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Corresponding With A British Babe About: Survival, Horses And Jeth Randolph: 5/4/2022
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 16, 2022 — 20K reads — 2 comments
Nicole The Brit And Don Quotays On Jeth Randolph's Urban Survival Method: 5/2/2022, Lancaster Pennsylvania
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 13, 2022 — 19K reads
A Christian Soldier Consults The Hoodrat Oracle: 4/4/2022 Denver
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 30, 2022 — 20K reads
Warhorse Podcast #31: An Affair Of Honor Part Two
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 24, 2022 — 20K reads
Addressing Muscular Tightness And Back Spasms In Your Prime: 3/3/2022
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 21, 2022 — 20K reads — 1 comment
Self Defence: Articles And Conversations From The One In One Journal, Volume One By Jeth Randolph
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 27, 2022 — 22K reads
Jeth Randolph Of The One-in-One Journal
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 27, 2022 — 21K reads — 1 comment
T-Rex Wonders Of The Advantage To A Motorcycle Helmet In Yeti-to-Yeti Combat: 2/15/22
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 26, 2022 — 21K reads — 1 comment
A New Survival Taining Book By Jeth Randolph
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 25, 2022 — 21K reads — 1 comment
Han Silo And Hoary Hobo Discuss Next Level Street-Fighting: 2/13/22
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 25, 2022 — 21K reads
Viking Age Barbarian And The Sped Age Librarian Discuss Tools As Weapons: 2/21/22
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 15, 2022 — 21K reads — 1 comment
Banjo Cues The Hobo On Skipping Rope: 2/13/22
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 13, 2022 — 20K reads
An Invitation Only Agonistics Meet In June 2022
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 9, 2022 — 32K reads — 6 comments
Mister Grey Wonders About Iron Age Armor In The New Dark Age: 1/4/22
Posted in Modern Combat on Apr 7, 2022 — 20K reads
Reflections On Training And Drinking In Portland Oregon: 12/24/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Mar 29, 2022 — 38K reads
Prepping Portland Joe Part 2: 12/11/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Mar 25, 2022 — 38K reads
Yeti Waters Relief Society HQ: 12/11/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Mar 24, 2022 — 38K reads
Portland Joe Wants To Know: Dateline 11/17/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Feb 21, 2022 — 20K reads — 1 comment
How To Defend Against The Most Common Homeless Weapon & The Coming Of The Machete Virus: 11/24/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Feb 18, 2022 — 20K reads — 3 comments
Portland Joe Wants To Know The Practicality Of The Japanese Rice Flail As A Defensive Weapon: 11/24/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Feb 16, 2022 — 20K reads — 1 comment
Portland Joe Cues The Crackpot On Lars Anderson: 12/30/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Feb 11, 2022 — 20K reads
Part Three Of A Young Screw’s Term In Hither Hell: 11/21/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 30, 2022 — 20K reads
Part Two Of A Young Screw’s Term In Hither Hell: 11/21/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 29, 2022 — 20K reads — 1 comment
Part One Of A Young Screw’s Term In Hither Hell: 11/21/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 28, 2022 — 18K reads
The Best Reason For A Knucklehead To Hate The Leisure Clawss: 12/4/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 18, 2022 — 15K reads
A Reader Discusses Combat Performance Goals[12/7/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 17, 2022 — 15K reads
A Reader Shares Some Of His Combat Journey: 12/4/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 14, 2022 — 15K reads
Bradley Is Wondering About Crackpot Combat Training: Dateline 11/7/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 10, 2022 — 14K reads
Electric Dan And T-Rex Chaff Under The Rule Slave Law: 10/17/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 3, 2022 — 14K reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Comments In Brackets: 12/4/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jan 2, 2022 — 14K reads
Selecting Rattan Sticks For Training: Dateline 9/27/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Dec 15, 2021 — 14K reads — 1 comment
The Terminal Arc Of Boxing And A Crackpot Solution
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 20, 2021 — 15K reads — 2 comments
Enjoying The Work Of Boxing Coach Wilson Pitts
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 17, 2021 — 15K reads
JW Cues The Crackpot On Free-standing Striking Apparatus
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 16, 2021 — 15K reads — 1 comment
Marius Cues The Crackpot On Bottleneck Evolution In Humans
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 14, 2021 — 14K reads
Viking Age Barbarian Cues The Crackpot On Lockdown Home Invasions
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 10, 2021 — 14K reads — 1 comment
A Knife Designer Wonders About Sparring Knife Length
Posted in Modern Combat on Nov 1, 2021 — 14K reads
The Crack Man Cues The Crackpot
Posted in Modern Combat on Oct 25, 2021 — 14K reads
Pat Cues The Crackpot On FMA And Boxing Crossover Training: 8/8/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Oct 17, 2021 — 13K reads
Michael Collins And The Crackpot Discuss Punishing It Forward: 8/8/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Oct 3, 2021 — 12K reads
A Big Ron Baltimore Cookout Combat Relation: 7/29/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Oct 2, 2021 — 13K reads
Electric Dan Wonders If The Crackpot Would Like To Design A Knife
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 22, 2021 — 12K reads — 1 comment
Okay, Mister Jim, Asks Sensie Steve, Who Was The Toughest?
Posted in Modern Combat on Sep 19, 2021 — 12K reads — 2 comments
Charting A Functional Scale
Posted in Modern Combat on Aug 28, 2021 — 12K reads
Hobo Survival Training Videos
Posted in Modern Combat on Aug 23, 2021 — 12K reads — 2 comments
Yeti KO's Kang In Low IQ Higher Education Beach Debate
Posted in Modern Combat on Aug 9, 2021 — 12K reads — 2 comments
The Crackpot Critiques A Stabbing
Posted in Modern Combat on Aug 8, 2021 — 12K reads
Michael Collins Bully Odyssey Part 5
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 28, 2021 — 11K reads — 2 comments
Michael Collins' Bully Odyssey Part 4
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 27, 2021 — 11K reads — 1 comment
Michael Collins Bully Odyssey Part 3
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 26, 2021 — 11K reads — 1 comment
Michael Collins' Bully Odyssey Part 2
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 25, 2021 — 11K reads
JW And The Crackpot Discuss Edged Phallic Symbology And Cuckology
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 23, 2021 — 11K reads — 1 comment
Michael Collins' Bully Odyssey Part 1
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 20, 2021 — 11K reads — 2 comments
Marked Vantage And The Crackpot Discuss Heavy Hitting And Juicing
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 19, 2021 — 11K reads
Viking Age Barbarian, Mister Grey And Satrap Of Kulakistan: Date Line 7/1/2021
Posted in Modern Combat on Jul 6, 2021 — 12K reads
Thawtcriminalwitz Prompts The Crackpot On A Self-Defense Advice Video
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 26, 2021 — 11K reads — 1 comment
Big C Wants To Know About Crackpot Dream Match-Ups
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 11, 2021 — 12K reads — 2 comments
How To Maintain Your Lower Lantern After Impact, Dateline 5/30/21
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 7, 2021 — 12K reads — 1 comment
Brandon Cues The Crackpot On Maskland Prizefighting
Posted in Modern Combat on Jun 4, 2021 — 12K reads
Don Quotays Cues The Crackpot On MMA, BJJ And Parking Lot Chimpmania Intersectionality
Posted in Modern Combat on May 28, 2021 — 11K reads

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