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~ Crackpot Podcasts ~
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Cracked Pottery Curated And Available For Inspection On The Third Rail
Posted in Blog on Dec 22, 2019 — 705 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Mailbox: TheAmericanDagda And The Fractured Murican Amphora Discuss The American Dagger
Posted in Modern Combat on Dec 21, 2019 — 862 reads — 2 comments
Your Link To Following The 10:00 AM, 12/21/19 Conversation
Posted in Blog on Dec 20, 2019 — 716 reads — 1 comment
The Crackpot Will Be Hosted By Borzoi Boskovic And Another Worthy 10 AM EST, Saturday, 12/21/19
Posted in Blog on Dec 20, 2019 — 606 reads
Crackpot Podcast #70
Posted in Blog on Dec 17, 2019 — 549 reads
Crackpot Mailbox: C8, Bryce Sharper, Thawtcriminowitz And James Discuss Masculinity Rising
Posted in Modern Combat on Dec 6, 2019 — 835 reads — 3 comments
Dennis Dale And The Fractured Amphora Chew The Apocalyptic Phat For About 4 Hours
Posted in Blog on Dec 5, 2019 — 416 reads
An Interview From The Ghetto
Posted in Blog on Dec 5, 2019 — 488 reads
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 9:00 PM Leased Coast Time, 6:00 PM Bereft Coast Time
Posted in Blog on Dec 3, 2019 — 337 reads
Crackpot Mailbox: Oikos Catholic Communes With Cracked Pottery Across The Graveyard Of Souls
Posted in Blog on Dec 1, 2019 — 451 reads
Crackpot Mailbox: Midnight Leasedern Time 9:00 PM Leftoid Time
Posted in Blog on Nov 30, 2019 — 656 reads
Crackpot Podcast 69 & Hijas De Su Madre
Posted in Blog on Nov 28, 2019 — 569 reads
Hell Yes Beto Crackpot Podcast & Declining Virulence Of Tyranny
Posted in Blog on Nov 15, 2019 — 432 reads
Notes From The Crackpot's Return To Harm Citay And Invitation To This Year's Murderbowl Drawing
Posted in Harm City on Oct 31, 2019 — 571 reads
Crackpot Podcast 67
Posted in Blog on Oct 28, 2019 — 383 reads
Crackpot Podcast 066
Posted in Blog on Oct 20, 2019 — 366 reads
065 Crackpot Podcast
Posted in Blog on Oct 9, 2019 — 378 reads — 1 comment
064 Crackpot Podcast
Posted in Blog on Sep 25, 2019 — 378 reads
Crackpot Podcast 63 Is Up
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 8, 2019 — 400 reads
Crackpot Podcast 62
Posted in Harm City on Aug 31, 2019 — 586 reads
Crackpot Podcast 61
Posted in Harm City on Aug 23, 2019 — 385 reads
Crackpot Podcast 60
Posted in Harm City on Aug 12, 2019 — 387 reads
Crackpot Podcast 59
Posted in Harm City on Aug 3, 2019 — 586 reads
Episode 130: Return-of-champions-fighting-for-territory-in-the-ruins-of-civilization
Posted in Blog on Jul 24, 2019 — 695 reads — 1 comment
Erin Samaritan On The Raritan Rescues Humpty Grunty From The Base Of The Techtard Wall On The Overton Railroad
Posted in Blog on Jul 24, 2019 — 399 reads
Crackpot Podcast 58
Posted in Blog on Jul 17, 2019 — 523 reads
Unearthed Crackpotn At The Sanitarium
Posted in Harm City on Jul 8, 2019 — 578 reads
Crackpot Podcast #56
Posted in Blog on Jun 3, 2019 — 466 reads
Crackpot Podcast 55
Posted in Blog on May 7, 2019 — 434 reads
Crackpot Podcast - 54
Posted in Blog on Apr 12, 2019 — 354 reads
Crackpot Podcasts: Mister Bob, Jeremy And Luther Of The Shadows
Posted in Harm City on Apr 4, 2019 — 522 reads — 1 comment
And Failing On Midnight Movie Cowboys
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 4, 2019 — 713 reads
Holt Collier – Slave, Confederate Soldier, Ninth Texas Calvary Man, Outdoorsman, Cowboy, And Hunter
Posted in Histories on Mar 28, 2019 — 570 reads
A Movie Nerd Martial Artist Whose Favorite Boxer Is Marvin Hagler Wants To Talk To Me—Hells Yes!
Posted in Blog on Mar 23, 2019 — 562 reads
Crackpot Podcast 53
Posted in Histories on Mar 19, 2019 — 423 reads
Speaking Of Many Unthinkable Things: Live Stream, Wednesday, March 20, 2019, About Noon, From Portland
Posted in Harm City on Mar 17, 2019 — 590 reads
Crackpot Podcast 52
Posted in Blog on Mar 4, 2019 — 460 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast 51
Posted in Blog on Feb 6, 2019 — 454 reads — 1 comment
Landing On Your Writing Feet Away From The Harm City Heat
Posted in Harm City on Jan 30, 2019 — 600 reads — 3 comments
Working Class Journalist Dennis Dale To Do A Live Stream Café Interview With James LaFond: 1/23/19
Posted in Harm City on Jan 22, 2019 — 534 reads
Crackpot Podcast 50
Posted in Blog on Jan 16, 2019 — 547 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast 049
Posted in Blog on Jan 7, 2019 — 552 reads
The Crackpot Does A Video Book Review
Posted in Blog on Jan 6, 2019 — 675 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Mailbox: Wants To Know What The Crackpot View On Human Mortality, Dignity And Heroism
Posted in Histories on Jan 2, 2019 — 705 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast 48
Posted in Blog on Dec 18, 2018 — 469 reads — 1 comment
2 Woke 2 Fuck With Pat Dixon On A Ghostly Guilt Roundup
Posted in Harm City on Dec 9, 2018 — 676 reads
Crackpot Mailbox: Deanna Spingola Invites James To Appear On Her Republic Broadcasting Radio Show Saturday 12/8/18
Posted in Blog on Dec 7, 2018 — 732 reads — 1 comment
From The Myth Of The 20th Century
Posted in Blog on Nov 22, 2018 — 662 reads
A Brief Video Of Caucasian Bondage In North America
Posted in Histories on Oct 9, 2018 — 612 reads — 3 comments
Crackpot Podcast 046
Posted in Fiction on Oct 8, 2018 — 504 reads — 2 comments
Crackpot Podcast
Posted in Harm City on Oct 1, 2018 — 560 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast 44
Posted in Blog on Sep 25, 2018 — 505 reads — 5 comments
Crackpot Podcast 43
Posted in Fiction on Sep 17, 2018 — 525 reads
Crackpot Podcast 42
Posted in Blog on Sep 8, 2018 — 498 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast 41
Posted in Blog on Aug 28, 2018 — 777 reads — 2 comments
Crackpot Podcast 40
Posted in Blog on Aug 12, 2018 — 473 reads — 3 comments
Crackpot Podcast 39
Posted in Blog on Jul 30, 2018 — 472 reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Podcast Ep 38
Posted in Harm City on Jul 24, 2018 — 521 reads — 2 comments
Crackpot Podcast Ep 37
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 25, 2018 — 413 reads — 1 comment
Podcasting And Publishing News From The Ancient Crockery Itself
Posted in Blog on Jun 21, 2018 — 515 reads

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Harm City
Modern Combat

8 Novels with Time-Travel and Cosmic Themes: Hurt Stoker, Out of Time, By Gaslight, Seeker Cane, Timejacker, Holiday Blue, American Dog, The Consultant
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave