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A Bibliography Of Contemporary Print Resources
Posted in Histories — 704 reads
Paul Cartledge On Thermopylae
Posted in Histories — 354 reads
The Desert Of Wheat By Zane Grey
Posted in Blog — 294 reads
The Professor And The Madman By Simon Winchester
Posted in Blog — 267 reads
The War That Killed Achilles By Caroline Alexander
Posted in Blog — 626 reads
Lost Continents By L.Sprague De Camp
Posted in Blog — 428 reads
Nelson's Trafalgar By Roy Adkins: Stillbirth Of A Nation: End Notes
Posted in Blog — 440 reads
Book Review
Posted in Modern Combat — 621 reads
To Our Scattered Bodies Go By Philip Jose Farmer
Posted in Blog — 245 reads
The Glass Castle By Jeanette Walls
Posted in Blog — 240 reads
Swords Of The Hills By Robert E. Howard
Posted in Blog — 287 reads
Research Reflections & Book Review
Posted in Blog — 289 reads
Research Notes & Book Review
Posted in Blog — 597 reads — 1 comment
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 349 reads — 1 comment
Frederick Douglas, An American Slave, Appendix 10
Posted in Blog — 306 reads
The Terminal Experiment By Robert J. Sawyer
Posted in Blog — 299 reads
Blurbs From Readers
Posted in Fiction — 177 reads
Book Reviews
Posted in Blog — 409 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 288 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 251 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 373 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 447 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 413 reads
Marketing Doom: A Ph. D. On The Hysteria Prowl
Posted in Blog — 393 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 412 reads — 1 comment
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 423 reads
Book Review
Posted in Histories — 890 reads — 3 comments
Studying Imperial Hubris With Michael Scheuer
Posted in Blog — 215 reads
Mark Finn On Robert E. Howard
Posted in Blog — 358 reads
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 248 reads
A Literary Reminder
Posted in Blog — 353 reads
Book Reviews
Posted in Blog — 273 reads
The Best Book Yet On Western Martial Arts
Posted in Histories — 824 reads
Gene Wolfe's Novels Of Ancient Greece
Posted in Blog — 346 reads — 1 comment
Book Review
Posted in Blog — 422 reads — 1 comment
Jake Shannon's Rare Boxing Compilation
Posted in Modern Combat — 639 reads
Of The Literary Kind
Posted in Blog — 297 reads
The Indispensable Sourcebook On Greco-Roman Warfare
Posted in Histories — 537 reads
The True Story Of A Trek To Freedom
Posted in Blog — 419 reads
The Woman Who Was James Tiptree, Junior
Posted in Blog — 267 reads
Paul Kirchner: Dueling With The Sword And Pistol
Posted in Histories — 339 reads — 1 comment
Half Broke Horses: A Biographical Novel By Jeannette Walls, 2016 Update For America In Chains
Posted in Blog — 447 reads
Belated Book Review
Posted in Blog — 648 reads
The Wreck Of The Medusa By Jonathan Miles
Posted in Blog — 254 reads
The Insane Evolution Of America's Football Craze
Posted in Blog — 311 reads
Caliban's Shore By Stephen Taylor
Posted in Blog — 649 reads
Refighting The Pacific War With Jim Bresnahan
Posted in Blog — 247 reads
J. B. Bury At The Turn Of Two Lost Centuries
Posted in Blog — 252 reads
Bank Of America: Too Crooked To Fail By Matt Taibbi
Posted in Blog — 209 reads
Billy Edwards' Art Of Boxing
Posted in Modern Combat — 291 reads
Conquistador By Buddy Levy
Posted in Blog — 352 reads
The Book By Sydney Anglo
Posted in Histories — 270 reads
On The Highway To Hell With An Invisible Urban Evangelist
Posted in Blog — 184 reads
The Story Of Our Army: WWII Children's Propaganda
Posted in Blog — 234 reads
Typee: By Herman Melville
Posted in Blog — 241 reads
Up From Slavery By Booker T. Washington: Appendix 11
Posted in Blog — 234 reads — 1 comment
Ancient World Commanders By Angus Konstam
Posted in Histories — 287 reads
The Discovery Of Mankind By David Abulafia
Posted in Blog — 305 reads
Voodoo Fire In Haiti By Richard A. Loederer
Posted in Blog — 344 reads
Machete Season By Jean Hatzfeld
Posted in Blog — 491 reads — 1 comment

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