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Black Gorilla Family News #5
'Up Da Hill' en 'Down da Hill': The BGF Minor League Watchlist
© 2013 James LaFond
A top-dog organization like the BGF must keep a lookout on fringe players. It seems, from a series of recent indictments, that a rising rival has been hit hard by Five-0. The Cherry Hill neighborhood of Southwestern Baltimore has long been a source of drugs for whiteboys from South Baltimore and outlying areas south of town. It was no surprise when the charges leveled against the UDH [Up da Hill], and it's to local rivals from 'Down da Hill', the Coppin Court Set and the Little Spelman Organization, included powder cocaine and oxycodone, both favorite alcohol kickers amongst the remnants of The Master Race.
The UDH took the biggest hit, with 15 members, 8 of which are facing life. A handful of these players were 35 or 36 years old. This was a crushing decapitation. That is a lot of officers for a neighborhood gang to lose at one time. One might question the level of heat the aggressive UDH strategy called down on themselves. But, as one of their officers texted, "Ur nobody until U kill somebody."
The Coppin Court Set and the Little Spelman Organization only lost 3 each to the Five-0 raids, and these were mostly 20 to 22 years old, just soldiers most likely.
I used to take the bus with some Cherry Hill thugs in the 1990s, while they were running product all the way up to Towson State University [see Wimp of the Year for a breakdown of the student body]. I very much enjoyed listening to their plea bargain strategies and war stories. I also appreciated the fact that they did not act aggressively towards me on a racial basis like some city sets were inclined to do. I suppose I was just enjoying the benefits of resembling their customer base. Alas, Spin, Easy and Krazee are surely deceased or retired by now. It is nice to here that at least two succeeding generations of Cherry Hill Boys are continuing to supply the needs of the white community.
It's looking like endangered species time for the UDH though.
The Morality Box
‘What Has Survived’
logic of force
song of the secret gardener
masculine axis
menthol rampage
the combat space
sons of arуas
on combat
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