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~ The Man Cave ~
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Little Sissy Things  The Pitfalls Of Style And Minutia In Weapon Arts
Man-Child Apocalypse & The Evils Of Charity  How To Combat Coercion Every Day Of Your Life
Banno's Boys  A Real Knife-Fighter's Legacy
The Microeconomics Of Wife-beating  Condoms, Marital Immolation, Ho-macking & Bitc...
The Last Headbangers By Kevin Cook  The Insane Evolution Of America's Football Craze
Go Tell The Spartans  'Sorry Sir, Last Stands Are Now Being Handled By S...
Joe-Damn!  A Harm City Snapshot
'When God Died He Left Madonna In Charge'  No Man's Land By Jack Donovan
It's Unlocked!  Vigilance Versus Complacence
Harm City Courtship  One Man's Crocodilian Mating Strategy
Beyond The Garden Of Ishtar  Gilgamesh: A New English Version By Stephen Mitche...
The Four Faces Of Cowardice  How Fear And Inaction Hamper Us All
The Last Man  The Upgrading Of Dwayne Munson
The Bro Train  On The Extinction Of Men
Genghis Khan’s Balls  Were You Bred For War? By Stefan Molyneux
When Your Helper Steals Your Tools  Primordial Human Resources Development With Dante ...
When Your Helper Drives Your Truck Stoned  Primordial Human Resources Development With Dante ...
Shaka Zulu’s Balls  The Royal Swazi Horn Dog’s Next Bride & ...
‘Letin’ The Trash Takeout The Trash’  A Fathers' Day Movie Idea: The Baytown Outlaws By ...
Why You Don’t Get Laid  Your Trojan Whorse: Appendix, Repossessing Your Ma...
The Ethics Of Stomping  The Violent Creed Of A Cowardly New World, Correct...
NOV/04/13  The Viking Hammerlock  Dark Age Dating Lore From Your Extraterrestrial Wi...
NOV/06/13  Holding Doors For Amazons  Notes From A World Beyond Gender
NOV/14/13  The Man Manifesto  Three Reasons Why Invasive Genitalia Does Not Equa...
NOV/18/13  Honor Among Men  Who Behaves More Honorably: Men, Women, Or Martial...
NOV/20/13  ‘Still A Hamster’  The Bugs In Darwin: 11/8/13 By Fred Reed
DEC/07/13  ‘Excuse Me’  The Woman We Need
DEC/17/13  Wimp Of The Year  White Student Union By Vice
DEC/22/13  ‘I Am The Logical Conclusion’  Under The Nihil By Andy Nowicki
DEC/24/13  Heads Up He-man  Let's Not End Up Sharing A Cell With This Dude
DEC/30/13  'Michael Douglas Didn't Marry Me Either'  Welcome To The Man Cave
JAN/04/14  Mike Dawson & Dave Stewart  Welcome To The Man Cave
JAN/08/14  Virtius Maniples  Winter #2: The Shades Of Emeralda Ire: Anno Domini
JAN/13/14  ‘A Hideous Thing Came To Pass’  The Scarlet Citadel By Robert E. Howard
JAN/15/14  Dave The Twerp  Rudeness And The Extinction Of Men
JAN/20/14  White Howard  Time Out For A Manly Moment In The End Time
JAN/22/14  Hasti ‘Five Tooth’ Acine  Winter #3: The Shades Of Emeralda Ire: Anno Domini
JAN/31/14  Politically Correct Horror?  Academics As The Ultimate Horror
FEB/04/14  ‘From Hell’  Valhalla Rising By Nicolas Winding Refn & Roy ...
FEB/05/14  ‘This Is Evolution’  Thirteen By Joseph Freistuhler
FEB/07/14  Taboo You  Way Of The Terminal Man: Author’s Notebook #...
FEB/09/14  Conan The Husband  Age Of Conan Hyborian Adventures By Joshua Dysart
FEB/10/14  ‘The Primitive Math Of Violence’  The Way Of Men By Jack Donovan, The Most Important...
FEB/14/14  The Gears In The Insanity Box  Embattled Hipster/Yuppies, Violent Blacks, A Short...
FEB/16/14  The Last Bookstore  A Brief Survey Of A Bookselling Layout
FEB/24/14  'Warning Barbed Wire'  The Criminal Manchild Under The Mommy State
FEB/26/14  James Anderson’s Son  A Short Defiant Life
FEB/28/14  ‘Pity The Last’  Lone Wolf And Cub #2: Pitiful Osue By Kazuo Koike ...
MAR/04/14  ‘Action With Intent’  Blood Brotherhood And Other Rites Of Male Alliance...
MAR/07/14  Pray Queen  Dissident Notes On Our Cyclic Delusions
MAR/21/14  ‘Martial Brothers’  On Growing Your Combat Clan
MAR/28/14  ‘In The Chinks Of Your World-Machine’  The Women Men Don’t See By Alice B. Sheldon
MAR/28/14  ‘Lips Like Wine’  The Pool Of The Black One By Robert E. Howard
APR/09/14  ‘Her Price Is Steel’  Outlaw Of Gor By John Norman
APR/09/14  When Your Outlaw Biker Buds Can’t Fight  Primordial Human Resources Development With Dante ...
APR/11/14  ‘Wellsprings Of The Dangerous’  On Danger By Ernst Junger
APR/16/14  ‘No Running, No Jumping’  The War Against Boys By Christina Hoff Sommers
APR/22/14  Happily Ever Under  The Devolution Of The Hero
APR/23/14  When Heroes Fought  The Weekly Nonfiction Combat Serial
APR/28/14  Ping & Pang  The Literary Misogynist
MAY/05/14  ‘Hats In The Ring’  The Manly Art By Elliot J. Gorn
MAY/05/14  ‘A Man Among Men’  [Updated With Reader Notes] Crow Killer: The Saga ...
MAY/07/14  Reading Masculine Sign  Addendum Notes On Masculine Alliance From The Upco...
MAY/08/14  Manginas Rising  Trying Not To Get Sucked Into The ‘Manospher...
MAY/09/14  ‘The Riddle Of Steel’ & ‘Pagan Ideas’  Start The World #5: Deep Conan By Jack Donovan
MAY/13/14  Harm City Asylum  The Measure Of Our Racial Fantasia
MAY/23/14  Saturnalia Forever  Harm City Philosophy: A Ghetto Guide To Political ...
MAY/30/14  The Fifth Week  A Taste Of The End Time In Harm City
JUN/10/14  ‘The Gender Of Tortillas’  The Meanings Of Macho: Being A Man In Mexico City ...
JUN/11/14  ‘I’ll Always Be A Gringo’  Mighty White By Jack Donovan, A Point Of Departure...
JUN/12/14  ‘Another Chance For Men’  Bridget Calls For Harm City Masculinity
JUN/12/14  ‘Standing Off’  Notes On Vigilance
JUN/13/14  Dinner With Ajay  The Bitch Factor In Tribalism
JUN/20/14  Not Getting Punched  A Man Question From Adam
JUN/26/14  ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’  SEAL Team Six By Howard E. Wasdin And Stephen Temp...
JUN/26/14  ‘Look Son!’  A Man Question By From Brooklyn Shane
JUL/01/14  ‘Comfort Is The Death Of A Soul’  The Wolves Of Vinland Podcast With Jack Donovan An...
JUL/03/14  ‘Chief Social Oncologist Of The Republic’  The Funniest Fred Reed Article Of The Year
JUL/10/14  ‘Should I Identify Myself  As A Martial Artist?’: A Man Question From B...
JUL/17/14  Worshipping In The Temple Of Ouch  Achieving Self-evolution Through Combat
JUL/18/14  Shadowboxing For Bare Knuckle  A Man Question From Brooklyn Shane
JUL/18/14  ‘Thug In Peace’  The ‘Feral Tribalism’ Aftermath Of A C...
JUL/18/14  ‘Was Bruce Lee The Baddest?’  A Man Question From Quin
JUL/20/14  Bruce Lee Versus Craig Myers  Addendum To Was Bruce Lee The Baddest?, And Rhee, ...
JUL/24/14  Thor Gets A Sex Change!?!  ‘Thor Losers’ By Jim Goad, July 21, 20...
JUL/25/14  ‘Eighteen’  Five Minutes With Glenn
AUG/02/14  ‘Sci-fi Male Solipsism’  Beauties In Beast Mode: Why Are So Many Men Applau...
AUG/05/14  Far Above The Mangina Sea  Bernard Hopkins Putting Asses In Seats And Bitches...
AUG/08/14  ‘What Are You Looking At?’  How To Answer This Perennial Jerk Challenge: A Man...
AUG/14/14  Survival Dating  The Hot Crazy Matrix: A Man's Guide To Women By Ta...
AUG/15/14  'Saving The World Sucks'  Robert E. Howard And Masculinity In Fiction
AUG/21/14  A Man Question From Craig  How Did George Benton’s Defensive Skills Com...
AUG/22/14  Four Ruthless Whores  An Excerpt From James' Upcoming Trilogy Of Misogyn...
AUG/24/14  ‘The Death Hug’s A-comin’’  Hell’s Belle’s: The Trailsman #277 By ...
SEP/04/14  A Win For Tribalism  The Global Corporatocracy Stubbs A Toe In The Amaz...
SEP/10/14  ‘Those Husbands Have No Balls'  Mister Bob: Ethnographic Reflections On An Interes...
SEP/15/14  ‘What About The Rest Of Us?’  A Man Question From Adam
SEP/15/14  ‘The Iron’  STW #8—Strength Beyond Strength By Jack Dono...
SEP/19/14  ‘I Want To Fight Professionally’  A Man Question From Oliver
SEP/22/14  Ray Ray Race Relations  A Note On Our Divisive Collective
SEP/22/14  ‘Pimp Slap Politics’  Understanding Feminist Blowback Among African Amer...
SEP/28/14  ‘The Woman’  And You Brothers Thought It Was ‘The Man&rsq...
SEP/30/14  The Extreme Bachelor Pledge  Another Reason Not To Invite The Harm City Ethicis...
OCT/03/14  ‘Behavior That’s Admired’  Beowulf: A New Verse Translation By Seamus Heaney
OCT/06/14  If Aliens Attacked...?  Two Woman To Man Questions From Sharon
OCT/07/14  How Do I Rate My Power?  A Man Question From Samuel
OCT/17/14  MMA And Honor  Understanding The Postmodern Paradigm In Physical ...
OCT/24/14  In The Age Of Black Superman  The Mythology Of Might, White, Right & Russell...
OCT/28/14  ‘How Men Select Each Other’  "What Is Masculinity?" - An Introduction...
OCT/29/14  American Woman  Gonna Get You Killed
OCT/31/14  ‘A Forest Dark’  Dante’s Inferno: Canto I
NOV/03/14  A Sign Of Lonely Times  The Third Eye #3: ‘All You Need Is Hand&rsqu...
NOV/05/14  ‘Welcome To Manginastan’  The Third Eye #4: A Man Question From Andrew Metzg...
NOV/05/14  'The Dark Heart Of The Tale’  Rusty Burke On Robert E. Howard, G. K. Chesterton,...
NOV/07/14  The Pale Usher  Moby Dick #1: Impressions Of Herman Melville&rsquo...
NOV/10/14  ‘A Higher Dimension Of Life’  Men Among The Ruins: Post-war Reflections Of A Rad...
NOV/12/14  ‘I Gave My Word’  No Country For Old Men By The Cohen Brothers
NOV/14/14  The Extinction Of Man  The Third Eye #8: A Science-Fiction Writer’s...
NOV/18/14  Death In The Ring  A Man Question From Adam
NOV/26/14  An Email From A Real Man  A Big Game Hunter Dares The Crackpot Author To Put...
NOV/26/14  A Night Of Cozy Unrest In Harm City  The Author Commutes To Work With Returning Protest...
DEC/02/14  ‘Keep Your Bounty For Your City-Bred Dogs’  People Of The Black Circle By Robert E. Howard
DEC/03/14  Getting Hammered In The Hood  The Seven Keys To Understanding The Plight Of Whit...
DEC/05/14  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation  A Crackpot’s View Of How Eve Inherited It Al...
DEC/05/14  The Plight Of Men  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 1
DEC/07/14  ‘The Cape Horn Measure’  Moby Dick #2: Chapter III, The Spouter-Inn, The Du...
DEC/08/14  A Debt Of Honor  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 2
DEC/09/14  The Women We Left Behind  The Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 4
DEC/12/14  Tactical Adam And Eve  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 3
DEC/12/14  Tao Of A Black Cracker  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 5, Th...
DEC/14/14  The Logic Of Honor  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 6
DEC/15/14  The Altar Of The God Of Things  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Conclusion
DEC/15/14  A Chink In The Machine  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Epilogue
DEC/16/14  A Man Question From Bart  Concerning A Time For Wolves By Jack Donovan
DEC/16/14  Honor Versus Hierarchy?  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/17/14  ‘Dat Gay ATV’  Reader Versus Writer: Erique Calls For Superhero D...
DEC/17/14  ‘Liver-Eatin’ Versus Sam Grant  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/17/14  The Silence Of Men  A Talk On Native American War Fighting Methods Of ...
DEC/17/14  Honor In The Iliad  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/17/14  Honor In The Odyssey  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/18/14  Defining Tribalism  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Appendix
DEC/19/14  The Logic Of Your Emasculation  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/19/14  Erasure Of Honor—Pacified Past  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/19/14  Classic Emasculation  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Bo...
DEC/21/14  Into The Nutless Void  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, Co...
DEC/21/14  ‘Find The Cornerstone’  Incubus Of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 8, A ...
DEC/31/14  White Wednesday #2  Discussing White Manly Virtue At The Skank Inn: 12...
JAN/02/15  Bones Jones Versus Crow Killer  A Man Question From David
JAN/04/15  On ‘Escaping The Secular’  Modernity And A View Of The Death Of Art From The ...
JAN/10/15  ‘Harm City Russia?’  Documenting Andrew Metzger’s Obsession
JAN/11/15  'To Spite A Cruel Alien World'  The Most Unapologetically Masculine Thing I Have W...
JAN/14/15  Reginald Hardy, ‘Terroristic’ Barber  Our Enemy The State And The American Emasculation ...
JAN/16/15  ‘The Bitch Of Doom’  Winter #8
JAN/18/15  Breaking Down The Best #1  ‘Did Ali Have The Best Jab In Boxing?’...
JAN/20/15  The Viking Shield Wall  A Man Question From Adam
JAN/22/15  Superman And The Plight Of Orks  Commercial Heroics As A Force For Emasculation
JAN/25/15  Superheroes: God, Symptom, Villain?  An Anthology Inspired By Metal Head At Heart
JAN/29/15  ‘A Creature Of Mettle’  The Way Of Men, Gods And Runes By Jack Donovan
JAN/30/15  A Gas Station Situation  Dillon, On Being White In Harm County
FEB/13/15  ‘The Virtues Of A Warrior’  Arete By Stephen G. Miller
FEB/13/15  ‘What About Your Fight Record?’  A Man Question From Charles
FEB/15/15  ‘How Can I Write More?’  A Man Question From Oliver
FEB/16/15  ‘What Smokes On God’s Altar’  Reconstructing The Theft Of Western Man’s St...
FEB/16/15  ‘Two Slabs Of Painted Meat’  Porn And Football By Paul Waggener
FEB/18/15  Echoes Of Men  The Ghosts That Mould Us #1: Our Fathers
FEB/20/15  In The Onion Field Of The Soul  The Feminine Web Of Rights And The Erosion Of Masc...
FEB/20/15  Point Of The Family Spear  The Ghosts That Mould Us #2: Uncles
FEB/20/15  Where Men Speak  Confessions Of An Amateur Ethnographer
FEB/24/15  ‘Latina Ass Soup’  The Best Argument For Miscegenation
FEB/27/15  Of Lions And Men #1  Tribalism In The Ancient World: A Meditation On Th...
MAR/06/15  In A Soft Yet Violent-Minded World  Postmodern Reflections On Of Lions And Men #1
MAR/08/15  ‘He Thinks Groups Are Weak’  The Misfit Author Is Taken To Task By A Man
MAR/10/15  ‘Great Men’ Or 'History As God?’  The Crackpot Author Weighs In On Our Most Influent...
MAR/11/15  ‘Seven Pillars Of Emasculation’  How The Goddess Got Your Balls: Or The History Of ...
MAR/13/15  Manny Versus Money  A Man Question From Bart
MAR/15/15  The Delilah Factor: Part One  Of Lions And Men: Hunks, He-Men And Man-Whores
MAR/16/15  ‘O Great Testicled One’  Of Lions And Men: A Language Specialist From Plane...
MAR/21/15  The Lion’s Share  The Man Who Would Be Herakles, And Masculine Freew...
MAR/24/15  When He's Big And Mean  Big Versus Small: On The Asphalt With An Offensive...
MAR/24/15  ‘Is This The Best Time To Be Alive?’  A Man Question From Andrew Metzger
MAR/26/15  Start The World Rune Patch  Jack Donovan Has Your ‘Hate The Wussy World&...
MAR/27/15  ‘How Do I Limit My Exposition?’  A Man Question From Melvin, An Aspiring Horror Wri...
MAR/27/15  ‘So Feminism Is The Goddess’s Revenge?’  The Mind Of Mescaline Franklin: The Author Is Gril...
MAR/27/15  ‘How Can You Write So Much?’  A Man Question From David
MAR/28/15  Bearded Boxing  ‘What Are The Rules And The History?’:...
MAR/29/15  ‘My Three Foot World’  No Hero: The Evolution Of A Navy Seal By Mark Owen
MAR/30/15  ‘What Does The Desire To Dominate Feel Like?’  A Man Question About Domination From A Female Read...
MAR/30/15  ‘Into The Sea Of Vampire Sheep’  The Pressure Project With Master Chim, Jack Donova...
APR/02/15  A Bad Ending On Some Gay Liberal Planet  Cities Of Dust #8: Behind The Sunset Veil, Chapter...
APR/06/15  ‘A Thousand Years In His Soul’  Nine Aryаn Mystics At The Dawn Of The Atomic Age
APR/06/15  ‘The House Abolished’  Harikiri By Masaki Kobayashi
APR/07/15  ‘The Most Evil Presidents?’  A Man Question From Alan
APR/08/15  Street Boxing?  A Man Question From Sean On Countering 'The Ghetto...
APR/09/15  ‘Books An 18 Year Old Male Should Read’  Answering The Most Import Reader E-mail I Have Rec...
APR/13/15  ‘That One Percenter Bullshit’  Prison Dorks, Biker Babes & Man-breast Bitches...
APR/14/15  Death Of The Animal Powers  Of Lions And Men: Aesop, Androcles And The Enslave...
APR/15/15  ‘You Should Advise Us’  Warriors Of The Steppes
APR/16/15  ‘How Can You Say Soldier’s Are Slaves?’  A Man Question From An Army Reservist
APR/16/15  Your Trojan Whorse  The Masculine Guide To Women: Dust Cover
APR/16/15  Graphomaniac Index: The Man Cave  Books On Masculinity, Emasculation, Servitude, Cul...
APR/16/15  Getting Laid Is Not The Problem  Your Trojan Whorse: Preface
APR/16/15  ‘What About American Emasculation?’  A Man Question From Mescaline Franklin
APR/17/15  In The Breech  The Great Siege By Ernle Bradford
APR/19/15  Breaking America’s Heart  A Science-Fiction Writer’s Preliminary Notes...
APR/22/15  Fantasy In Masculine Culture  No Sex Please, We’re Japanese: A Man Questio...
APR/22/15  Happily Ever Under  The History Of The Sexes According To Jack And Jil...
APR/22/15  Jackal And Jill  The True Story Of Neanderthal Extinction
APR/22/15  Jack Dynomite And Jillneequa  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 7, Modernity, Under Th...
APR/22/15  RedJacket And JillSong Shooting Bull  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 4, Under The Paleface,...
APR/23/15  Jacam And Jilith  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 1, Under The Goddess: ...
APR/23/15  Jacam And Jileve  Happily Ever Under Chapter 2. Beneath The Temple O...
APR/23/15  Jacob And Jililah  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 3, Looking Up To My Lo...
APR/23/15  Boy Jack And Wench Jill  Happily Ever Under Chapter 5, Under The Lash: Slav...
APR/23/15  Jack And Jill O'Leary  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 6, Under The Gun, Poli...
APR/23/15  Jillian And Jack  Happily Ever Under: Chapter 7.5, Under The Man: Fe...
APR/23/15  Jackov And Jilt  Happily Ever Under: Epilogue, Under The System
APR/26/15  ‘More Than Chicken Wings And Malt Liquor’  Heating Up The Cold Race War In Harm City
APR/26/15  ‘Faction Before Blood’  Divergent As A Science-Fiction Film
APR/27/15  ‘Too Much Pussy?’  Or Not The Right Kind Of Pussy?: ‘A Hate Let...
APR/28/15  The Enemy, Of My Enemy, Is Still My Enemy  An Analysis Of The Teenage Thug Victory Over The B...
APR/30/15  Miss Ezz’s Eye Candy Armageddon  A Prop For You Soldiers Who Thought You Weren&rsqu...
APR/30/15  How Can The Police Be Strengthened?  A Baltimorean Asks The Wrong Person
MAY/01/15  The Arsenal At Your Feet  Mescaline Franklin Steps Into The Man Cave To Acqu...
MAY/03/15  The Hamilton Tiger Dance  ‘Your Favorite Riot Week Memory?’ A Ma...
MAY/03/15  ‘Go Tell The Dead’  The Dead Lands, A Movie Set In Primal New Zealand
MAY/04/15  Coming To Harm City  Attending A Baltimore Music Festival In The Wake O...
MAY/04/15  ‘A Time For Men’  An Epilogue To War Drums: 40 Miles From The Big Ho...
MAY/04/15  The Four Types Of Women  Your Trojan Whorse: Introduction, A Scouting Repor...
MAY/05/15  The Return Of Men?  Aftermath: War Drums: Forty Miles From The Big Hou...
MAY/08/15  War Drums  Animosity As Usual, Forty Miles From The Big House...
MAY/11/15  ‘Under Any And All Trials’  The Soul Of An Indian And Other Writings From Ohiy...
MAY/13/15  The Wedge Formation  How Could The Pigs Not Get Their Ass Kicked So Bad...
MAY/13/15  ‘Now Everyone Can Groan’  The Home Team: 1859 A Full Century Of Baseball In ...
MAY/14/15  ‘Stepping Off The Hate Train’  Just For A Minute, Before Getting All Righteous Ag...
MAY/15/15  I Am Death, Destroyer Of Worlds  Gordon Stamos & Candy Cane Shane On Mankind&rs...
MAY/15/15  Graphomaniac Index: The Man Cave  Books On Masculinity, Tribalism, Transcendence And...
MAY/19/15  Does The ASP Baton Always Fail?  A Man Question From A Dude Named Massivewax
MAY/22/15  The Conan Character  A Thousand Years In His Soul
MAY/22/15  ‘The Blood Bag’  Mad Max: Fury Road, As A Study In Transformative M...
MAY/24/15  ‘MEN’ In ‘Our Emasculated Culture’  Notes On Recruiting Aspiring Men For The Tradition...
MAY/25/15  Five-Thirds Of A Person  A Man Question From Jr
MAY/26/15  ‘An Alchemist In The Ring’  The Fight For Perfection: 47-0, The Beginning Of T...
MAY/26/15  ‘As Prophesized By The Ancients’  Warriors Who Ride The Wind: Flying Tigers, Fourtee...
MAY/27/15  Joshua’s Quarters  'What Is The Most Enraging Thing You Have Seen In ...
MAY/28/15  ‘Your Craziest Writing Moments?’  A Man Question From Gerald
MAY/28/15  The Pain Of Being Lied To  The Price Of A Culture That Denies Excellence: Det...
MAY/28/15  Her Picture  Your Trojan Horse: A Cautionary Tale
MAY/29/15  ‘His Horrible Labors’  Lewis Wetzel, Dark Hero Of The Ohio By James P. Pi...
JUN/04/15  ‘The Song Of The Dead’  Fencemen #2-#6 By Dominick Mattero
JUN/04/15  Stick Training With A Back Injury?  A Man Question From Ishmael
JUN/06/15  ‘Making My Own Fighting Stick’  A Man Question From Ishmael
JUN/08/15  ‘Away From The Sun’  Tactical Urban Tracing For The Endangered White Ap...
JUN/11/15  The Allure Of Achilles  Taboo Men In The Age Of Lions
JUN/12/15  The Tribe  A Story Of Men: A Reader Versus Writer Challenge F...
JUN/12/15  ‘The Seeds Of Our Manly Undoing’  Andy Nowicki’s Confessions Of A Would-Be Wan...
JUN/12/15  Steak And Eggs For Breakfast  Helen The Ready: Part Two: Your Trojan Whorse
JUN/12/15  ‘Interested In Your Fighting Development’  A Man Question From Gym Owner Dave
JUN/14/15  Waking Up In Indian Country  Old West Survival Templates That Remain Relevant I...
JUN/17/15  The Hoodrat Hatchery  A White Wednesday Man Question From Gene: On Wal-M...
JUN/19/15  ‘Being Beaten With Military Boots’  Reflections From A Military Reader On Being A Tabo...
JUN/19/15  ‘Forged From The Coalface Of Life’  These Stunning Photos Of New Zealand's Largest Gan...
JUN/22/15  ‘Changing Our Way Of Life’  Ishmael And James Discuss Robert E. Howard
JUN/23/15  ‘We Are Immortal’  1492—The Conquest Of Paradise By Ridley Scot...
JUN/23/15  ‘The Last Of Your Kind’  Huntеr Prеy (2010) With Clark Bartram ...
JUN/24/15  ‘In The Face Of Goru The Moon’  Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar - FULL Audio Book - ...
JUN/26/15  ‘How Do You Deal With Aggression?’  A Man Question From Mira
JUN/30/15  ‘Under The Heart’  A Man Question From Bill On Boxing Body Shots
JUL/01/15  ‘The Blue Devils’  Rally Cry By William R. Forstchen
JUL/01/15  ‘Uncle Nasty’  Ode To A Harm City Legend
JUL/02/15  ‘More Than Family’  Neo-Nazi Biker Gangs From Vice International
JUL/03/15  Your Stolen Man Song  Some Final Landmark Acts In The Betrayal Of The Wa...
JUL/04/15  Worthy Man Movies  ‘What Are Some Movie Examples That Meet Your...
JUL/05/15  ‘This Slavery’  A Woman Reader Inquires About The Author’s V...
JUL/05/15  ‘Knee-Deep In Rabbit Shit’  A Sky Without Eagles: Essays And Speeches By Jack ...
JUL/06/15  From A Humble Window  Ishmael, Sam, Craig And Charles
JUL/08/15  ‘Beyond The Average Misogynist’  Celine Questions The Author’s Stated Antipat...
JUL/10/15  ‘That A Part Of Him Feared’  Joe Takes A Holiday: From Breakfast With The Dirt ...
JUL/10/15  The Cradle Of Fire  The Worldview Of A Fistic Shaman In The Land Of Re...
JUL/11/15  That Smell  Cities Of Dust #61: Behind The Sunset Veil, Chapte...
JUL/12/15  How To Mitigate Boxing Shoulder Injuries  A Man Question From A Former Boxer
JUL/17/15  ‘The Deity Does Not Create’  A Meditation On Of Lions And Men: The Power Of Wor...
JUL/17/15  ‘The Tribe To Which He Belonged’  Second Platoon, From Breakfast With The Dirt Cult ...
JUL/17/15  At The Pleasure Of The Chief  Epilogue: Part One, Of Lions And Men
JUL/19/15  ‘Gonna Throw This Drink Back’  A Classic Masculine Moment In Old Black America
JUL/20/15  Awake In The City Of Dreams  Correlating The Contents Of My Mind With Some Help...
JUL/21/15  The Origin Of The C-Word  A Fed-up Female Rages Against The Estrogenarchy
JUL/24/15  ‘The Seven Best War Stories?’  A Man Question From Eddie
JUL/24/15  Reign Of Fire  A Man Question On Primitive Weapon Evolution From ...
JUL/24/15  ‘Training For A Broke-ass Guy Like Me’  A Man Question From Armando
JUL/24/15  Training Your Sons  On Preparing Our Young Men: A Dialogue With A Fell...
JUL/27/15  ‘They Always Attack As A Group’  “Everything You Have Learned In School Is Wr...
JUL/28/15  Wearing Glasses In A Street Fight?  A Man Question From Dominick
JUL/29/15  Four Contemporary Confederates  Prelude To Race War? The Author Profiles Four Real...
JUL/31/15  Purge?  A Man Question From Adam
JUL/31/15  'We Did It To Ourselves, Sister'  Two Women On Masculinity
AUG/02/15  'Vetting' Your Fighters?  A Man Question From Sean
AUG/05/15  Being The Last Of Our Kind  ‘What Can I Say To A Promising, Bright Kid?&...
AUG/11/15  Mrs. & Mister Bitch  Snapshot Of An Emasculated Male
AUG/11/15  Solitude  A Reflection By Hayward Oliphant
AUG/13/15  ‘The Types Of Kicks Used?’  A Man Question From Sean About KO’s And Mart...

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Harm City
Modern Combat

A mind with no name, working weird wills in a world long ago fallen insane, the Sorcerer is a seeker searching for Powers Unuttered, traversing a world riven by a false meridian. A Unique American Fantasy.
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Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave