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‘The Woman’
And You Brothers Thought it Was ‘The Man’, Oops! Jeremy Bentham Corrects the Tragic Disinformation of The Oppressed
© 2014 Jeremy Bentham
Having returned from my vacation to Postcard America, and having spent a single night of screaming police sirens and droning messages to wanted felons broadcast from 'On High' over police helicopter loud speakers, I feel adequately re-acclimated to the Harm City environment to fittingly introduce another politically incorrect masterpiece of social commentary by the Prince Machiavelli of the Harm City diaspora. JB, you have outdone yourself on this one. I stand—well am sitting actually—in misogynistic awe of the elasticity of your cynical macroscope on the degenerate world…
White Women Rule the World -Part II.
“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”
-Karl Marx
“Nothing needs reforming so much as other people’s habits.”
-Mark Twain
More lessons learned from the bitch slap seen ‘round the world:
8. Our civilian society has become collectivized to the point that your off duty behavior can and will impact your job status, just like in the military. Committing certain petty offenses (such as DWI or domestic violence) or even expressing certain Un-politically correct sentiments can ruin your chances for promotion on the job and/or get you fired.
9. Seeing the pictures makes all the difference in influencing public opinion. Hearing that Ray Rice knocked his fiancée out did not have as great an impact on public sentiment as did seeing the video of Ray actually striking her and dragging her unconscious form off the elevator like a cement bag. It was then that the Matriarchy decided to get involved and demand that Ray be banished to the wilderness, and further that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should be subjected to some of the Communist criticism/self-criticism sessions that pass for a press conference these days (Mr. Goodell, can you explain to the American People why you should not be beaten with a rattan cane for failing to do more to prevent domestic violence in the NFL?)
10. Yes, you heard that right: “The Matriarchy”. The Establishment is no longer “The Man”; it is now “The Woman”. As in “I’m tired of gettin’ hassled by The Woman”. Tom Brokaw spilled the beans about the country being run by a de facto Matriarchy in his most recent “American Story” radio spot: . Naturally “women’s issues” will be given increasingly greater priority in the PC hierarchy of needs. Likewise anyone who does not publically support these “women’s issues” will be demonized and ostracized. Of course this ruling matriarchy will continue to be a sort of a “transvestite” matriarchy (pay no attention to what’s underneath the skirt) because at the very pinnacle of the hierarchy you will still find Liberal white men. For example, when Hillary Clinton is elected President in 2016, everyone will know that Bill will be the real President.
11. Yes, Ray Rice did get singled out because he is black. That is because The Woman has decided that some of the habits of black men are in need of serious reform. Now rest assured that The Woman still loves all Her oppressed children, but She simply can no longer abide all this pimp slapping. It is going to have to stop! So the whole African-American community is going to undergo some behavior modification in the months and years to come, starting with the National Football League. The Sisters are going to have to understand that The Woman has decided that Janay will be better off without Ray (now that he longer has a high paying career it is probably only a matter of time before she leaves him). She will no longer be rich but she’ll have her dignity, and that’s more important…right?
I must imagine that this Matriarchy will continue to grow in power and influence. That is unless and until it is replaced by an even more implacable ruling elite, such as the Islamic Caliphate.
‘Pimp Slap Politics’
the man cave
The Extreme Bachelor Pledge
honor among men
plantation america
crag mouth
by the wine dark sea
time & cosmos
into leviathan’s maw
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