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‘To Hurt People’
Thoughts on Viewing the Confessions of Iraq and Afghan Veterans Who Killed
© 2019 James LaFond
The video linked below was one of a half dozen I viewed on the resulting YouTube thread.
I had been planning on using these for reference in dealing with the Dread Grace military history project in addressing PTSD. However, what became obvious from these twenty or so interviews was that the aspects of killing that most plagued the minds of the veterans of these two fronts in America’s Forever Desert War were:
-Conducting life risking operations on behalf of officers and politicians whose goals were internal promotion, political gain and media footage.
-That they were conducting “internal” police operations far from home,
-That most of the real upfront killing they did was of innocent civilians and inappropriate combatants, such as women,
-And most of all, that all this killing was seemingly conducted in support of the extremely corrupt regimes supported by the U.S. military.
It is worth noting that Chittum, alone among Civil War 2 theorists, points out that no insurgency succeeds—and at this stage is unlikely to be attempted—without foreign aid. For instance, in It Could Happen Here, the author references firsthand experience witnessing grassroots revolutionary success in Syria and Ukraine without fully disclosing that these paramilitary movements were heavily funded and even created by the United States Government.
Listening to the wincing candor of these men who have been paid to do evil for evil in an evil land—especially with the emphasis on heavy-handed policing as a destabilization rather than a stabilization method—this man wonders if Chittum might be right, that these morally pointless, politically winless, overseas wars, in which most of the casualties are unarmed civilians, are indeed nothing but doctrine developing exercises conducted by a military, which knows in its empty, mechanical heart of hearts, that its ultimate mission has already been decided by that whore Fate, to wage war on Indigenous Americans like Sinclair, Tyler, Custer, Sheridan, Miles and Crook once did.
The greatest demoralizing agent seems to have been the lack of an honorable enemy. After speaking with men who fought in WW2, speaking with the pawns of limited wars from Korea down to this day leaves this listener with the notion that these men might be less diminished morally if they had faced an enemy with a chance of a standup victory rather than slaughtering confused citizens at road blocks and being sniped at by the unseen orphans of a ruined city.
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