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Mobbing Up
Heavenly Pack Formation Mechanics with Increase Mather XXI
© 2020 James LaFond
Increase Mather XXI commented on What I Learned in School Nov-24-2020 11:10 AM UTC
It's been said that the mobbing up is done to avoid the possibility of being beaten by a "white boy," a stigma that is apparently impossible to live down: is there anything to this?

This is not something I have encountered in majority Wakandan Baltimore.
I do know through experience that in Maryland and Pennsylvania, that men of a knightly hue have always been more likely to conduct mass attacks on individuals than groups of any other race. This includes attacks on their own heavenly kind. For instance, three of the 6 pigs who murdered Messiah Gray in 2015, were of his sainted kind.
I have never noted a special stigma attached to being beaten by a member of my reviled race, simply a pre-existing justification for violence against me, based on the very obvious fact that I was raping their female ancestors and enslaving their male progenitors when I was a mere 300 years old, and now that I'm 500, and slowing down a little, they can finally avenge my crimes against their kind.
Honestly, the increased violent behavior by our ebon masters when they group up is based on the very same fact that leads them to confuse me with George Washington's overseer—stupidity. Any time I was at Brennen's drinking with my racial superiors, and there were just two of us, say Quinn and me, then with every additional man of heavenly hue who entered the room, the IQ of each of them measurably decreased like sands in an hour glass.
To be truthful, the ebon gift for myth-making results in them inflating the prowess of whoever beats them on the street, "Yo, dat cracka were eight foot tall en breathed fire!"
Special bitterness in defeat—since most of them come to life pre-beaten by their mothers—tends to be reserved for individuals of their own heavenly race. Perhaps, in some other Wakanda, it is especially humiliating to loose to the pale undermen. But that would be news to me.
Ivories might think that ebonies gang up on them because of racial dynamics. But that is just because they don't know them or live with them and do not realize that mobbing up is just the way they roll, against anyone, especially their own kangly kind. While only 15% of Baltimore Bantus read at grade level and only 11% are proficient in math, they are universally masters of the practical applications of addition.
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Increase Mather XXI     Nov 25, 2020

Very nice write up. That was just something I'd heard, that and the idea that they lose a fight if it goes to the ground. And the 'weak legs' thing.
James     Nov 25, 2020

Yetis own the ground game in cage combat, as a general though not absolute rule.

On youtube street fights this is very glaring.

One of my Bantu princes was recently dominated on the ground by a feral yeti in a Pennsylvania cage fight.
Increase Mather XXI     Nov 26, 2020

So it is true then. Interesting that different people's have different strong and weak points. So would hard heads/soft knees be an apt shorthand?
James     Nov 26, 2020

There is too much variation in type. A lot depends on weight class and head shape. 9 in 10 have delicate shins, 7 in 10 hard heads.
Increase Mather XXI     Dec 9, 2020

I don't want to beat this thread to death, but it is just too interesting. You've mentioned before about how grabbing hold of your knife's handle calms you and gives you position over potential attackers after the subsequent body language change resulting from it. Have you noticed this happening in potential "mobbing up" situations at all? Thanks.
Increase Mather XXI     Dec 9, 2020

I don't want to beat this thread to death, but it is just too interesting. You've mentioned before about how grabbing hold of your knife's handle calms you and gives you position over potential attackers after the subsequent body language change resulting from it. Have you noticed this happening in potential "mobbing up" situations at all? Thanks.
James     Dec 9, 2020

posted as an article. thanks.
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