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‘I’ll Always be a Gringo’
Mighty White by Jack Donovan, A Point Of Departure Commentary
© 2014 James LaFond
3/4/15 Update
Bart asked me to repost this article as a special White Wednesday feature. I mention at the bottom that I survived the worst crime years in Baltimore alone as a guy that spent hours every night on foot on the street and that many members of race-based organizations that threatened me did not survive. I did not mention the primary cause. Black gang members are killed by their own black gang members and members of other black gangs, and white identified gangs also use lethal force almost exclusively against their own race, diminishing their gene pool as well. That is why I wrote the article Tactically Speaking in the way that I did, because the biggest threat to a white nationalist or a black nationalist is one of his own. Ask Malcolm X, and Hitler's brown shirts how much their race counted when their own came for them.
I was just forwarded an article from Jack‘s site by a mutual reader concerning something that I have written much about, which is race. Our reader wanted my take on the ‘white separatist’ or ‘white nationalist’ movement, specifically Jack's take on it. So this is not a review, but rather a commentary on the same subject. I have gone beyond what the reader wanted, I think, and highly recommend Jack’s article for anyone that reads this. A link is at the bottom of the page.
Mighty White begins and ends as a clearly worded explanation of why Jack associates with white nationalists, some of whom used to be, or in another day would have been, ‘white supremacists’. Jack is a writer that explores the social dynamics of masculinity which means getting into in-group out-group dynamics. This is not a discussion that can be had with many whites as whites see themselves as the cream of a homogenous one-world economy/culture.
However, most other people [which means most people] see themselves first according to their ethnicity, and then bracket down to other distinctions. As a writer/amateur anthropologist on Jack’s order I understand how important it is to speak with group-identified people, as the writer is by function a loner and is in danger of getting locked into that prism. Believe me, having a conversation with my local black crack dealer, gives me an excellent filtering mechanism for sifting through the lies fed to us by the international black arms dealer down in D.C.
In a few passages Jack mentions Baltimore, even suggesting it as a place where a white guy would expect to have trouble locating a job. This is true to the extent that just about the only good jobs are state, city and federal jobs that hire females and minorities first. In the grunt end of the workforce where I’m at, there is not a lot of black participation. They are mostly into crime, own a business, are on welfare, or are working for the government. As a working class white guy I enjoy favored hiring status in Baltimore in what little remains of the free economy.
Ironically enough, in the 1980s, when Baltimore was a 50% white 50% black city I found myself as a low level supervisor in a mixed race labor market. Most of the blacks I worked with were intensely racist, largely because they had been raised to believe I would be intensely racist. After sustained contact in which I was scrupulously fair to all coworkers I had the following experiences in Baltimore related to the subject of those portions of Jack’s article that touched on Baltimore, namely the labor market, all in the mid to late 1980s. That Baltimore is long dead, and more closely resembled the conditions now found in other 50/50 mid-sized American cities:
1. A virulent white racist ex-marine who could not work on an all white crew for an hour without using the N-word, became incensed when my employer fired his brother and hired a black. I did not go to bat for his brother because his brother sucked. This guy terrorized my family one night. I talked to him. He went away.
2. Two rabidly racist white guys began threatening to ‘kill all the hippies and niցցers’ on a 5/3 crew. I stood up for the 3 black guys and the white ringleaders backed down. They then jumped me from behind while I was hauling a load and attempted to kill me while the three blacks looked on, and my white hippie helper ran and hid.
3. On a majority black crew I was threatened by a lazy and very large white man. A very large hard-working black man, who happened to be a multiple convicted murderer, then came up behind me as the redneck was about to assault me, and the redneck faded into estrogen dust.
4. On a majority black crew a founding member of Baltimore Area Skin Heads [BASH] who was deathly afraid of the blacks [hell, I used to spar with the big Jamaican in the stockroom] became frustrated with being so fearful that he threatened me, and I punked him out. He hired 4 members of the white street gang The Wasted Youth to kill me. They stabbed another man by mistake, a man who beat their asses, and who was related to members of the Arуan Brotherhood prison gang. Two of these fools got worked over in the joint, and two on the street. The BASH man then went to the Arуan Brotherhood guys on the outside to sell them on offing me as a race-traitor. A mutual friend interceded for me and the BASH man was hunted out of town.
In the intervening years I have had good relationships with white separatists who consider me to be an insane race traitor. Because of the incidents above, my loner nature, and the fact that my young cousin was left for dead, naked in the snow, by a white separatist organization in Pennsylvania, simply because he did not want to terrorize random blacks, has left me regarding white identified groups as my personal enemies, my sworn foes. However, I realize that outside of the prize-fighting community, that no black, red, brown or yellow man will ever see me as a brother, will ever lift a finger to aid me, that I am forever alone, for we live in a racist world.
Jack is dead right about that.
For what it is worth, I have always contended that people band into groups because they are weak, and that the weakest will band-together first, and that governments—especially this supposedly homogeneous one—use these divisions to manipulate and persecute us by group and individually.
Even when I was the subject of daily threats and attacks by blacks I refused to band together with other whites because I refused to admit that I was as weak as my enemies, and the other whites were of no account and simply wanted my protection. In the 1990s, when I was the crazy white trash guy travelling Baltimore on foot by night with a razor in my pocket and a chip on my shoulder I despised my black enemies precisely because they operated in packs. I survived. Most of those guys are dead. When fearful whites wanted to organize with me I spit at their feet and declared that they were ‘as cowardly as the blacks’. I have since sneered at white identity groups as collectives of those who can no longer handle the pressure and vilification of being a member of the most militarily and economically successful strain of humanity that has ever lived.
I know nothing about the types of groups Jack has contact with in the Northwest. Since I don’t believe in rights [yes, quote me] I can’t very well say they have a right to exist. On a personal level—and mind you I’m a crackpot Darwinist—when I see a white guy talking about banding together against other groups [the groups around here in Maryland and Pennsylvania don’t talk ‘white separatism’ but ‘white fear’ and ‘black menace’], I sneer in disgust at a weakling who wants to band together and whine and cry for special status just like the women and the blacks.
The white globalists of the 19th Century invented the entire race game to sell a system of exploitation that was fully as exploitive of poor whites as any other group. [Racial politics were entirely lacking in the ancient world incidentally, and racial alignments in the Middle Ages followed mostly along religious lines.] Now the elite white inheritors of that two century old skin-game and its vast proceeds are playing it the other way, pointing to the discarded descendents of Irish, Scottish and English slaves, and of European refugees from a dozen crumbling feudal hells, as the racists, as the former slave owners, when it was not true. So yes, I can see why America’s discarded demographic would band together. If someday, I see such a group who is not imitating the Nazis or the Black Panthers, then maybe I’ll say, ‘Way to go guys.’
‘The Gender of Tortillas’
the man cave
‘Another Chance for Men’
the greatest lie ever sold
within leviathan’s craw
the year the world took the z-pill
fiction anthology one
time & cosmos
logic of steel
Bart Maney     Dec 15, 2014

What's your opinion of groups forming like the one Jack Donovan describes in this article James?
James     Dec 16, 2014

Hey Bart,

I will read the article and then post my impressions as an article, hopefully before I get drunk this afternoon.
Andrea Ostrov Letania     Mar 5, 2015

White males hang with those of same age.

What whites need is a kind of intergenerationalism. But because cultural fashions change so fast, this is easier said than done.
James     Mar 5, 2015

Thanks for checking in Andrea.

You make an excellent point. Consider how unnatural our modern American level of age segregation is compared to traditional cultures.
Kuhn Tewk     Mar 7, 2015

Well after reading this mess.....I'm done here. He may think forming groups is "weak"....but Lone Wolves accomplish nothing and get fucked in the ass. There are no answers here.
James     Mar 8, 2015

Kuhn, you provide an excellent opportunity for clarification. Thank you.

In the context that I lived it in my teens and 20s, joining violent groups who wanted me to be the risk-taking front man while they manipulated me and cheered me on, planted in my mind the opinion that forming a group was not a weak answer, but the answer of the weak.

That was a personal experience-based assessment, not an overarching opinion. Indeed, for any group to form there must be a strong individual for it to form around. I knew myself not to be that strong individual. But rather a weakling that had clawed my way into a position that only appeared strong, and was therefore not suitable material for the nexus of a forming group. Social my skill set was so dismal that I would have been used a s a pawn and a fall guy. I had no ability to lead, and to this day lack these leadership characteristics. My gut feelings as a loner in my 20s do not equate 1-for-1 to my considered opinion as a coach in my 50s, but rather linger to lend perspective and help me advise alienated youths today.

And what do I advise? Joining a group! I will coach these young men one-on-one and mentor them. But if they do not already belong to a gym or a school I find them one—one that fits their unique needs and those of the group. Ask Cory who I took to a karate school, Erique who I took to an MMA gym, Glen who I took to an FMA school, Dom who I just advised to rejoin a BJJ club, Dante who I took to a boxing gym, etc.

I realize that I am an odd ball who lives in his own mind to an unusual degree and that my own 'taboo' lifeway is unsuitable for the vast majority of men. If Jack Donovan sold 3,000 copies of The Way of Men, then Taboo You should only sell 30 copies. It's a book about successfully being a misfit, not a book advocating in any way the misfit course. By following my taboo misfit course I have helped build many groups by guiding people similar to—but less defective than—I into those groups, to the benefit of those groups to which I do not belong.

I also don't believe in 'lone wolves' [and neither would any wolf researcher] as my life when lived that way was very marginal. Note: I was not 'fucked in the ass', but rather found my options for growth limited. The only group that ever successfully attacked me was one I belonged to as a loyal member. My cousin was nearly killed and left for dead—ambushed in a friend's house by friends—by a group he belonged to, because he would not attack random black women and children. This left a bad taste in my mental mouth about joining groups.

However, I see their necessity and have networked successfully with many groups for mutual benefit. It took me time, living as a loner [who has never been successfully attacked by groups of strangers] to develop the skills to associate with groups, often as an intermediary. For instance Kuhn, I have served as a boxing coach for up to 5 schools and gyms at the same time. Rather than join, or act as a 'spy', I have acted as an emissary of sorts, arranging for sparring sessions, medical care, employment etc. I have fought at charity events and funerals to benefit groups I do not belong to because of a personal debt I owed the leader of that group. I am currently in a state of moral debt to seven leaders of various martial arts groups, and they know I will come when they call. And I Kuhn, am not even a martial artist, but simply a coaching fighter who keeps his word.

I must agree Khun that there are no answers here. This is merely a format for one man's expression. The answers are out there, and I have tended to find them alone, in association with groups, such as the karate school where I am headed off to coach today; a school that I am not a member of, that practices a hierarchal art that I do not practice, but never-the-less finds a use for an individual with my skill set who keeps his word, because he values something that is bigger than any group.

As for lone wolf accomplishments, check out the book Crow Killer: The Saga of Liver-eating Johnson. As for a perspective that does not promote the 'lone-wolf' lifeway, try one of the 1,600 article on this site that have no such perspective.

Thanks for your time and I hope you find your answer Kuhn.
Kuhn Tewk     Mar 16, 2015

Thanks for the response. I was perhaps overly harsh. Most likely I had first seen a beheading video on LiveLeakers,then drank a couple beers....ok 10 beers, then came here after having read that article on Taki's espousing your qualities. I find myself overloaded anymore...I'm too sensitive.
James     Mar 17, 2015


A crackpot like me needs people throwing him curve balls and making him answer hard questions. Your comment gave me a chance to do a better job explaining my position. A potential pitfall in my style of nonfiction writing is switching between a subjective perspective to an objective one and back again. If the writer does not craft the article or chapter just so—as in my somewhat muddled reaction to Jack's article—than buttons that were not meant to be pushed in the reader's mind, may be.

Thanks again for your comments.

I too am too sensitive, as are many of our readers I wager, in the context of the world we find ourselves living in. Think of how many more images, sounds, bits of information, opinions, faces, etc., that we are subjected to on a daily basis compared to what we were designed for. We see more people in a day than a stone age hunter saw in a life time. Perhaps this 'overload' is why we are all here in this virtual space helping each other deal with it. I know that the readers on this site have helped me immensely with parsing down the noise of the world to a manageable cacophony.

30% of my nonfiction articles are generated by you guys and girls, with me just tapping the keys.

Thanks again.
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