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~ Upon the Earth ~
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Chapter 16 Of Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
Posted in Histories on Jul 2, 2024 — 3,769 reads
Worlds In Collision By Dr. Emanuel Velikovsky: 12/27/23
Posted in Histories on Jul 1, 2024 — 3,856 reads
Solomon, Sirach & Isaiah On Antiquity’s Common Plight
Posted in Histories on Mar 6, 2024 — 6K reads
Polytheistic Notes From The Monotheistic Word
Posted in Histories on Mar 4, 2024 — 9K reads
Considering Biblical Preservation Of An Earlier Antiquity
Posted in Histories on Mar 1, 2024 — 6K reads
Biblical Perspectives On Bondage From Acts 22 To 28
Posted in Histories on Feb 28, 2024 — 7K reads
Part 2 Of 2: Marius And James Discuss The Path All Travel: 8/4/2023
Posted in Histories on Feb 26, 2024 — 7K reads — 1 comment
Part 1 Of 2: Don Quotays And James Discuss The Path All Travel: 7/31/2023
Posted in Histories on Feb 23, 2024 — 9K reads
Echoes In The Milky Way In The Bible? 5/15/2023, Harford County, Maryland
Posted in Histories on Feb 21, 2024 — 7K reads — 1 comment
Two Skeptics Wonder At The Concept: 7/16/2023
Posted in Histories on Jan 15, 2024 — 8K reads
Part 8 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Nov 6, 2023 — 10K reads
Part 7 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Nov 3, 2023 — 10K reads
Part 6.5 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Nov 2, 2023 — 10K reads
Part 6 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Nov 1, 2023 — 9K reads
Part 5 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Oct 31, 2023 — 9K reads
Part 4 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Oct 30, 2023 — 9K reads
Part 3 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Oct 27, 2023 — 10K reads
Part 2 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Oct 26, 2023 — 9K reads
Part 1 Of 8: Impressions Of Metamorphoses By Ovid
Posted in Histories on Oct 25, 2023 — 9K reads
Addendum To A Woman’s Duty: 2/20/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 29, 2023 — 10K reads
Woman’s Duty: Part 3 Of 3: 2/17/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 28, 2023 — 10K reads
Woman’s Duty: Part 2 Of 3: 2/16/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 25, 2023 — 10K reads
Lynn Lockhart Cues The Crackpot On A Woman’s Duty: Part 1 Of 3: 2/15/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 25, 2023 — 10K reads
Considering Ancient To Early Modern Arуan Metaphysics: 2/1/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 23, 2023 — 10K reads
Notes On Domesticated Animals And Aggression: 2/8/2023
Posted in Histories on Aug 22, 2023 — 10K reads
A Musing Upon The Autodeified State: 1/2/2023
Posted in Histories on Jul 3, 2023 — 11K reads
Lynn Lockhart Cues The Crackpot On Walking: 1/10/2023
Posted in Histories on Jun 30, 2023 — 11K reads
Lynn Lockhart Wonders About Medieval Masculinity: 12/14/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 29, 2023 — 10K reads
Musings On Man’s Descent Into Atheism: 1/8/2023
Posted in Histories on Jun 28, 2023 — 10K reads
Don Quotays And The Crackpot Discuss Society: 12/30/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 27, 2023 — 10K reads
DQ Discusses Crackpot Climatology: 12/29/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 26, 2023 — 10K reads
Considering The Ambling Perspective: 12/2/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 23, 2023 — 10K reads
A Musing On Hierarchy And Heroics: 11/29/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 22, 2023 — 10K reads
Upon Killings Past: 11/8/2022
Posted in Histories on Jun 21, 2023 — 10K reads
Reconstructive Thoughts On Arуan Pre-History From Post-History
Posted in Histories on Jun 20, 2023 — 10K reads
Recalling The Saving Grace Of The Creative Selfish: 10/13/2022
Posted in Blog on May 4, 2023 — 6K reads
Musings On Christian Sacraments: 10/7/2022
Posted in Blog on Apr 28, 2023 — 6K reads
Thoughts On Mortality, Myth, Hierarchical Cannibalism And Social Grace: 9/13/2022
Posted in Blog on Apr 25, 2023 — 6K reads
Musings On Libertarianism, Anarcho-Tyranny And Propaganda: 3/4/2022
Posted in Blog on Jul 25, 2022 — 5K reads
A Question From Vaxx Zombie DeGaulle, Oakland, CA, 3/27/22
Posted in Histories on Jul 14, 2022 — 12K reads
Mister Grey Wonders About Our Most Lauded Quality: 3/29/22
Posted in Blog on Jun 29, 2022 — 6K reads
Musing On The Reverse Colonization Of The Metaphysical Mind: 2/14/22
Posted in Blog on Jun 10, 2022 — 6K reads
Impressions Of A Uniquely Churched America, 2 Of 2: 10/17/21
Posted in Blog on Mar 9, 2022 — 10K reads
Impressions Of A Uniquely Churched America, 1 Of 2: 10/17/21
Posted in Blog on Mar 8, 2022 — 10K reads — 1 comment
Recollections Of A Utah Missionary: 10/22/21
Posted in Blog on Mar 6, 2022 — 9K reads — 1 comment
Part 2: Arуan Reflections In The Secular And The Sacred In The Epic Of Gilgamesh: 12/6/21
Posted in Histories on Mar 3, 2022 — 14K reads
Part 1: Arуan Reflections In The Secular And The Sacred In The Epic Of Gilgamesh: 12/6/21
Posted in Histories on Mar 2, 2022 — 13K reads — 1 comment
Musings On The Manner Of Our Reduction: 11/17/21
Posted in Histories on Mar 1, 2022 — 13K reads
A Man Of God Offers Wintry Peace For Americans Walking Satanic Ground: 12/10/21
Posted in Blog on Jan 21, 2022 — 6K reads
Considering Pre-History In The Light Of Hesiod's Theogony
Posted in Histories on Nov 23, 2021 — 12K reads
Considering Revisionist Deep History For The Myth Of The 20th Century: Part 2
Posted in Histories on Sep 4, 2021 — 13K reads — 1 comment
Considering Revisionist Deep History For The Myth Of The 20th Century: Part 1
Posted in Histories on Sep 3, 2021 — 13K reads
Anglophone Emasculation Part 2 Of 2: Curse Of Modern Metaphysics With Michael Collins And BB Sling
Posted in Histories on Aug 31, 2021 — 13K reads
Viking Age Barbarian Cues The Crackpot On The Powers
Posted in Blog on Aug 17, 2021 — 3,773 reads
What Would Herodotus Say About Saint George Of I Can't Breathe?
Posted in Harm City on Aug 16, 2021 — 5K reads — 2 comments
14 Pages In The Life Of A Gentle Soul
Posted in Histories on Aug 1, 2021 — 13K reads
Mister Grey Cues The Crackpot On His Metaphysical Doctrine
Posted in Blog on Jul 4, 2021 — 3,432 reads — 1 comment
A Letter To The Breeders Concerning Their Plight Under The Risen God: Dateline 6/1/21
Posted in Blog on Jun 19, 2021 — 3,297 reads
Blue-Eyed Daughter Of Zeus Available As An Exclusive E-book
Posted in Histories on Jun 8, 2021 — 10K reads
Michael Collins Wonders About Our Institutional Embrace Of Damnation
Posted in Histories on Jun 6, 2021 — 10K reads — 2 comments

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