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~ Writing Spots ~
Notes On Adapting Narrative To Character From SPQR: Selek, Washington, 1/18/24
Posted in Blog on Jul 22, 2024 — 376 reads
A Day In San Jose Walking The Setting For The Novel Nihil: 12/7/2023
Posted in Fiction on Jul 14, 2024 — 552 reads
Tags:   Writing Spots, Nihil
The Metaphysical Igloo Office Of A Kept Hoodrat, Portland, Oregon: 11/5/23
Posted in Blog on Jun 10, 2024 — 2,708 reads
Recent Encounters In Harm City: 5/16/2023
Posted in Harm City on Jan 29, 2024 — 7K reads
Feeding The Relentless Writing Beast: January 2, 2024, Selek, Washington
Posted in Blog on Jan 3, 2024 — 7K reads
Where Did Your Donations Go?: 12/31/2022
Posted in Blog on Jan 1, 2023 — 6K reads
An Awesome Crackpot Pennsylvania Writing Spot: 6/16/2022
Posted in Blog on Nov 30, 2022 — 6K reads
Ephretta, Pennsylvania: 6/18/2022
Posted in Blog on Nov 23, 2022 — 6K reads
Writing At The Saffrono Mansion, Saffrono, New Jersey, 6/4/2022
Posted in Blog on Nov 1, 2022 — 6K reads
Of Dogs And Men: Teddy, Bailey And Oliver: Saffrono, New Jersey: 6/3/2022
Posted in Blog on Oct 31, 2022 — 6K reads
April, May, June 2022
Posted in Blog on Sep 9, 2022 — 6K reads
Writing In The Transmississippi: Missouri, 4/13/2022
Posted in Blog on Sep 6, 2022 — 6K reads
A Denver Writing Spot: Sunday, April, 3 2022
Posted in Harm City on Aug 23, 2022 — 9K reads — 1 comment
A Business Hotel: California, 3/27/2022
Posted in Blog on Aug 11, 2022 — 4,786 reads
Writing Spot #1: 3/3/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 22, 2022 — 4,898 reads
Crackpot Scribnerism Methodology: 3/1/22
Posted in Blog on Jul 21, 2022 — 4,770 reads
Two Brief Videos With InTheseGoingsDown
Posted in Blog on May 12, 2022 — 5K reads
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Somewhere out West Contents
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Harm City
Modern Combat

An attempt to identify servile American unrest in Early America by contrasting its massive institutions of forced labor against the human bondage of Antiquity and the sinister enhancements of Post-modernity. 2020, 768 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave