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Enemy of All Mankind
A Brief on The Eternal Foe of Humanity
© 2024 James LaFond
Author’s Proof
Dust Cover
Why do the actions of public servants consistently fail to serve the public?
Why do public servants inflict consistent harm upon the public?
Why do servants wax rich and powerful while those they serve fall into prison and poverty, powerless to access the mechanics of public life as individuals?
How is it that public servants act as the persecutors, abductors, prosecutors, jailers and executioners of their so-called masters?
Why do news reporters engage in news distortion rather than investigation?
Why is it axiomatic that all public servants lie?
Most keenly, what is the force that moves us to hate each other based on discord, so blatantly sown by those supposed to serve us in concord?
In 2024, a homeless novelist, drifting about the mightiest country recorded in the annals of nations, stumbled upon, was gifted or revisited the acts and works of men long cast into dust or disrepute. The writings of these men: Hesiod, Cornelius Tacitus, Flavius Arrianus Xenophon, William Moraely, Isrаel Potter, Edward Bernays, David Astle and Theodore John Kaczinski, written between 725 B.C. and 2008 fell into weird sync in the mind of the speculative-fiction writer as the society he migrated within fell increasingly into the grips of hysteria.
Recalling Homer’s description of Zeus sending a bad dream to Agamemnon, this postmodern writer seemed to have been handed a reading list by Eternity. Books encountered in a New Jersey guest room, San Jose book store, delivered gratis to a Pittsburgh guest room the day before his arrival, held in a Reading, PA library, all of these texts made common cause in the wandering reader’s brain, with that book left in a Baltimore loft that had been mailed to him by a reader in 2018.
Enemy of All Mankind is an offhanded attempt at direct speculation about the human condition, by a novelist who has avoided discussing an off-pondered question outside of the speculative-fiction were it was once—yet is no longer—vigorously pursued. Wondering how many of his better-educated and unmet novelist colleagues have been lured from the poetically prophetic ranks of science-fiction into the predictive analytical control structure that rules our gaslight night, James LaFond, here attempts to grasp why “NOTHING MAKES SENSE” to most well-meaning people.
His instinct that well-meaning people do not seek to control the lives of others, combined with his experience uncovering neglected evidence that proves the clear falsification of American History, suggested an institutional dedication to the LIE. Thus, this small man’s view of Declining Western Civilization, as a vast mechanistic falsehood, serves as the compass for this modest work. This disowned [0] man’s perspective of America from its gutter, casts what he experiences and sees first hand with his eyes, in steep contrast to the current news reporting and opinion crafting. The starkness of the dueling delusions that power the simple hysteria of America, contrasted with complex REALITY, seems to the modest hobo, to be as far from actuality than these implanted ideals are from their acrimonious opposite. [1]
Further, the fanatical dedication to enforcing belief in obvious falsehoods, of the invention of such words as disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, of the alienation of husband from wife, parents from children, based on some distant political stage play, raises a specter out of a harrowed Antiquity:
Are we ruled by EVIL?
Do our rulers worship, as a holy sacrament, THE LIE?
Are “our most sacred institutions” actually The Fruit of The Deceiver? [2, 3]
If so, are we the sacrificial offering to be butchered, devoured and burnt upon a reeking altar?
To Uncle Ted, who I suspect was framed and convicted for the crimes our rulers committed in order that his views might be discredited. You are the martyr of my heart.
Inspirational Quote
“The common enemy of all mankind.”
-Edward Gibbon, best historian to work in the English language, as he often described Roman tyrants
Indicting Canonical Quote
“And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
“And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will give it.”
-Luke 4: 5, 6
The attempted induction of The Savior into the worldly power structure by his antithesis, in this canonical passage and others, including Mathew 4: 8-11, and predicted through the entire Book of Job [4] echoes in this mind whenever I see an academic or politician lie with conviction to the subjects of conduction. [5] In that Holy Bible, canonized by the early Christians as the very Word of God, is clearly demonstrated that those who lived 1900 years closer to the wellspring of Christianity, firmly believed, even as a pedestrian fact, that The World was ruled by evil, by he who the Muslims would name, The Deceiver. During the course of 2024, as America obviously became insane and full of hate, numerous devout Christians asked my opinion, as a traveling man, how I saw the world’s descent into clear and rampant evil.
In each case I quoted Luke, as the simplest biblical assertion that Satan, the ultimate fallen angel, ruled earth as a sorrowful fief with full knowledge of The Almighty, who not only sent Satan to test Job, but permitted him to tempt his Only Begotten Son!
In all five cases, these Christians of 5 denominations, insisted that this passage was absurd, that every Christian knew that Jesus Christ, since he was an incarnate aspect of Almighty God, ruled the world. This made it clear to me that whatever ongoing mechanistic or repeating organic conspiracy against humanity existed, exists and may in the future exist, in the legacy Christian sphere, of Western Civilization, in part, relies upon a widespread misrepresentation of the holy foundation of that society it is corrupting, beginning, clearly with the torment and even murder of Words.
Whatever pressures have been exerted by the transhuman mechanisms of power upon WEE the people, has even convinced the most faithful among us to believe that The World is “good,” evolved or created for “good” outcomes, ruled by the most beneficent powers. Yet these notions are against the very precepts of that beneficent power’s suffering, murder and deliverance from The World for an unspecified period, perhaps rivaling Prometheus’s 10,000 years chained to the Caucasus Rock. [6]
Part of the question I seek in the study of this ages old attack upon humanity itself is to discover when and how we came to be complicit in our own torment and destruction, and if we are complying and assisting a supernatural evil in our demise, or are we simply obeying some peak population death urge to hurl ourselves from a cliff of our own devise like so many apish lemmings.
Here is hoping to wrap up this long-delayed and somewhat retarded attempt at understanding How, Why and by What power our extra-tribal societies suffer constant, seemingly self-assisted, demise, by the end of this dazzling year.
The WHO, I suspect, is not to be known, not ever. If this suspicion is correct, then this indicates superhuman [either planetary, hellish, cosmic or heavenly] agency at the root. Any deeper understanding of this world, its curtain and veils, this mind, weighted with burdens and years, may not seek, not yet, upon this side of the ages old veil that is rarely more than barely rent.
-James LaFond, Pittsburgh, PA, Tuesday, August 28, 2024
Form of Inquiry
The authors that form the muse advisory board of this inquiry, are not treated biographically. Only the work of Hesiod and Astle are here treated comprehensively. The writing of each of these ten great thinkers is used to examine a key mechanism by which evil actors guide us upon the sad path of individual, cultural and even mass mob demise. Their work is bracketed by my lesser and also broader attempt to understand Macromalice, or Evil, down through time.
I shall refer to, but not include the works of Oswald Spengler and Emanual Velikovsky, which I examine extensively in the book Norns of Arуas. Comprehensive treatment of the other authors and works have been begun or completed in works dedicated to that person and/or the subject he embodies. These will be noted in the footnotes to each chapter.
-1. Method
-2. Question
-3. Mechanism
-4. Scope
-5. Debt: Hesiod, 725 B.C.
-6. Honor: Tacitus, A.D. 109
-7. Murder: Arrian, A.D. 150
-8. Fraud: William Moraely, A.D. 1743
-9. Power: Edward Gibbon, 1776-88
-10. Erasure: Isrаel Potter, 1723
-11. Conduction: Edward Bernays, 1928
-12. Reduction: David Astle, 1974
-13. System: Theodore John Kaczinski, 2008
-14. Corruption: Robert Sephyr, 2016
-15. Arуan Conduction
-16. Plantation Expulsion
-17. Didactic Deception
-18. Immaculate Perception
-19. Heretical Suggestion
-0. Disowned by a debt based economy is a debt free state of alienation not realized in my mind until I experienced it among a world of people who are all in debt.
-1. The good guy/bad guy, white hat/black hat polarity of America is a master work of affected duality.
-2. In most political discussions by experts on alternative and mainstream TV, people on left and right, often describe American forms of rule “as our most sacred institutions.” The timing of these pronouncements, their exact wording, and especially their anti Christian nature when uttered by so called “Christian,” “Patriots” more often then their atheist opponents, suggests the colonization of Christian thought into adoration of the secular social form as a fully worshiped deity.
-3. A novel which has been bundled into The Jericho Bone, one of my better attempts to examine human action through a speculative lens.
-4. The first book of the Bible to be written, the earliest, provides a means by which a reader may begin an investigative reading of the sacred texts that follow. When the Bible was finally assembled in A.D. 325, Job was put into chronological order to assist in a narrative reading, which is the common form.
-5. Conduction of the dead was left to Hermes/Mercury in ancient thought, and has been transferred into modernity as the method by which emotive/moral mind control is gained over individuals and the mob, so they may be escorted into deception. The conductor is to humanity what the cowboy is to the cattle he drives to slaughter.
-6. Only Christian thinkers [a minority of that faith], among people I know, read and view, have been seriously considering Evil as a force, most settling for a label of evil to hang upon their hated foes. If you are an atheist or agnostic, Luke’s telling of the temptation upon the mountain, is an excellent allegorical warning against utopian action. It would advance secular thought a great deal if some meat worshiper would could arrive at a theory of evil that was not casual but extant. Note that “the devil” is not capitalized in Luke. I posit that the notion of “the Devil” as a large case actor came into use gradually as a suggestion that a greater Evil loomed behind the crimes and conspiracies that plague humanity.
Against the World of Tradition
conspiracy against mankind
Chariots Ov Da Gawdz
barbarism versus civilization
let the world fend for itself
the year the world took the z-pill
book of nightmares
within leviathan’s craw
your trojan whorse
z-pill forever
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