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The Desert Of Wheat By Zane Grey
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The Professor And The Madman By Simon Winchester
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The War That Killed Achilles By Caroline Alexander
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Lost Continents By L.Sprague De Camp
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Nelson's Trafalgar By Roy Adkins: Stillbirth Of A Nation: End Notes
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To Our Scattered Bodies Go By Philip Jose Farmer
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Movie Review
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Review Of The Wire: Season One
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The Glass Castle By Jeanette Walls
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Swords Of The Hills By Robert E. Howard
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A Chilling Encounter With The Virtual Sodom & Gomorrah
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A Political Caricature
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On Prolific Writing
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Research Reflections & Book Review
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A Dark-age Fantasy Movie Review
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Research Notes & Book Review
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The Way Back By Peter Weir
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Book Review
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Frederick Douglas, An American Slave, Appendix 10
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On Foreign Affairs And American Residency
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A Note From The Author
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Movie Review
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DVD Review
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Movie Reviews
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The Terminal Experiment By Robert J. Sawyer
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Book Reviews
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Notes On Writing Despite Creative Obstacles
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A Culture Of Mass Diversion
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The Book Geek Dilemma
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Enjoying The State-of-Emergency Event
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Advice On Making Realistic Threat Assessments
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Video Documentary Review
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Book Review
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Book Review
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Book Review
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Book Review
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A Letter From An Extraterrestrial Anthropologist
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Book Review
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Chef LaFond's Post-Apocalyptic Kitchen
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Marketing Doom: A Ph. D. On The Hysteria Prowl
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Book Review
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Book Review
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Studying Imperial Hubris With Michael Scheuer
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On The Endangered Ideology List
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Mark Finn On Robert E. Howard
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Book Review
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A Confession Of An Extraterrestrial Anthropologist
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One Man's Crime Against Materialism
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Crawling Into The Multimedia World
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Defining Cultural Free Fall
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An Odd Note On Hydration Politics
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The Native American End-time Prediction That Came True
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A Literary Reminder
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Book Reviews
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Gene Wolfe's Novels Of Ancient Greece
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Book Review
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On Writing Prolifically Under Duress
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Your Most And Least Favorite Pieces On The Site
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Of The Literary Kind
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Harm City
Modern Combat

The author of The Punishing Art and The First Boxers, details the mechanics and nuances of the four basic boxing punches in numerous variations, with notes on boxing, MMA, bare knuckle and self-defense applications as well as details on training equipment. 13 variations of the right hand and numerous bilateral training drills are included in this unique boxing resource.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave