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‘Zombie Nation?’
InTheseGoingsDown Wonders if the American Mind has Been Gasstripped: Utah, 7/27/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“James, what do you think about the process of Murkha, becoming this weird, zombie nation, like a shambling clown god sent up out of some Lovecraftian abyss?”
-InTheseGoingsDown, via flip phone
Since we will be visiting with Arkham Reporter in the gaslit East, under the very snout of the Murkhan Beast come Halloween, I think this will make a nice post for All-hallows-eve to appear a month before the All Shallows Deceive.
The heart and soul of this Zombie Nation is a duality feedback loop that compels the body of the Beast to repair and upgrade its woebecome structure. It is the hopes, dreams, pains and pangs of the suffering tax heard of drugged and mediarapt souls which are fed upon and used to build the beast. This is a frightful generative feast, clothed in retrospective glory, or at least dignity, by the History-keepers of Under Steerage; those steerage cultists who massage the retrospective and self-reflective mind’s eye of a beast that could not be designed or built, and cannot be upgraded, without taking on the conscience of the cannibalized souls used to build and feed it. This is a great problem for the psychopathic demons who create and then steer such a Social Beast, that they must take into its structure empathetic, sometimes innocent, even angelic, souls to power it and a random mix of common empaths to feed it, resulting in demons without compassion—fired only by passion—piloting a suffering colossus that has lived for many lifetimes.
These dark agents of oblivion must then rely upon light agents of the living to man their dreadful conveyance. I actually feel compassion for these striving agents of darkness. This feeling is probably Tolkien’s fault, for portraying the Ring Wraiths as woebegotten shadows of departed humanity.
The body of this beast is made up of the persons and efforts of the tax heard. Most of the taxed soul chattel provide the breath and blood of the beast through their efforts to survive. The bones of this beast were long ago formed of the fake laws and precepts of the people by the designers of the great zombie, since its painful birth, alternately stooped in melancholy or raging across the planet, rending itself in self-hatred or brooding over which of the lies it embodies is the truth.
The mind of this great zombie beast is represented by the steerage cult army, the few millions of souls who attempt to repair, improve, direct and correct the great beast. This beast that has lived now for over 200 years, and is going insane as it’s pantheon of heroes is exchanged for an earlier gallery of demons, former rights are now wrongs, and former wrongs now wax godlike strong. The current minority among steerage cultists is well represented by the minor fiend Michael T. Flynn, LTG, U.S. Army, (Retired) in his book:
The Citizen’s Guide To Fifth Generation Warfare: Introduction to 5GW.
In this manual for total mind war the general, who may be a knowing demon of the Deceiver or a well-meaning dupe of the Deceiver, states, lucidly, before descending into the trenches of the teeming chattel souls to battle over the building blocks of the great world-straddling beast:
“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence…”
Flynn knows everything about how the Overmind of the Zombie functions, because he was one of its functionaries. The polarity that fuels the building of the mass mind that emotionally justifies the temporal crimes of The Beast, the Zombie Leviathan of which we are but cells, is represented by Flynn’s disenfranchising from that fraternity. He has been cast out from the steerage cultist that make such decisions as planned demolition of our largest buildings and death of 3,000 people in order to rouse the tax heard for rebranding, reprograming under geometrically expanded control from steerage cults. The recent attempt to kill a minority steerage cult puppet was also conducted by men formerly under the command of Flynn’s fraternity.
The base mechanic is currently, the Left-leaning Cults of Steerage, numbering perhaps 80% of Steerage, have prevailed in usurping control of Leviathan from those 20% of the Old Guard who built Leviathan into a semi-intelligent form. The New Guard of Steerage, since they have indirect control and unquestioning loyalty from only 40% of the tax heard, do not have the resources to battle The Old Guard, the 40% of the tax heard loyal to the Old Guard, the 20% anarchist section of the heard, and also the rival Leviathans around the world—this while also feasting upon the bodies and souls of nearly a hundred lesser tax herds. This requires many steerage cults, which compete, as well as CENTRAL Steerage, which is the psychopathic section of the cobble-cult brain. CENTRAL Steerage alone must suffer from Multiple Personality and Self-deceit Psychosis. As operatives of all of these cults are drawn from various segments of the mesmerized tax heard, then discharged back into said heard, psychic breakage is a real and constant risk.
The above is well represented in the various Frankenstein movies, as the designer required fresh killed human bodies [like the Fire Chief and decoy shooter slain during the Orange Man shooting] morally conflicted assistants [the various law officers involved in the murder attempt] all conducted in the castle on the high hill in plain view of the peasants upon whom the monster feasts. I suspect the story of Grendel, his mother and Beowulf is a dim reflected memory of a former evil civilization, a Leviathan like our nation, that was slain by a barbarian hero king.
The ennui, angst, lust, frustration and hurt experienced by this Zombie Nation, in its Steerage Cult mind, requires much medication of classes and individuals. I suspect that our recently usurped zombie prez had accelerated insanity and cognition issues based on psychiatric medical controls injected into him since 2016. Just as 30% of military age males and 70% of matriarch age females have been placed under heavy medication by various Steerage Cults, to include biker gangs and Mexican cartels supplying material and Central Steerage direction and Medical Steerage, the cult agents themselves must operate under lies that require off duty medication. The goal is subsanity, a pre-medicalized zombie citizen suspended in chemical innocence. These are some reasons for the unraveling sanity of the formerly remorseless, single-minded engine of industry and conquest.
To increase mental instability under mass mesmerism, more than drugs are required. Discord, was the first of WAR’s three servants, Panic and Rout to follow. This is an overt infliction of insanity, agitation and depression among the tax heard. However, wielding such power, and bending the minds of others, causes insanity in those who are not psychopaths. This is yet another cause of depression. Either Flynn is a psychopath with no conscience, or, he is a human operating under a lie, and the revelation of that lie would shatter his mind. Such high functioning fools surely outnumber their psychopathic handlers, and all labor under a subconscious delusion imposed by their mind to prevent a complete psychic collapse—the entire beast, Leviathan, Murkha, the Zombie Nation, is in a similar danger of insanity. As Uncle Ted related, the System will come self aware, the spark of the Zombie soul ignited by resistance and friction. Self awareness is the basic precondition for insanity.
Another cause of decreased sanity in the System, is the feuding inner parents of the Steerage Cults. If Flynn is successful, and recruits enough actors to overthrow the majority Steerage Cults, and take over all or, most likely, only a portion of CENTRAL Steerage, the result will be even more emotional instability in Leviathan. Like the manufactured Prometheus postulated by Mary Shelly in her novel some 200 years ago, Murkha, has feelings, is an increasingly emotive thing, feeling more and less rationally, but with hurt cause, for it has been hideously transmogrified by its ongoing redesign and reprogramming.
So Zeus, Almighty, Timeholder, had Prometheus (Forethought) chained in adamantine fetters for the crime of empowering man to burn the world. Horrible it is, to imagine an increasingly self-aware, increasingly intelligent, USG Zombie to continue cannibalizing our very minds, let alone our trivial work, as it waxes ever less sane due in large part to driving us insane and then feasting upon our dying brain. But, giving the beast back to such as Flynn, then strapping in for a Final Battle against rival leviathans, as Murkha rages in fits of inner PTSD, that too sends chills down the pulp science-fiction writer’s collapsing spine.
‘What Books Influenced You?’ #3
songs of arуas
the lesser angels of our nature
honor among men
winter of a fighting life
masculine axis
the first boxers
the greatest lie ever sold
Maud'Dib     Oct 25, 2024

“James, what do you think about the process of Murkha, becoming this weird, zombie nation, like a shambling clown god sent up out of some Lovecraftian abyss?”

The phone zombie's are mostly what i see, following their food source.

Come into work and see all the souls leaving staring at their screens. WTF, they just spend 8-10 hours staring at a bigger screen.... alll. day... long.....
James     Oct 28, 2024

This has saved me numerous scraps with the degenerate scions of my hereditary foes. I'll take phone zombies all day long!
Faber Pyrex     Oct 26, 2024

James     Oct 28, 2024

Though i selfishly relish the faded virility of my Master's eager manhound slaves who once drove me forth into the better lands beyond our hometown, it now looks certain that the only hopes for the survival of humanity is a grid down disaster.
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