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Transgender Violence
A Brief Survey of Violent Answers to Optional Female Gender
© 2014 James LaFond
This morning I was literally in the dentist chair, and, at the very same time, figuratively in it as well. The doll baby dentist of mine, appropriately named Hyacinth, had Democracy Now on the radio and I was going on 30 minutes of listening to transgender people of color complain about being targeted for violence.
I have no problem with another guy donating his junk to science and assigning himself a female role. I, do, not, care.
I do know that such transgender humans are routinely attacked by gender compliant humans.
The radio program was about a ‘transgender person of color’ who did significant time on a manslaughter 2 conviction for stabbing a racist skinhead with a pair of fabric scissors while he was beating her across the face with some makeshift weapon. She laid the blame primarily on racism, pointing out the chest she stabbed had a Nazi symbol tattooed on it.
Since my cousin and I have both survived murder attempts by white supremacist gang members I am glad she took one off the planet. As for the legal bias of the judge, it falls in line with my findings in The Logic of Steel, in which I pointed out, much to the discomfort of FMA masters, knife manufacturers, and knife enthusiasts, that the knife is a taboo weapon in gun toting America, and that anyone who stabs another human is considered beyond the pale in American courts. If you stab anyone, with anything sharp, for any reason, good luck getting off, even if you are a cop.
I would like to ask these ‘transgender people of color’ where they were when news video went out in which a white transgender female was brutally beaten and stomped by two black ghetto bitches at the Rosedale, Maryland McDonalds? This white shemale received no support from the American Left, and none from the American Right either. Who could be more totally alienated than a white shemale, shunned by the civil rights community for the evil color of her skin and shunned by the evil whites for her gender bending?
I will not argue with the ‘transgender activist of color’s’ assertion that ‘transgender people of color are more likely to be attacked’. Indeed, since Black America is more critical of gender bending, and far more violent than, White America, I can understand her predicament.
Before I close I would like to relate an interview I had a few years back with Zach, about an incident he witnessed at Dundalk Senior High, in Southeastern Baltimore Country.
“I was in the restroom next to this tranny. I had no problem with him, her, whatever. If he wants to wear a dress let him wear a dress. These five dudes come in and start on him/her; threatening him/her, going after him/her.
“Dude, I did nothing. I would have stepped up even though it was none of my business, because it was just so wrong. But there was no need, none, at all! That faɡɡot in a dress beat all of their asses!
“Oh My God! I laughed for a week. I still laugh about that shit when I get drunk! Now I believe he got in trouble for defending himself. Can you believe two of those dudes’ parents wanted to press charges! Oh Ma, just shoot me instead! Three of those pussies never returned to school—ever!
“You were wrong to begin with, picking on someone who wants to be a girl, and trying to beat them up, and then you get your ass kicked. That was a beautiful ass whopping. I loved it; am honored to have been in the boys restroom at Dundalk Senior High when that pissed-off tranny bitch beat the shit out of five pussies!
In my opinion, until Zach here takes a judge’s seat, we are unlikely to have justice for any human who dares to strike back at a group who attacks them. Our society is built on an ethic of group-on-individual violence [the two cops who arrested Antwyn down the street last week for instance, the FBI chasing serial killers, many thousands of public lynchings, an army of soldiers fighting one old Apache man, etc.]. Only the group may commit violence. The lone defending individual is always imperiled by this societal prejudice*. A person born in the wrong gender body may be able to escape his biology to live as a sterile woman. But, she will never escape justice.
*According to my 1996-2000 survey of 1675 acts of violence, members of attacking groups only faced legalities associated with the violence they perpetrated 25% [or less, depending on the circumstances]as often as lone individuals, who are the most at risk legally.
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taboo you
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the combat space
within leviathan’s craw
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the sunset saga complete
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 23, 2014

Yes James, to reiterate your point, Massad Ayoob has also pointed out that knives are a "taboo" weapon for self-defense in the eyes of our courts. Taboo as in "Gawd Muffy, that simply isn't done". By the same token Ayoob also observed that legally owned full-automatic firearms are also “taboo” in this regard. What this means is that if you kill someone in self-defense using either a knife or a machinegun you will probably be called into court (most likely a grand jury hearing) and required that you explain your actions, even if your actions appear to have been otherwise justified. Why was it necessary for you to have these implements in your possession at the time of the incident? This is less likely to happen whenever the defendant uses a conventional handgun or long gun in self-defense. It even happened when the armed citizen using the full-automatic weapons was a Florida gun dealer who employed an M-16 and a sub-machinegun to drive off a gang of robbers who were burglarizing his gun store. In that case the grand jury found “no true bill” meaning it found no reason to recommend indictment of the gun dealer. Keep in mind that in most states the district attorney does not have to follow the recommendation of the grand jury. In this case the DA did, fortunately for the gun dealer. Many knife aficionados are under the misapprehension that the knife is considered an “intermediate” level of force beneath guns, as in “you can cut someone a little, but you cannot shoot them a little”. However, that is not the way the authorities see things; they will regard a knife to be a deadly weapon the same as a gun. So whether you are using a knife or a gun you must be able to demonstrate that you were legitimately defending yourself against an assault likely to inflict death or grievous bodily harm on you. As they say, you don’t have to be one hundred percent right, but you do have to be seen as having acted in a reasonable or rational manner given the circumstances you were faced with. In the case of the transgender female of color, it appears that she simply was not represented by a good lawyer. After all, in most jurisdictions the carry of a pair of fabric shears by a “woman” would not necessarily be interpreted as a premeditation toward violence (i.e. not an indication she was looking for a fight) AND being struck in the head with a blunt object would be considered a potentially lethal assault. Keep in mind that if you secure representation from the public defender’s office, all your attorney is likely to do for you is plea bargain your sentence down. I have noticed that a lot of people both black and white don’t seem to be aware of this salient fact. On the other hand, a charge of manslaughter is typically sought by the DA when the person acting in “self-defense” was committing a crime at the time he or she found it necessary to defend himself or herself against the other criminal or criminals he or she was doing business with. As in a drug deal gone bad or an illegal gambling operation. Being engaged in criminal activity, even “victimless” criminal activity, is not regarded as a reasonable or rational act or “minding your own business” by society at large after all. Transgender females have a tendency to flirt with disaster by posing as natural female hookers and not revealing their true status to their heterosexual johns. What happens when the john finds out he was fooled? When you fool people like that there is the chance they might get mad and try to hurt you. Was that what happened in this case? Was that the reason for the court’s lack of sympathy for the transgendered person’s plight?
James     Dec 24, 2014

Great point about the tranny hookers. Two of my coworkers were duped, one being an ex-marine; recon.

I'll have to dig into my notes for his story sometime. the guy was hilarious and had had much bad luck with the cops.
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