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~ Books in Progress ~
Conclusions And Outtakes From The Annual Editor/Crackpot Virtual Meeting: 1/10/24
Posted in Histories on Jul 19, 2024 — 560 reads
Posted in Site Essentials on Jun 1, 2023 — 239 reads
Self Defence Volume 2 By Jeth Randolph: 6/3/2022
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 26, 2022 — 20K reads
Pillaging The Cracked Pottery Before The World Library Gets Erased
Posted in Blog on Oct 3, 2021 — 4,531 reads
An Overton Railroad Draft: #63 In The Unpublished Book List
Posted in Blog on Sep 9, 2021 — 3,825 reads
An Overtone Railroad Draft: #62 In The Unpublished Book List
Posted in Blog on Sep 9, 2021 — 3,589 reads
An Inquiry Into Aryаn Culture, Domestication And The Monstrous
Posted in Histories on Sep 7, 2021 — 13K reads
A Wendigo Short Novel
Posted in Fiction on Mar 7, 2021 — 294 reads
Soliloquy 2021: January
Posted in Blog on Jan 30, 2021 — 554 reads
The Curious Afterlife Of Dandelion Machi
Posted in Fiction on Jan 22, 2021 — 467 reads
Science-Fiction Musings On The Possibilities Of Life Within The Machine: 12/2-22/202
Posted in Blog on Dec 22, 2020 — 511 reads
A Science-Fiction Novella
Posted in Fiction on Dec 19, 2020 — 463 reads
The Nine Quixotic Crimes Of Alias Dox And Tones
Posted in Fiction on Nov 22, 2020 — 472 reads
20,227 Words At 103 Pages To Be Serialized In Part Here
Posted in Fiction on Nov 16, 2020 — 505 reads
Completed Search For An American Spartacus On 11/7/20 Almost Midnight
Posted in Histories on Nov 8, 2020 — 799 reads — 1 comment
The Weekend Of 11/7-8/2020
Posted in Histories on Nov 6, 2020 — 975 reads — 1 comment
A Ruthless Piece Of Ghost Writing Complete
Posted in Blog on Oct 22, 2020 — 402 reads
10/14/2020, 11:47 A.M., In A Hotel Room Somewhere In Sunny California
Posted in Fiction on Oct 16, 2020 — 421 reads
Parting Notes On American Implosion: August 25 Thru September 2, 2020
Posted in Blog on Sep 2, 2020 — 557 reads
Notes On Fractional Autonomy Under The New Gods: 8/17-25 In Year One Of The Advent Of The Mask
Posted in Blog on Aug 26, 2020 — 349 reads
Surviving Mass Hysteria: 8/1-18/2020
Posted in Blog on Aug 20, 2020 — 542 reads
Surviving The Postmodern Hate Brain: 7/20/20 Thru 7/29/20
Posted in Harm City on Jul 31, 2020 — 362 reads
An Autopsy Of The Sepsis Americanus: 7/10-17/2020
Posted in Blog on Jul 17, 2020 — 377 reads
Or A Man Named Property On Navigating Debt And Hysteria
Posted in Blog on Jul 8, 2020 — 673 reads — 1 comment
Notes On Managed Decline: 6/28/20 – 7/2/20
Posted in Harm City on Jul 2, 2020 — 504 reads
Preconditions For Rebellion In Plantation America
Posted in Histories on Jun 28, 2020 — 487 reads
Journal Of A Feral Paleface Under The Ebon Heel: June 15-22, 2020
Posted in Harm City on Jun 25, 2020 — 381 reads
Surfing The Overton Railroad In A Gaslit World: June 6-15, 2020
Posted in Harm City on Jun 19, 2020 — 542 reads
Also An Online Boxing Resource
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 19, 2020 — 558 reads
Posted in Blog on Jun 5, 2020 — 462 reads
Considering The Clitoral Littoral: May, 25-29, 2020
Posted in Blog on Jun 1, 2020 — 408 reads
The Escape Of Dominic, Felix And Stevedore
Posted in Fiction on May 23, 2020 — 295 reads
Emma And Chandler Against The Gloomshine
Posted in Fiction on May 23, 2020 — 250 reads
A Science-Fiction Author’s View Of Paradigm Shift Under Shamdemic Conditions
Posted in Harm City on May 23, 2020 — 297 reads
Skulking In Harm City On The Overton Railroad: May 8-15
Posted in Harm City on May 23, 2020 — 302 reads
Surfing The Apocalisp On The Overton Railroad: May 1-7, 2020
Posted in Blog on May 7, 2020 — 424 reads
Surfing The Apocalisp On The Overton Railroad: Pittsburgh, April 22 To 30 2020
Posted in Blog on Apr 30, 2020 — 358 reads
Surfing The Pandemic On The Overton Railroad, April 11-21, 2020
Posted in Harm City on Apr 21, 2020 — 352 reads — 1 comment
The Literary Trajectory Of Cracked Pottery For 2020
Posted in Blog on Apr 14, 2020 — 286 reads
Post-Apocalisp America: April 2020
Posted in Blog on Apr 12, 2020 — 326 reads
Apocalisp: Charting American Decline: System Test March 2020
Posted in Blog on Apr 5, 2020 — 304 reads
Thanks To My Kind Host For My Most Productive Month Of Writing, Ever
Posted in Blog on Apr 5, 2020 — 332 reads
The Last Good Cop Is Complete
Posted in Fiction on Mar 30, 2020 — 314 reads
Creative Gaming For Men And Boys
Posted in Gaming on Mar 14, 2020 — 60K reads — 1 comment
A History Of Combat
Posted in Histories on Mar 14, 2020 — 419 reads
On The Overton Railroad: January-March 2020
Posted in Blog on Mar 13, 2020 — 429 reads
On The Overton Railroad: Autumn 2019
Posted in Blog on Mar 13, 2020 — 356 reads
Charting American Decline: January 1- March 9 2020
Posted in Blog on Mar 10, 2020 — 389 reads
Charting American Decline: Winter 2019
Posted in Harm City on Mar 1, 2020 — 408 reads
Or Eye Of The Dictor Complete
Posted in Fiction on Feb 14, 2020 — 343 reads
Sons Of Aryаs: Soul Of The West—Volume 1
Posted in Histories on Jan 24, 2020 — 379 reads
The Crooked Form Of A Graphomaniac's Fiction Season
Posted in Blog on Jan 1, 2020 — 584 reads
A Man Question From Justin: Updated 7/11/24
Posted in Site Essentials on Apr 18, 2017 — 28K reads — 5 comments
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Harm City
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The Three Hymns of Half-Orphan Lynn
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave