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Coming to Harm City
Attending A Baltimore Music Festival in the Wake of the Riots
© 2015 James LaFond
“My wife and I will be attending the 2nd annual "Moonrise Festival", a 2 day electronic music concert, Saturday & Sunday, 11am to 11pm, hosted at Pimlico racetrack in August. There has been a lot of chatter (considering recent events in, and around the city) about security. Apparently many folks are considering not attending based on the fear of potential violence, mugging, who knows (?)
“My question to Baltimore's Violence Guy: Should a mass of (predominantly white suburbanites 16-30 yrs old on avg) have anything to fear? If so, what should they fear? And how should they respond?”
-Andrew W.
Andrew, after what the world has witnessed in Baltimore, I imagine you being told by any and all that taking your wife into West Baltimore, where Pimlico Race Track is situated, is foolhardy. My thoughts on this are somewhat discordant, the negro-battling white devil in me vying with the mulattress-admiring honorary African American for control of my brain. Note that every honest person in Baltimore believes these riots were the first of many, and that the media and government—attributing the riots to the death of Freddie Gray—think that throwing some cops under the proverbial city bus will assuage black rage, when in reality, every government initiative that has contributed to the racial hatred in Baltimore is still ongoing. There will be more riots in Baltimore, perhaps purely-for-profit raids on retailers based around Halloween, or school events. As with the recent riots the aims will be largely racial purging and plunder, not protest.
The White Devil Says
1. Since the riots staged by Baltimore’s innocent unarmed black teens were a rousing success on every level and encouraged weak imitation of such behavior in less violent cities, I do expect a certain element of the Harm City Hoodrat Horde to be on the lookout for any gathering of white people, particularly since the media has agreed with them that white people coming into Baltimore to enjoy cultural attractions is a violation of African American autonomy, and a threat to their cultural identity.
2. Since the politicians and media continue to lie about and cover up the true extent of the damage in Baltimore the City Government cannot be trusted to be truthful or forthcoming with the promoters of this event in terms of risk and police protection. For instance, the Mondawmin location was central to the riot because there is a large drug distribution ring working out of that area as indicated by anomalous purchases at area retailers [garlic powder for cutting dope and the largest end of month cash purchases in the ghetto]. If there is such a syndicate based in Pimlico it could be good or bad. They may prefer to have a bunch of white customers come to their door step and consume mass quantities of their product. Or, they may resent increased police presence, and with younger members lashing out at the cops, decide to up their street cred like the Mondawmin based crews did. What I’m pointing out here is how important the promoter is in assessing the situation. The best case scenario is they provide private security, preferably a biker gang or Guardian Angels, whose presence will not ignite anti-police feelings.
3. If some hoodrat gets his neck broken by the cops just before this event, then going into Pimlico would be suicide.
The Honorary African American Says
1. Blacks who live around Pimlico benefit from the race track through employment there, and by charging a small fee for motorists to park in their driveways, in front of their house, and even on their lawn, much like the Waverly area residents worked as valets and parking lot attendants when Memorial Stadium was open on 33rd Street. Pimlico is not seen as a product of gentrification as Orioles Park at Camden Yards is. When Memorial Stadium was vacated by the Orioles Waverly area residents lost income, and then the yuppies moved into upscale housing that replaced the park and raised the tax bill on the locals. So, while some ‘white’ event set in Camden Yards or in Waverly might draw black ire, Pimlico is a longstanding cultural institution enjoyed by many blacks who like to bet on the horses, and which benefits the locals.
2. The Baltimore riots were fueled by cohesive large scale mobs exiting their criminal training ground, where they are prepared for a lifetime of illiteracy and incarceration: Baltimore City Schools. These riots only reached virulent levels during the week. The media claims that the riots calmed down after Friday because of the police indictments, but this was not so. Friday was as hot as any day of the riots other than Monday. The first riots on the Saturday following the death of Freddie Gray were not a fraction of what came on Monday after his funeral. Recall that all parties predicted that the funeral would calm tensions, not considering that Freddie Gray’s death was just an excuse to vent long standing hatreds, and that proper mass riots could not be organized until high school was in session. When another weekend rolled around there was no longer an ability to marshal large ghetto forces, absent their high school breeding grounds. The media coverage was a complete lie and a hoax, the rioters have been excused, and the race-purging strike teams in outlying areas ignored or covered up. During the school year attend such events in Baltimore only on the weekend. If they have a Friday night event, do not go. As this event is in August, I predict there will be minimal problems.
3. If parking will not be adequate at the race track, do not take public transportation! Never take a white woman onto Baltimore public transportation—ever! All of the worst black mob attacks on whites in Baltimore [outside of a riot context] were triggered by the presence of a white woman. If there is not adequate parking, go out in July, into the adjacent neighborhood, and arrange to park on a home owner’s property, being certain to exchange contact information and a promise to pay above his normal rate so that he won’t sell your spot to some other white guy while your wife is making you late while she dyes her hair all the colors of the rainbow.
4. Travel with a group that consists of at least three men and no more than 3 women. Ideally you have a bachelor or two with you. Make sure you are not traveling with any loud assholes, or belligerent drunks.
5. Talk to the promoter about security precautions. You need to know what he has arranged and what his staff will look like.
6. Wear wide rimmed hats, and keep ski caps in a pocket or fanny pack in case your group gets stoned by neighborhood kids. A bush hat with a knit hat underneath will help a lot when bottles and stones start to fly.
7. If this is a field seating event carry a mix of light-framed lawn chairs to be used as shields by your women, and folding metal chairs to be used as pro-wrestling weapons by the men. The folding metal chair can be used as a pole axe or a thrusting ram, depending on whether you hold it by both legs, or by the back and the bar.
8. As for tactics, observe the video on the article ‘Man Down’ in which a phalanx of city cops assault a hood rat position in city side streets not unlike the area surrounding Pimlico. If attacked you want to organize like the hood rats, and not the cops. The cops did everything wrong. You want an organized retreat. Whoever is attacking is operating from a base of community support and ammunition in the form of rocks, bottles etc. Do not run, but walk, backwards, holding your lawn chairs as shields and watching your flanks, until the aggressors break off, and they will. The farther you get from the scene of the initial attack the less community support they will get and the more likely it will be that a resident will come to your aid. Keep in mind that it was middle aged black men, not white cops, who saved white people in the streets this past week.
9. Finally, if the event is held between the 1st [SSI distribution] and the 16th [last EBT distribution] the ghetto will be flush with government money. Any event held after the 20th will be likely to draw criminal predators, mostly teens ranging away from the nest to fill their mother’s requests, such as, “Baby, get me a new purse—a nice leather one like those white ladies carry.”
Young man, I don’t normally party with psychedelic music freaks, but when I do, I do it Harm City, where the war drums down by the river reverberate through the asphalt jungle and rise up to heaven on a piteous waft of despair, to warm my cold heart with the woe of the downtrodden.
‘Go Tell the Dead’
the man cave
‘A Time for Men’
songs of arуas
america the brutal
search for an american spartacus
taboo you
logic of steel
the year the world took the z-pill
the lesser angels of our nature
barbarism versus civilization
Andrew W.     May 4, 2015

Extra details / thoughts:

The event will be on the 8th and 9th. +1 for the young cracker couple.

Not having been to the debut event last year, I am still 100% positive (based on past festival-going experience) that the security will be handled by a private firm, such as CSC (the mostly un-athletic and un-intimidating guys and gals in yellow & black uniforms), or the like. Their primary weapon is a walkie-talkie. They are there to pat-down white kids sneaking in capsules, and probably for insurance purposes. No matter their numbers, they are always grossly outnumbered by attendees, at least 100 to 1.

I have a feeling that there will be (at least a minimal) BPD presence. Municipals are always on call with these events (use the antiquated term 'rave' if you will), because you see James the city realizes that:

A) these concerts are the hottest shit right now and bring in tall stacks of cash, so as a broke-ass city you simply can't ignore them, and

B) it's the worlds biggest open-air drug market. Oh, did I mention that? That hundreds (maybe thousands, who knows) of white teens/young adults will be attempting to solicit party drugs from strangers? Don't believe me? Look into the Merriweather incident (county! all columbia kids!) from last year. It's the biggest fear for promoters and the municipality: overdoses and their political aftermath.

Last year's event went down without a hitch apparently. But Freddie Gray was still slingin' dat good molly back then, and Baltimore was a 'city on the rebound'.

Private vehicular transportation to/fro seems to be the order of the day here.
James     May 6, 2015

I think, that if there is expected to be a lot of drug use, that there will be no small or large scale attacks by local blacks of the criminal sort, as they will be busy providing customer service. There will, however, be some opportunistic violence and stick ups on the perimeter, mostly targeting the intoxicated while they leave.
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