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‘Step Lateral to His Focus of Engagement’
The Anonymous Conservative on Famous FBI Shootist Jelly Bryce
© 2018 James LaFond
Fascinating article about combatives:
“Low, mobile, lethal target profile minimized, yet still comfortably able to observe. Notice even Jelly’s off hand is ready to grapple with, or even palm-heel an opponent who was too close. He must have run constant what-ifs, based on his extensive history of going at it as a cop, so when he acted, he was ready for anything. And it is all in a perfectly creased, well tailored suit.”
Thanks, Shep. This is exactly what boxers do when sucker punching on the street and what I practice for getting off line from a knife attack. A good biography of Bryce can be found in Kirchner’s Deadliest Men, linked below.
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
‘Fliers, Black Wings and Holes’
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‘What Could Possibly Go Wrong?’
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under the god of things
Bob     Jan 6, 2018

Segueing from Bryce, Cestari shows (04:30) the danger of taking a Weaver-isosceles stance in close quarters.
LaMano     Jan 6, 2018

Thanks for the "Deadliest Men" link. Looks like that's going to be a good read.

Looks a lot like Max Hastings book "Warriors" and a couple of the same guys in it, but a different take. Fascinating reading about these men.
James     Jan 7, 2018

Paul published an excellent sequel plus a great book on dueling, which included the story of a dwarf duelist who when challenged wanted pistols from horseback so that he could hide his whole body behind the horse's head!
Shep     Jan 28, 2019

From the same neck of the woods:

As Bob says, don't push your gat out away from your body at close quarters.
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