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~ Timejacker ~
Timejacker #10-B Interlude
Posted in Fiction on Nov 11, 2023 — 1,861 reads
Timejacker #10A
Posted in Fiction on Nov 5, 2023 — 1,983 reads
Timejacker #9B
Posted in Fiction on Nov 4, 2023 — 2,066 reads
Timejacker #9A
Posted in Fiction on Oct 29, 2023 — 2,014 reads
Timejacker #8Z.
Posted in Fiction on Oct 28, 2023 — 2,083 reads
Timejacker #8
Posted in Fiction on Oct 22, 2023 — 2,092 reads
Timejacker #7
Posted in Fiction on Oct 21, 2023 — 2,054 reads
Timejacker #6
Posted in Fiction on Oct 15, 2023 — 2,621 reads
Timejacker #5
Posted in Fiction on Oct 14, 2023 — 2,220 reads
Timejacker #4-B
Posted in Fiction on Oct 8, 2023 — 2,445 reads
Timejacker #4-A
Posted in Fiction on Oct 7, 2023 — 2,416 reads
Timejacker #3Z.
Posted in Fiction on Oct 1, 2023 — 2,641 reads
Timejacker #3-B
Posted in Fiction on Sep 30, 2023 — 2,592 reads
Timejacker #3-A
Posted in Fiction on Sep 24, 2023 — 2,587 reads
Timejacker #2-C
Posted in Fiction on Sep 23, 2023 — 2,564 reads
Timejacker #2-B
Posted in Fiction on Sep 17, 2023 — 2,624 reads — 1 comment
Timejacker #2-A
Posted in Fiction on Sep 16, 2023 — 2,621 reads
Timejacker #1
Posted in Fiction on Sep 10, 2023 — 2,316 reads
A Forever War Novel
Posted in Fiction on Sep 9, 2023 — 2,357 reads
Selek Washington, 2/13/2023
Posted in Blog on Sep 8, 2023 — 10K reads
The Imposed Premise Of Timejacker: Sunday, 6:54 AM, 1/22/23, Selek, Washington
Posted in Blog on Sep 7, 2023 — 10K reads
A Timejacker Discussion With Mescaline Franklin: 12/31/2022
Posted in Blog on Sep 3, 2023 — 10K reads
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Harm City
Modern Combat

An investigation of the period ideal that London was a latter day “Jerusalem” and that aboriginal North America was the domain of Satan, its indigenous people the devil's own “heathen” children, and for Christians: a realm of penance. 2021, 518 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
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