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‘White Racism in Texas’
A Suppressed Story of A Horrific Gang Rape from 2012
© 2015 James LaFond
Tommy’s video posts usually get ten times as many views as this. This is a good window on how the blooming race war in the U. S. is virtually being manufactured by the media. Many of my friends will say it is leftist politics, and I may wish to agree. But, do we really have to go any farther than pointing out that fanning race riots pays huge dividends to the media organizations that cause, and then report on, the violence?
This needs to be seen even though it is old news.
11 yo girl Raped by 28 Blk Men In Texas
Just for your information, according to the FBI: for every black woman raped by a white man, 64 white women are raped by black men. The statistics on white male attackers are under dispute because many Latino suspects are listed in police reports as “white,” such as Z-Man of Skittle-slaying fame.
‘These Niggas is Hood-Tough’
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'There is No Knife'
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the lesser angels of our nature
Sam J.     Dec 31, 2015

Something I've noticed. When a Black is killed in a justified manner, Travon and Brown, the media whips up the Blacks to a fury and advertises it constantly. Yet when Blacks are killed in a most negligent manner, the young kid in I think Cincinnati and the kid shot in back in the Carolinas, they report it but don't push it to the max.

It appears to me they want Whites to think all Blacks are mindless idiots, completely irrational and that the police are all that stand between Blacks and genocide. I don't think this is by accident. If they focused on the events where there seems to actually have been injustice done then something could actually be done about the militarization of the police but focusing on the irrational cases people begin to feel there's no answer.

The US is ruled by a truly vicious bunch and it will not end well. "The book Civil War 2" by Thomas Chittum talks about this and how as soon as the American Empire goes broke it will be open warfare between the races. I hope he's wrong but history is on his side.
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