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World Bais Tres Manos Seminar
Jon Bais Instructing
© 2013 James LaFond
I have attended two seminars by Jon Bais, the GrandMaestro of the Bais Tres Manos FMA system, and had positive experiences each time. Mister Bais presents his art from various perspectives primarily by way of demonstration and feeder-based drills. He was a WEKAF competitor, and has done military and law enforcement instruction.
Bais Tres Manos is a Kalis Silat Kun-Tao system, the weaponry aspect of which is blade based. Mister Bais uses brief lectures and eight-count drills and various assistants to teach his art. The aspect of BTM gatherings that I like the most is the roving assistant instructors, including Jun Paliangayan who teaches seminars of his own. If you are new to the BTM network make sure you end up on the left or right flank when the class lines up. This makes you accessible to roving FMA Good Samaritans like Jun and Rene, who have both helped me through my FMA drills.
Mister Bais is very accessible after class, and, on two occasions answered some questions of mine concerning subjects ranging from Filipino history to WEKAF competition. I have a previous commitment and won’t be able to make this gathering but I hope you do. Tell Bob Light I said hi.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
4pm until 8pm
Honeygo Run Regional Park Gym, 9033 Honeygo Blvd, Perry Hall, Maryland, 21218
$50 [$40 for BTM/KSK FMA members]
The host and organizers are listed below. If you can’t make the event you may still wish to contact them as they all run FMA programs in Maryland.
Bob Light: 410-905-8088
Rene Castro: 443-506-2259
Jun Paliangayan 410-608-1561
For more information about additional area seminars later in the same week go to our BTM link on our network page.
Bob Light and Jun Paliangayan’s programs are highlighted in articles farther down on this page.
Headgear Brief
modern agonistics
Agon 2013 Brief
the greatest boxer
on combat
the combat space
'in these goings down'
menthol rampage
broken dance
the fighting edge
logic of steel
Jun Paliangayan     Jun 5, 2013

Hello Lakan James,

Excellent blogs and articles you contributed to the GlobalFMA and at MD Martial Arts Community.

Kindly visit GrandMaestro Jon Bais' website:( Pls go to the comments section & you can write an article or blog when you have a chance. Thank you & regards.


Lakan Jun Paliangayan

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