of only 4 or 8 years. Ironically, the Аrуаn barbarians who toppled Rome had a longer view, vested in a tribal identity that could endure defeat better than an economic civic entity.
The combination of the Аrуаn barbarian conquest of Аrуаn Roman civilization resulted in a median view, one that was powered only by a beating heart. Into the 19th Century, the Anglos marked time not just by the old agrarian year, but with a longer time, being the year of the reign of the monarch. This resulted in the Elizabethan, Victorian, Regency and Edwardian ages, as well as others. Germany attempted to bring back the long cycle in the 1930s, and paid for this affront to the God of Things, that is the consumptive golem called Western Civilization, with a firestorm, of the like that Apollo’s son visited upon the earth when attempting to take the reigns of the heavenly chariot of his sire.
I think the Anglo habit of looking at the reign of the current monarch as an age harnessed the psyche of the short cycle of month and year with the longer cyclic thinking of the nomadic Аrуаns that toppled the annual civilizations during migratory crises. For the nomad is subject to dislocation based on long seasons, such as a solar minimum. This migratory thinking naturally transferred to seafaring nations.
The American break with monarchy and the institution of the Olympic cycle as a term of stewardship on earth, did result in a super-charged, short-term social machine perpetually geared with a sense of urgency well adapted to industrial scale.
However, this would result in the age of computation as emotive social thought, unfettering Prometheus from his rock. Giving every man in his hand all the oracles of the new age and taking the seasonal aspects of forethought away, placing each of us at the foot of every oracle of every god, advising us in a contrary well of babel, is mazing to our mind.
The ancients placed limited human interaction with suprahuman perspectives to certain days and places, very often a tree, such as the Oak of Dodona sacred to Zeus and the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden. Man’s fall from Eden, I suspect will be mirrored by our fall from action as we mew alone in our places with the oracle in the palm of our hand, a thing that offers as more confusion than any other single thing it contains.
As far as our current system of control, it has and will benefit by introducing increasingly short cycles. This is manifest in our most common cycle, the news cycle. News cycles our powered, not by thought, but by emotional offerings of truth. These truths are suggested as reasonable presentations of thought, but are actual emotional projection of doctrine, or anti-thought. This was initiated as the art of the Doctor in the Early Modern Period. The engine at the center of Postmodern Social Control is the emotive projection of news as rational truth. This enables systemic emotional control of between 50% and 95% of humanity. This system is one of true forethought, in which what will be believed by the demos tomorrow, was determined at a conclave of logicians yesterday, and projected by gaslight today. [2]
Has Prometheus been unchained?
Will Chronos rise?[3]
I will conclude this discussion in Meander: Rivers and Myth; Time Horizon Part 2.
0. early church fathers, such as Turtillian, maintained that shaving was an affront of man to God, which may reflect more ancient ideals of youth affecting hygiene being an afront to Time. Even Zeus, Timeholder, was depicted as bearded, not as a youthful Apollo.
-1. see Jeremy Rifkin’s, Time Wars, circa 1988, for a discussion of the concept of Time.
-3. According to the Poet of Beowulf, the rise of Christianity brought The Almighty into possession of the loom of fates, making God the fate weaver. In the Odyssey, Penelope plays this roll as a metaphor as her lost husband seeks home, suggesting that poem as tale of return to cyclic life from cataclysmic strife.
-4. The architects of modernity include among their numbers the following men who were deeply immersed in the occult: John Dee, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin.
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posted: February 23, 2024   reads: 21783   © 2023 James LaFond
‘You Highest Heavens’
Echoes in the Milky Way in the Bible? 5/15/2023, Harford County, Maryland
Aunt Madeline was the epitome of the good catholic school girl, still studying into her spinster old age. My Mother, sister and Brother-in-law, four years after her passing, are still curating her neatly stored belongings, most of the heart of the soul. Yesterday, bored with the NASCAR races, I perused her handsome red Bible
The Holy Bible
Revised Standard Version
Second Catholic Edition
Ignatius Press
Translated from the Original Tongues
Being the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611
Compared with the most Ancient Authorities
Citations indicating variations in translations are in brief footnotes.
Electric Dan had texted me that Paul Wagener of the Wolves of Vinland had cited Psalm 82 in a podcast concerning multiple divinities. My current investigation into the actual appeal of Christianity among pagan and heathen folks finds a trace below which we will follow. I should note, that while Christianity holds little appeal to Modern Western Humans, and that atheism blooms in the wake of Protestant [a] Christianity like flowers after the rain, that pre-modern forms of Christianity held vast appeal among heathen folk. Witness the near total conversion in a few generations of Latin America under Catholicism while Native North American tribes took four hundred years to convert at less than 50%. A keystone of this study is the inference that something in earlier presentations of Christ to pre-Christians held an appeal, far beyond the prosperity Gospel of Modern Christianity. It being obvious from readings of pagan sources that there were many shared beliefs among Christians and Pagans in Antiquity, but few to none between scientific Modernity and extant heathenry, offers a direction for inquiry. [8]
-a. Protestant Christianity, in all of its extant denominations, are strictly modern disciplines, developed under the eye of Science and in the shadow of Modernity.
-b. The accounts of father Andrew White, Maryland, 1635, and Increase Mather, 1676, make this clear, that Amerindians were attracted to Christianity and only balked when ALL aspects of their native faiths were rejected by New English Doctrine.
The full psalm is here quoted, with Quotation marks reserved for the Word of God, the voice of the Almighty.
A Plea for Justice
A Psalm of Asaph
82 [81]
God has taken his place in the divine council; [1]
in the midst of the angels he holds judgment: [2]
“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? [3]
“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; [4]
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
(God speaks)
I say, “You are gods,
sons of the Most High, all of you;
nevertheless, you shall die like men,
and fall like any prince.” [6]
Arise, O God, judge the earth;
for to you belong all nations!
Psalm 82 Notes
-1. Council denotes a place were multiple parties conduct shared inquiry and arrive at a joint decision.
-2. The role of the angels here is indistinguishable from that of the lesser gods in Ovid, Hesoid, Homer and Virgil under the rule of Zeus Almighty.
-3. So speaks God, nearly identically to Zeus in Homer, to other powers who he accuses of afflicting humanity unjustly.
-4. The fatherless in all nations of antiquity were destined for slavery.
-5. Humanity, the subjects of creation, are lost and wandering, afflicted by events in the natural world beyond their understanding, very much as in Ovid’s Metamorpheses.
-6. In agreement with Hesiod, Ovid and Homer, particularly Zeus’ lone status as the one god who may not be killed, as he heals Aphrodite [Love] and Ares [War] from the wounds inflicted by the mortal Diomedes.
Above, we see, in the semantic delusion of the post-rational world of science and monotheistic revisions for the Bible, that God Almighty has a capital G instead of a small g, not because he is the only suprahuman divine power, but because he is the greatest, as Zeus points out in the Iliad, that if he held one end of a chain and all the other powers in Heaven held the other, that he would drag them into his service.
Angels, in pagan and heathen terms are clearly analogous to the minor powers commanded by Zeus, who names them angels and gods, and who declares them to have powers to pass judgment over humanity, indeed wickedly so.
As I perused the kindly spaced type of this Bible, I make the other polytheistic Biblical notes.
Psalm 132
God is referred to as “the Mighty One of Jacob,”
Do note that Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord until dawn and that the attribution of Might is familiar to readers of the Hellenic tradition, from which God Almighty was derived from Zeus Almighty and Jove Almighty.
Psalm 138
Psalm of David
‘before the angels I sing your praise,” prays David, obviously concerned with the opinion of God’s agents, the angels, which the modern scientific mind equates with the mere voice, thoughts and will of God projected down into the world, against all ancient evidence.
Praise for God’s Universal Glory [A]
Psalm 148
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens, [B]
praise him from the heights! [C]
Praise him. All his angels, [D]
Praise him, all his host! [E]
Praise him, sun and moon, [F]
praise him all you shining stars! [G]
Praise him you highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens. [H]
[God is then named creator of the heavens who fixed their bounds that may not be passed… next comes a passage as if from Ovid, concerning lesser earthly powers that are supra human and in concord with heavenly creation.]
Praise the Lord from the earth,
you sea monsters and all deeps,
fire and hail, snow and frost,
stormy wind fulfilling his command.
Notes to Psalm 148
-A. Glory requires the affirmation of witnesses, generally peers of lesser peers, particularly in a tribal context. The bible is a tribal document.
-B. Not to the heavens, but from, meaning by occupants of heaven.
-C. From the pinnacle of the human hierarchy.
-D. If these were merely facets of God, this prayer would be baseless. Angels are supranatural beings separate from God.
-E. Suggestive of other powers than angels subordinate to God.
-F. These two bodies vested with agency here and assumed to be gods in all pantheons of antiquity.
-G. Recalls such ascendant heroes as Orion and Heracles stationed as heavenly beacons, as indicated in Ovid.
-H. Sounding like a declaration out of Ovid, in which the higher powers occupy higher heavens and that the “waters” of “Milky Way” river of stars is the palace of the Almighty and his closest powers.
-I. These two passages, 7 and 8, are identical to passages in Ovid, concerning the winds as lesser gods and remind the reader of the most ancient book of the Bible, Job, in which God reminds his human subject that he holds the key to the storehouses of the snow.
02.21.24   Obarf — Perhaps the affinity for the Catholicism in Latin America is the reticence of the Pope to denounce wife beating.
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posted: February 21, 2024   reads: 3476   © 2023 Obarf
We Are the Sons of Aryas
Foreword to Sons of Aryas by Achilleas, the Series Reader: 8/7/2023
I’ve found Mr. LaFond through some podcasts I’ve listened to in the past couple of years. At first, listening to him I thought that I had to do with another character of the cookie cutter “dissident-right” personas that America is known for to us Europeans, and boy was I wrong!
When I started reading his books, I immediately understood that he cannot be put into a box. Don’t forget that this is what scares the System. If you cannot be put into a category, which just means that you don’t accept the labels given to you after the 18th Century, you are a persona non grata.
Reading his book, “The Sons of Aryas”, I had a lot of overlapping thoughts. As I told him, in a personal email, I felt “…excited, doomed, happy and miserable all at the same time”. As we are the Sons of Aryas I felt like the end of Europe a la Oswald Spengler, Kerry Bolton and Ted Kaczynski is inevitable. As history is cyclic, according to all Traditional systems of thought, we are just before the fall. As Athens fell, as Rome fell, as Byzantium fell, as nature falls when it cleanses itself through fire. When nature gets stale, when there cannot be any more growth and when a system has reached its apex, there is always fire. When the Orthodox Byzantines (Greco-Romans) were at the gates and the huge army of the Ottomans were breaching the City of Constantinople, where was everyone else?
The whole of the Eastern Roman Empire consisted of two cities at that time! Which means that it was already fallen, and it just needed a push. The causes of the fall? The same ones as in Athens and Rome in antiquity and Europe and America in modernity.
In the “Sons of Aryas”, I realized that humanity has always made the same mistakes, made the same arguments and when it got too fat and stupid to move, something else came and swept it off its feet.
What will it be in our time and age? Islam? The PC Agenda? Capitalism? All the above? How long will people still toil in these circumstances?
Isn’t Generation Y/X and the Millennials killing themselves in record numbers anyway? The same person that will brag on social media on how well adjusted he is, how happy he is in his office job, how much he appreciates modern art, how “safe” the modern world is and how convinced he is about his materialistic philosophical presuppositions, is the same person that tries to find happiness at the end of a spoon, in the all too “relatable” and “colorful” characters of a Netflix show, at the pulling off of a used condom or, in a lot of cases, at the end of a gun or a rope.
But is the average person to blame?
Mr. LaFond’s criticism of the “Manosphere” in the “Sons of Aryas” got me thinking on the “woman problem” of our age. Countless hours have been spent on books on how to “game” a woman or on why so many young people are sex starved. But what is the reason behind that?
Why do so many women of European descent in America and so many Greek, Italian, Swedish, and Norwegian women (just to name a few) in their respective countries, are attracted to people from Africa and the Middle East?
I’ve even noticed that these same women when given the rape statistics are either denying them or retort with the phrase “Swedish/German/Greek men rape too!”.
But isn’t that contradictory to them wanting to feel safe?
If all the problems for modern women come down to the fear of being raped, shouldn’t they be the first ones to push for extreme border control?
Common sense would tell you that, but common sense isn’t “common” for everyone as people are creatures of intellect but also pathos. These women know exactly what is going on. They open their arms happily to these men knowing that they put themselves to extreme danger. Why?
Because they’ve found something to these men that they cannot find to their European counterparts. They found Men! Unapologetic men! Sexist men! Men who refuse adamantly to change their customs, religions and even garb! Men who openly talk about exterminating the local population of “men”. What is there not to like?
Wouldn’t a woman feel safer being close to a man from the Middle East, that respects his God and his culture, rather than a limp wristed, atheistic European?
Wouldn’t she feel safer, being close to someone from the continent of Africa that, at least, looks like he could fight?
Where does all the above bring us, as Mr. LaFond points out in his thesis?
We have failed our women. Yes, women want to feel safe but that doesn’t mean that all of them prefer comfort to safety. The above are not mutually exclusive.
“The Sons of Aryas” is a book on fire. Not in the Nietzschean sense, neither the Faustian one but the Heraclitian one. This book is fire (energy) that will “burn” you from the inside out like the great works of the Romantics did in the 18th and 19th century, as these people saw the Enlightenment as something that would be our ruin (and it is, just look at the “fruits” of the Enlightenment. Liberalism, communism but also the Right and the Alt-Right/Far-right).
What most Westerners fail to understand is that both the Right and the Far-right are “fruits” of revolution themselves with the Romantic movement coming in the forefront to combat all the above, with the known results of every truly Conservative nation losing all important wars. From the American Civil War up to World War I and World War II. The good guys lost, and the bad guys won, hence the evils of the modern world and all the fake Left/Right dichotomy which, at the end of the day, has the same historical and philosophical force behind it.
Mr. LaFond your books are an oasis and men are extremely thirsty these days. I hope that you live a long and productive life so we can continue enjoying your tremendous work.
᾿Ή τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς.
• Achilleas
02.20.24   Maud'dib — I prefer cracker boy and your trogen whorse
02.20.24   VzdG — now i gotta read it
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posted: February 20, 2024   reads: 3511   © 2023 VzdG
'White Like Me'
Part 2: Question of “White” versus Christian Identity: 5/9/23
[Note from 9/1/2023. The majority of references to a person being "white" from the early Middle Ages come from Islamic sources, such as the Hadith.]
Hey, James,
I remember that you wrote that white identity was invented by Jews to replace Xtendom. Any sources on that?
The process amounted to Jews making racial common cause with higher class Anglos, Dutch and Germans, in the traffic of lower class Gaels, Swedes, Finish, Dutch, Africans, Anglos and Germans. [9] Other races went along with it as an actual civic-economic replacement of Christian identity. In the 1700s any two Europeans meeting in a savage land would say, "I am a Christian." By 1900, they would say, like the Jewish filmmaker who drove down to Baltimore from Manhattan to interview me in 2017, “I am white like you," as he glanced worriedly at a Jamaican man.
I cannot prove this and have no desire to do so, for it would result in all of my books being erased. I am showing a clear causal, adaptive, social evolution in an entirely polarizing, artificial, racial terminology over time, tracking perfectly with full integration of Jews into Dutch and Anglo-American society and economics. Jasper Dankearts relates that in Dutch Manhattan in 1671 that there were designated temples for Christians to visit and share in worship with local Jews. Ultimately, the switch from Christian identity was powered by an aggressive Christian-American impulse to conjoin their universalist faith with a late stage and clearly artificial racial designation. For there are no white people on earth. Albinos are pink. Ironically "white" race-based Christians have used this term in an attempt to balance white and Christian, which is not possible, as Christianity is metaphysically all inclusive and white identity becomes a zoological trap over the generations. I suspect that the Anglo elite went in for “white” in the same spirit that they adopted “British” to replace English, as a way of erasing Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Cornish racial identity.
Ultimately, my observation that the source for the insertion of the term "white" that would replace "Christian" between 1600 and 1800, had only one candidate agency, a small refuge race living in colonies internal and external to Christendom, gave me a chill up my spine. This chill informed me that Jews and Jew haters would reserve more animus for my clear observation than for each other.
The observation is, that Jews involved in slave trading of European Christians and heathen Africans, in intimate cooperation with European Christians, hit upon the only other commonality than money shared with their Anglo-Dutch partners, pale skin, as a means of seeking protection against the dark and pale slave revolts that had [10] and would occur.
I see this as a logical adaptation to the Age of Sail, in light of the many exterminations and expulsions of Jews in the earlier age that had resulted from their work as tax collectors and creditors who relied on the might of Christian elites to enforce their rights and secure their lives. I do not posit that this was a Jewish conspiracy to replace Christianity with White identity. But, that the mass Anglo-Dutch-American mind [French engaged in this too] chose, millions of times, over hundreds of years, to pursue the economic benefit of white identity over the traditions of Christianity.
From 1600 through the present Europeans traded in their Christian faith for ideologically-backed money just as earlier Europeans had traded in their heathen faith for Christian-backed money. With the dawning of our new social justice age, Jews have largely had the good sense to abandon their shared white identity for their ancient religious Identity. Meanwhile their co-conspirators in the Invention of Modernity doggedly cling to White identity as if it is something that existed anywhere in the would before 1453, when Modernity rose from the final collapse of Antiquity. 
Thank you, Baruch, for permitting me to emulate the historical Odin, who hung himself around about the time of Christ in a protest against Civilization, to include money, which would be banned by his followers for a good 200 years until they slowly began to relearn the worship of the god in the purse.   
Where do you rank modern American slavery-prison system and low wage unskilled labor both?
The prison systems in China, Peru and the United States, in which inmates perform economic production, are clearly work house analogues. These date back to Ancient Egypt.
Debt based wage work, was regarded as no better than slavery by the elite scumbags who founded this country and was a key reason why an income tax was regarded as wicked, even by the wicked of that former age. For, by definition, anyone who works for an hourly or even daily is a mere step from debt. In this evil age, income tax is regarded as a good. The founding lie founders regarded any man who does not own land and people and liquid assets, and instead works for a daily rate, to be but one step from crushing debt, which, until 1800s, resulted in the sale of that person to satisfy that debt.
From roughly 1820s to the 1920s, the only people that were sold to satisfy economic or social debts were orphans and half orphans such as Bill Carlisle [4] and Prissila Lightfoot. [5] Our Postmodern juvenile corrections system is an oblique slavery, in which youths are enslaved and held without producing any value, merely as a grift upon the greater society, who are taxed for their “care.” [6]
-1. See the Song of Solomon, the book White Gold, the account of Thomas Pellow, and America In Chains, [my 2nd Plantation America book] in which the trade of castrated English men and boys by Venetian clergy to Islamic sex trade merchants, was clearly dated in the 1300s, around the time when Jews were expelled from England.
-2. In antiquity the idea of a white person was an oddity, with one emperor for a year, being unusually pale, being named Albinos. He was whacked by Septimus Severus round about 190 A.D. Only one antiquitous reference to "white” is made by Tacitus and that of Germans and as an adjective, with later Roman commentators naming Nordics “the fair haired races.” Indeed, in the British isles and even in Spain in the late Middle Ages, to be called “the Black” was a reference to one's dark hair color.
-3. The fellow was doing a paper on scandals in Ottoman Egypt involving Jewish slave mistresses affronting their husbands by buying African men as lovers. He informed me by email that he could not use the material on adoption of slavic slave girls and supposed I could use this material to cut my own throat, which I here do.
-4. see his Biography, as well as Jack Black's You Can't Win.
-5. Half Broke Horses by the author of The Glass Castle.
-6. See Orphan Nation and the story of Dude.
-7. Nathan Bedford Forest and Captain Jack Hinton are prominent examples from that state.
-8. Do note that Jewish slave holders were regarded by African slaves as the kindest masters, less prone to the whip hand than Christian masters.
-9. See the journal of Augustine Herman from 1656 in the back matter of Cox & Swain for evidence of Scandanavian slaves in English America.
-10. Wat Tyler's rebellion and numerous peasant uprisings in France and Germany.
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posted: February 19, 2024   reads: 3868   © 2023 James LaFond
'To Replace Xtendom'
Part 1: Question of “White” versus Christian Identity: 5/9/23
I can't believe I posted this suicide note.
Since i wrote this I have listened to some outtakes from Post-Koranic Islamic literature, fanatically declaring that Mohamed was "white" and that he was not "black." This Islamic mention of Mohamed being white would be the very first use of that term as a racial noun. So I must listen to the Koran again. Their are zero uses of white as a racial noun in antiquity. Also, reports on piracy circa 1720, logged by Daniel DeFoe uses the terms white and black only in the Indian Ocean. In the Atlantic, the terms negro, English, Dutch, etc., are used, not white, and hardly ever black. The source for "white and black" seems to be Middle Eastern, with most Arabic commerce being on the Indian Ocean. I am also looking into a book from 1300 which might have the terms white and black used in Holland. My guess is that one of three things are true:
-It was translated, like the letters of Andrew White, in the 1800s and new fake words were inserted
-It was written originally by a Dutchman who was tutored by a Dutchman who was not a Christian
-Or, it was a hoax

Hey, James,
I remember that you wrote that white identity was invented by Jews to replace Xtendom. Any sources on that?
Are those MOSSAD agents repelling out of the sky?
Not to replace Christianity, but to supersede Christian identity in the minds of powerful gentiles, in order to enhance co-existance with Christians within Christendom. This manifested itself first in the interface between Christendom and Islamic and heathen domains, which Christians wanted access to and had recourse to Jewish agents as interfaith and interracial intermediaries. I suspect that conversos pioneered this and that Marco Polo his father and uncle were involved in this type of exchange. Columbus was a converso, as was the man who financed Magellan's expedition before moving his house to Flanders.
The Jewish application, of the Middle Eastern and North African beauty standard for women [1] in the early modern period, is inferred often, deeply and broadly in the historical record. It may not, however be proven according to Postmodern understanding of causality, which are based on specific, material blame associated with the determination of criminal guilt and civic liability. The ancient Roman dictum that he who benefits from an act most likely instigated or at least aided its occurrence, does not apply to our reasoning process.
“White” it does not show up as a racial noun until the period when Dutch Jews locked down the transatlantic slave trade around1600 and Cromwell brought Jews back to move human freight after the civil war, circa 1650. There was a 1656 pamphlet against this which I read—a real Jew hate screed that ties in with the fact that the Magna Carta gave all creditors, "Jews and others" [Templars and Lombards] the right to turn the widows and orphans of even noblemen into chattel to satisfy debt. This is, I suspect the real reason for the expulsion in the 1300s, and Wat Tyler's Revolt, circa 1380, not the fanciful stories of Jews eating Christ babies.  Note that Templars were also expelled or killed in 1314.
I just think it was a protective measure engaged in by sensible minority merchants in human cargo. Numerous Jews have told me, "you're white like me," while in black areas and that keyed me on the probably instigation of that pamphlet and the fact that white was not a racial noun with currency until 1735 and was not the dominant one until 1776-1820, when Christians and Jews made common cause in the Revolution. I don't think it was an attack on Christendom, but a defensive measure by a key minority caught within it. 
The people most resistant to this idea are Christians who hate Jews, by the way. This defensive measure by Jewish shipping concerns, in which 1 old testament Captain might have 10 Protestant English sailors above deck and 200 Catholic Irish freight below, and have a very real and pressing need to make common cause with the crew, has led to Christians giving up their religious identity for an economic "white" identity. However, I do not think that was any plan or conspiracy, but a function of economic gravity within European society.
I read a massive tomb titled White over Black, I think, in which an exhaustive survey of "white" as racial term nets very few mention as a racial noun in the 1600s and none before, with there absolutely being no racial noun of white in Antiquity. [2] it was strictly a modern semantic shift that has tracked exactly with Christianity devolving into secular humanism and atheism.
This is the best reason for the introduction of such an artificial term as "white," and may have been the innovation of a single Dutch ship's captain charged by Cromwell's agents with shipping out English women as chattel. I was reminded of this in the above mentioned tomb when the author, a very pro Hebrew liberal, pointed out that the racial noun "black" was pioneered in Judaic antiquity, I think during the Babylonian captivity.
I have avoided publishing this subject on the main site for fear of being listed by the ADL or SPLC. There are also some such findings, numerous sent to me by an Israeli graduate student [3], concerning Jewish traffic in Christians under Islam, which I did not even have the courage to place on patreon and buried in print only books. Billing and adoption records from Istanbul in the 1500s and 1600s show that Jewish women were buying Slavic women for servants to be married to younger nephews and brothers of their husband after 4 years service, after which they would convert and be married into the family. These slave mistresses boasted of the light hair and "detached eyebrows" of their slave girls, marking a conscious effort to use Islamic caught Christian Europeans to enable breeding into the European genome and moving deeper into Christendom.
Again, this all seems defensive, not aggressive. These people lived in a slave society, in which Islam prohibited their traffic in Muslims and Leviticus barred ownership of their own. Again, White Nationalist have raged at this suggestion, as it places their Jew-hating racial identity as merely a Hebrew applied shared label of old, which Jews have largely abandoned to the descendants of those Christians who gave up their faith for ownership of a negro in the 1700s. 
The 1600s Jewish Captain, surrounded by a crew of Christians, with their calloused feet on the necks of hundreds of Christian and heathen captives, can't use religion, can he? He can't use class? Hell, half of his crew are unfree. All he has is his European race, and especially against Africans. With the African trade not booting up until 1685, the "you are white like me" to the crew would take on much stronger significance in the face of 200 Bantus below decks. Hence, by 1735, "White" as a racial noun begins to gain currency. Most, nearly all, Africans shipped to America came between 1685 and 1750. White, as a racial noun would not begin to challenge “Christian” as the prime American identity until 1770, after the period of African transport, when a now indigenous, and 90% unfree, African population posed a challenge to civic identity. Do note that as many as 40% of American slave owners were Jewish and that Ulysses S. Grant was forced to liberate black slaves from Jews in Tennessee, at the point of a bayonet, at the same time and place that many Christian Tennessee slave holders released their own slaves before Union occupation. [7]
Also, white black terminology begins in the West Indies in the 1600s, and does not reach English North America until the 1700s, where Christian and Heathen or Savage or Indian was common terminology and not holding strong racial identity, but religious and cultural. The epicenter of White identity in America was South Carolina and Georgia, places aggressively settled by Anglo-Jewish slave mongers from the West Indies from 1685 thru 1760. This was also the center of Confederate rebellion against the Union, a rebel nation with a Jewish vice president. [8]
The complete posting and footnotes of this social suicide article, that should get me de-platformed, will be posted on the next nonfiction day.
02.18.24   Maud'dib — your time must be getting short.
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[histories]   [Plantation America]  [Crackpot Mailbox]  [link]
posted: February 16, 2024   reads: 3775   © 2023 Maud'dib
Shrouds of Aryas Complete
Possibly Available as a Site E-Book in April
At 830 pages and over 130,000 words, the fourth book in the Aryas Project is stuck on this computer and on memory sticks until I can get the files into the hands of the Web Master. I am unable—living with fellow paleolithic folks—to skype or use email. i am hoping that a return to Baltimore in April will get me back on line in that way.
I do not think it will ever be in print, as with most of my books over the past five years.
I am going to try and get set up on a paperback platform for publishing drafts. If this is accomplished, this is still too big a book for my dumbass to put into print, because of the book design requirements of its size.
A forward by Achilleas, written for a possible print edition for Sons of Aryas, leads off this volume, as i have been unable to work with the old Microshaft files using my current open office system, and hence may not edit the first edition in the series. Basically, if i wrote it before July 2021, i can't work with the file.
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[histories]   [Author's Notebook]  [link]
posted: February 15, 2024   reads: 3604   © 2024 James LaFond
‘Roll Me Over Fair’
Macro-Funerary Impressions of Billy Budd by Herman Melville: 1/31/24
Moby Dick and Tepee were studies of the masculine character in industrial, primal and tribal [cultural] situations. Billy Budd is a direct distillation of honorable men, occupying various stations in the artificial monstrosity of Empire, faced with their own liquidation.
Billy Budd is a square four hours read by a man with a command of various masculine voice types and accents, affecting a dead pan in narration and breaking into character for dialogue. The story is set at the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars that followed the French Revolution, in about 1800. This was the peak of Age of Sail war technology. A chapter is spent discussing the two British naval mutinies of the year in which the narrative is concerned, the 20th year of a young sailor’s life.
“The handsome sailor,” is discussed, the natural athlete of the Age of Sail. This character is a general type, the paragon of his trade, perhaps the best reefer, climber, oarsman or harpooner.
Billy himself is a younger, innocent version of this type, his face not yet creased with scheming or scowling. Good at his trade, his masters are pleased. Quick with his fists, those older hands jealous of him get a drubbing, and, Billy is so good natured that the brawny man he had to drub came to love him.
“A barbarian,” in the sense of having a basic honor code and no knack for conspiracy, Billy is doomed in the Modern World.
“Variance of usage” is a term employed often to describe the terms of equity expected of enslaved men, that their use by their masters will be tolerable and predictable.
Billy stuttered under stress and had a childlike disposition, uncorruptible for mutiny as he had “Taken the King’s bread.”
Billy was the best sailor on a merchant vessel. A 74-gun ship of the line sent over an officer to “press” a man into service. The officer looted the merchant captain’s liquor and took his best man, Billy. Billy had been happy under that master and loved his new master, Captain Veer, a victor in one battle and an alien to his peers, based on his bookish personality. The crew soon discovers that Billy had no parents, that he had been placed on a door step as an orphan. The older hands end up calling him Baby Budd.
There is a naturally evil man of the upper class who has fallen into crime and debt and has been placed in Middle Age as the Master at Arms, the lowest ranking Petty Officer. The Master at Arms was the police man of the gun decks.
Out of pure jealousy, the Master at Arms attempts to have Billy hanged for mutiny, taking him to the Captain’s state room. Billy stutters when he is upset, and not having the conspiratorial frame of mind required to succeed in an evil world, he has only one answer to this slander, to punch the liar, who then died.
The apex chapters are well served in the Captain’s State Room. He has the surgeon place Billy in one locker and the corpse in the other. He calls a drum head court, with the Captain of Marines and the two ranking sailors as jury, acting himself as both witness and counsel. [1]
The drum head court of the three officers and the Captain did not want to convict. Billy cannot lie. Billy must die. The Captain spends much effort on explaining to the officers that when they sign on with the British Navy, that they are Imperial functionaries, that natural notions of good and bad and right and wrong have no place. The jury felt horrible and the Captain spent time alone with the prisoner.
It was common for navy chaplains to exact gallows confessions and even pro-government speeches from condemned men in return for a chance at Heaven. See Defoe’s General History of the Pyrates. [1] This chaplain refrained from conversion or confessions, seeing innocence as a better thing to be taken to Judgment than dogma. The narrator reminds the reader that while the chaplain may be the representative of The Prince of Peace in the military, that his paymaster is Mars, God of War. The chaplain knows that his very role is to facilitate the rampage of War across the world with the blessings of The Prince of Peace.
Asked for his last words with the noose around his neck, Billy said, “God bless Captain Veer.”
He then hung without a flinch or a jerk, just dying, as the clouds broke in a place to admit the sun. The sailors were then driven to their work according to the “passive docility” instilled in them by military discipline.
The surgeon who supervised hanging was unable or unwilling to explain Billy’s lack of hanging dance and did state that “Will” was not a scientific fact, though the lack of postmortem muscle spasms was a “phenomenon.”
A cloud seemed to receive Billy.
Gulls were thought to send him below in his shot- weighted hammock.
The spar he was hung from was noted in its passage of use by the “blue jackets” of the Navy until it became a dockyard boom. There they collected chips from it as if it were the Cross.
Three Epilogues provide a meditation on how heroic memory works in society.
“Billy, Billy Budd” were the last words of Captain Veer, after a victory in which he was mortally wounded. Thus those who know We the Wrong best carry our authentic memories to their rest, the primal way of most of humanity.
Billy was smeared in a newspaper as a mutineer and murderer, demonstrating Melville’s opinion of the anti-record of newspapers; a fact of our age in which EVERY [3] media report is a lie, the modern way of Civilization.
Billy was immortalized in a poem by a fellow, who extolled only his innocent virtue in death, the ancient way of Culture, the final line repeated in the title above.
In the end, Billy’s death shroud was his hammock, his low, untrusted and stridently used berth in life serving to cloak his descent into oblivion. Thus, Melville preserved a character of the millions of men who died in battle, in chains and at unpaid labors in service to the men who write the history books, the men who hate and envy them.
-1. As in Defoe’s History, the “contractors” who supplied the fleet are characterized as supplying less than the value to the men than the King had paid for their feed.
-2. Note that in 1816, the Year Without A Summer, the surviving veteran sailors of the Fleet, 60% to 80% of whom had been pressed into service like Billy, were released without food, winter clothes or pay, to die on country roads and in city streets from starvation and exposure, a more severe if like reward to the veterans of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan in my life.
-3. I stand by this, for, if a news report is not a lie, it serves no purpose, no master, and will be published by no editor.
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[histories]   [Book Reviews]  [The Man Cave]  [link]
posted: February 5, 2024   reads: 4215   © 2024 James LaFond
Two Skeptics Wonder at The Concept: 7/16/2023
Recently I spent two weeks with a childhood friend who is battling an aggressive cancer. His mother told me that I was the only visitor he wanted. So I knew that he wished to speak of deeper things. At 4 am, just before dawn one morning, we shared the kitchen, me leaning on crutches and him perched weekly in a padded chair, both of us back to the weight we were when we met at age 12 and 13 in the mid ‘70s.
He said, “I’m looking at death now, the oncologist was straight with me and said I’m basically fucked. I’ve been involved with a few denominations, enough to know that the preachers and the witnesses don’t have the complete faith they claim to, that a lot of religion is posing. At this point what kind of faith can I have—me being a follower and that impulse to pattern myself after better people being compromised by my natural skepticism?” That was spake to me on July 3rd, just before a new day.
Then, two days ago, Saturday the 15th, I received a text from a younger friend who was raised atheist and is looking down the barrel of a similar gun, who had asked me to write of faith. This was his text reminder:
“what is the final verdict on FAITH?”
I will begin this effort in sharpening my own muddled understanding with a brief history of faith and attempt to distill something useful, expecting to fail.
The word Faith comes into the Аrуаn sphere to the English via the French at about 1200 to 1250, and is the cornerstone of the Christian heroic ideal. This ideal was literally born during the Crusades. The root word is Latin ‘fides’ which also serves as the basis for the terms fidelity and bonifide. In pre-Christian times the idea at the root of faith was tied to religion and the belief that the higher powers, though often uncaring, and even cruel and malicious, possessed a sense of empathy for the humans under their power; and also that the suffering of a person who yet faces eternity or oblivion according to a sense of internal honor coupled with a trust for unseen forces and a commitment to do right, may, bring about divine intercession, or at the least a cessation of this suffering.
The pious ancient did not so much pray for good fortune and blessings, but bound himself by oath and rite to what he had been taught was right, in the trust, that if an aspect of Eternity might come to view his struggling plight, that some mercy might be dispensed.
The ideal of faith in High Christian Thought, was significantly feminine, and throughout the period of chivalry was likened to the suffering and loss of Mary, the Mother of God, that Her immaculate heart brought the grace of Creation upon her. There was sure knowledge among the Doctors of Theology, that Christian faith among the Аrуаn peoples was intertwined and rooted in the most ancient Аrуаn ideal of ‘The Fates,’ ‘The Spinners,’ The Apportioners’, ‘The Norns,’ or as Ovid styles them “Night’s three snake-haired sisters.”
At the end of the High Middle Ages and the degeneration of the external Crusades into internal sectarian strife, these ancient pagan strands concerning Fate were targeted by the new theologians as profane. Henceforth, Faith would be, according to Augustine vested in the firm belief that one’s church did abide by the most perfect doctrine. Thus faith became exclusionary, possessed only by those who held to the purest doctrine.
Below is an example of ancient pagan faith from about 470 B.C.:
A woman of a Greek nation that was no friend to Sparta, was held captive in the invading Persian camp when the Spartans defeated the Persians. She had herself brought forward as a supplicant to throw herself at the mercy of the Spartan King. This act brought that King’s protection, for she had praised him as the very Agent of The Fates, the restorer of balance. This suffering woman, rather than fussing and scheming, keened her eyes and ears for an agent of destiny.
Once the Reformation was underway and the ideal of Catholic Faith remained anchored in the fatalism of the feminine conscience, Protestant Christianity embraced the ideal of the perfect doctrine as a guarantee that Eternity would dispense mercy and grace at some point during or after the life of the pious sufferer. As the Doctors of Theology reached back to Augustine’s Neo-Platonic ideal that divinity was masculine and Christians represented a beloved and feminine collective, essentially making the Church, the wife of the Savior, secularism crept into the idea of faith and gave birth to ideology, the ethics once attached to salvation, now the very object of worship. [0]
Below is an example of Catholic and Protestant Faith during the very same incident from 1634.
The passengers aboard Lord Baltimore’s ship, The Ark were Catholic, the sailors Protestant. In the grips of a weeks long storm that all thought would be the doom of them, Father Andrew White and his fellow Catholics prayed to God, The Christ, Mother Mary and whatever Saints or Angels might sustain them in life, or carry them to heaven in death.
The sailors were wont to take action based on an assignment of blame and a purging of sin from their midst. A servant woman was suggested by a crew member to be in actual fact a witch, who had brought down this storm upon them. So, in true ancient fashion, the sailors’ belief that the Catholics through their imperfect and flawed doctrine had brought this doom upon them, made a sacrifice of this woman and threw her overboard to appease God.
The pursuit of the perfect Christian doctrine not only fueled the witch burning craze of the Early Modern Period, but formed the basis for the rejection of Christian faith in favor of faith in the ideology of perfected social control. Thus we have, in America, from the 1770s down through today, increasingly expressed faith as a trust in “Democracy,” “The Constitution,” “republican form of government” and even “Science,” as the deconstruction of pagan elements via Christian doctrine gradually became the deconstruction of Christianity itself into social science.
To the modern person faith is belief that binds us to something that either cannot or need not be proven. The modern person is often blind to the world and even himself, because we are shackled to the idea that belief can only be cultivated by the demonstration of evidence. This evidence based view of truth ultimately enslaves us to increasingly complex lies as our seeking becomes synonymous with “argument,” or debate. This view of the truth is more crude than the medieval notion of trial by combat, as the least honest party at the debate of ideals possesses the advantage.
I am in favor of fate-based faith, a recognition that the passive feminine thread in we humans can provide relief here, In Time, and Hereafter.
The Homeric heroes who suffered the most, Achilles and Ajax, fought their fate and contested with powers beyond their understanding. While Odysseus, the one hero to find peace again, danced along the weaving threads of fate. Indeed, his wife’s weaving upon her loom for 20 years is metaphor for his journey being one of faith, that his commitment to decent behavior would eventually beckon grace from beyond.
Aspects of redemption in ancient lore include, Dawn, the hopeful daughter of sinister Night, and Nike, winged victory attending the righteous hero. By the time that Christian faith had combined fully with the elder Аrуаn ideal of the sufferer as a sailor on a stormy sea of fate, the loom was now in the hands of God. The God of Beowulf was now fully interwoven with the feminine elements of creation present in Genesis.
This disjointed amble into the wellsprings of Faith has helped me recently with the trails associated with not being able to walk for now six weeks. My faith is in change, that powers beyond my understanding will alter or end my suffering, and that so long as I trust in imperfection and abide by a commitment to do good for whoever I can and refrain from forcing my will upon this world that holds us in its grip, mercy may yet come.
By feminine and passive as aspects of faith, I mean to say that rather than trying to rig the game of life [through voting politically, making money, or promoting an ideology, for instance] that we should make our self smooth and small, and rather than be a barb upon which the threads of the weaver catch and bind, that we find the thread that we are best meant to tread. The person of faith, I suppose, is more like a surfer trying to coexist with the Ocean than a child stubbornly constructing a sand castle at low tide. The chief engineer of the Panama Canal, a certain Stevens, I think, once described he and his colleagues as “children playing with pebbles on the shore of a boundless ocean.”
That Ocean, to this child, is Fate and my faith is that its currents and tides will alter this plight and some day release this soul beyond this world’s stifling might.
I hope this has been of some use, My Friend.
-0. See the Lincoln Memorial.
-1. Gibbon, The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 15, On the Constitution of the Primitive Christian Church
-2. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
-3. Saint Augustine, on Christian Doctrine
-4. Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey
-5. Ovid, Metamorphoses
-6. Beowulf
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[histories]   [Upon the Earth]  [link]
posted: January 15, 2024   reads: 4666   © 2023 James LaFond
Which Will It Be, Boiling or Freezing?
Don Quotays Cues the Global Cooling Kook
Which Will It Be, Boiling or Freezing?
Don Quotays
Mon, Dec 11, 2023, 6:26 AM
to me
Apparently the cooling trend is so obvious now that the elites have had to switch horses, while still going down the road of CO2 being evil.
"Afterword from the translator:
Well, quite a few of the climate cultists’ “cancelled” scientists have been warning about a next cold spell, possibly mini ice age, for a decade or so, because of the next “Grand Solar Minimum”, which is a recurring event, a natural CYCLE, and which the Earth is going into right now. Although they admitted that they have no way of knowing for how long this cycle will last this time. The last “Little Ice Age” lasted, on and off, for around 450 years, give or take a few. And as the article states, these people will use the (by them) declared “culprit” CO2 for this. After all, they own the science nowadays and anything that can be roped into the doctrine of their ‘Death — for us, the useless eaters — Cult’ is more than welcome to the sycophants of the globalist psychopaths."

Sir Quotays,
The climate cultists are continuing to push man made global warming due to unseasonable warmth in certain areas like the Pacific Northwest, which has generally been a counter climate. New Hampshire last winter saw 9 feet of rain in 12 hours. California has suffered deluges two winters going now. The point here is that the last mini ice age, which lasted from roughly 1300 to 1830 was preceded by 50 years of unusual storm activity. It really kicked off with rain, not snow, with the deluge of 1315-19 causing grain crop failure and numerous types of livestock plagues, and kicking into full gear in the mid 1300s with The Black Death,
I also recommend, for people who suspect that Sol, the Son, Helios, is more powerful than us burning rocks and sticks, in light of the fact that the rise in CO2 levels follows warming trends by 150 years, Worlds in Collison by Velikovsky, as a primer for the chance that we may also be facing a long cycle catastrophe from a comet or from the galactic core. Russian ambitions in the Ukraine are partially fueled by the prediction by Russian climate scientists that the next solar minimum will be longer and deeper. In light of Canadian crop failures, we are lucky that they are already the slaves of Uncle Sham and less numerous, or they would be migrating south like the swarms of duck, geese and snow geese now wiping out grain crops in the U.S. for loss of feed in their Canadian haunts.
Keep in mind that the elites want us expecting warming while they plan for cooling, so that we will not have a chair at the smaller table that God arranges for us. A pentagon think tank has predicted that U.S. population will plummet by 60% [proabbly from Vaxx Kill] by early mid century. The elites believe this, as evidenced by their unprecedented mass importation of people from warm climates who will be dependent on subsidy rations and will eventually be weak competition for Brill Yates, Hefe Brazos and Shekelberg, after they are used to drive us to extinction. If Orange Man is not judicially prevented from ascending the Satanic Throne once again, expect a 2019 level plague release to facilitate mail in and online voting. This will also help thin the herd for the mid century cull.
Take care in the grain belt sir—you are well positioned,
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[histories]   [Crackpot Mailbox]  [link]
posted: January 4, 2024   reads: 4530   © 2024 James LaFond
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