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How Can I Catch Up?
#1: Vax Zombie DeDaulle Seeks a Reading List: Baltimore 9/13/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“The suspicions I had about what I was being taught at age 13 in school, have turned out to be true. But with this field of lies, I’m no closer to the truth. It is crazy, and maybe not a coincidence, that my coach, this guy writing stuff on a site I built but didn’t read, has had his fingers on the button for over a decade. I lost that decade. Now I’m looking for the reading list that is going to crack this egg. I’m reading Jorjani. He’s got a lot of information, and I see where his thesis is going. But, even though he is supposedly breaking out from that academic envelope, he is sticking with all of their science bullshit. I’m in my thirties now and don’t have time to read thousands of books. How about a short list that cuts to the quick?”
-During a car ride in rural Maryland, 9/11/24
My reading list has been powered by palatability of prose. Can I read the author without going to sleep? This was important when I read as a teen until 2 AM before school, and when as a young man I read on busses between jobs and home. So far as I know, no one has written that book that explains it all. The one holy book that does claim that distinction, is an editorial curation of 66 books over hundreds of years, the product of a debate as to what HAD to be read and what was not to be read, conducted over political power. I see that book as more valuable than all other texts, even of those more specific to my quest. To toss it out over nuances of translation or the politics of its formation, is a crippling waste. So, lets take that book, which I cannot name without causing a ruckus, as a constant reference. The problems that most of that Book’s faithful have with being utterly obtuse to secular Power and Lie and forever their victims, stems from not reading secular books and shunning other holy books. The more you read books such as those discussed below, the more truth jumps out at you when reading the Holy texts.
The problem, with a reading list, is the reader. I have read omnivorously, carelessly even, and enjoy authors whose readers generally do not cross over. I like Lovecraft and L’Amour, whose readerships are almost mutually exclusive to one another. So, I have to consider you as a reader on your direct path. [1]
This, if I may larp as a doctor of ideas for a moment, is my prescription to be read in the order listed by a man:
-Who grew up with computers [personal oracles]
-Is dependent on a smart phone [intimate oracle]
-Is too contemplative to trust alpha males [heroes]
-Has been gaslit into a state of agitation [public oracles]
-Is a modern civilized person, who therefore carries a gnawing incubus of Utopianism within his consequently harrowed soul [“fetters of adamantine” that bound Prometheus by the Technologist at the command of the Chronologist] a system process key to its enslavement of humanity. [2]
-Is alienated and as a corollary or consequence has a bitter distrust of power [blinders] and an awkward social orientation. This is key system genius in driving those who can sort its lies, to the social fringe to be negated.
I shall ignore my work and focus on the work of my best teachers. Do note that our language and thought have been corrupted so that we may not feel comfortable reading old works, most of which were written as inner circle texts. The Lie did not become the common thread of nonfiction writing until the late 1800s. Ironically, at that time, fiction exploded as a literary form. This was in part because history had become an exercise in domination via the lie in high circles. Among the low people who were now able to read, was the ancient instinct that nonfiction had not been written for them, but for their bosses. At about 1900, truth had almost entirely migrated from history to fiction. Truth had generally been driven from fiction by advertising, which is writing entirely dedicated to deception, by about 1980.
Note, works that I am annotating, or have summarized, are being left for another list.
Non-Fiction Truth Seeking
-1st: Immanual Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, debunks earth sciences, exposes the doctrinal secular religious take over of science in the 1800s and prepares us against Our Enemy SCIENCE, the most articulated lie in the ages old Conspiracy against Humanity.
-2nd: Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, demonstrates the broad based and specific agreement of many ancient sources concerning ancient times, all of which is in opposition to our modern “understanding” as to what happened in ancient times. Here we are asked to trust the witness rather than the lawyer in the court of the past.
-3rd: War Before Civilization by Keeley demonstrates how modern science is institutionally dedicated to lie about the past.
-4th: Enchiridon by Epictetus teaches how to survive the lie of civilization that is powered by the truth of power.
-5th: Transformations of Myth Through Time, this transcript of a 13 part Joseph Campbell lecture will help the sterile American spirit at least consider the truth traditions of our murdered ancestors before discarding them for science worship.
-6th: Agricola, by Tacitus is the best critique of lie based society, being civilization, I have read, and is written by an agent of that imperial power.
-7th: Poetics, by Aristotle is a foundation for grasping narrative mechanics that is requisite reading before the fiction list and should assist in rectifying fiction and non fiction.
-8th: The Book of the Sword by Richard Francis Burton shows how to understand human society from the perspective of a terminal tool.
-9th: Propaganda: The Mind in the Making, by Edward Bernays, describes the tool by which we have been reduced to spiritual slavery. Reading Poetics and The Sword will help this.
-10th: Technological Slavery by Theodore John Kaczinski describes how the tool described in socially forensic terms by Bernays has become functionally self aware.
The Following two sources I have been summarizing on the main site as part of the Arуas Project, and do fear that I will never complete this work. So they are included here.
-11th: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon is the best history ever written.
-12th: The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler informs us that the process curated and investigated by the genius minds above, is inevitable.
-1. The conversation netted three requests, the 2nd and 3rd parts being:
Female Authors? Fiction and Female Authors?
‘Your Stuff—Where Do I Start?’ ‘Your Stuff—Where Do I Start?’
-2. Zeus Almighty “Time Holder” who literally holds Time [his father] in prison, a great metaphor for the academic machine dedicated to codifying and omitting lies about our shared and veiled past.
‘A Sinking World’
gibbon summations
the first boxers
the combat space
dark, distant futures
son of a lesser god
beasts of arуas
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