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February 2022 Word Count
© 2022 James LaFond
-1. Built a retaining wall, eye seizure
-2. amplified S16, 320 words, 435, 1337 [S17], 293 [S epilogue], worked 8 hours as installation assistant
-3. eye seizure, amplified S17-epilogue, 410 words, 338 [S19], written out of order, 2446 [S18], will arrange text tomorrow, ditched 3 hours, amplified S18, 231 words.
-4. ditched, gathered rocks for fence posts, filled potholes, 6 hours, arranged text for Sorcerer, 651,
-5: proofed Sorcerer, at 37,274 words,
-6: 869, eye seizure,
-7: 787, 888, eye seizure, medicated
-8: supply run, 4 hours, 889, eye seizure, potholes and gravel, 2 hours
-9: hike 2 hours, ditched and road surfaced 4 hours, eye seizure, 822, 5 emails, 877, 1313,
-10: 4 emails, 1276, began reading King of All Things by Clark Savage, [eye can handle about 5 pages of text a day], eye seizure, coffee, ditched for 2 hours, 1213, 859, outlined Wake Christopher or Whack the Blue, 480,
-11: hiked 2 miles, felled trees and built a brushwood and log berm for 4 hours, 785, 665, 673, 871, 1194, eye seizure dumbass,
-12: hiked 5 miles on overgrown trails, 2816,
-13: church, 641, 1855, 819, 1128, eye seizure
-14: woke by eye seizure, medicated, hiked 4 miles, hauled the week’s firewood, 542, 623, 947, 540, 1105, listened to The Book of Enoch
-15: 922, 378, 632, 919, finished reading Dark Agenda by Horowitz
-16: eye seizure medicated, 988, shoveled gravel into potholes for two hours, 542, 45, 768, completed and arranged text for Plague Journal, 46,494 words, corrected Sorcerer posts for main site and substack
-17: 443, ditched 3 hours, 982 [WC 1] outlined WC2 & 3, scheduled fiction posts through August 1
-18: hiked 1 hour, firewood, ditched 6 hours grading the berm back and removing blackberry roots, amplified WC1, 1073 [WC2], eye seizing
-19: eye seizure medicated, 7 emails, 1396, got in a week of firewood for the bad weather coming, amplified WC2, 107 words, 1492 [WC3]
-20: eye seizure medicated
-21: bad carpel tunnel cramps both hands, hiked 3 hours, 457, 565, 981,
-22: 896, amplified WC3, 1611 [WC4], outlined WC chapters 5 thru 10,
-23: emails, recorded Broken dance podcasts 1 -2, amplified WC4, 153, 1247, [WC5], adjusted outline for WC6&7,
-24: eye seizure, amplify WC5, 164, podcast recordings, 1489 [WC6], amplified WC6 235, outlined A Distant Foe
-25: 979, schedule posts on main site: fiction [Saturdays and Sundays] thru September 4, and nonfiction thru June 13, pack, hiked with ladies and had a prayer breakfast, bring up wood, visit with hosts
-26: travel to Portland, eye seizure
-27: setting up the crackpot yurt, grocery shopping, washing clothes, drinking with Portland friends, eye seizure medicated
-28: played Dungeons and Dragons with a 12 and 13 year old from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., wind storm, bad eye seizures, 721, 480
Chapters-articles completed = 62
Books Completed = 2
Fiction 1
Journalism 1
Into the Gaslight & Hobo Journal
author's notebook
March 2022 Writing Journal
barbarism versus civilization
the greatest boxer
your trojan whorse
the combat space
masculine axis
the fighting edge
the year the world took the z-pill
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