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We Killin' Tree Ta One, Son
Harm City Hoodrats Post Outstanding Kill Rate, Shitcago Chiraqs Still Spraying and Paying—Jeremy Bentham Reporting
© 2017 James LaFond
Murderbowl Update: Harm City
Looks like the Harm City hoodrats are achieving a higher rate of fatalities per shooting incident than the Chiraq bangers. How are they doing it? Looks like we’ll have to send out the operational research teams (OR) to study the matter.
Police are investigating three homicides and one shooting Saturday afternoon
Chiraq- 2 Killed, 8 Wounded in Ambush at Memorial to Shooting Victim in Brighton Park
Murderbowl Update: Shitcago
“The men and women gathered at a makeshift memorial Sunday, down the block from where a man in his 20s had been found shot to death between parked cars in the Southwest Side's Brighton Park neighborhood.”
“While the mourners stood in the late afternoon sun amid heart-shaped balloon, liquor bottles and candles, two men with rifles emerged from an alley around 5:20 p.m. and began firing, hitting 10 people and killing two of them.”
“It had been just 12 hours since the first man, 26-year-old Daniel Cardova, had been killed. He too had been shot by two men with rifles, according to Chicago police.”
2 killed, 8 wounded at memorial 'another brazen act of gang violence'
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Sam J.     May 9, 2017

I wonder can any of these Dindus shoot or is it spray and pray? Could they be getting better? Lots of Dindus shoot sideways like the movies. I've often wondered if they showed them shooting in the movies that way so they'd never learn to hit anything.
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