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By Twilight
Most Memorable Sunrises and Sunsets: Part 9 of 9: 9/10/2022
© 2022 James LaFond
#1. A rare detour due to forest fires, up through Wyoming from Denver, saw grazing bison framed at sunset, followed the next morning by a sunrise in Echo Canyon, Utah into Salt Lake City, on the westbound Zephyr.
#2. Sunrise along the Ohio River on the Eastbound Capital Limited into Pittsburgh.
#3. Sunrise in eastern Colorado on the eastbound California Zephyr. Westbound this happens over south western Iowa.
#4. Sunrise over the lower Columbia River Gorge into Portland on the westbound Empire Builder.
#5. Sunset over the upper Columbia River Gorge on the eastbound Empire Builder.
#6. Moonfall in Spokane Washington as the Seattle and Portland trains link up past midnight.
#7. Sunrise over Klamath, Oregon while the northbound Coastal Starlight stops at dawn.
#8. Sunset over western Nevada as the eastbound California Zephyr leaves Reno for Winamuka.
#9. Winter sunrise over Page’s Flats in the Cedar River Watershed, Washington, seen through a mix of rain, snow and cloud.
#10. Moonrise over the Uinta Mountains, last night, as seen form Oakley, Utah at 9:04 PM, 9/9/2022.
#11. Sunset from the front porch of the Saffrano residence in G-String, New Jersey, during a June thunderstorm, complete with a rainbow.
#12. Sunset through the towering pines behind the 7-11 on Foster and Holgate in Southeast Portland.
#13. Sunrise over Cumberland, Maryland from the eastbound Capital Limited.
#14. Sunset over the Potomac River crossing from Maryland into Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia on the westbound Capital Limited.
#15. Sunrise over Hoyt’s Peak as I hiked to the first shoulder at about 7800 feet.
#16. Sunset over the meadows below the Weber River in Oakley, Utah as the Sandhill Cranes take flight for Texas in mid September.
#17. Sunset over Jack London Square in Oakland California in both October and April is very pleasant.
#18. Misty sunrise in Pittsburgh, drinking coffee with Rick as deer, rabbits, squirrels, sparrows, cardinals and a ground hog feast on the apples, seeds and cracked corn he sets out for them.
#19. A red sunrise over Eastern Avenue, at Eastpoint, Baltimore County, on Friday, August 6, leaving Megan for the Brickmouse House in Northeast Baltimore in the wake of the tornado that facilitated my stone age showdowns with the three Negroes and the predacious Spic the previous evening at this very location. Something tasted good about that red sunrise.
#20. Moon rise over the cedars and pines behind Mister Grey’s condo deck as the wind rustles the boughs and we discuss the weirdness of life and death over beer.
#21. Sunrise over California as the southbound Coastal Starlight races from Sacramento to Martinez with the sun at your back and the moon still visible over the Pacific.
#22. Sunrise over the Chesapeake Bay as the Capital Corridor train clatters over the mouth of the Susquehanna River.
#23. Sunset over Western Montana headed into the Rockies on the westbound Empire Builder.
#24. Sunfall behind the Wasatch Mountains, as viewed from the foothills of the Uintas in Oakley Utah, are often very red, as the sun disappears over the Great Salt Lake and Nevada.
#25. Sunset over the southwest Missouri hills in April, decked with roiling clouds, takes on fascinating appearances.
#26. Sundown on the Ohio, looking across the river from Newport, Kentucky on the levee, up to Mount Adams to the grand old church there above Cincinnati, Ohio on a cool July night, was softly surreal.
Those are the curtains of day and night that come must clearly to mind as I listen to the morning doves and magpies in the aspen grove above this basement window. Tonight is a full moon, and I expect to take it in with Bob, bundled up in a sweatshirt and hat as Summer flees this high place.
author's notebook
‘Should Write A Book’
'in these goings down'
honor among men
dark, distant futures
plantation america
beasts of arуas
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