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I Do Not Recall This
A Talk with Rusty about Knives it Seems
© 2021 James LaFond
Some day, I fear, I'm going to roll out of bed and have a conversation with some old creep about something that shouldn't be discussed and I'm going to have to strangle the old cuss—and then find out its the jerk in the mirror.
I don't recall this at all—none of it. And I laughed when Slick Willy said, He did not "recall."
I need to go back to sleep.
Thanks, Rusty.
I hope someone finds this useful.

LaFond Files: Knife Fights & Unsung Heroes
James LaFond talks about street fighting, knives, and some lesser known folks worth knowing about.
If the Moon Had a Voice
crackpot podcasts
Living Backstory
time & cosmos
broken dance
the gods of boxing
blue eyed daughter of zeus
within leviathan’s craw
Leo Littlebook     Apr 12, 2021

Lafond and I debated the best way to counter a dog bite. I argued to stuff the forearm into the jaw and sweep for full mount. He argued for hand down the throat. Reddit says I am right.

Attack the throat, not the eyes, with the off hand. Cesar Millan uses a throat strike to reset a dog's aggression.

If Cesar's hand gets taken, he delivers a punt to the dog's underbelly as it tries to drag him. This allows him to step into the drag and convert it to psychological shock. Once the drag stops, he punches the throat to force a release.

His threat display is hands out and low at sides making two mouth shapes visible to the dog, fingers pointing down.

***** Reddit quotes



7 hours ago

True lifesaver: if you are ever attacked by a dog, push your forearm INTO the bite. This pries the jaws apart and prevents them from clamping down. If a dog is attacking you, the best thing you can do is offer your forearm, push as far back as possible, and then grab the dog by the scruff of its neck with your other hand to hold it. The dog is now functionally muzzled and you have control of its head. The sooner and harder you push into the bite, the less damage the bite will do.


level 2


5 hours ago

This is a good rule for human bites too, just so you know. Push in don’t pull!


level 2


4 hours ago

This works for cats too, especially when they have you in the death hug.

When cats kill their prey they sometimes use their front limbs to pull the prey towards their belly, and their back feet/claws to scratch and disembowel it. It’s instinctual, but cats can be taught not to do it to humans.

(If you’ve ever seen someone try to give a cat a belly rub, only to be attacked, this instinct is part of it, as well as a defense against attackers)

If a cat isn’t trained to not attack your arm, or they are trained but end up locked-on, the worst thing to do is pull your arm away like you’d naturally try to do. Prey animals will try to run, so that pulling motion on the cat’s limbs mimic prey and the cat will pull you tighter to it’s stomach and bite harder.

Instead, do this:

Push your arm in quickly toward’s the cat’s jaws (like a quick pulse, sort of, not a slow steady pressure). This will both keep it from chomping down on you and startle it

Use your other hand to push the cat’s head back. Bonus points if you can cover their eyes. Suddenly your arm is no longer “prey” but “predator” and the goal is now “ESCAPE” instead of kill

Make as high pitched “Yelp” as you can. Like the most embarrassingly loud squeak possible. This is especially important if you’re training a cat or kitten, because that loud yelp is not only startling but indicates “this playtime is too rough, now, and you need to stop.” Kittens naturally do this squeak when their play with siblings gets too rough, and the cat learns what level of force is ok for it

After you’re free, ignore the cat completely. Don’t look at it, don’t talk to it, nothing. Act as if it isn’t there at all, the ultimate silent treatment. This reinforces that they were too rough and play time is OVER. Ignore it for at least five minutes.

The squeak & ignore can be used on kittens any time their rough, and as soon as they stop give a command. My older cat knows “soft paws” or “hey! Soft!” as commands to retract her claws and be more gentle with me. Taught her as a kitten and it’s a blessing

Juan Stabone     Apr 23, 2021

During my misspent years in a profession which I envisioned as the suppression of reparations agents and my betters re-imagined as the coddling and cuddling of same, our Training Division made a video about defending against dangerous dogs. Officers had been expending too many rounds on pitties in da hood, gnomesain? and the word came down from Olympus to stop that immediately and use kinder, gentler methods.

So a couple of us chop-socky types got together with an audio-visual guy and a veterinarian who happened to own a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I remember four takeawys from our project:

1. OC spray is useless against a charging dog. They will blast right through the cloud and use it as seasoning for their snack of long pig.

2. The vet demonstrated on his evil-looking hound that eye pokes and gouges are completely ineffective. Dogs' eye sockets have no back wall, and this vet would casually push his dog's eyeball way back in its head, only to have it pop right out again with no harm done.

3. He also demonstrted that a rear naked choke has no effect on our canine brothers because most of the blood supply goes to their brain though veins along their spine, and blocking the carotid arteries is only a minor inconvenience. Like the eye poke, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.

4. Finally, the vet showed on a demonstration skull how the upper jaw/muzzle is only lightly attached to the rest of the skull. A hard downward blow with a stick or a rising toe kick with a work boot might disable the business end of el perro loco if you could land the blow. If...
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