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‘Too Much Pussy?’
Or Not the Right Kind of Pussy?: ‘A Hate Letter to The Norms’
© 2015 James LaFond
A heads up about TriggerWarning, A Webzine by Two Fedup Females
Okay, we have two basic types of readers here at jameslafondI’mnot
There are the Barbarians, masculinity jocks who tap into this site for insights into the nuances of beating the piss out other men.
And then there are the Aliens the social misfits, outcasts, hate-thinkers and societal dropouts who tap into this site for that twerpish solution to being at odds with the greater society.
Of course most of us here are a mixture of the two types above concocted in some odd measure, as if by a sadistic alchemist of the cosmos, who designed our weird asses just to see what we would do among the herds, flocks, and folds of templates that populate the world of Man.
The subject of women and their opinions vary greatly amongst this readership. Often it is women—or, more accurately, their role in society—that holds us back. I think that both men and women of at least flickering minds would want it otherwise, that somehow we could increase, rather than diminish, ourselves through interacting with our opposites.
This past Saturday I was cleaning the gym floor with a young fighter who just turned 30 and knows himself not to be young anymore. He said, “I feel like time has gotten away from me, like I just woke up having missed something.”
I then mentioned my current book, Your Trojan Whorse, and that it, “is not a book for the nerds who can’t get any pussy, but for knuckleheads like you who get too much pussy and don’t know how to manage it.”
He sagely responded, “James, I live by the axiom that there is no such thing as too much pussy.”
This is called a ‘coaching trap’ by the way. I set this conversation up. This fellow has asked me to corner for him in an MMA fight and I want to get his mind right for that.
The old man then paused from disinfecting the mats and said, “And there is no correlation between the axiom that there is no such thing as too much pussy and the fact that you lost three years in a wormhole in Atlanta caused by the swishing of that girl’s Puerto Rican/Mexican/Thai/Caucasian ass?”
“None whatsoever!” he blurted, unable to keep from laughing at his own answer. He then amended his denial, “Well she did basically suck seventy thousand a year out of me.”
So, for you knuckleheads who might decide to look at what is between the ears of that life support system for your pussy, and also for you nerds who might be thrilled to find that your female counterparts are out there and often hate the same things that you do, I would recommend checking out the TriggerPoint webzine. This morning I read three critical thinking pieces by women on this site. It should come as no surprise, that in the age of the quivering mangina, that finding like-minds and allies amongst the gender that most of the males you know are imitating and submitting to, is bound to deepen and expand your insight.
‘Faction Before Blood’
the man cave
The Enemy, Of My Enemy, Is Still My Enemy
the lesser angels of our nature
barbarism versus civilization
song of the secret gardener
orphan nation
masculine axis
shrouds of aryаs
sons of aryаs
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