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Breaking America’s Heart
A Science-Fiction Writer’s Preliminary Notes On Dissolving the United States
© 2015 James LaFond
I recently wrote a Harm City piece about two sorry white boys in which I commented that seeing how weak, and without character, our youth are, will only encourage Islamist attention to our increasingly difficult predicament. This has engendered some insightful comments, an additional article on Why People Attack, and the rather excellent comment below, in which I suspect mister Alford speaks for many of my readers, particularly the old Paladin Press crowd and those who visit from Jack Donovan’s Site.
Phillip Alford on the True American Character
James, I would disagree on one point. Yes, perhaps war could be brought to us on the east coast or west coast. And yes we would probably be overrun because of the soft, useless and incompetent men of that area of our great nation. But, once into the interior things would be very different. The vast majority of the men in this country aren't east/west coast liberal sissies. We are armed, determined and would turn ruthless. It would not be a pretty war and after it was over and we had saved the lives of the flaccid press, we would be prosecuted for the violence brought to the enemy. But, we would still be here and determined to not let it happen again.
LaFond on the Threat to that Character
I absolutely agree with you Phillip [Sorry about the name typo on the original comment response, but I can’t fix that on the comment function], and I think this needs to be posted as an article.
Now consider two things:
Those very people—rural and small town folks in largely republican states that tend to count for much less electorally than NY, Florida, CA [we must except Texas of course]—are virtually sneered at by the national media and less valued by larger economic interests.
That the attack, as being cultivated rather than planned, will come from our cities belching out converts to Jihadist Islam. The trickle of young men presently trying to get to Syria to fight the 'Great Satan' will, if the liberal hate mongers have their way, become a more steady stream. Recall the two recent NY attacks on cops by self styled lone wolf urban terrorists.
I envision an eventual partition of the U.S. splitting it into East, Center and West. Think of India being partitioned in 1947 with the East Coast as Bangladesh, the Heartland as India, and the West Coast as Pakistan. That is not a directly applicable analogy but an example of two wings separating from the center of a divided nation along separate paths.
The problem of resistance in the heartland of America is going to be three fold:
1. The liberal centers like Chicago, Detroit—Kansas City and Saint Louis, if the Lefties get their way—and Boulder Colorado, will serve as cultural Trojan horses and bases for liberal complaisance and Islamist recruitment. I see these last two point intertwined with the left enabling—albeit unwittingly—Islamist expansion.
2. Expanding gun control efforts by the Media and the State, alongside the campaign to extinguish masculine identity among our boys, who are being indoctrinated in government schools.
3. If the feds eventually side with the Islamists against Traditional America, keep in mind that vast tracks of our western interior are federal preserves and military bases.
Thanks [Mister] Alford
Colonial Comparisons
Perhaps the best model for looking at how the remains of our uniquely American character and culture will come under assault is to look at how Europeans interests assaulted the unique character and culture of the Native American over the same ground, eventually creating us, people with more Aboriginal American values and cultural nuances than we might think.
1. Militarily Europeans had great difficulty dealing with natives on their own ground. So they altered the physical world via ecologic destruction. To a stone age people ecological destruction is like the deliberate destruction of a national economy to moderns. It might therefore follow, that, to destroy the American character you must kill the American economy. I do not believe it is that simple, but this remains something that is done to enemies, both culturally and militarily.
2. Military occupation was achieved by colonists through building forts from sea to shining sea. Cities are the post modern counterparts to block house and stockade forts that give invading populations a foothold. Trouble will radiate out from cities, not land on the beaches of Ocean City Maryland.
3. Undermining manhood and discouraging parenthood and community may be accomplished through the infusion of debilitating drugs into a nation. The Brits did this effectively to the Chinese with Indian opium, and the English and Americans used alcohol to great effect to undermine the Native American spirit.
4. Population infusions of masses of poor—and therefore unsympathetic—immigrants were shipped into America to provide a future pool of military recruits as well as to stress restive populations of natives. If I were cynical I would suggest, that if Liberal News America wants to undermine Conservative Traditional America, they would, like British colonial leaders of the past, import starving, unskilled people of religious faiths they themselves find distasteful—like Catholics for instance—and unleash them on the native economy to stress it and facilitate collapse.
5. A cornerstone of Native American eradication was the killing of the hard to control non-materialistic primitive mind. Trading posts, and then churches, and then schools, were set up as a means by which Indians might be made to think like white men. Control of education by liberal forces would be the key lever for breaking the American Heart
Jihadists of the Future
I have outlined a novel, Under The Crescent, [ARTICLE] 1755 [/ARTICLE], that postulates an Islamic America 100 years from now. This should—as fanciful as it may seem, and may be—not be misconstrued as an attempt to write a dark fantasy about ‘towel heads’ landing on American shores and conquering anything. We no longer live in an age of seaborne invasions.
The threat will come over the internet and blossom in the minds of those young men who have been stripped of their culture and masculinity through the liberal left-wing mind control currently underway. Just like Middle Eastern Jihadists rise up in their way as a response to the rape of their lands at the hands of western corporations, I see the American Jihadist of the future rising up from the masculine culture vacuum strip-mined by our liberal media and education system.
In The Breech
the man cave
Fantasy in Masculine Culture
'in these goings down'
songs of arуas
under the god of things
thriving in bad places
advent america
into leviathan’s maw
the first boxers
Jeremy Bentham     Apr 20, 2015

"I predict future happiness for America if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them" - Abraham Lincoln

James, I too am inclined to believe that the United States of America will eventually split up into sub-countries. At least three as you say, perhaps even more. States could break up; western Maryland could break away from eastern Maryland. Large “blue cites” within otherwise “red” states (like Chicago), could form separate “city states”. The reason for this break up will be that the white folks in the interior (“fly-over land”) will become weary of the criminal mismanagement of the country by our Leftist ruling elite, AKA The Woman. The Woman clearly does not like white Americans, since She is endeavoring to replace them with Hispanics, Muslims, blacks and assorted other multicultural groups and, at the same time, overtaxing and over-regulating them and enabling multicultural criminals to harass them and eat out their substance. The white folks won’t want to remain under the governance of people who hate the country and hate them. They’ll will want a divorce. Incidentally, the same thing is occurring in Canada, as that country’s Leftist ruling elite is likewise endeavoring to replace white Canadians, both Anglo and French, with other racial and ethnic groups. Right now the population of the city of Richmond, British Columbia is sixty percent Chinese (surprise!): The trigger event of the breakup will likely be something very dramatic and traumatic, such as an economic collapse. Who will run the various successor states to a defunct USA? Which part or parts will remain under The Woman’s rule? California will be unique case. Certainly among all other states it has the resources, both human and natural, to become a prosperous independent country. However it has mismanaged those resources badly, even as its population has doubled in the past 50 years (mostly from an influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico). Thus it is currently on track to become another impoverished Latin America ‘”banana republic”. Like Peru, “a beggar on a throne of gold”. California could become a multicultural economic powerhouse, like Singapore; although, like Singapore, it would have to become an authoritarian police state in order to hold the feuding multicultural groups together.
James     Apr 22, 2015

I think once there is a break we'll get true balkanization and end up with six nations with one looking like the original 13 colonies excluding Georgia, one consisting of the deep south, one Midwestern, one central, one Latino, and one upper west coast.
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