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The Four Types of Women
Your Trojan Whorse: Introduction, A Scouting Report on the Fair Sex For Men
© 2015 James LaFond
“All women are whores, including your mother—and she was until I married her.”
-Big Nate Senior
The Slave Girl
Many women fall into the slave girl category. Essentially the slave girl is into men more than she is into things. Slave girls are great, unless they are your daughter or granddaughter! Other women call slave girls sluts. The slave girl is generally reviled by the whore, as the slave girl often latches onto impulsive men who would be all but helpless in the hands of the manipulative whore.
The major drawback of the slave girl is that she tends to lose her virginity early, and get into relationships with abusive men and knuckleheads, which means she usually has a baby’s daddy somewhere in the background ready and willing to complicate things.
You want to grab a slave girl in her late teens or in her 40s. In her 20s and 30s she will be saddled with too much baggage, that she will not have the manipulative capacity to manage, and this could result in you beating some fool into a coma. So Oliver, no slave girls for you until you develop a taste for cougars.
Slave girls generally need men and will spend very little time in between love interests. A good example of a frustrated sex slave—for many are celibate or have attempted to become a whore in order to conform to the greater society—is the female mayor of Baltimore, the Mulattress-in-Chief. A facet of the slave girl is her inability to acquire wisdom and enlightenment when not in a post orgasmic state. If the Harm City Mulattress-in-Chief had been serving James LaFond in his man cave regularly, she would not have acted so unwisely, knowing in her extremity that she could depend on her master to advise her correctly.
Needless to say, many an otherwise content slave girl falls into the clutches of an inadequate man or womanizer, thus resulting in a bimboistic worldview. And to think, Baltimore might have been saved by a regular triple orgasm—usually pretty easy to pull off with a big girl like that who can get off eating extra crispy fried chicken.
The Whore
The whore usually wants to get married, and if you’re stupid enough you will marry her. Essentially a whore is any woman from the honest whore who charges you a fee for sex, to the manipulative duplicitous woman who enters into a relationship with you in order to have access to your earning capacity, your house, your car, yacht, etc. The whore is a materialistic woman who cannot be trusted with your feelings, as society has taught her, that it is all about the money.
My friend Wally once lived with a divorced woman who had all the makings of a great wife. One day he woke up and found out that since his income had stopped climbing, and he was experiencing zero economic growth in middle age, that she would go back to her asshole husband who treated her like shit, but was a millionaire. You see, Kiki had wanted to believe that she was with Wally out of love, but it was really only the fact that he seemed on the rise that permitted her to enjoy love in all of its frivolous glory. The relationship was sustainable only so long as it looked like Wally would one day be rich. She could deal with just living as a modest ascendant rich wife, willing to trade in the horse farm for good sex and kisses, rather than emotional cruelty. But to be looking at a financial dead end, retirement on a fixed income, was too much for her to bear.
Just remember, the whore is motivated by a princess fantasy, and the primary aspects of the princess fantasy are the dress, the carriage and the castle. The prince is a mere facilitator/accessory.
You can have excellent sexual relationships with such whores. After all, most wives soon tire of giving out sex to a man they were not attracted to in the first place, and eventually settle for the marriage contract to keep the money coming. Much of the MILF and cougar population consists of former gold diggers who are either divorced, separated, or unfaithful, and have now decided to actually enjoy sex and companionship since the material aspect of marriage carries a great deal of stress even for the victor. Do not make the mistake of marrying or sharing bills with her, or she will revert, as if by instinct, to her materialistic orientation.
The priestess is the rarest woman out there. She is generally a more intelligent version of the slave girl, who has a real appreciation for men as humans, rather than as templates. She’s deeper, and, in our society usually only exists in the 35 and up age group.
Much of this text will be dedicated to developing your ability to identify this luscious creature on sight.
The Manizer
Many feminists without the desire to marry—or at least not at their current age—will actually live their life much like a mature bachelor. Without denying their desire for men—and also not letting it get in the way of maximum material comfort and autonomy—they will settle into a pattern of reciprocal relationships with men, which are not necessarily sexual.
Let’s take Erin for example, a 27 year old college graduate who is not yet making the money to buy a house where she wants to own, but is also unwilling to partner up with a man at this point.
She has a sugar daddy—a retired man—who she has limited sex with in exchange for gifts, work on her car, and spending money.
She has dinner once a week with a sexually impotent middle aged man who does not want the pressure of a physical relationship but does desire some female company. He handles Erin’s financial affairs, does her taxes, and even does background checks on younger men she dates. He is essentially like an adopted father.
Erin dates men in their thirties. She will not date men in their twenties as they are too likely to latch onto her as a provider—since she does have a good job and her own apartment. She is not sure if she ever wants to get married or have children. But if she does she would choose a husband from this pool of men, who tend to be athletic. I believe there is a personal trainer and an aging life guard on the dance card.
So, in the manizer we see a woman piecing together a life with a number of men as she does not think the idea that one man will be able to provide all of her varied needs is reasonable. This is not the woman you want to fall in love with, live with, or marry. But you don’t have to worry about her stabbing you, getting you locked up to satisfy her anger over something, or getting knocked up in order to tie down half of your income for 18 years.
As we move forward with Your Trojan Whorse, keep these basic types in mind, and also realize that some women straddle types, and change types over the years.
‘A Time for Men’
the man cave
The Return of Men?
masculine axis
song of the secret gardener
night city
broken dance
the year the world took the z-pill
the greatest boxer
thriving in bad places
Mircea Popescu     May 6, 2015

Drop by <a>; sometime.
Big Balinese Wheel Money     Jul 17, 2023

"You want to grab a slave girl in . . . in her 40s

in our society usually only exists in the 35 and up age group.

Much of this text will be dedicated to developing your ability to identify this luscious creature on sight."

Who needs a guide to find post-Wall women, and who would want one?
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