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Voices of Evil
Three Misogynists Discuss Lesbianism
© 2019 James LaFond
1:16 AM, Thursday, November 7 2019
Three sons of evil, bad men of bad blood sit drinking bad booze in the basement of a Connecticut strip club. Laps now barren of Latina slave girls, the diabolic attention of these three savage souls was now drawn to a Cսnt News Network story on women of choice, daughters of distaff Sapho, of those sainted souls who will soon lead faltering Humanity into the long, Godless night…
Man from Uncle: Eesh! Is everyone of these people gay? Look at this lisping faɡɡot talking to these shape-shifters.
Mister Grey: I guess you have to take it in the ass to get into the power structure.
Homeless Writer: Drinks more rum and snorts approvingly.
Man from Uncle: Never trust a man who has taken it in the ass!
Mister Grey: And look at this Lesbian bitch here !
Homeless Writer: Takes a drink of rum and makes a sound that sounds unsettlingly like “Yum.”
Man from Uncle: I’m still having a hard time hating on Lesbians—I mean, maybe I can learn, but for now, I just can’t work up the hate for them that you so sage-like carry.
Mister Grey: Yeah, this guy [points to the Homeless writer] probably likes her because she’s pretty. But that woman is an abomination. Any woman, especially a white woman, who defies her purpose, who takes her only human value and throws it in the trashcan—she will not be welcome in the ethno-state!
Man from Uncle: What do you think about Lesbians, James?
Mister Grey: This oughtta be good.
Homeless Writer: A Lesbian is just a woman that has not sucked my dick yet.
Man from Uncle: Yes!!!
Mister Grey: Oh, this man is straight-up evil, Son!
Homeless Writer: Drinks more rum and grins in the wake of Truth expressed.
On Bitches
'What's Your Religious Inclination?'
the man cave
'In Disgust'
the first boxers
orphan nation
let the world fend for itself
the combat space
under the god of things
uncle satan
crag mouth
song of the secret gardener
Ruben Chandler     Nov 19, 2019

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day. The kiddo is off to Aerostem Academy for four days. I read some words of wisdom from a hoodrat woman who said she gets revenge on her kids by sneaking into their rooms at 2am, with a switch and just lighting that ass on fire.
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