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The First Wave
Dindu Annexation Tactical Phases
© 2016 James LaFond
Currently the four Baltimore County police precincts I am keeping up on are in various stages of Dindu annexation. You will note that outlying suburbs are targeted by the government for Dinduization based on income.
The White Marsh precinct is broken into two zones, Inner and Outer.
Geography notes, from East to West: Essex is against the water, a coastal plain, with White Marsh being mixed wetlands and ridges, Parkville low hills, and Towson a valley nestled between the low hills of Parkville and the piedmont proper, to the west, north and northwest, with such areas as Upperco, Cockeysville, and Westminster. One may drive north from Towson along a rising ridgeline into the Lancaster area of Southern Pennsylvania.
Phase 1: Towson
Upper Middle Class to Affluent
Towson is the County Seat, where multiculturalism is embraced, with medical facilities and universities hosting many Dindus, who typically attack pedestrians in public places as a form of cultural angst expression and are largely excused by the elite.
Phase 2: Outer White Marsh
Upper Middle Class
Large commercial centers staffed by numerous honest Dindus provide cover for Dindu pedestrians, resulting in the highest incidence of muggings and armed robberies. The large Avenue Theater hosts thousands of urban Dindus per day, resulting in numerous beatings of palefaces. Burglary is on the rise.
Phase 3: Parkville
Working to Middle Class
Available failed mortgages and apartment complexes have been the target of resettlement from City projects, resulting in the expansion of the Dindu population from 8-255 in one year, and the complete takeover of local schools by Dindu gangs. Parkville Senior High was the scene of fur mob attacks—within sight of the Parkville Police Precinct—with police and media obscuring and denying the school and racial nature of the crimes. Though the population is lightly less than 25% Dindu, people seen on the street are 80% Dindu.
They key component here is double to quadruple Dindu visibility and crime, along with misreporting and obfuscation of crime trends by the media.
-Honest Dindus have been extensively targeted by Dindu criminals.
-Convenience stores are robbed weekly, the police taking no preventative measures and making little effort to capture the bandits.
-Men walk the street at night in pairs, breaking into vehicles.
-Young men molest teen girls on the street.
-Honest Dindus who move in bar their doors.
-Mobs of Dindus attack lone Dindus.
-Middle-aged Dindus drink on street corners until five a.m.
-Winos now congregate in children’s parks during the day.
-Burglaries are skyrocketing and bars are going up on windows
Phase 4: Inner White Marsh
Working Class
Inner White Marsh is really Rosedale, which borders the city and straddles the Parkville and White Marsh precinct lines and is ignored by officers from both stations. It is the same as Parkville, except that whites are now targeted on sight at night and increasingly by day by mobs of Dindu youth. Also, pairs of adult Dindus strike out on long range patrols from the city, committing walk-through crimes and then spending the morning with relatives in Essex or White Marsh. When law enforcement personnel are known to be busy elsewhere, car loads of Dindu men cruise, looking for lone Palefaces to beat, brick and club.
Phase 5: Essex
Working Class
Essex, first targeted in the early 1990s, is now distinguishable from City ghettos only in terms of sprawl. Palefaces on foot at night are relentlessly hunted by Dindu mobs, adult teams and lone actors. Professional Dindu criminals are now kicking in Dindu doors and establishing a reign of terror identical to that found in the West Baltimore and East Baltimore Dindu enclaves they were bussed in from—more from the Westside than the Eastside, for the affluent, northerly County Seat of Towson and the affluent Jewish enclaves of Western Baltimore County are not willing to absorb the Dindu invaders and have [through business and government action] directed their migration to hit the working class Eastern County.
Four bus lines designed to move Dindus deeper into the County and up into affluent Harford County, have just been established.
Welcome to Dindustan—it’s coming to you!
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Sam J.     Jun 27, 2016

Small sign of retaliation? "knock-out-game-vigilante-sought-in-thanksgiving-day-shooting-of-bronx-thugs"

Maybe not everywhere but in the Dindu infested areas I think Whites will start to give the "I didn't see nothing" refrain when questioned by officers about White retaliation. If Whites would just shut their mouths local hot heads could take care of the rest or you could read my comment on mortars and silenced air rifles.

Thing is if this sort of thing catches on it could ramp up quickly. Dindus are fairly immobile and easily cased.

It's a shame that decent Blacks have to get caught up in this sort of thing but I've noticed that decent Blacks often have children that wild just like the Dindus. So decent Blacks move in and their children go nuts and the end result is the same. It's amazing the shear amount of financial destruction a few of these people cause. You say there's 25,000 or so abandoned house there? As poor as people are today think what having a house, even half destroyed, could do for them.

I've been thinking about this and we need to send them out West to the desert. There's a type of land reclamation called permaculture. Out West there's a lot of gullys. When it rains the ground is so hard packed all the water runs off into the gullys. Using permaculture you make grooves that contour the land and fill the gullys with many small dams that slow the water. This allows the water to sink in. You also build air water wells which are a type of water condensation well by piling up large amounts of rocks. These things feed on each other. Contour the land, fill the gullys, build the wells then plant brush and trees. These in turn hold even more water.

Look at the difference between the contoured and non contoured land.
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