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PreColumbian and Post Masculine Cultural News
From Teutonic Fist, Outback Mack and Ron West
© 2022 James LaFond
[I thought Ron West and Teutonic Fist should share the same page as a demonstration that this site's primary author is a committed skitzoforensic…]

preColumbian contact
Ron West
Sat, Jan 1, 4:04 AM (1 day ago)
to me, Ron
Hello James
Was reading the excellent “European Migratory Inferiority” and figured you’d find this piece interesting, there is some overlap.
You’re welcome to use it, if so inclined -
Ron West
The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber & David Wengrow, a Review

Bantu Wardance
7:50 AM (5 hours ago)
"Very common bantu behavior in this video. Always having to hype one self up before a confrontation, something which in this video the fatties provied ample time for. It ends in hilarity tho."
Synthimer on Twitter: "Very common bantu behavior in this video. Always having to hype one self up before a confrontation, something which in this video the fatties provied ample time for. It ends in hilarity tho.
Very common bantu behavior in this video. Always having to hype one self up before a confrontation, something which in this video the fatties provied ample time for.
This is a terminal stage society. Two guys wanna fight so let them fight. Instead of these ballast existence people think they can break up a situation they themselves are in no physical condition what so ever to be involved in. A morbidly obese guy and a hole, the sort of idiots who would stick their fatty hands in between two fighting dogs. This is why i like the tendency to knife crime so much, because such idiots get guttet when they involve themselves into shit that is not their business.
Also big lol to that maggot.
Synthimer on Twitter: "Woman puts herself in a dangerous situation and ”knocks” herself out when she falls on her bumb. The real problem tho is the soyjaks that swarm over her to ”protect” her. Hope this double masked man never passes on his genes.
Woman puts herself in a dangerous situation and ”knocks” herself out when she falls on her bumb. The real problem tho is the soyjaks that swarm over her to ”protect” her.
That behavior remindes me of when fish and other sea creatures fertilize egg spawn. They simply swarm in when the female dropped their eggs and jizz all over it in the hopes some of their toilet creature genes make it. And that means when Chads and Niցցers fight in america and some hole stumbles and goes down there will be double masked soycucks swarming in crawling all over her to jizz on that spawn. So far the best depiction of the Eloi and Morlock Dynamic here as an overall spectacle to be consumed for the audience of maggots we need to protect from the plague.
britbong murderbowl
Sat, Jan 1, 9:29 AM (1 day ago)
London, a city of almost nine million inhabitants, reached a "record high" in murders, because 30 "youths" got gutted, total number of homicides last year 127.
London's teenage murder toll hits shameful record high as boy, 16, is stabbed to death in Hillingdon | Daily Mail Online
London's teenage murder toll has hit a record high of 30 killings in a single year after two boys, aged 15 and 16, were killed within minutes of each other last night. The brutal new high of ...
If i would see the world like a state, like from a systems perspective, crime isn't even a problem. As said London is a megacity and 30 murders is nothing. They are not even a problem, they are a feature of the system itself and they provide jobs for police and press and opportunity for grifters and their crime prevention foundations. And its not like my productive base of people i can exploit lost any potential with these "youths" anyway.
I remember many years ago when there was this crime prevention initative by the berlin police teaching "youths" not to carry knifes, because if you carry a knife, and you find yourself on the shorter end of the stick, the victorious opponent could be so enranged that he would use that knife against you and all that. And i thought maybe i should just pack a gun instead then and not take any chances. Because what are my chances with an opponent who would murder me because he got enraged about my attempt of self defence anyway.
I think its a good thing that these "youths" stab each other. These idiots who seriously believe the crime prevention grifters simply don't understand that people don't do crimes because of their life circumstances, but because its fun. I bet these "youths" stabbing other "youths" have the time of their life if they drain the blood of their enemies. I even bet there is a creature living in the sewers of london that recieves some nourishment from these bloodlettings, more in a spiritual sense. Cause at least crime, murder, is a sign that some parts in a society still partace in the ultimate transgression and forbidden yet fundamental domain of human nature, and live in modernity is already boring enough.
-Teutonic Fist

Wed, Dec 29, 2021, 10:34 PM (4 days ago)
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Shep     Jan 4, 2022

Good for the white guy! More of that, please!

And what in the name of HP Lovecraft is that tub o' turds in grey? Surely not any recognizable type of human?
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