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~ Author's Notebook ~
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The Story Of Three-Rivers And The Servants Of Burnt Man
Posted in Fiction — 212 reads
Sublimating Your Past Into Fiction
Posted in Fiction — 298 reads
Confessions Of A Compulsive Writer
Posted in Fiction — 182 reads
23 Personalities From The Sunset Saga (glossary)
Posted in Fiction — 206 reads
On Prolific Writing
Posted in Blog — 320 reads
Notes On Writing Despite Creative Obstacles
Posted in Blog — 683 reads — 2 comments
Notes On Aliases And Fictional Name Generation
Posted in Fiction — 391 reads
One Author's Method For Titling Fiction
Posted in Fiction — 363 reads
An Archived Header
Posted in Fiction — 161 reads
Time-travel Fiction, Character Creation & Story Development
Posted in Fiction — 173 reads
The Story Of Three-Rivers And The Servants Of Burnt Man
Posted in Fiction — 232 reads
The Short Story Draft That Became The Novel Thunderboy
Posted in Fiction — 191 reads
One Man's Crime Against Materialism
Posted in Blog — 271 reads
A Horror Writer's Perspective
Posted in Fiction — 326 reads
Weaving Inconvenience Into Fiction
Posted in Fiction — 257 reads
The Scrapped Second Edition Of James' First Book
Posted in Modern Combat — 302 reads — 1 comment
Defining Speculative Fiction
Posted in Fiction — 292 reads
On Writing Prolifically Under Duress
Posted in Blog — 352 reads
Notes On Developing Character Perspective
Posted in Fiction — 257 reads
Notes On Cultivating Character Perspective
Posted in Fiction — 162 reads
Leonardo, A Widow Named Beautiful Flower & A Quixotic Quantum Physicist
Posted in Fiction — 276 reads
Working Tragedy Into Fiction
Posted in Fiction — 195 reads
Menthol Rampage
Posted in Fiction — 182 reads
Fight Scene Tips For A Fellow Writer
Posted in Fiction — 293 reads
Mantid: The Seven Fantastic Heresies Of Heshman Shew Mote
Posted in Fiction — 194 reads
Little Feet Going Nowhere: Sam Waterford’s Outrageous Profession And The Fate Of Humanity
Posted in Fiction — 143 reads
Dog Of War: The Journey Of Bruco, Last Of The Exiles
Posted in Fiction — 160 reads
On The Utility Of Focus Outlines
Posted in Fiction — 225 reads
Your Trojan Whorse: Appendix, Repossessing Your Manhood In A Woman’s World
Posted in Blog — 443 reads
One Reason Why Your Output Can Crash
Posted in Blog on Nov 5, 2013 — 175 reads
Are Long-lived Characters Endangered?
Posted in Blog on Nov 5, 2013 — 184 reads — 1 comment
Author’s Notebook #6: The Sequel To First Contact
Posted in Fiction on Nov 8, 2013 — 156 reads
Author’s Notebook #7: The Saga Of Janitor X, Sequel To Soter’s Way
Posted in Fiction on Nov 13, 2013 — 265 reads
On Writing While You Sleep
Posted in Fiction on Nov 15, 2013 — 311 reads
Author’s Notebook #8: A Guide To Parents, Teachers, Teenagers And Other Crazies, For Militant Children
Posted in Blog on Nov 18, 2013 — 296 reads — 1 comment
Writing In The Shadows Of Self-censorship
Posted in Blog on Nov 20, 2013 — 262 reads
Notes For Writing Fiction: How Do Real Soldiers Fight Without Weapons?
Posted in Modern Combat on Dec 1, 2013 — 2,155 reads — 4 comments
Crackpot Sci-Fi #1: What If A Shamanistic Savant Merged With A God-device?
Posted in Fiction on Dec 9, 2013 — 242 reads — 1 comment
How Would Regular People Recreate Society?: A Creative Writing Exercise Gone Awry
Posted in Fiction on Dec 17, 2013 — 457 reads
Defining Right And Wrong In The Past, Present And Future
Posted in Blog on Dec 18, 2013 — 210 reads — 1 comment
Seven Moons Deep: Pendleton Shaw’s Quest For The Seven Cities Of The Moon
Posted in Fiction on Dec 30, 2013 — 229 reads
The Requisite Woman Of Power In Modern Science-Fiction
Posted in Blog on Jan 3, 2014 — 237 reads
Diary Of A Tenuously Sane Man: The Author’s Archive: 1/8/2014
Posted in Blog on Jan 8, 2014 — 4,952 reads — 2 comments
Notes On Cannibalizing Your Writing Influences For Fiction
Posted in Fiction on Jan 17, 2014 — 181 reads
Author’s Notebook #8
Posted in Fiction on Jan 31, 2014 — 259 reads
Author’s Notebook #9
Posted in Blog on Jan 31, 2014 — 174 reads
Author’s Notebook #10
Posted in Blog on Jan 31, 2014 — 185 reads
Notes On Ghostwriting For The First Time Keyboard Whore
Posted in Blog on Feb 3, 2014 — 584 reads
The French Revolution In San Domingo By Lothrop Stoddard
Posted in Blog on Feb 5, 2014 — 644 reads
Way Of The Terminal Man: Author’s Notebook #11
Posted in Harm City on Feb 7, 2014 — 410 reads
Darkly: Dystopia In Power, The Science-Fiction Anthology That Died
Posted in Fiction on Mar 10, 2014 — 409 reads — 2 comments
Wrapping Up The Nonfiction Book
Posted in Blog on Mar 12, 2014 — 311 reads
Winter-Warrior By Joseph Bellofatto
Posted in Fiction on Mar 24, 2014 — 344 reads
A Cosmic Work By Joseph Bellofatto
Posted in Fiction on Mar 24, 2014 — 302 reads
Samson And Delilah By Joseph Bellofatto
Posted in Harm City on Mar 25, 2014 — 352 reads
Immortality In Fiction And The Hemavore Question
Posted in Fiction on Mar 28, 2014 — 209 reads — 1 comment
Using Edgy History To Deepen Your Horror Story
Posted in Fiction on Mar 31, 2014 — 283 reads
Gotch-ya!, March 05, 2014, Issue 336, Wanted-Arrests, Manatee & Sarasota
Posted in Harm City on Apr 9, 2014 — 283 reads
Notes On Writing Fiction & Nonfiction Simultaneously
Posted in Blog on Apr 11, 2014 — 200 reads
An Excerpt From James’ Upcoming Book Taboo You
Posted in Harm City on Apr 18, 2014 — 232 reads

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The author is stuck in the East preparing for post-life malingering. These journals represent the writing that life forced upon him: Winter Met, Spring Migration, Immediate Post-Life, Out of the Cookie
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
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